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Digital piracy is perceived as a victimless crime and therefore still challenges media industries. According to the neutralization theory, criminal behavior is more likely if individuals are able to justify it. As little is known about inhibitors and drivers of these cognitive processes, the current study investigated such preconditions by linking neutralization to social norms and content preferences (movies and series) in order to explain piracy attitudes and behavior. Results of an online survey which adopted a conjoint-task showed that attitudes toward digital piracy mediate neutralization effects on digital piracy behavior. Injunctive norms and the preference for independent movies foster neutralization effects.  相似文献   

数字图书馆遭遇信息网络传播权挑战   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
信息网络传播权的确立,对数字图书馆的网络传输形成一定的著作权障碍,即图书馆的“合理使用”无法延伸至数字环境,数字图书馆在困惑中独自面对“海量授权许可”。  相似文献   

我们长期将数字图书馆作为一个独立的世界来构建,这个独立的世界中包括数字对象的创建、管理、发现、传递以及利用等。这种相对封闭的模式与高度发达的开放网络世界背道而驰。在网络世界中,用户可以通过大型的检索系统,如Google和Amazon来发现信息,还可以在管理这些信息资源的系统之外对其进行利用。当用户都涌向网络世界时,数字图书馆就面临着打破其固有封闭状态的挑战,以便适应开放的网络世界,否则将失去其实用性。当前,许多条件都给数字图书馆提供了改变现状、提高实用性的机遇。本文将讨论数字图书馆现存的典型模式以及该模式带来的后果,讨论数字图书馆工作改革的方式,并简要探讨数字图书馆建设中的成功技术实例。  相似文献   

最早设立出版者权的英联邦国家的版权法,以保护图书出版者在制作版本上的投资为目标.随着制版技术的发展,该权利的效力经历了从扩张到式微的转变.以保护出版者在制版上的投资为逻辑起点,出版者权应为图书、报刊出版者专有复制、发行以及通过信息网络传播版本的权利.进入21世纪,媒介融合纵深发展,新闻产品成为出版者与市场竞争主体利益争夺的焦点,欧陆国家因此设立了保护新闻产品的报刊出版者权.由于我国暂不存在该类利益纠纷,且没有有效的立法例可资借鉴,故暂不设立报刊出版者权为宜.  相似文献   

Local television in the United States is experiencing dramatic changes due to shifts in viewership and digital technologies. This study examined the extent to which a sample of local television stations in the United States are meeting the demands and needs of Generation C/Millennials through the use of social media, mobile technology, and other online communication tools. The major finding of this study was that television stations have a growing repertoire of social media and other connectivity tools with which to engage their viewers, but that stations in larger markets are making fuller use of interactive technologies.  相似文献   

The rapid growth and popularity of the microblogging service Twitter has been one of the most recent phenomena of the Internet, which opens up opportunities for businesses in general and publishers in particular to do marketing in a dialogue- and consumer-oriented way. This survey analysed UK trade publishers’ use of Twitter with the specific objective of finding out what influence a publisher’s size has on its Twitter adoption, patterns of use and the content of its Tweets. Overall, the results suggest that a publisher’s size primarily affects its general Twitter use, while being less influential regarding its patterns of use and the tweeted content.  相似文献   

数字信息长期保护与英国数字保护项目   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
简要论述数字信息长期存取所面临的挑战和数字信息的保护策略,并重点评介英国数字保护所选择的方式、计划与启动。  相似文献   

数字技术为新闻的视觉表达提供可能,推动数字新闻生产的视觉转向。本文采取生态化路径考察数字新闻生产的视觉化趋势,以图像的观看、制作和传播三个动态过程为框架,系统性研究数字新闻生产的视觉化特征及其文化逻辑变革。本文提出,数字新闻生产的视觉转向带来视觉手段的重塑、新闻内容的"再媒介化"和渠道与模式的多元化,在新闻组织逻辑、叙事机制和思维方式方面,呈现出开放与透明、平等与个性以及直观与流动的文化特征。  相似文献   

