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相对哈代同时代的作家而言,哈代的作品中有着较强烈的现代主义意识。在《无名的裘德》中,时间作为客观社会环境的象征,对人物产生着不可忽视的巨大影响力,主要表现在人作为个体,在这个荒谬世界中的异化。然而在哈代笔下,主人公身处在人类存在的困境中,却仍保有对真我的执著追求,这种个体的意识对时间的反抗体现了哈代对人类存在的关注和人的主体性。  相似文献   

科学技术的不断进步为资本主义社会生产力的发展提供了新的空间,使资本主义经济得到迅速发展,同时,资本主义固有矛盾仍然存在,并随着经济发展越来越突出,根据人类社会发展的一般规律,资本主义终将被社会主义所代替。  相似文献   

<普鲁弗洛克的情歌>是T.S.爱略特早期创作的最重要的诗篇,也是现代主义经典之作.该诗突破传统诗歌表现手法的局限,运用现代口语和自由节奏韵律,成功描写了普鲁弗洛克的内心世界和心理活动."时间"和"意识"是构成<普鲁弗洛克的情歌>的基础构架和主要内容,并从"时间"和"意识"两个方面对文本进行了分析.  相似文献   

PROSPECTS - This article discusses heightened curriculum consciousness in a time of crisis due to Covid-19. A teacher, a principal, and a university professor in the United States offer intertwined...  相似文献   

“如何认识资本主义的历史进程”,是江泽民在中央思想工作会议上提出的一个重大理论问题。本文从资本主义基本矛盾的发展变化出发,探寻社会发展的“两个必然”趋势。  相似文献   

This paper provides an external account of the demise of the ‘old’ Marxist educational theory flowing from social reproductionism/ resistance theory. Five developments are explored in terms of how they have undercut the ‘old’ educational Marxism: hyper‐academicism; dislocations/disjunctions between theory and practice; the postmodern challenge; the new liberal ‘Left’ challenge; and, the ‘death of Marxism’ syndrome. The first two elements form the basis of some important ‘lessons’ for the revitalisation of Marxist perspectives on education. It is also argued that, although the five trends and developments have posed a serious challenge for the ‘old’ Marxist educational theory, nevertheless, it will probably circulate for some time‐‐given revivals, revisits, and as a source of easy criticism for anti‐Marxists. Finally, there has been a recent flowering of new approaches to theorising education from a Marxist perspective, which this paper maps out.  相似文献   

Educational Studies in Mathematics - The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought increased attention to the critical mathematical literacy of citizens in the United States and around the...  相似文献   


One area that remained off the research radar is that interface between senior centers and learning programs, and hence, their potential to act as community-based learning hubs. Countering such a state of affairs, this article reports on an action research study to investigate the extent that a transformative learning program in a senior center can lead learners to improved levels of personal and social empowerment. The research project sought to meet its goal and objectives through the ‘action research’ design, by planning and executing a critical educational gerontological programme for persons attending a Maltese senior center. The learning program following a critical geragogical approach which encourages learners to discuss and problematize each theme in the curriculum. Pretest-posttest focus groups found the learning program to be successful in improving learners’ levels of personal empowerment as they acquired a strong awareness of how social differences are structurally produced due to inequities and discriminations based on social class, gender, and age differences. However, the quest achieving critical consciousness remained an elusive one due to immanence and internal agism, as well as the fact that political action arises as a lifetime narrative. Critical educational gerontology remains steadfastly hinged upon the ‘successful aging’ paradigm that overlooks how later life is also underpinned by ill-health, abjection, care relations, and loss of agency. It is hoped that this action research project acts as a catalyst for future studies in critical educational gerontology to be framed by a fourth age social imaginary.  相似文献   


Integrating research in the classroom experience is recognized as potentially important in enhancing student learning (Price 2001 Price, J. N.. 2001. “Action Research, Pedagogy and Change: The Transformative Potential of Action Research in Pre-Service Teacher Education.” Journal of Curriculum Studies 33 (1): 4374.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Schmid 1992 Schmid, T. J. 1992. “Classroom-Based Ethnography: A Research Pedagogy.” Teaching Sociology 20 (1): 2835.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This article asks if student integration as research subjects augments their learning about political science. A quasi-experimental project focused on media usage, construction, and influences on the political context of election competition finds that participation as research subjects fostered increased awareness among students of their own media usage, of media effects on politics and of politics in general. Findings also suggest that this process of learning happens within the context of students' pre-existing ideological frameworks despite experimental controls over ideological exposure.  相似文献   

当代资本主义的新变化不仅表明社会主义取代资本主义是必然趋势,同时也增强了社会主义以和平方式取代资本主义的可能性:所有制关系的新变化奠定了资本主义向社会主义和平过渡的物质基础;阶级矛盾的缓解以及生产社会化同资本主义私有制矛盾的缓和使资本主义向社会主义和平过渡的可能性大大增加。  相似文献   

意识决定着人类行为。批评行为是人类有意识的生命活动之一,文学批评则是诸多批评行为中的一种。文学批评意识作为文学批评的原动力,其特殊性在于必须具备审美意识和主体意识两个基本要素。审美意识将批评主体的阅读行为导向对文学原理的不断思考和追问。主体意识则直接影响着批评理论的客观性与深度,将批评与鉴赏区别开来,同时决定着批评的风格与批评理论的独立与完善。  相似文献   

当代发达资本主义国家的新变化,其本质仍然遵循着历史的必然逻辑,但客观上给其带来了相当的发展生机和活力。这使得社会主义与资本主义在斗争、合作、竞争的复杂关系中共存的现实必将是长期的。加快社会主义的发展与处理好与资本主义的关系是同一个问题的两个方面。  相似文献   

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