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This article sketches a genealogy examining the production of the concept of “the survivor” in contemporary culture and public discourse across five discursive sites in mainly western (particularly Anglo-American) cultures: the Holocaust, psychotherapy, feminist discourses of childhood and sexual abuse, reality TV, and discourses of health and illness. It argues that the survivor has become a meaningfully visible, cultural notion and a desirable role that individuals are encouraged to assume, rendering the categories of victim and the dead false and illegitimate. The article concludes by arguing for the need in contemporary public and highly mediated space to expand the range of explanatory frameworks through which individuals, especially those experiencing suffering, come to think, judge, and act.  相似文献   

A critical exploration of the history and present dynamics of drug advertising in the United States reveals how advertising practices exemplify the extent to which late capitalist market rationality impacts on popular understandings of medicine, well being, and disease. An historical overview of drug advertising and regulation thereof contextualizes a closer analysis of the ways in which the pharmaceutical industry acts to maximize profits through marketing efforts and the creation of diseases as platforms for the expansion of drug product markets. In this way U.S. drug manufacturers operate on a variety of communicative levels to ensure that their promotional messages are among the most widely disseminated. As medical and pharmaceutical technology develops and plays an increasingly pronounced role in everyday life from casual to more profound levels via the mass media, a critical and historical understanding of how and for whom it acts may become a vital focus of future inquiry on social and communicative phenomena and processes.  相似文献   

This research is premised on Stuart Hall's encoding/decoding model and on Berger's concept that religiosity is socially constructed. However, unlike the early Birmingham studies' emphasis on socioeconomic status as a “cultural code” through which audience members would decode media texts, this study examines the readings of television texts from the perspective of audience members who are, because of their religious practices, ideologically situated to the right of much that is offered on television. The findings in this case are consistent with Hall's notion that individuals bring contradictory and conflicting discourse into their readings of media texts.  相似文献   

自报界倡导“图文并重,两翼齐飞”以来,由于新闻竞争加剧所产生的媒体亲和,使纸质媒体更加借重电视媒体的形象生动、简捷直观的传播特点,加之读者阅读习惯、阅读期待的变化与数码相机、电脑制作等高新技术的运用,使我国新闻摄影发生了翻天覆地的变化。一些有影响力的报纸在报业竞争中以其新闻摄影的独特创新与发展趋向占尽风流。不仅建立了自己独特的图片运作体系.而且也健全了摄影队伍,  相似文献   

While archivists in western and eastern Germany may have different traditions, they face the same challenges presented by the use of information technology in government offices in recent years. Documentation strategies and goals in advising agencies must be developed in consideration of current professional debate and limited resources. The following article presents tendencies in governmental records management, advising strategies of archives, and schemes for broad-scale appraisal based on observations at the level of the governments of the German Länder and includes case studies from Saxony.  相似文献   

数字技术条件下的媒介现象,是当前人文学术的重要议题。视频博客作为依托现代数字技术的新兴媒介,赋予了大众话语表达的权力。在不断的内容创作中,视频博客发挥着自身隐形的权力,在个人影响力的不断提升之下,又重构了社会影响力,展现了技术条件下媒介话语生产的力量。本文将探讨视频博客在时代、主体和权力范畴内所能产生的新认识,以及各种认识相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

This study explores connections between popular culture and family interaction. Multiadic interview data were collected from families who enacted purity pledges. Using contrapuntal analysis, results indicate how competing familial discourses about popular culture serve as both centrifugal and centripetal forces. Fathers rejected many sexual values in popular culture texts, but they also appreciated that popular culture makes purity rings intelligible to others. Mothers expressed frustration at portrayals of teenage pregnancy on television. Children indicated that their parents did not understand how they saw popular culture, in competition with the aforementioned parental discourses, but appreciated that their parents cared. They also articulated parental disapproval of a current generation's popular culture choices as ongoing ritual, thus allowing the competing discourses to operate in a centripetal fashion. Overall, it is apparent that distal popular culture discourses inform proximal, constitutive family discourses about sex and sexuality.  相似文献   

有一幅题为"群盲聚赌"的市民生活风俗画,描绘的是清末时期混乱的社会风气,就连盲人也加入赌博之中.图画画了几个盲人乘卖卜闲余之时群聚一处推牌九,靠摸牌报出大小,以争输赢的情景.  相似文献   


This paper examines the history of Mexican muralism within the governmental development of a national cultural infrastructure after the Revolution of 1910. Treating mural art as a technical apparatus of popular communication, the paper argues for a more complex understanding of cultural communication through analysis of the institutional apparatuses of heritage as discursive sites of popular citizenship. In addition, this paper theorizes and historicizes Mexican state formation through the insights of Michel Foucault's essay on \ldblquote Governmentality\rdblquote for the purpose of providing a more nuanced theory of the relationship between culture, power, and the people  相似文献   

This article zeroes in on “the American situation” with respect to the global hegemony of English. It does so by way of textual analysis of a number of articles taken from a pool of 275 American prestige press accounts of the global spread of English. Drawing parallels between prestige press and some academic accounts of culture and globalization, the article critically engages instances of a pervasive populist individualist ideology expressed via what the author calls the discourse of populism.  相似文献   

We were shooting on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum one night. It was lit romantically, and Jennifer was wearing an evening gown, looking incredibly stunning. Suddenly there must have been a thousand people screaming her name. It was like witnessing this icon. (Ralph Fiennes in the New York Times, 2002, p. 16, emphasis added)

This stamp, honoring a Mexican artist who has transcended “la frontera” and has become and icon to Hispanics, feminists, and art lovers, will be a further reminder of the continuous cultural contributions of Latinos to the United States. (Cecilia Alvear, President of National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) on the occasion of the introduction of the Frida Kahlo U.S. postage st& 2001; emphasis added)

“Nothing Like the Icon on the Fridge” (column about Salma Hayek’s Frida by Stephanie Zacharek in the New York Times, 2002 Zacharek, S. 2002. The New Season/Movies; Nothing Like the Icon on the Fridge. The New York Times, : 41 Sep.8.Section ZA [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

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