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刘佳佳 《考试周刊》2022,(19):75-78
数学写作有助于学生对数学进行思考,提高学习效率,促进学生思维能力的培养。基于此,文章将从写作内容、目的及评价三个方面对初中数学写作的实施途径进行分析,由此提高数学写作方法的合理性,使学生能够掌握数学写作方式,保证教师可以更好地对数学教学进行安排。  相似文献   

通过论文的撰写、发表和交流 ,可以扩展与积累数学教育研究的成果 ,推动数学教育事业的繁荣昌盛 .撰写研究论文的过程 ,就是对研究成果的总结、反思、加工和文字表述的过程 .论文的表述水平 ,在很大的意义上影响课题研究的价值 .本文结合骨干教师培训 ,结合指导教育硕士论文写作 ,阐述数学教育论文的写作要领 .1 研究论文的选题数学教育论文的选题 ,应该以丰富的实践体会和材料积累为基础 .数学教师积极进行教学实践活动 ,进行教学研究或学科研究工作 ,这是数学教育论文写作取之不尽 ,用之不竭的重要源泉 .1 .1 逐步积累 ,探索挖掘在教学…  相似文献   

《普通高中数学课程标准》中把提高学生学习数学的兴趣,提高学习数学的信心,提高数学地表达和交流的能力作为课程目标之一,同时要求学习评价应关注学生的学习过程、重视学生情感、态度、价值观的变化.数学作文顺应了这一改革的潮流,近年来国内外对数学作文的研究有不少,但在高中开展数学作文写作的国内外相关研究比较少,许多教师都承认数学写作在数学学习中的作用,但较少真正实施.一个重要的原因是尚未有一套成熟的可执行方案,迫切需要进行系统的理论分析及实践方法的指导.因此,在高中开展数学作文写作已成为一个重要的研究课题.  相似文献   

就当前数学教育科研论文写作中的大题小作、关门写作、程式写作等问题进行剖析,并提出改进建议.  相似文献   

数学写作是学生和教师成长的一种途径,文章从普通教师的视角谈数学写作的体会和思考.  相似文献   

在核心素养的科学推动下,教师纷纷在数学教学过程中引入新方法、新活动与新理念,自觉为小学生引入更多更好的认知趣味元素,为小学生创设了一个高品质、高体验、高收益的数学认知环境.因此,教师应立足核心素养的概念简介,以透彻掌握数学日记写作活动为指导思想,积极考量核心素养与数学日记写作的契合性、可行性与兼容性,全面总结核心素养下开展数学日记写作的重要性.而且,教师还应着重探究核心素养下数学日记写作活动的开展方法.以此优化小学生的认知习惯与成长环境,助力小学生快乐成长.  相似文献   

中职学生受原有学习基础与学习习惯的影响,对数学课存在一定的心理障碍,教学现状不容乐观.美国数学教师、教育家在数学写作方面作了多年尝试,发现数学写作是一种有效的学习反思工具,它可以彰显学生个性、促进元认知能力的发展、传播数学文化、构建有效的师生评价体系、构建和谐教育教学环境.然而,数学写作在国内相关研究比较少,在中职教学中更是无人问津.因此,有关中职数学写作的研究已迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

数学写作的方式可以促进学生全员参与,促动数学学习真思维。在课前、课中、课后让学生把自己的所学、所思、所感通过写作的形式表达出来,并进行交流,以此展现学生的真思维。  相似文献   

日记是常见的写作形式之一,同时也是小学语文写作教育中的重要一环。在本文中,将对日记在小学语文教育中所起到的意义以及开创写作起点、激发写作兴趣、培养写作习惯、促进学生感受生活、强化学生文学思维等重要作用进行浅析,以此来促进小学语文写作教育水平的不断提升。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership characteristics of effective Colorado Outward Bound school instructors and develop criteria which might be useful in their selection. A biographical inventory questionnaire was developed and administered, along with the FIRO-B personality test, to 130 instructors and assistant instructors at the Colorado Outward Bound school. Profiles of instructors and assistant instructors rated “most effective” and “least effective” were compared to determine if statistically significant differences between the two groups existed. Statistical evidence was found relating a limited number of biographical characteristics to leadership effectiveness. There was no statistical evidence linking personality characteristics and leadership effectiveness.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):170-175
Writing to learn is a pedagogical approach grounded in the belief that the reasoning required to write about a topic or concept will help students gain understanding. However, research indicates that the impact writing has on student learning depends on context. Using a mixed-method, quasi-experimental, repeated measures design, we examined how embedding writing-to-learn pedagogy in a required college course impacted students’ learning as well as their perceptions of writing to learn. Our quantitative analysis revealed that writing to learn did not have a differential effect on student achievement of course goals. However, qualitative analysis revealed evidence indicating students valued writing to learn as a way to make sense of course content by reasoning through their ideas and responses to class experiences. From the instructor's perspective, writing to learn also helped build rapport with students. Our results indicated that in our context, writing to learn pedagogy had benefits and limitations. We offer practical implications and pedagogical suggestions based on our experiences and findings.  相似文献   

