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本文主要探讨在高中物理课堂中如何培养学生问题解决能力以及评估该能力的方法.针对问题解决能力的培养,建议采取引导学生思考、提供实际案例、组织小组合作学习和设计物理实验等方法.对于问题解决能力的评估,可以进行课堂小测验、开放性物理实验、物理项目展示以及小组合作学习的评估.通过这些方法和评估手段,可以有效地培养和评估学生的问题解决能力.  相似文献   

如何根据网络工程专业的培养目标,对网络工程专业学生的能力进行客观、公正地评估,如何根据网络工程专业培养方案和课程体系,对网络工程专业的教学成效进行验证,是各学校面临的一个棘手而又必须解决的问题。本文对网络工程专业能力评估方法进行了研究与探讨。  相似文献   

协作问题解决能力是人工智能时代学习者必备的高阶能力之一,开展相关评估工作有助于培养学生的协作问题解决能力。文章对基于计算机的协作问题解决能力评估的典型研究与项目进行回顾,从评估框架、工具和方法三个方面对影响评估工作科学性和有效性的关键问题进行剖析,并针对性地提出发展建议,以期为后续评估工作改进提供参考:(1)遵循“理论突围—应用牵引—数据循证”的评估思路;(2)基于“聚焦个体—精进小组”的视角丰富评估信息;(3)坚持“适度协作支架—平衡同伴影响”的原则设计评估工具;(4)面向“智能采集—精准分类”实现丰富协作情境下多模态数据的自动化编码;(5)纳入“语境、时序、语义、社会文化等因素”自动分析会话数据质性特征;(6)结合“多维—交互”特征探索新的测量模型。  相似文献   

“国际学生评估项目”(PISA)是经济合作与发展组织(OECD)为应答学生学业成绩的跨国比较研究需要而发动的,它着重评价青少年怎样在新的情境中运用知识和技能,即运用知识和技能迎接现实生活挑战的能力。“问题解决能力”的测评是2003年PISA评估中的附加内容,2012年再次把问题解决作为PISA评估项目之一。本文试图以OECD公布的PISA2012问题解决能力框架和方法、样题来反观我们的课堂,以期能为一线中小学教师的课堂教学提供一点思路和操作性建议。  相似文献   

立德树人,促进学生全面发展是新时代教育评价改革的宗旨,践行全面发展评价观基于学生全学习过程数据,为此需要借助信息技术实现对过程行为数据的自动采集和分析,提高评估的效率和准确性。该研究以协作问题解决能力为评估对象,探索信息技术创新评估工具的实践路径。在“评估三角”理论的指导下,首先从协作问题解决能力“多维-交互”的本质出发构建三维能力评估框架;其次,依托PSAA平台设计和开发基于过程数据流的协作问题解决能力自动化评估系统,实现集触发行为、采集行为、编码行为、推断能力和报告结果于一体的评估流程,并设计了对过程行为数据特别是会话内容质性特征的自动编码模型;最后,以B市140名初中生为实验对象验证了该评估系统的有效性、有用性和易用性。未来还需不断融合新理论和新技术改进和创新测评方法和工具,助推面向学生过程表现的核心素养评估的落地。  相似文献   

引言如何评估学生的阅读能力,这是语文教学中亟待解决的问题。学生所应具备的“阅读能力”究竟指的是一种什么样的能力?其评估的原则又是什么?如果这些问题不解决,恐怕我们将会继续在重“读”轻“写”、重“知”轻“能”这条语文教学的“死胡同”里徘徊。理解是阅读的中心环节,从语文教学的角度来说,阅读能力应该体现为对读物“内容”和“形式”两个方面的理解。由于阅读是一个相当复杂的思维活动过程,因此,阅读能力事实上为语言认读水平、语文知识水平、思想认识水平和语言领悟能力的一种综合反映,其内涵十分丰富。但针对学生的实…  相似文献   

阐述增值性评价的含义及其研究的历史背景、研究现状。基于生物学科能力测评框架开发测评工具,选取可参照对比的北京某市级示范高中高二年级和高三年级选考生物学的学生为研究对象进行测试,以生物学科关键能力的变化为指标对阶段性教学效果进行评估,测试结果反映了两组学生各项关键能力及能力要素的发展水平,能够评估教学给学生关键能力发展带来的“增量”。利用该方法分阶段进行测评,对于合理评估、优化改进教师的教和学生的学,都具有积极的参考价值,有助于提升学生的关键能力,进而促进学科核心素养的发展。  相似文献   

