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Child abuse is a multifaceted issue which requires a multidisciplinary approach. To date, child abuse has dealt only with the born child. With the panepidemic abuse of phencyclidine (PCP), and the knowledge that it will remain in the body greater than one year, the concept of child abuse in utero and preconception must be considered. This paper addresses this topic. Legal intervention concerning "wrongful birth and wrongful life" is raised. Legislative solutions permitting further research as well as assisting the healthy birth of viable fetuses on phencyclidine are also recommended.  相似文献   

In Salinas, a city of 150,000 on the Central Coast of California, an $8 million federal grant program is helping children and their families grapple with issues pertaining to violence, substance abuse, mental health, and academic success. In just two years, the program has helped educators and service providers deter school crime, provide on‐campus therapy to troubled youth, increase participation in parenting programs, and decrease truancy at several schools. Most importantly, the Salinas initiative has helped providers coordinate services to children and families who need them most. Project directors say that approach will be crucial as they search for new ways to sustain Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS)‐funded programs. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 503–513, 2003.  相似文献   

“讲正气”有丰富的内涵和重大的时代意义。目前,由于种种原因,少数地方党员干部中存在着正气不兴、邪气上升的现象。讲正气要在内容上、对象上、形式上突出领导干部这个重点,并常抓不懈,要通过深化政治体制改革,建立和完善对领导干部的民主选举,监督和制约机制,把领导干部的自律他律结合起来  相似文献   

In this column, the author examines the safety and advantages of home birth. She urges childbirth educators to promote normal birth by encouraging pregnant women to consider the option of home birth.  相似文献   

石油安全概念与石油安全战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油安全最早是一个军事概念,它的内涵和外延一直处于不断变化之中,国内外对它的界定有一定的差异。石油安全的本质是供求矛盾,合理的石油价格和稳定的石油供应是石油安全的核心问题。20世纪两次石油危机的冲击,石油对外依存度日益提高以及国际石油价格的大幅度波动,导致西方主要石油进口国纷纷实施石油安全战略。研究美日等国家石油安全战略实施的背景和措施,对于制定中国石油安全战略不无借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The learning cycle is a method of teaching–it is also a curriculum organization principle. Although Jean Piaget contributed to its formation (Piaget, 1973), its present structure has to be attributed to Dr. Robert Karplus and the persons who developed the materials of the Science Curriculum Improvement Study. It was through the SCIS activities that many of us learned how to develop curricula and teach with the learning cycle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  One of the core competencies in the IFT education standards for students is to achieve competency in communications skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information but also be able to "communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience." The Education Division of IFT sponsors an annual writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. The short essays can be on any technical subject or latest development in the food science and technology field that may be important to the consumer. The article must be written in a nontechnical language such that someone reading a local newspaper could also understand it. Due date for submissions is typically the 1st week in June every year. More information on eligibility, rules, submission, and judging criteria is posted on IFT's Student Association website. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top 3 articles, and the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education (JFSE) each year. JFSE is pleased to publish this year's winning entry submitted by Masooma Zahed from Chapman Univ.  相似文献   

我国安全社区建设已取得一定的成绩,但也存在着以行政力量为主要抓手,社会力量缺乏整合力。安全社区意识不足、居民参与度低、安全社区建设点散且面等问题。从合纵连横盘活社区建设动力的角度提出四条探索路径:一是坚持党的领导和政府主导原则;二是合纵:简化、弱化行政力量;三是连横:拓宽安全社区建设体系;四是有的放矢,有序推进。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the school environment of an urban school to illuminate what teachers felt to be important factors in developing a safer school environment. Responses to the School Level Environmental Questionnaire (SLEQ) suggested that teachers wanted more student support, more resources and less work pressure. To decrease work pressure, teachers adopted the work conservation strategies of working without reserves of time and energy, processing curriculum, and working in isolation in order to survive. Yet, when work conservation strategies were used, especially safeguarding time, student aggression surfaced. A School Improvement Committee developed a three-step plan to decrease work pressure. Teachers were concerned with lack of resources and used personal income to buy supplies and shared materials with students, using three styles of sharing. While some teachers were reluctant to share, others shared freely and still other teachers developed responsible sharing systems. Those who shared reluctantly had more behavior problems. Teachers' gravest concerns were students' aggressive behaviors. Teachers thought that student aggression was coming from home and the community. Observations showed that students often came to school angry. Yet, interviews verified that students at Rose more frequently became angry once they were at school. Red Rose's school environment was in the midst of change, but no attention was given to how change affects teachers. Many teachers were not prepared for the amount of change that they were experiencing and they had mixed feelings and opinions and became resistant.  相似文献   

