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高校老年学术生态,特指高校离退休教师在离退休之后仍旧热衷于学术活动的态势和景况。它是高校离退休教师老有所为,登攀靓丽人生之巅而奏响的社会和谐音符,是高校可资利用的老龄教育资源和采取积极老龄化新举措的最佳切入点。湘南学院顺应该校老年学术生态活跃态势,以科研课题迎合为引力,以课题人才整合、课题成员驻点和多种文体表述以及与时俱进出书为推力,探索出了一整套独具高校积极老龄化特色,适宜高校老年学术生态养荣的好方法。  相似文献   


There are a limited number of individuals who possess the skills to fulfill the workforce demand in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) in the United States. Therefore, community colleges and 4-year institutions must be able to identify academic and social factors that impact students’ participation in the areas of STEM. These institutions must also explore the possibility that these factors contribute to the high rate of students switching out of STEM fields. This study’s purpose was to develop a better understanding of the perceptions of community college transfer students who continue at a 4-year institution to determine academic and social factors that influenced their academic success in STEM. To collect the quantitative data, the Laanan-Transfer Students’ Questionnaire was utilized. The results of this study reveal that Academic Adjustment was predicted by father’s highest level of education, interaction with faculty at the community college and university, and perception as a transfer student at the university. The cumulative grade point average (GPA), was predicted by the highest level of education of the father, associate degree obtained at the community college, community college transfer GPA, general courses from the community college, transfer credit hours, and university course learning. Overall, the findings indicate that community colleges and 4-year institutions should encourage students to be connecting more in class and after class—not only with their peers, but also with faculty. Findings also suggest that students should become more involved academically and socially to enhance their academic and social adjustment at a 4-year institution.  相似文献   

Most public institutions offer some form of academic assistance to help their students adjust to the demands of college level learning tasks. Because these academic assistance efforts vary considerably, ranging from an emphasis on functional reading to an emphasis on strategic learning, it is important to describe these programs and their instructional methodologies and to review the pertinent research supporting them. After examining four critical issues confronting all academic assistance programs, the authors examined the goals, assessment procedures, salient features, and program evaluation methods of four prevalent program models: learning to learn courses, supplemental instruction, required programs for underprepared students, and integrated reading/writing courses. They concluded by outlining suggestions for future research and by listing specific questions that college students need to ask about the programs at their institutions.  相似文献   

高校学报的学术导向功能及其发挥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学报对学术研究所产生的引导、推导、推动作用,就是高校学报的学术导向功能。充分发挥高校学报的学术导向功能,既是高校学报形成个性与特色、提升品位与格调的基础,又是服务高校的教学与科研、活跃学术气氛、加强学科建设的重要作用。转变学报编辑模式,调动编辑主体的能动性,是充分发挥高校学报学术导向功能的关键。  相似文献   

Many institutions of higher education have provisions for allowing academic latitude when serious mental health problems get in the way of learning. This article reviews a hierarchy of academic remedies that may be utilized and the role of the college counseling center with respect to their use. The discussion centers around counseling center policies and their practical application, which involves working closely with the dean's office. The article considers the pros and cons of counseling center involvement, concluding that involvement is generally beneficial for both psychological and academic reasons.  相似文献   

搭建学科竞赛平台 提高学科竞赛水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生学科竞赛存在着领导重视程度不高、资金经费投入不足、管理体系不完善和竞赛氛围有待提升等问题,文章分析了学科竞赛对彰显学校办学实力与水平、提升教师教学与科研水平和培养学生综合素质与能力的意义与作用,进一步修订创新人才培养方案、夯实学科竞赛基础平台,健全学科竞赛运行机制、完善学科竞赛管理平台,完善学科竞赛的管理制度、构建学科竞赛的核心平台,使学科竞赛的管理日趋科学规范。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of academic performance, motivation, and social connectedness on third-year retention, transfer, and dropout behavior. To accommodate the three outcome categories and nesting of data within institutions, we fit a hierarchical multinomial logistic regression path model with first-year academic performance as a mediating effect. Our sample included 6,872 students representing 23 four-year universities and colleges. This work expands the current state of persistence research by (1) considering the effects of motivation and social connectedness on college persistence beyond the first year of college, (2) testing whether the effects of motivation and social connectedness on third-year retention and transfer are direct, indirect, or both, and (3) testing whether the effects of academic performance, motivation, and social connectedness are different for retention and transfer. We found that academic performance has large effects on likelihood of retention and transfer; academic self-discipline, pre-college academic performance, and pre-college educational development have indirect effects on retention and transfer; and college commitment and social connectedness have direct effects on retention. Academic self-discipline led to greater first-year academic performance, which suppressed its effect on retention and transfer. Practical and theoretical implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed. A previous version of this paper was presented at the 2nd Annual National Symposium on Student Retention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 2006.  相似文献   

