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高跟鞋-步态-损伤之生物力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高跟鞋状态下的“足一鞋”生物力学研究已引起学界和业界的高度重视。文章在综合国内外研究文献的基础上,系统总结了高跟鞋状态下的步态特征及运动损伤之生物力学机理,并对高跟鞋及由此引发的运动损伤等研究热点进行了探讨。高跟鞋状态的步态特征表现为鞋跟高度增加会使足底压力发生重新分配即足前掌压力增大、足后掌压力减小。高跟鞋运动损伤的研究表明穿着高跟鞋不仅能引发足部疾病,还可引发腰背疼痛、应力性骨折、骨关节炎等疾病。预计对不同跟高进行的高敏度研究及高跟鞋对上肢乃至全身骨骼肌肉系统影响的生物力学研究都将成为高跟鞋状态的未来研究趋势。  相似文献   

周倩 《当代体育科技》2020,(11):34-34,36
目的:本实验通过测量在赤脚、平底鞋及10cm高跟鞋3种条件下,女性步态的特征,分析不同鞋子对足部及步态的影响。方法:使用G-WALK三维步态分析系统进行赤脚、平底鞋及10cm高跟鞋条件下的行走转身实验,测量其不同鞋子下步速、步长及步态周期。结果:本实验得出穿10cm高跟鞋时行走的步态特征是步速慢,步长变短,周期长。结论:因此长期穿高跟鞋对女性下肢及步态影响较大,会对身体造成伤害,建议少穿或者不穿高跟鞋。  相似文献   

高跟鞋对青年女性平衡能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从生物力学角度,探讨不同高度高跟鞋对青年女性静态平衡能力的影响,旨在为女性减少高跟鞋损伤提供参考。  相似文献   

篮球运动是一项激烈的运动,在篮球运动过程中,经常出现足部损伤的情况。本文在综合相关文献的基础上分析篮球运动中足部损伤现状,结合运动损伤机理,对足部运动损伤的原因进行分析,并在此基础上提出运动损伤的预防对策。  相似文献   

运动员足部损伤非常多见,除足部软组织损伤、骨折、脱臼外,我们自1975年以来陆续观察到一种骰骨综合症,又称骰骨外伤性错位,这种损伤国内尚未见有文献报导,它是足部损伤中一种独立的疾病,但目前在运动员中对这种足部外伤并不认识,往往当作是一种足背部软组织损伤,而被忽视。对此症如果不及时进行整复治疗就不易好转,在足部其它软组织损伤痊愈后,足背部疼痛仍较明显,足不能着力下地,走不平的路就痛,严重影响运动员参加训练,比赛。如果及时  相似文献   

运动员足部损伤非常多见,除足部软组织损伤、骨折、脱(?)外,我们自1975年以来陆续观察到一种骰骨综合症,又称骰骨外伤性错位。这种损伤国内尚未见有文献报道,它是足部损伤中一种独立的疾病,但目前在运动员中对这种足部外伤并不认识,往往当作是一种足背部软组织损伤,而被忽视。对此症如果不及时进行整复治疗就不易好转,在足部其它软组织损伤痊愈后,足背部疼痛仍较明显,足不能着力下地,走不平,并痛,严重影响运动员参加训练、比赛;如果及时发现整复治疗则可以获得显著效果。现在我们将七年来临床所见的  相似文献   

1 病例报告 胡×,女,1972年生,1985年开始短跑训练。1989年冬训期间,感觉左足疼痛,后蹬时加剧。左足部偶有松动感及交锁,调整训练后症状减轻。不能穿高跟鞋。检查:左足背肿胀,左平距足Ⅳ°,付舟骨,距舟关节压痛,内外翻痛,提踵痛。X线片显示左足舟骨脱钙,不均匀密度增加,多个小囊样变,关节间隙正常。经加强足部小肌肉力量训练调整训练量后症状缓解。  相似文献   

双足是全身重量的支撑点,日常活动和体育运动大都离不开足部的参与,运动中的许多动作,都是通过足部与地面之间的相互作用来实现的。正是因为足部活动多、承受的负荷大,所以它也是运动损伤发生率很高的部位之一。在田径运动中,足跟脂肪垫的损伤是比较常见的一种损伤,对运动员的日常生活、训练和比赛都会造成很大的影响。因此,了解足跟脂肪垫损伤的原因、临床表现以及有效的治疗方法和预防措施,对于广大教练员和运动员都是十分重要和必要的。  相似文献   

足部动力学测量可反映人体运动中足和支持面间的力学状态.在人体各种姿态运动生物力学研究中,由足部动力学测量获取的信息,对于下肢问题的诊断,运动鞋的设计,损伤的预防和其他应用都是非常重要的,进而使足部动力学测试系统成为了运动生物力学研究的得力工具.文章较完善地总结了近期国内外研究文献对于足部动力学测试系统及应用情况,探讨了目前系统的优劣以及无线足部动力学测试系统的前景.  相似文献   

