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Various transforms of the indeterminate forms are presented in this part, which include simplification in spherical for numerical simplification are provided respectively for bi-variable indeterminate forms, tri-variable indeterminate forms and the universal extending multiplier.  相似文献   

1SimplificationinsphericalcoordinatesInthesphericalcoordinatessystem,??y?x=rsinθcosφ,z=rsinθsinφ,=rcosθ,???00≤θ<π,≤θ<2π.Setk=?tanφ,yandK=?zcotθ,then,xxcosφcotθu=r0K(t,t')istransformedintor=r0K(tanφ,cos),φandis,whenφ=0,simplifiedintoatruncatedcurver=r°K(0,cotθ).Thelatteriseasiertoberesolvedandcanreverttotheformerthroughturningaroundfor180°.Example.Thereexistsu=z2=(rcosθ)2x2+y2+z2r2=r°cos2θ?φ°,0≤θ≤π,0≤φ<2π.AsshowninFig.1,XX′isthediameteroftheunitcircle,OP0i…  相似文献   

Supplementary annotations on special forms 1to 4, discussion on the general characteristics of K(t) and K(t,t′), and analyses on two noticeable limits are presented in this part. It is demonstrated that strong and weak parabolic transforms can beemployed to change the standard form of a multi-variable indeterminate form into χ^mK type, hence to derive the standardformulae of the limit and the differential.  相似文献   

Supplementary annotations on special forms 1to 4, discussion on the general characteristics of K(t) and K(t, t'), and analyses on two noticeable limits are presented in this part. It is demonstrated that strong and weak parabolic transforms can be employed to change the standard form of a multi-variable indeterminate form into xmK type, hence to derive the standard formulae of the limit and the differential.  相似文献   

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