王娟 《考试周刊》2024,(16):84-87
在小学数学课堂中培养学生问题解决能力对学生的全面发展至关重要。文章首先阐述了提高学生问题解决能力的重要性和深远意义,接着定义了数学问题解决能力并将其分类。研究重点放在了小学数学课堂提高学生问题解决能力的策略上,包括问题解决式教学法、教师的示范与引导,以及强化练习和反馈。问题解决式教学法鼓励学生通过讨论和自主探索来解决问题,教师的示范与引导则帮助学生建立解决问题的模型和思路,而强化练习和反馈则确保学生能够通过不断的实践和教师的及时评价来精进其问题解决技能。文章最后提出了一个评价与反馈机制,以评估策略的实施效果,并据此进行调整。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查和听力试题研究了湖北某高校148名大学生英语听力自我评估的可靠性和有效性。结果显示:①学生能对自己的听力能力作出比较可靠、有效的评估,评估任务越具体,自我评估准确性越高;②学生对听力能力的自我评估受到自身英语语言水平的影响,语言水平越高则自我评价的可靠性就越高;③大多数学生对自我评估持肯定态度,认为自我评估有益于英语学习。  相似文献   

机械设计是机械工程类专业的核心课程。机械设计课程对学生工程实践能力的培养是学生具备解决复杂机械工程问题能力的重要一环。针对工程教育专业认证标准中学生解决复杂工程问题能力培养的需求,提出基于三级项目的机械设计课程学生工程实践能力培养方法,通过项目的实施,分别在机械零件设计能力、部件设计能力以及机器综合设计能力三个方面对学生进行培养,为提高学生解决复杂工程问题能力奠定基础。  相似文献   

问题解决内涵的重构——来自PISA的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内关于问题解决的探讨有很多,但并没有达成普遍共识。PISA2003的一大亮点就是第一次对15岁学生在问题解决项目中的表现做了深度考察,并对问题解决的内涵做了明确界定,有很强的可操作性,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

基于现代阅读认知理论,国际学生评估项目(PISA)以读者、 文本和任务为核心要素构建阅读素养框架,PISA2018的最新修订更是充分彰显了其促进学生未来发展的主旨,顺应数字信息化时代的努力以及强调在真实场景下对学生运用阅读认知策略解决实际问题能力的考查等导向特征.以其为鉴,我国阅读教学需拓展国际视野,实现从关注"阅读技...  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of classroom research exploring the potential of posing challenging mathematical problems situated in real-world financial contexts to activate mathematical knowledge, skills and reasoning. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 mathematical literacy assessment framework (OECD, 2013) provided theoretical framing for the study, which examined the use of a “financial dilemma” titled Shopping for shoes in a Year 5/6 composite class in a suburban Australian primary school. The social and mathematical dimensions of the task, together with a particular lesson structure, successfully engaged 10 to 12-year-old students in exploring mathematics through a financial problem-solving experience. The findings reveal that students’ notions of friendship and fairness guided the way they formulated the problem and employed mathematics. Strategies intended to encourage students to interpret the alignment and reasonableness of their social and mathematical thinking against the problem context were critical to the lesson.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a multi-level comparative approach to analyse Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS) and Programme of International Student Achievement (PISA) mathematics results for a country, Russia, where the two tests provide contradictory information about students’ relative performance. Russian students do relatively well on the TIMSS mathematics test but relatively poorly on the PISA. We compare the performance of Russian students with different levels of family academic resources over the past decade on these tests compared to students with similar family resources in Russia’s neighbours and to Russian students studying in Latvian and Estonian Russian-medium schools. These comparisons and interviews with educators in Latvia and Estonia help us understand why students in Russia may perform lower on the PISA and to draw education policy lessons for improving international test performance generally and Russian students’ PISA mathematics performance specifically.  相似文献   


The current study explores students’ collaboration and problem solving (CPS) abilities using a human-to-agent (H-A) computer-based collaborative problem solving assessment. Five CPS assessment units with 76 conversation-based items were constructed using the PISA 2015 CPS framework. In the experiment, 53,855 ninth and tenth graders in Taiwan were recruited, and a multidimensional item response analysis was used to develop CPS scales and represent the students’ collaboration and problem solving performance. The results show that the developed H-A approach is feasible for measuring students’ CPS skills, and the CPS scales are also shown to be reliable. In addition, the students’ CPS performance scores are further explored and discussed under the PISA CPS framework.  相似文献   

International comparative testing, such as the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), has considerable impact on policy-makers, the media and the general public. A central assumption underlying PISA is that global variation in students’ academic performance is attributable to national educational structures and policies. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the problematic nature of this assumption. Rather than critiquing it from the outside, we turn the tools, data and presumptions of the current discourse of international comparisons upon themselves, showing that this assumption is refuted by analysis of immigrant student test scores. Data from the PISA 2009 tests show that Chinese immigrant students in New Zealand and Australia achieve math scores that are more similar to those of students in Shanghai than to their non-immigrant Australian and New Zealand peers. Thus, cultural background appears to be more consequential for the educational attainment of Chinese immigrant students than exposure to the educational systems of Australia or New Zealand. We discuss limitations of our analysis, using them as basis to discuss the shortcomings of PISA more generally.  相似文献   

