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This paper reviews two main historical approaches to creativity: the Romanticist approach, based on the culture of the irrational, and the Enlightenment approach, based on the culture of the objective. It defends a paradigm of creativity as a sum of rich semiotic systems that form the basis of distributed knowledge and learning, reviews historical ideas of the university, and identifies two conflicting mainstream models in regards to understanding of the university as a public good: the ‘Public’ University circa 1960–1980, and the ‘post-historical’ university. Based on practical experiences, and on previous works by Peters and Jandri?, it develops the new model of ‘the creative university as digital public university’, and argues that it provides a useful philosophical goal for directing present and future practices of the contemporary university.  相似文献   

This article draws on my experience as an adjunct professor in the Master's program of the Department of Mexican-American Studies at a large public university in California. Seeing my students’ struggles with writing, I conceived of a set of practices of writing mentorship anchored by a series of writing workshops held in Summer 2012. In this article, I document the pedagogy and content of these writing workshops in order to think about the unique struggles and opportunities Chicana/o Master's students face in the writing process and to provide an outline for other instructors interested in developing a practice of writing mentorship.  相似文献   

This paper discusses writing as a social practice and speculates on how wikis might be used to promote higher quality academic writing and support collaborative learning. This study of undergraduate teacher trainees’ online learning activities focuses on how shared spaces – wikis – might be used to communicate ideas and generate course‐specific content. The study also explored how students, through such activities, were able to improve their academic writing skills and engage more critically in learning. Data captured from student discussion boards and a post‐module email questionnaire (n = 35) were used to map student perceptions of the usefulness of wikis in support of their academic studies. The data indicate that most students raised their skill level in writing directly to the publicly viewable wiki space, in sharp contrast to the more informal content they posted on the discussion boards. The scope of collaborative writing was limited due to students’ reluctance to edit each others’ work, but students appreciated the shared environment as a means of discussing their work and the content of the course. Students reported that their academic writing skills had improved through their formal participation in the wiki.  相似文献   

定量评估“一带一路”倡议对国际学生来华留学的影响,对推动我国来华留学生教育高质量发展具有重要意义。基于2008—2018年183个国家的面板数据,本研究利用双重差分法实证检验了“一带一路”倡议对来华留学的影响效应。结果显示,“一带一路”倡议对来华留学具有显著的促进效应,来华留学生总体增长幅度在5.7%~7.7%;内在机制是通过民心相通效应和人才需求效应发挥促进作用;对不同类型国家或地区来华留学的影响效应具有差异性,且教育质量发挥着重要作用。为更好地推动来华留学生教育高质量发展,我国应理性看待“一带一路”倡议对来华留学的促进作用,树立正确的价值导向;加强来华留学生教育差异化发展战略规划的制定和优化,建立多元主体协同机制;提高资源整合利用能力,依靠优势特色学科引领,打造“留学中国”品牌。  相似文献   

Veterinary technology is an emerging profession within the veterinary and allied animal health fields in Australia and affords graduates the opportunity to contribute to the small but growing body of literature within this discipline. This study describes the introduction of a contextualised assessment task to develop students’ research capability, competence and confidence in professional writing, and to engage them with the academic publishing process. Students worked in self-selected dyads to author a scientific case report, of publishable standard, based on authentic cases from their clinical practicum. Intrinsic to the task, students attended a series of workshops that explored topics such as critiquing the literature, professional writing styles and oral presentation skills. Assessment was multi-staged with progressive feedback, including peer review, and culminated with students presenting their abstracts at a mock conference. Students reported the task to be an enjoyable and valuable learning experience which improved their competence and confidence in scientific writing; supported by a comparison of previously submitted work. Linking scientific writing skills to clinical practice experiences enhanced learning outcomes and may foster the professionalisation of students within this emerging discipline.  相似文献   

叙述了科技论要的重要性,指出了科技论要撰写中存在的问题,提供了撰写中英要的标准和方法。  相似文献   

周宇 《嘉应学院学报》2004,22(6):126-128
以2004年10月21日出版的Nature摘要为例,阐述了Nature摘要的编辑原则及语言特点,为中国科技期刊在英文摘要的学习和写作上提供一些启示  相似文献   