政府简政放权、校级层面的学术治理机构设置与完善以及校院两级管理改革是高校学术自主权改革的三个主要路径。在前期研究的基础上,以这三个改革为主要内容,重新对高校办学自主权具体指标进行拆解和结构化,通过综合指数研究的方法,试图揭示改革开放四十年来我国高校办学自主权的变迁特征。研究结果表明:第一,总体上,随着政府不断简政放权,高校通过学术治理机构完善和具体学术决策权向学术权力的让渡,获得了越来越多的学术自主权,学校内部也呈现出越来明显的学术本位特征;第二,在学术自主权的变迁路径上,沿着先外部自主权后内部自主权、先“如何提供”的生产决策后“提供什么”的战略决策规律演进;第三,不同类型和不同层次高校的学术自主权也呈现一定差异性,其中部属高校和拥有博士学位授予权高校在学术自主权的增长中贡献了更多力量。  相似文献   

Academic Freedom is a sacrosanct value on American university campuses. Virtually all research institutions, public and private, have explicitly adopted some form of the American Association of University Professors’ 1940 Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure or the organization’s the 1915 Declaration of Principles on Academic Freedom & Tenure. Because of the near universal acceptance of the principle of academic freedom, there is a common belief that the United States Constitution recognizes academic freedom and, more importantly, confers “special rights” on the persons and institutions of academia. Yet, despite its almost universal acceptance by faculty and administrators and despite its constant use as a constitutional theory whenever faculty and/or administrators dislike a government program, academic freedom is a constitutional myth. The rights of individual academics or of academic institutions are no greater than the rights of individual non-academics or of non-academic agencies or institutions. Put another way, from a constitutional standpoint, there is nothing special about the academic setting. Academic Freedom is no greater, and no lesser, than the constitutional rights of non-academics or ordinary state agencies. Nevertheless, academic freedom must be respected as a practical reality. There are important public policy reasons why university professors should have wide latitude in their research, writing, and teaching efforts. At the same time, institutions should be given a large amount of discretion in determining the scope of their missions. In other words, while academic freedom is not a federal constitutional value, it should be an important public policy consideration and, perhaps, even a state constitutional value. The purpose of this Article is twofold. First, it seeks to demonstrate that academic freedom is a constitutional myth. Institutional academic freedom, the idea that institutions of higher education have a federal constitutional right to be free from outside control, is simply incompatible with constitutional realities. Moreover, professors do not have an individual constitutional right to academic freedom. In short, the rights of professors and the institutions that employ them are no greater than the rights of non-academic employees and non-academic organizations. Second, it attempts to explain why respect for academic freedom is a practical reality.  相似文献   

刘超卓 《高教论坛》2012,(2):56-58,72
基于《原子物理学》课程,中国石油大学(华东)已经连续成功举办了四届"原子与核科学"学生学术论坛。该论坛完全由大学生按照学术会议流程举办。激发了学生主动学习的热情,开阔学术视野,引导崇尚学术,也培养了自学能力、科研能力和学术交流能力。本文简要介绍论坛情况、教师应做工作、论坛亮点以及对人才培养的意义。  相似文献   

师专生的学习适应性受到内外部因素的影响。对师专生的学习适应性影响因素加以研究,这对提高师范专科学校的教育教学质量、促进师专学生的心理健康具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper presnts a data based marketing model of effective enrollment management based on the relationships between changes in the macro environment, changes in target market student preferences, changes in college marketing mix, and changes in enrollment. An enrollment pay off matrix illustrates how institutions have been able to offset, enhance, or neutralize the potential enrollment effects of changes in the job market for college graduates through appropriate changes in academic portfolio strategies focused on curriculum mix and admissions selectivity.  相似文献   

