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英国公共图书馆事业   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
本文通过对英国公共图书馆的实际考察,揭示了英国公共图书馆目前的发展状况、英国政府为发展公共图书馆所采取的一系列相关政策和英国公共图书馆在英国社会生活中发挥的作用。  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of the United Kingdom Serials Group from its beginnings as an informal gathering of librarians invited to Blackwell's Periodicals Division to the point at which it has become the foremost authority on serials work in the United Kingdom. The work of the group in organising conferences, courses and its publications is discussed.  相似文献   

In an industry where technological change is rapid and where decisions have political, social, and cultural implications, it is unwise—and perhaps impossible—to separate practice from theory. By viewing publishing as the practice of a profession, educators can provide students with both the skills and the understanding they will need as publishers.  相似文献   

This article presents selected results from a study investigating the promotion of recreational reading in university libraries in the United Kingdom. An email questionnaire survey and follow-up interviews with a sample of respondents explored provision and attitudes toward recreational reading. The results suggest that recreational reading promotion is increasing in UK university libraries. Participants were positive about the benefits of recreational reading but they identified a number of barriers preventing them from increasing their activity including finance, staff time, and mission drift. The article concludes with recommendations for increasing recreational reading including the need for better staff awareness and training.  相似文献   

The Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 introduced for the first time in the United Kingdom a statutory basis for the collection by the legal deposit libraries of non-print, principally electronic, publications. Since the establishment of the Legal Deposit Advisory Panel in 2005, progress has been made in starting to turn this enabling act into reality, through a mixture of voluntary codes and statutory regulation. Work so far has concentrated on three categories of materials, offline, “free Web,” and electronic periodicals, and on the conceptual division of the remainder of the universe of electronic publications. Electronic deposit introduces several issues not present in print deposit and new dimensions to more familiar issues, including detailed involvement of the publisher in setting up the deposit process, “territoriality” (the place of publication), electronic user access, digital rights management, digital preservation, and data protection.  相似文献   

This paper describes three of the most important factors in the current provision of bibliographic access in the UK: the national bibliographic service; bibliographic standards and the booktrade; networking. These factors are considered against the background of the CEC DGXIIIB Plan of Action for Libraries in the EC.  相似文献   

英国数字图书馆建设的最新动态与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志毅 《图书情报工作》2005,49(3):133-135,139
介绍英国数字图书馆的发展概况、主要建设工程项目以及牛津大学图书馆和大英图书馆数字图书馆的最新发展动态,认为世界图书馆的发展趋势是数字图书馆呈现出国际化发展态势,跨国界、跨地区、跨部门之间的合作与协作将成为数字图书馆建设的主要模式。  相似文献   

科研数据管理能够在一定程度上避免科研成果的丢失,促进科学信息共享与交流,切实保障科研工作者和机构利益,已逐渐成为图书馆学研究和实践的新领域。文章分析了英国大学科研数据管理的发展诱因,梳理了英国大学科研数据管理的现状及特点,最后提出了其科研数据管理对我国的启示。  相似文献   

文章针对OpenDOAR网站所登记注册的英美机构知识库进行调查,分析英美机构知识库发展概况,并主 要从机构知识库的主要类型及创建主体、创建软件应用情况、知识库容量大小、资源收录类型、学科分布、语种、开 放存取情况等方面进行比较,总结两国的主要相同点和差异,为中国机构知识库建设提供相应的启示。  相似文献   

2007年6月8日至19日,笔者随团赴英国和芬兰两个国家对6个出版公司(社)进行了出版工作考察.这6个出版公司(社)包括英国的康提纽姆出版公司、哈考特出版公司、圣贤出版公司、牛津大学出版社、剑桥大学出版社,芬兰的塔米出版公司.  相似文献   