Safe Prevention of the Primary Cesarean Delivery, a joint statement of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, changes the rules of maternity care management. The statement reviews the research and uses the findings to make practice recommendations. This article discusses the major recommendations and their importance in decreasing risk and increasing safety for mothers and babies. The articles in the current issue of the journal are also reviewed.  相似文献   

In this column, a reader expresses concern at the declining number of women attending childbirth classes and her inability to influence a woman's decision to choose normal birth. It may be more effective to market Lamaze as a way to have an easier birth rather than a normal birth. The six care practices that promote, support, and protect normal birth are suggested as a framework for teaching Lamaze classes with the goal of having an easier labor and birth.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the meaningfulness of the childbearing experience and how a traumatic occurrence can affect women for years into the future. Every woman deserves to have a fulfilling childbearing experience, even if it may be different from the one she imagined. This paper examines the phenomenon of previous traumatic birth and its potential effects on choices during subsequent pregnancies. Discussion includes how childbirth educators can assist women in healing from past birth traumas and preventing them from recurring.  相似文献   

Efforts to encourage ‘interactive practice’ in the National Literacy (NLS) and Numeracy (NNS) Strategies in the UK, have led to an emphasis on teacher questions. Recent research into classroom interactions, however, indicate that the pattern of interaction remains largely unchanged since the introduction of these strategies in terms of the type and amount of questions teachers are asking, and the opportunities for extended pupil participation. This article uses evidence gathered from a large‐scale research project examining classroom interactions during literacy and numeracy lessons, and the researchers' critical reflections upon this process, to examine conceptions of interactive pedagogy. It is argued that in order to ‘open’ classroom interaction, emphasis should be less on the questions teachers ask, and more on the manner with which teachers react to pupils' responses to questions. Episodes of classroom interaction from video recorded literacy and numeracy lessons taken as part of the study are used to support this argument. They present evidence of teacher behaviours in reaction to pupils' responses which succeed in facilitating a more interactive learning environment. The implication that such behaviour will contribute towards a model of effective interactive practice is also discussed.  相似文献   

Following the diagnosis of a child's disability parents can find that their expectations are shattered. As they adjust to their new situation they will begin to develop new ideas of what the future will hold. Supporting families is a key theme in current government policy, hence the development of the Early Support Programme. In this paper Fran Russell, who has a son with a learning disability, sets out the rationale for supporting parents through focusing on their expectations. She presents the findings of a research study, conducted as part of her Education Doctorate at Leeds University, which investigated parents' expectations as their disabled child started school. The findings indicate what can help and/or hinder parents developing expectations that are likely to have positive outcomes and so enhance the relationships families develop with support professionals and practitioners. Finally she proposes the development of an Early Years Transition Plan to facilitate this process based on the Family Service Plan, currently being introduced.  相似文献   

Modelling mathematical argumentation: the importance of qualification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In recent years several mathematics education researchers have attempted to analyse students’ arguments using a restricted form of Toulmin’s [The Uses of Argument, Cambridge University Press, UK, 1958] argumentation scheme. In this paper we report data from task-based interviews conducted with highly talented postgraduate mathematics students, and argue that a superior categorisation of genuine mathematical argumentation is provided by the use of Toulmin’s full scheme. In particular, we suggest that modal qualifiers play an important and previously unrecognised role in mathematical argumentation, and that one of the goals of instruction should be to develop students’ abilities to appropriately match up warrant-types with modal qualifiers.  相似文献   

加强人本管理促进安全生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人是企业的灵魂,是企业的核心,是搞好煤矿安全的第一因素,因此必须从人的思想和行为入手,建立以人为本的安全长效机制,搞好煤矿安全工作。  相似文献   

Beyond words: the importance of gesture to researchers and learners   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gesture has privileged access to information that children know but do not say. As such, it can serve as an additional window to the mind of the developing child, one that researchers are only beginning to acknowledge. Gesture might, however, do more than merely reflect understanding-it may be involved in the process of cognitive change itself. This question will guide research on gesture as we enter the new millennium. Gesture might contribute to change through two mechanisms which are not mutually exclusive: (1) indirectly, by communicating unspoken aspects of the learner's cognitive state to potential agents of change (parents, teachers, siblings, friends); and (2) directly, by offering the learner a simpler way to express and explore ideas that may be difficult to think through in a verbal format, thus easing the learner's cognitive burden. As a result, the next decade may well offer evidence of gesture's dual potential as an illuminating tool for researchers and as a facilitator of cognitive growth for learners themselves.  相似文献   

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