南宋的官学与书院都是为封建政府培养人才的地方,作为两种并存的教育组织形式,其办学思想各有所重。官学的学科齐全,为社会培养所需的各方面人才;书院则注重道德修养与学术研究。随着时间的推移,官学和书院之间互相影响。南宋中后期,理学成为官方学说,理学家们讲学的书院也成为官学的一种。  相似文献   

Ensuring postsecondary readiness is a goal of K‐12 education, but it is unclear whether high school students should get different messages about the required levels of academic preparation depending on their postsecondary trajectories. This study estimated readiness benchmark scores on a college admissions test predictive of earning good grades in majors associated with middle‐skills occupations at 2‐year postsecondary institutions. Results generally indicated similarity between those scores, the corresponding scores for students preparing for high‐skills jobs requiring a bachelor's degree, and established readiness benchmarks for the general college‐going population. Subsequent analyses revealed small variation between readiness benchmarks for different college majors. Overall, results suggest that high school graduates need a strong academic foundation regardless of the postsecondary path they choose.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that college major persistence would be predicted by first-year academic performance and an interest-major composite score that is derived from a student’s entering major and two work task scores. Using a large data set representing 25 four-year institutions and nearly 50,000 students, we randomly split the sample into an estimation sample and a validation sample. Using the estimation sample, we found major-specific coefficients corresponding to the two work task scores that optimized the prediction of major persistence. Then, we applied the estimated coefficients to the validation sample to form an interest-major composite score representing the likelihood of persisting in entering major. Using the validation sample, we then tested a theoretical model for major persistence that incorporated academic preparation, the interest-major composite score, and first-year academic performance. The results suggest that (1) interest-major fit and first-year academic performance work to independently predict whether a student will stay in their entering major and (2) the relative importance of two work task scores in predicting major persistence depends on the entering major. The results support Holland’s theory of person-environment fit and suggest that academic performance and interest-major fit are key constructs for understanding major persistence behavior.  相似文献   

档案工作的最终目的是为了服务于社会。随着我国对外交流的日益扩大,高校档案的利用问题也越来越受到社会各界的普遍关注。高校学生成绩翻译系统的开发应用,可以解决档案利用的当务之急,为高校档案信息服务的社会化创造有利条件,值得研究和探讨。  相似文献   

高校学报“反映本校”“服务本校”的内向性办刊宗旨,使其用稿格局定位于:“以内稿为主,少登或尽量不登外稿”.然而,在社会主义市场经济体制下,学报面临着激烈的竞争,核心期刊以及学术界对权威检索机构的认同,也使高校学报面临着巨大的压力.在如此严峻的情势下,高校学报要求生存、谋发展,必须打破保守封闭的传统用稿格局,广辟稿源,不分内外,以质选稿,这样才能提高其学术质量,增强其竞争力.目前,国际国内形势也为学报建立开放的办刊体系提供了可能.  相似文献   

耶鲁大学住宿学院内部组织结构、外部关系的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对耶鲁大学住宿学院管理模式、内部组织结构、在文理学院内部与学术性系科之间的关系,住宿学院发挥的教育作用进行了深入分析,指出在耶鲁学院内部住宿学院和学术性系科形成矩阵式结构,住宿学院制度对高校分工效率有所促进,对学生的自由选择专业和跨学科专业组织发挥重要作用.文章最后对北京大学元培计划与耶鲁住宿学院进行了简单比较研究.  相似文献   

The Dearing Report has given the responsibility for maintaining standards and quality in British higher education to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). While this quango may be able to ensure 'threshold' standards, it is more doubtful whether it can help institutions to sustain high academic quality. Nonetheless, the Report has three potentially very significant consequences: it represents another move towards the creation of a national curriculum in higher education, it offers a more restrictive interpretation of university autonomy, and – despite its protestations – represents a threat to the growing diversity of British higher education. The thrust of the article is that the Report has charted an uneasy 'middle way'between market forces and statism in the quest for quality control in higher education. It remains to be seen whether the academic corporatism represented by the QAA can resist the pressures of the state and the market.  相似文献   

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