教育国际化是当前各国构筑对外开放格局的关键模块,而“一带一路”倡议的纵深推进为我国留学生教育发展带来了良好契机。以2003—2018年196个国家和地区的来华留学生数据为样本,采用双重差分法检验了“一带一路”倡议是否能够促进海外留学生来华,并深入考察其作用机制。研究发现:(1)“一带一路”倡议的实施显著扩大了沿线国家的来华留学生规模,在经过一系列稳健性检验后,结论依然成立;(2)从作用机制来看,基础设施建设水平的提高,跨国投资规模的扩大和文化产品贸易程度的加深是“一带一路”倡议推动沿线国家留学生来华的重要途径。(3)异质性分析表明,“一带一路”倡议对留学生来华的促进效应集中在邻近国家和低收入国家,而对非邻近国家和高收入国家的来华留学生规模没有明显影响。此外,区分不同学历类别来看,相比非学历留学生,倡议对学历留学生来华有更为显著的促进作用,将有利于我国留学生学历结构的优化。  相似文献   

对新疆8所高校少数民族大学生专业阶段汉语写作能力状况进行了调查,分析了其中存在的问题及其产生这些问题的原因,认为,应将预科汉语教学和专业汉语教学视为一个整体,以篇章观念作为汉语写作教学的核心贯穿始终,建立多维汉语写作教学机制,据此提出了具体的对策。  相似文献   

针对汉语言文学专业的学位论文英文摘要写作中的常见问题,本文首先归纳了英文摘要写作基本要求,然后从翻译的归化和异化策略入手探讨了中国文学作品名和文化名词术语的英译问题,从而提出了选用既定的英译和采用汉语拼音表达等建议。  相似文献   


In the contemporary literature of educational philosophy and theory, it is almost routinely assumed or claimed that ‘education’ is a ‘contested’ concept: that is, it is held that education is invested – as it were, ‘all the way down’ – with socially constructed interests and values that are liable to diverge in different contexts to the point of mutual opposition. It is also often alleged that post-war analytical philosophers of education such as R. S. Peters failed to appreciate such contestability in seeking a single unified account of the concept of education. Following a brief re-visitation of Peters’ analytical influences and approach and some consideration of recent ‘post-analytical’ criticisms of analytical educational philosophy on precisely this score, it is argued that much of the case for the so-called ‘contestability’ of education rests on a confusion of different concepts with different senses of ‘education’ that proper observance of well-tried methods of conceptual analysis easily enables us to avoid.  相似文献   

本文在文献研究、访谈以及对上海市不同区县的两所初级中学1400多名教师、家长和学生进行问卷调查的基础上,分析了上海市自2004学年开始实施的《学生成长记录册》使用的现状;并寻找其存在的问题,提出相应的对策,旨在为初中学生成长记录册的完善提供帮助。  相似文献   

马来西亚约有9000个华人社团,对马来西亚华文教育和华人文化起着举足轻重的作用。华人社团是华人南移的产物。近200年间,华人社团似守护神一样地照顾华人社群的权益。随着时代和社会变迁,华团的功能与角色应赋予新的涵义。“一带一路”给马来西亚华人文教团体带来转型契机。不少逐渐走向没落的社团因中华文化的传播活跃起来。华文文教活动也同时大力推动,华人社区和新村的改造注入了中华文化的元素,展示了文教社团的新角色、新方向。为了进一步推动华文教育,文教团体可以顺应大势,结合大陆高校和文化单位的资源,从出版、学术交流、翻译等途径重新审视其定位和角色。  相似文献   

