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In an attempt to listen to things, and to unpack the dynamics and particularities of the role of things in constituting memory (and the role of memory in constituting things), we argue four points: that relations between things are crucial; that things provide us with markers of time, place, purpose, and identity; that these markers are historically obdurate; and that things actin ways that transcend semiotics. Each of these four—relations, markers, obduracy, and actions—are significant for and constitutive of memory. The argument is thus antirepresentational, suggesting that the world is perfectly capable of representing itself, and that our understanding of the world is immanent in the world and its relations.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the career and legacy of William (Bill) Goffman, who served as a researcher, Professor, Dean and Emeritus at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, from 1959 to 2000. Goffman pioneered mathematical information science broadly and in several key areas. First, he applied disease epidemiology concepts to model accurately the spread of knowledge and the formation of knowledge systems and their ecologies, including the dynamics of scientific discovery. Second, he proposed significant improvements in information retrieval through the deployment of multi-valued logic, appropriate file ordering, effective and efficient retrieval measures, and simplified retrieval approaches, including early work in citation-based searching. Third, Goffman applied Bradford-like distributions to model effective core research literature collection development and usage. Fourth, he developed original epidemiology models, and was an early contributor in biomedical informatics. His mathematical contributions have stood the test of time and will continue to be applicable indefinitely.  相似文献   

The 14th General Meetingand 9th General Conferenceof the ThirdWorld Acad-emy of Sciences (TWAS) and the8th General Assembly of the ThirdWorld Network of Scientific Orga-nizations (TWNSO) have been suc-cessfully convened in Beijing,Peoples Republic of China, during16 19 October 2003.We, the participants, focusing onthe subject of Science forDevelopment; aiming at scientificadvancement, openness, andcooperation; and further enhanc-ing South-South cooperation,And having witness…  相似文献   

陈和生  彭子龙 《中国科学院院刊》2008,23(4):364-368,299,383,384
建国以来,特别是改革开放以来,我国陆续建成了一批大科学装置,对促进我国科技事业和相关事业的发展起到了积极作用。虽然从总体上来说,我国大科学装置在规划、管理和规模体量上与世界先进水平和建设国家科技创新体系的需求相比还有相当差距,尚不能满足我国科技发展的要求;但同时也存在着各科研机构因对大科学装置的了解和认识不足,而未能使其潜力得到充分发挥的问题。目前,我院正与国家有关部委积极沟通,争取联合成立大科学装置专项基金,面向全国资助科研用户利用大科学装置积极开展多学科研究。为加强我院乃至全国广大科研工作者对大科学装置的了解与认识,进一步推动"小科学"研究与大科学装置的结合,充分发挥大科学装置对各学科研究强有力的支撑作用,本刊与我院基础科学局合作,特设"大科学装置"专栏,系统介绍我院乃至我国大科学装置的建设与运行管理成果及各装置的研究支撑能力。  相似文献   

Each of us has a personal narrative: a story that defines us, and one that we tell about ourselves to our inner and outer worlds. A strong sense of identity is rooted in a personal narrative that has coherence and correspondence (Conway in J Mem Lang 53:594–628, 2005): coherence in the sense that the story we tell is consistent with and supportive of our current version of ‘self’; and correspondence in the sense that the story reflects the contents of autobiographical memory and the meaning of our experiences. These goals are achieved by a reciprocal interaction of autobiographical memory and the self, in which memories consistent with the self-image are reinforced, in turn strengthening the self-image they reflect. Thus, personal narratives depend crucially on the malleable nature of autobiographical memory: a strong sense of self requires that one remember what matters, and forget what does not. Today, anyone who is active online generates a highly detailed, ever—expanding, and permanent digital biographical ‘memory’—memory that identifies where we go, what we say, who we see, and what we do in increasing detail as our physical lives become more and more enmeshed with electronic devices capable of recording our communications, online activities, movements, and even bodily functions. This paper explores the consequences of this digital record for identity, arguing that it presents a challenge to our ability to construct our own personal narratives–narratives that are central to a sense of ‘self’. In the end, the ‘right to be forgotten’ may be, above all else, a psychological necessity that is core to identity—and therefore a value that we must ensure is protected.  相似文献   