The UK Parliament passed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in November 2000 after 3 years of government White Papers, consultation papers, and various Bills. The author served as special adviser to the House of Commons Select Committee on Public Administration which oversaw the Government proposals for legislation and the progress of the Bill into the House of Commons. The FOIA introduced pro-active publication of information via Publication Schemes, which were introduced on a staggered basis across the public sector and on January 1, 2005, rights of individual access were granted to individuals. The Act covers well over 100,000 public authorities in the UK and includes both Houses of Parliament. There is a power to add private bodies to the Act's coverage. The Act covers UK, English, Welsh, and Northern Irish public authorities. Scotland has its own FOIA which was enacted by the Scottish Parliament in 2002. The paper will examine the operation of the UK legislation and the role of the Information Commissioner and the Information Tribunal which deal with complaints of refusal and appeals respectively. The jurisprudence has been voluminous and now the English courts are beginning to hear appeals from the tribunal. The article will examine the major trends of the legislation and the problems presented by the legislation. The Government has already issued vetoes under the Act overriding the Commissioner's decision to grant access to the Cabinet papers relating to the Cabinet discussion on entering into war with Iraq and then on devolution of power to Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. The decisions to open up the files on MPs expenses have caused one of the major constitutional crises in the UK in the last 75 years. As well as examining the way the Act has been interpreted, the author will essay some preliminary analyses of the impact of the Act on the realization of government objectives in passing the Act. The FOIA does sit alongside other legislation allowing access to personal files and access to environmental information and the whole information debate is set in the context of heightened sensitivity and secrecy in time of the war on terror and the state's increasing capacity to demand, store, and share information. The UK experience of the information debate will be examined.  相似文献   

开放数据在英、美政府中的应用及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴旻 《图书与情报》2012,(1):127-130
开放数据是一种理念与实践,按照用户特定的需求和相应的互联网协议、规则、框架对Web数据进行开发、加工、存储、组织等管理活动,以实现局域和全部Web空间的数据开放、互通、共享,受到了政府、企业和一些行业如图书馆的重视与应用。英、美政府对开放数据的应用实践走在了世界的前列,其与W3C相关协议保持数据相同、数据保持完整性与统一性、建立政府信息开放门户网站平台等做法均值得我国政府和一些开放数据应用行业的借鉴。  相似文献   

大学生健康问题已经成为世界各国面临的重要社会问题。作为大学重要的文化阵地,图书馆被誉为健康信息服务守护人,图书馆可为学生提供了全方位、可信赖的服务。本研究采用文献调研法、在线咨询等方法,对英国和美国39 所大学的40所图书馆学生健康服务的实践进行分析,探索英美大学图书馆学生健康服务的主要内容和特点,并提出对我国大学图书馆开展学生健康服务的启示。  相似文献   


The National Library of Australia and the state libraries of New South Wales and Victoria each maintain separate collections of printed ephemera. The role of these collections and the policies used in the acquisition and selection of items for them are described, analysed and compared. The role of the public library local studies collections in helping to create a cooperative, nationwide approach to the acquisition of this material in Australia is discussed in relation to this national and state activity. The value of an understanding of the Australian situation is related to a research project to develop guidelines for collection policies for printed ephemera at the national and local levels in Wales.  相似文献   

英国议会图书馆立法决策服务解析与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对英国议会图书馆的实地考察,借鉴其为国家立法决策服务的有效经验和做法,提出履行中国国家图书馆立法决策服务职能,提高立法决策服务能力的建议。图1。表3。参考文献6。  相似文献   

Recent revisions of media regulation and legislation have emphasized diversity and pluralism as key objectives. Both the Federal Communication Commission's rewriting of broadcasting ownership rules in 2003 and the United Kingdom government's 2003 Communications Act insist that the public interest is best met through providing a dynamic, market-led approach to communications regulation. This article highlights definitions of diversity and pluralism that are increasingly ubiquitous in legislative and regulatory instruments that seek to "modernize" media systems in our present "communications cornucopia." This approach involves conceptualizing media diversity and media pluralism as twin outcomes of strategies designed to maximize consumer choice and market competition. The article argues that we need to challenge the assumption that meaningful forms of diversity can be brought forth only through market structures and questions the validity of quantitative assessments of media sectors that equate choice and competition with diversity. The article suggests that we need to win back a notion of diversity that is based on citizens' engagement with and interrogation of the world rather than the idea that diversity can be measured simply through the number of organizations and channels in the contemporary media environment.  相似文献   

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