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This article considers the underachievement of RPL in the Australian vocational education and training (VET) system, in terms of its apparent failure to reach and achieve outcomes for marginalised groups. It notes a range of analyses that are currently used to address this concern and draws on doctoral research in progress to highlight ontological questions that are brought to the process by RPL candidates. Axel Honneth's theory of recognition is then introduced as a means to shed light on these issues. Viewing RPL through the lens of a philosophy of recognition and the concept of ontological security the article asks questions about the nature and effects of the assessor–candidate relationship, inviting consideration of this relationship as an intersubjective exchange within a wider, more fundamental ‘struggle for recognition’. It is argued that a more ontological perspective could provide a framework for increasing access to and successful completion of RPL by non-traditional learners.  相似文献   

The expansion and transformation of Malaysian universities have generated major changes in the nature of academic employment and the structure of academic promotion in higher education institutions. These changes have considerable implications, in particular for the policy and practice of academic promotion in the public universities. We argue that despite sharing one common grade and salary system, distinct and significant differences exist in the academic promotion systems of the public universities. Drawing on one recent study on the academic promotion process in Malaysian public universities to contextualise our discussion, this paper highlights the complexity in the promotion process in these institutions. It also discusses and articulates the attendant issues and challenging aspects of the academic promotion process. We argue that the interrelated issues and challenges, and certain academic practices and habits stemming from the pressure to gain a promotion are pervasive, and that they affect the academic value system and work culture. We conclude by asserting the importance of applying a consistent standard for promotion within a single salary system and that the academic promotion system in the public universities should ultimately affirm and communicate core academic values, and also aim at obtaining evidence of excellent accomplishments.  相似文献   

当前高校思政课混合式教学的改革创新已经全面推进,线上线下结合的教学模式已经成为思政课面对社会信息化的主流教学模式。基于高校思政课主导性和主体性相统一的教学规律,分别从高校思政课混合式教学改革的重要意义、现状和存在的突出问题进行详细分析,并提出相应的实现路径,为高校推进思政课改革创新模式的构建提供一定的参考。  相似文献   


Using postcolonial theory, this paper discusses the conceptualisation and rationalisation of internationalisation in some universities in Ghana. The paper is based on a study conducted to critically examine internationalisation in three public Ghanaian universities. It is argued that although internationalisation is a major concept at the universities, there are different nuances in how it is perceived and conceptualised there. There are also differences in its rationalisation. These different nuances are presented as internationalisation models at the universities. This paper argues for the need of a critical debate of internationalisation, one that is not perceived in the dominant neoliberal way but that emphasises diversity, and that is defined to suit the specific context of Ghana.  相似文献   

In the present study we test the effectiveness of a teaching intervention concerning the phenomenon of floating and sinking as a property of the matter the bodies are made of. The treatment, designed for children aged four to six years, comprises two units of hierarchically sequenced activities. The children experiment with objects having specifically designed characteristics aiming at shifting children's attention from the objects to the material(s) these are made of. Both solid and hollow objects were used. The activities were developed collaboratively by a researcher and early years teachers and were implemented by the teachers of the work group in their own public school classes in a sample of 104 children. Action research processes were used to optimise classroom practices. Teacher preparation took place within the work group before implementation. Concept cartoons were used for the children's final assessment. Analysis of classroom data recorded during the course of the activities showed gradual redirection of the children's attention from the objects to the materials of which they were made. The results of the post-instructional assessment revealed high percentages of pupils understanding the kind of material as the determining factor for the bodies' behaviour in water.  相似文献   

Literacy as a social practice has a fundamental role in children’s lives especially in the early years context, in which social interactions are in the centre of knowledge achievement. Several pieces of research investigate the positive contribution of the arts in children’s literacy development in the early years settings. However, most of them focus on the aspect of emergent literacy and phonological awareness, with some indirect arguments about literacy as a social practice. Having this in mind and the importance of literacy as a social practice, this project was designed. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of the arts in the development of literacy as a social practice in the early years settings. The intervention used the ‘Play and Learn through the Arts’ (PLA) programme for a full school year in a case study with 5–6-year-old children in Greece. The outcomes were measured using authentic assessment techniques and a semi-structure interview. The findings showed the positive contribution of the arts in the development of literacy as a social practice in the early years setting.  相似文献   

The evaluation of student work is a central aspect of the teaching profession that can affect students in significant ways. Although teachers use multiple criteria for assessing student work, it is not yet known if emotions are a factor in their grading decisions as has been found in other instances of professional evaluations. Reason to believe that this might be the case not only comes from emotion-congruent judgment research, but also from the emerging field of teacher emotion research which is beginning to reveal that emotion may be an important element in various teacher cognitions and practices. The present study provides initial evidence that emotions may bias the grades teachers assign to their students, such that positive and negative emotions influence grade assignment in emotion-congruent ways. This research offers empirical contributions to research on emotion and cognition as well as on teacher emotion.  相似文献   


Today China witnesses a renaissance of classical studies and Confucian Academies across the nation. With an estimated 10 million children attending Confucian kindergartens, classes, and schools, cultural heritage has increasingly become a new marker of social distinction. At the same time, Confucian tradition is often associated with excessive testing, competition, and academic burdens that continue to hinder China's educational innovation. Disenchanted with state-run schools, many urban middle-class families turn to alternative schools that use imported pedagogies such as the Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio to cultivate a better future for their children. In reform-era China, Westernisation coexists with a return to tradition to produce a fascinatingly complex cultural-pedagogical terrain. This paper examines such curiously hybrid educational narratives to understand the idiosyncratic features of Chinese educational globalisation and offer a critical perspective to rethink the concept of scale in comparative education research.  相似文献   