Curriculum decisions are increasingly seen as technocratic or bureaucratic problems, rather than democratic issues that must be deliberated over. As such, curriculum decisions are placed in the hands of a small minority of bureaucrats and business elites who assume the only purpose of education is to prepare children for college and/or the labour market. Within these times, it is essential to revisit classics works in order to move forward a critical theory of the curriculum. To develop a critical theory of the curriculum, I shall revisit two classic books in curriculum studies—R.S. Peters’s Ethics & Education and Michael Apple’s Ideology and Curriculum. I place Michael Apple and R.S. Peters in conversation with each other because both believe, albeit differently, that the curriculum ‘stands in need of justification’: both agree the curriculum must be publically justified through democratic deliberation. Furthermore, Apple and Peters develop different sets of tools for a critical theory of the curriculum—Apple provides tools for critique and Peters tools for the normative standards. However, both inadequately develop the normative standards for determining when the curriculum is democratically justified. These normative standards, I argue, are developed by Habermas’s critical theory of discourse ethics which is capable of building upon and expanding the insights of Apple and Peters.  相似文献   

短写作是大学英语四、六级统考的一个重要组成部分,要在四级考试中半小时内写出100-120词 (六级为120-150词)、内容连贯、无重大语法错误的短,必须分析好命题类型,把所学到的语言知识运用到写作中,才可望取得预期的效果。  相似文献   

为了帮助中文学术期刊论文作者提高英文摘要的写作水平,分析了写作中的两个常见问题:英语表达上的问题和摘要编写中的主要问题。提出了要深入了解和掌握的英文摘要及其写作方面的主要知识:学术期刊论文英文摘要与其它英文摘要的区别、学术期刊论文英文摘要的结构和撰写要求以及学术期刊论文英文摘要的语言表达。  相似文献   


A central element of Richard Peters’ philosophy of education has been his analysis of ‘education as initiation’. Understanding initiation is internally related to concepts of community and what it may mean to be a member. The concept of initiation assumes a mutually interdependent, dynamic relationship between the individual and community that claims to be justified on cognitive, moral and practical grounds. Although Peters’ analysis is embedded in a different discourse, his insights are relevant to current discourse on the individual in community. A fruitful conversation can be developed between Peters’ account of the learner’s ‘initiation’ into ‘bodies of knowledge and awareness’ and Alasdair MacIntyre’s concept of ‘practices’; and how both assume a notion of ‘tradition’ within partly overlapping accounts of ‘community’. Secondly, I will consider how ‘initiation’ touches the concept of ‘social justice as membership’ developed by current philosophers, Michael Sandel and Michael Walzer, and what import Peters’ analysis has for different degrees of active and passive membership and participation. Thirdly, I will consider Charles Taylor’s ‘social imaginary’ as a contextual framework for processes surrounding ‘education as initiation’. This article does not argue that Peters’ concept of initiation cannot be contested at some points but rather that it can inform, and be informed by, the conversation with those who contend that community is itself a good essential for human flourishing.  相似文献   

Until recently teacher education in England has always contained a ‘philosophical’ element – to do with what education is for in the light of human nature. The paper traces its history since 1839, through inspirational approaches – based first on religion and later on psychology – to the critical approach of R S Peters and his colleagues in the 1960s. It then looks at the existential crisis faced by this kind of philosophy of education after changes in education policy in the 1980s; and at ways it has found of overcoming it – at the expense, however, of partially turning away from its earlier raison d’être in teacher education. The paper concludes with a discussion of what would be needed for it to resume its old role.  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to evaluate the development and delivery of a hypertext case scenario document to be used as the capstone assessment tool for doctoral-level physical therapy students. The integration of Web-based collaborative tools (PBworks? and Google Sites?) allowed students in this all-online course to apply their pharmacotherapy knowledge in a physical therapy patient scenario, while working with colleagues to determine the best route of patient care. Students developed digital writing skills imperative to a patient-centered, collaborative health-care field, and practiced evidence-based patient care. The findings demonstrate that the implementation of collaborative digital writing with a hypertext document case scenario assessment as the primary assessment tool in this online pharmacotherapy course delivered to doctoral-level physical therapy students is a feasible and effective educational strategy.  相似文献   

Postmodernism has established a significant hold in educational thought and some of the most important ideas are to be found in the writings of Michael Peters. This paper examines his postmodern stance and use of Lyotard's account of knowledge, and from a naturalist point of view raises a number of objections centred on science as a metanarrative, the unity of the empirical and the evaluative, and reason, truth and the growth of knowledge. It is concluded that postmodern epistemology, unlike naturalism, does not serve education well.  相似文献   

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