Recognising critical reasoning and problem-solving as one of the key skills for twenty-first century citizenship, various types of problem contexts have been practiced in science classrooms to enhance students’ understandings and use of evidence-based thinking and justification. Good problems need to allow students to adapt and evaluate the effectiveness of their knowledge, reasoning and problem-solving strategies. When students are engaged in complex and open-ended problem tasks, it is assumed their reasoning and problem-solving paths become complex with creativity and evidence in order to justify their conclusion and solutions. This study investigated the levels of reasoning evident in student discourse when engaging in different types of problem-solving tasks and the role of teacher interactions on students’ reasoning. Fifteen students and a classroom teacher in a Grade 5–6 classroom participated in this study. Through case analyses, the study findings suggest that (a) there was no clear co-relation between certain structures of problem tasks and the level of reasoning in students’ problem-solving discourse, (b) students exhibited more data-based reasoning than evidence-based and rule-based justification in experiment-based problem-solving tasks, and (c) teacher intervention supported higher levels of student reasoning. Pedagogical reflections on the difficulties of constructing effective problem-solving tasks and the need for developing teacher scaffolding strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

PISA2009上海项目,开启了用PISA监测我国义务教育质量的先河。继而有关学者主张,借鉴PISA建构我国的义务教育质量监测体系,以提供中国同世界上其他国家或地区间可比较的教育质量指标,从而为国家教育政策的制定和调整提供依据。然而,当我们将PISA移植于中国义务教育质量监测,并将其结果在国际上进行比较的时候,不可无视两个问题:一是学生生存质量问题;二是教育效率问题。前者关注:学生在教育过程中幸福感如何、承受的压力有多强、失去了多少原本不该失去的东西;后者关注:某一PISA成绩的取得,消耗了多少劳动,花费了多长时间。  相似文献   

PISA评价是目前世界上最有影响力的国际学生评价项目之一,它的突出特点是评价义务教育将近结束时学生学习的总结果.评价的内容主要是生活所需要的基本知识和技能:阅读素养、数学素养、科学素养以及问题解决能力.此外,还收集学生的学习态度、学习策略、家庭背景以及学校因素等影响学生表现的背景信息.PISA评价的结果具有高度的可比性、可信性和有效性,能为教育改革和发展提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

Today’s societies place challenging demands on individuals, who are confronted with complexity in many parts of their lives. What do these demands imply for key competencies that individuals need to acquire? Defining such competencies can improve assessments of how well prepared young people and adults are for life’s challenges, as well as identify overarching goals for education systems and lifelong learning. Why are competencies so important today? The PISA 2000 results underline the importance of student engagement. PISA found strong relationships between students’ attitudes, learning strategies and performance. In addition to skills related to specific parts of the school curriculum, students need to be equipped with some general competencies to solve life’s challenges. As they progress to adulthood, they need to learn to be able to complete not just pre-rehearsed exercises, but must also be able to solve problems set in unfamiliar situations by thinking flexibly and pragmatically. PISA 2003 therefore made a first-time assessment of students’ problem-solving skills. Findings revealed that just under one in five 15-year-olds in OECD countries are ‘reflective, communicative problem solvers’ able to tackle difficult tasks and also just under one in five students have problem-solving skills that cannot even be classified as ‘basic problem solvers’. What could be the basic problem and what resolution can be sought for? There are several examples in learning theory that suggests promises which need to be revisited. Barr and Tagg [From teaching to learning. Change. November/December pp. 13–25. Retrieved June 15, 2006 from http://critical.tamucc.edu/~blalock/readings/tch2learn.htm, 1995] defined the differences of paradigms in terms of learning theory comparing the notions of ‘teaching’ and that of ‘learning’, obviously expressing preferences to the later for its more in-depth effect on the learner. One of the main learner-centric approaches providing adequate positive results is problem based learning (PBL). This paper revisits the pedagogic theory behind PBL and examines it through a practical case study of a TeaM challenge game [TeaM challenge games: http://kihivas.ini.hu] with respect to its value in teacher education. It will concentrate on issues centred around:
  • Traces of use of higher order thinking skills—according to Bloom’s taxonomy.
  • Pedagogic pre-assumptions (designer’s side): requirements for design and supposed impact of students and teachers.
  • Assignment within teacher training (training side): as the task of setting up such game is performed within Informatics teacher training at ELTE University and games were launched into public education.
  • Pedagogic realities (facilitator’s side): how the teachers at a specific participant school viewed their role, the game, its impact and pedagogic value, its role in fulfilling the National Curriculum and its benefit for students.
  • Indirect impact (staff’s side): how the game has affected the whole staff at school and what impact it had of the attitude of teachers.
  • Results (evaluator’s side): how the game was evaluated in several ways and what new methods it has introduced into public education.

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