新时期学思潮的研究思路已形成了多样化格局,理论形态更加丰富,但在纷繁多元的分类中,存在着缺失:整体性观照不足,缺乏民族主体性,批判性和理论勇气的丧失。  相似文献   

《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》作为党的文艺政策,一方面建构了知识分子的革命主体性,使得知识分子站在人民的立场,成为革命事业的重要力量;另一方面规约和激励着中国文坛的创作与文艺理论的建构,使得知识分子积极参与文艺的创作与评论。《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表后的70年中,成为不断被阐释的经典文本。  相似文献   

新冠疫情期间,各级各类学校不得不在线开展教育教学。这一转变带来教育便利,也突显了传统学校课堂教育主体性缺失问题。本研究以县城A中学为调查点,呈现在线教育阶段教师、学生和家长多方教育主体的系统性不适应现象。研究发现,线上教育打破了传统线下课堂教学的管控模式,教师和学生都有了更大的自主空间,但也因为传统课堂教育过于依赖“管控”而忽视了对主体性的培养,具体表现为:教师自主学习和技术运用的缺陷、“双师”模式下“经师”与“人师”角色调整的迟滞、家庭教育中学校管控模式的移用失败,以及传统教育中学生学习自主能力和习惯的缺乏。对开展线上教育所做的反思,有助于复归常态化教学后学校教育对主体性培育的关注。  相似文献   

文化再制不会因为虚拟世界的介入而销声匿迹,恰恰相反,对于在现实与虚拟中不 断跃迁的教育而言,文化再制策略将更隐蔽、更温和,也更容易以误认为前提被确认。教育公平 论域扩展的同时可能也是文化再生产扩展的继续,话语和话语权的复杂与不确定,主动参与式的 权力再生产,文化任意性的施加,都可能使教育公平以及与之相关的公共教育政策遭遇质疑,并 进而获得一种重新解读。  相似文献   

This paper suggests that historical ontology, as one form of reflexive critique, is an instructive research design for making sense of the political and historical constitution of the Academic Language and Learning (ALL) educator in Australian higher education. The ALL educator in this paper refers to those practitioners in the field of ALL, whose ethical agency has largely been taken for granted since their slow and uneven emergence in the latter half of the twentieth century. Using the lens of governmentality, genealogical design and archaeological method, the historical ontology proposed in this paper demonstrates how the ethical remit of the ALL educator to ‘make a difference’ to student learning is not necessarily a unifying construct providing a foundational moral basis for the work, but a contingent historical and political effect of the government of conduct in liberal society. The findings of this approach are not intended to undermine the agency of the ALL educator, but to assist in making sense of the historical conditions that frame and complicate their institutional intelligibility as ethical agents in the academy.  相似文献   

Genetics is assuming an increasingly important role in medicine. As a result, the teaching of genetics should also be increased proportionally to ensure that future physicians will be able to take advantage of the new genetic technology, and to understand the associated ethical, legal and social issues. At the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, we have been able to incorporate genetic education into a four-year medical curriculum in a fully integrated fashion. This model may serve as a template for other medical curriculum still in development.  相似文献   

利用Citespace软件对新中国成立70年来中小学教科书研究进行可视化分析,从而对其整体研究进行宏观把握,对其历史演进脉络进行梳理,发现建国70年来中小学教科书的研究内容不断深入。在起步阶段,研究内容仅涉及内容介绍、简评与编写建议及其政治功能;在发展阶段,已经拓宽至教科书的应用、编审、经验总结及高中教科书研究等方面;在深化阶段,关注多科目、多版本及教科书选用制度的研究。进入21世纪以来,其研究方法逐渐多样化、研究视角不断增加,整体呈多样化发展的态势。但仍存在着研究科目选择偏重文史类科目,对其他科目的研究较少,研究中缺少对教师与学生两大使用主体实然性的关注,研究视角仍缺乏多样化等问题。这是该领域研究未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

自2016年以来,随着全面二孩政策的实施,0~3岁婴幼儿托育服务需求日益突显,国家也高度重视幼有所育,重视托育机构的建设和托育服务的质量,制定了许多政策方针.可见,托育服务问题越来越受到国家和人民的广泛关注.根据国家卫生健康委设定的托育机构的设置标准和管理规范,在具体了解目前托育机构的基本情况、管理规范及疫情前...  相似文献   

With discourse analyses, this paper attempts to review the research development of relationship education in Taiwan for nearly a decade after the Gender Equity Education Act was announced in 2004, including the research topics generated, the knowledge accumulated, and the results achieved. This paper focuses not only on how the power and impacts of the academic institutions evolves through the production process of knowledge from the research, but also on how the gender perspectives are placed or filled into the discourses. Tracking and reflecting on the discourses and the development of relationship education researches in Taiwan, this paper aims to examine the interwoven effects and influences that social cultures, structures, and institutional power play on the knowledge production and research development of relationship education. The trajectory of Taiwanese experience illustrates a good example for policy making and legislative initiatives in legislative procedures in regard to certain gender knowledge and subjects. It is essential to utilize and coordinate the national resources and academic institutions with further awareness for the direction and promotion of gender knowledge in order for the education and research to root, grow, and prosper.  相似文献   

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