结合数学建模课程教学和指导学生参加全国大学生数学建模竞赛,讨论了在数学建模竞赛论文写作中要注意的几个重要环节,从而培养和提高参赛学生的论文写作能力.  相似文献   


In this study, we randomly assigned 69 Grade 4 students to a writing-to-learn treatment (n = 23), comparison (n = 23), or no-treatment control (n = 23). Treatment and comparison students completed a science experiment involving balance. During the experiment, treatment students wrote four short responses and an extended response to document their learning. To control for writing time, comparison students wrote four short responses and an extended response about topics other than balance. On a 20-item balance knowledge posttest, control outperformed treatment (d = 0.89) and comparison (d = 1.05) on the lowest level balance questions (Level 1). At the highest level questions, Levels 3 and 4, treatment (ds = 1.42 and 0.94) and comparison (ds = 1.62 and 1.37) outperformed control. There were no significant differences in total words written or level of balance understanding on a posttest written response. The performance of individual responders to treatment is also discussed.  相似文献   

数学史只有走进学生的心灵才能真正发挥她的育人功能,数学作文是进行数学史教育的一个窗口,通过数学作文,数学史可以较好地发挥诱发创新欲望、完善数学观念、孕育民族情感、历史地思考问题和树立世界文化意识等方面的功能.  相似文献   

数学写作是一种价值有待挖掘的学习形式,可以帮助学生建构知识和提高"元认知"水平,还有助于学生形成良好的认知情感及发展学生的创造性思维和批判性思维.在写作教学中,教师要注意让学生明确写作目的,要掌握循序渐进的培养方法以及一些必要的教学策略.  相似文献   

Argument writing is challenging for elementary students. Previous experimental research has focused on scaffolding rhetorical goals, leaving content goals relatively unexplored. In a randomized experiment, 73 students in grades 5, 6, and 7 wrote persuasive texts about difficult-to-classify vertebrates. Each student received one of three sets of writing prompts: a persuasive goal only (control); a persuasive goal + rhetorical-subgoal prompts; or a persuasive goal + content-subgoal prompts. Rhetorical subgoals increased text quality, variety of rhetorical moves, number of complex propositions, and classification knowledge. Content subgoals increased the number of simple propositions in text. A path analysis indicated that content-subgoal prompts and rhetorical-subgoal prompts elicited different paths to writing and learning.  相似文献   

This study is a secondary analysis of six previous studies that formed part of an ongoing research program focused on examining the benefits of using writing-to-learn strategies within science classrooms. The study is an attempt to make broader generalizations than those based on individual studies, given limitations related to sample sizes, topics, and classroom contexts. The results indicated that using writing-to-learn strategies was advantageous for students compared to those students working with more traditional science writing approaches. Using diversified types of writing enabled students in treatment groups to score significantly better on conceptual questions and total test scores than those in comparison groups. Importantly, when the cognitive demand of the question is increased from an extended recall to a design type question, there are significant performance differences between comparison and treatment groups in favour of treatment. The authors argue that the use of writing-to-learn strategies requires students to re-represent their knowledge in different forms and, as such, greater learning opportunities exist. Traditional writing strategies tend to favour replication of knowledge rather than re-representation knowledge.  相似文献   

英语写作教学长期以来一直是英语教师面临的一个重要问题。一方面,他们试图采用目前国外流行且行之有效的英语写作教学法(如:过程写作法(Process Approach);另一方面,他们身为中国人,从小深受传统的汉语写作法的影响,他们希望采用一种介于英语写作与传统的汉语写作之间的折中的,更加适合中国学生的英语写作教学法。然而,多年来,一些英语教学工作者对传统的汉语写作法持完全否定的态度,这就导致了初学英语写作的人开始写作时的恐惧心理,因为他们害怕别人说他们写的是“汉语式的英语作文”。由此可见,目前采用的这种完全排斥传统的汉语写作的英语写作教学法存在着其致命的弊端。笔者认为,英语写作教学应和传统的汉语写作法相结合,英语写作可以从传统的汉语写作中借鉴下面两个方法:〈1〉阅读和背诵。〈2〉记忆和模仿。  相似文献   

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