This study offers empirical evidence of Mix-of-Attributes (MOA) approach's analytical benefits, and illustrates how the MOA approach can be utilized. The study begins by content analyzing the most popular Web sites containing political user-generated content (UGC) and documenting presence of search efficiency, customizability, manipulability, participation cost reduction, and community orientation technological attributes. A cluster analysis is then used to develop classification of political UGC Web sites based on their attribute scores. The conventional and the attribute-based classifications of UGC are shown to be different, providing evidence of the MOA approach's usefulness. Theory-building implications of the attributes, the attribute-based classification, and the MOA approach are discussed.  相似文献   

数字环境中图书馆与出版发行活动的行业关系构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对图书馆与出版发行活动的行业关系问题,探讨了它们在数字环境下可能的变化,提出了构建新型行业关系的基本原则和主要内容。  相似文献   

新时期大学图书馆教育职能的创新:英美等国经验分析   总被引:49,自引:1,他引:49  
本文综述了过去十年英美等国大学图书馆为适应高等教育改革的需要而进行的教育功能的创新。研究发现,教育功能的创新已经使英美等国的大学图书馆更直接,更主动,更全面地参与到教学过程,除了继续履行其文献保障功能外,图书馆还是大学开展终身教育,传授通用技能,改革教学方法和手段的主要推动者和参与者。  相似文献   

This article outlines the workings of the UK Research Reserve, a collaborative initiative releasing space in Higher Education libraries within the United Kingdom, while ensuring the retention and availability of a national print journal collection. The method used to process material and identify holdings suitable for disposal is described. The salient issues in the process are identified and discussed, as are some of the challenges that have been encountered to date.  相似文献   

王润 《编辑之友》2018,(8):61-65
“数字鸿沟”问题引发社会的广泛关注,文章将“数字鸿沟”问题放置于我国具体的互联网实践之中,从人的主体性和技术的社会因素两方面加以认识,以充分理解中国社会背景下“数字鸿沟”问题的现实情境.通过对64名被访者的访谈,笔者发现信息弱势群体试图摆脱社会结构的限制、发挥人的主体性,网络新媒体技术的身体不在场特征、中低端通信市场以及信息化的普及为数字鸿沟的弥合提供了可能性,反映出中国网络社会突破“数字鸿沟”的潜力与独特性.  相似文献   

Recently a partnership between digital humanities and digital libraries is being forged, coagulating in a demand for digital humanities centers within academic libraries and an increase in the call for “Digital Scholarship Librarians.” What skills and competences are necessary for librarians to fulfill this new role? and What training allows them to develop these skills? The paper examines the collaborative role of the digital scholarship librarian, what this new role entails and what it means to bring the two areas of practice together. After examining current literature and job applications surrounding this role, the skills needed to fill this role are identified in a case study of a digital humanities project which operated on the collaborative model with digital librarians, together making use of digital methods to answer questions specific to its field. The final section proposes a training agenda by matching current opportunities with the new skill which librarians interested in digital scholarship need to develop.  相似文献   

本文阐述了新时期高校图书馆在服务观念与服务体系、高教管理体制的改革与发展、读者对文献资料的新需求等方面面临的挑战,并就如何应付这种挑战谈了几点看法与建议.  相似文献   

To pursue emerging revenue opportunities in the most cost-efficient way (or sometimes to be able to pursue them at all), book publishers are going to have to adopt a StartwithXML workflow. That means their content needs to live in an XML-structured document from the earliest possible moment, which could be “inception”, and carry within it metadata about the document structure, the content itself, and the rights to all components. The tools exist to do this, but the organizational challenges of changing workflows and inventing new procedures are daunting. This project explores the business case and the implementation challenges, including case studies of companies who have already begun to work this way.  相似文献   

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