正When Dutch astronomer Richard de Grijs first met Chinese astronomer DENG Licai at a workshop in Mexico in 2003,he was already married to a Chinese woman and interested in seeking links with Chinese astronomy.At that point,Richard was a junior faculty member at the University of Sheffield in the UK,while Licai was a research professor at the National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences(NAOC),in Beijing.They got along very well and forged a bond during  相似文献   

<正>"Women are still under-represented in the fields of science and technology," remarked HE Naledi Pandor, minister of science and technology of South Africa,  相似文献   

With more than 1,000 participants from all over the world, the International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ChinaNANO) was successfully convened in Beijing from September 7 to 9, 2011. The scientists held hot discussions on the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology  相似文献   

大力发展北京知识密集型服务业   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,知识经济所引起的产业变革方兴未艾,如果说在第二产业中产业结构的变化特点是高技术产业替代了传统产业,那么在第三产业中是服务业革命促进了第三产业内部结构向高级化的演变和知识密集型服务业的崛起.  相似文献   

The nameplate for the CAS Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) was officially unveiled on May 28 in Beijing.  相似文献   

With all-round supports from the Ministry of Science & Technology,the Ministry of Education, CAS, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) as well as China Association for Science and Technology, the International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, China 2007(ChinaNANO 2007) opened on June 4 in Beijing  相似文献   

Under the auspices of CAS,a training program designed to foster entrepreneurs was officially kicked off on 14 July,2008,in Beijing.CAS President LU Yongxiang was present at the launching ceremony.  相似文献   

基于感知-认知因素的奥运会后北京旅游形象变化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈楠  乔光辉 《资源科学》2009,31(6):1000-1006
旅游目的地形象是展现旅游目的地的品牌的最好形式,是一种旅游市场开发可以持续享用的资源。本研究在综合分析国内外旅游目的地形象研究成果的基础上,以入境旅游者的旅游感知形象、旅游认知形象为内容,对奥运会举办前和举办后的北京旅游形象进行了动态比较的实证分析。通过旅游者旅游感知形象、旅游认知形象的数据分析发现:北京的旅游感知形象有5个因子,即现代型、时尚型、活力型、便利型、安定型;旅游认知形象有4个因子,即旅游品质、景色与方便性、魅力性、舒适环境。通过t-test检验发现入境游客对北京的旅游感知形象、旅游认知形象均高于奥运会举办前,并且旅游感知形象的变化大于旅游认知形象的变化。  相似文献   

The Second International Paleontological Congress (IPC2006) was held from June 17 to 21 in Beijing. The meeting brought together more than 600 paleontologists from about 50 countries. Leaders from the China Association for Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China and CAS were present at its opening ceremony.  相似文献   

Third World Academy of Sci-ences (TWAS) 2003 Meet-ings were held from Oct. 16to 19 at the Beijing InternationalConvention Center. More than 500TWAS fellows and guests from 77nations attended the event, whichwas organized by TWAS andTWNSO in collaboration with CASand other scientific organizations andgovernmental agencies of China.The event included the TWAS9th General Conference and 20thAnniversary Celebrations, theTWAS 14th General Meeting, and8th General Assembly of ThirdW…  相似文献   

北京市冬季大气颗粒物污染水平和影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市大气颗粒物造成的城市空气污染仍是目前亟待解决的问题之一。为了分析北京市大气颗粒物的污染水平及其影响因素,作者以大气中的PM10 和PM2.5为研究对象,于2005年冬季在北京市范围内设立了5个功能区(9个采样点)进行采样监测。结果表明,北京市PM10 和PM2.5污染比较严重,不同区域的PM10 和PM2.5的污染程度为:交通干道区>工业区,郊区>商业区>居民区,且PM2.5质量浓度的空间分布并不完全同于PM10;气象条件稳定时,PM10 和PM2.5质量浓度的日变化表现出一定的规律性,这种时间变化的特征主要取决于所在环境中排放的污染物变化情况;PM10 和PM2.5的污染程度受气象条件的影响:在一定的范围内,颗粒物质量浓度随着温度的上升而下降,随着相对湿度的升高而增加,随着风力的增强而降低,随逆温层的生成及增强而增高。  相似文献   

The 14th CAS General Assembly was held from 23 to 27 June in Beijing. The biennial event was attended by more than 530 CAS Members and six Foreign Members.  相似文献   

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