体育和师范院校体育系科的学生、运动员和剧团的武功演员,足部软组织损伤、骨折、脱臼非常多见,近几年来,我们在教学训练中发现多次骰骨错位损伤病例。这种损伤文献资料介绍不多,它是足部损伤的独特病症,往往不为人所注意,一般当作足背软组织损伤而被忽视,如不及时治疗,肿胀不消,疼痛不除,将会严重影响学生生活、学习和训练比赛。如能及时发现,整复治疗则可收到显著的疗效。  相似文献   

为了对慢跑鞋的舒适性进行评价以及对不足进行改进提供参考.通过问卷调查法对测试鞋的舒适性进行主观评价,并借助红外光点运动分析系统和足底压力测试系统等生物力学测试方法,分别对在自然行走和慢跑两种状态下下肢步态的一些运动力学指标进行测试与研究.结果表明:测试鞋宽度和长度的合脚性较好;测试鞋的缓冲支持性能稍差;男女测试鞋在弓部舒适性及足底压强的表现存在差异.  相似文献   

武术--奥运会的新嫁衣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了入奥而对中国武术肆意删改不会促进武术的健康发展,任何单纯为了某一种传播方式而去“削足适履”的做法都只能让中国武术的发展道路越走越窄。都是不可取的。  相似文献   

There are differences in ground reaction force when wearing soccer boots compared with training shoes on a natural turf surface. Two natural-turf-covered force platforms, located outdoors in a field, allowed comparison of performance when six-studded soccer boots and soccer training shoes were worn during straight fast running (5.4 m s-1 ± 0.27 m s-1) and slow running (4.4 ms-1 ± 0.22 m s-1). Six male soccer players (mean age: 25 ± 4.18 years; mean mass 79.7 ±9.32 kg) struck the first platform with the right foot and the second platform with the left foot. In fast running, the mean vertical impact peak was significantly greater in soccer boots (2.706 BW) than in training shoes (2.496 BW) when both the right and left foot were considered together and averaged (P = 0.003). Similarly, the mean vertical impact peak loading rate was greater when wearing soccer boots at 26.09 BWs-1 compared to training shoes (21.32 BWs-1;P = 0.002). Notably, the mean vertical impact peak loading rate of the left foot (boots: 28.07 BWs-1; shoes: 22.52 BWs-1) was significantly greater than the right foot (boots: 24.11 BWs-1; shoes: 20.11 BWs-1) in both boots and shoes (P = 0.018). The braking force was greater for the left foot (P = 0.013). In contrast, mean peak vertical propulsion forces were greater for the right foot (P > 0.001) when either soccer boots or training shoes were considered. Similar significant trends were evident in slow running, and, notably, in both soccer boots and training shoes medial forces were greater for the left foot (P = 0.008) and lateral forces greater for the right foot (P = 0.011). This study showed the natural turf ground reaction force measurement system can highlight differences in footwear in an ecological environment. Greater forces and impact loading rates occurred during running activity in soccer boots than in training shoes, with soccer boots showing reduced shock attenuation at impact. Such findings may have implications for impact-related injuries with sustained exposure, especially on harder natural-turf surfaces. There were differences in the forces occurring at the right and left feet with the ground, thus suggesting the use of bipedal monitoring of ground reaction forces.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis prospective study explored the effects of endurance running (ER) in minimal versus standard running shoes on the foot's superficial layer intrinsic muscles and the function of the longitudinal arch. Our hypothesis was that running in minimal shoes would cause hypertrophy in these muscles and lead to higher, stronger, stiffer arches.MethodsThe hypothesis was tested using a sample of 33 healthy runners randomized into two groups, a control group shod in traditional running footwear and an experimental group shod in minimal support footwear, whose feet were scanned in an MRI before and after a 12-week training regime. Running kinematics as well as arch stiffness and height were also assessed before and after the treatment period.ResultsAnalysis of anatomical cross-sectional areas and muscle volumes indicate that the flexor digitorum brevis muscle became larger in both groups by 11% and 21%, respectively, but only the minimally shod runners had significant areal and volumetric increases of the abductor digiti minimi of 18% and 22%, respectively, and significantly increased longitudinal arch stiffness (60%).ConclusionThese results suggest that endurance running in minimal support footwear with 4 mm offset or less makes greater use of the spring-like function of the longitudinal arch, thus leading to greater demands on the intrinsic muscles that support the arch, thereby strengthening the foot.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether individuals responded uniquely to three different pairs of tennis shoes that differed only in midsole hardness. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected while the subjects (n = 3) performed a stereotyped lateral movement wearing each of the three pairs of tennis shoes. The results were analysed statistically for each subject separately. Variables were identified as discriminators between shoes for individual subjects based upon the results of separate discriminant analyses. After these analyses, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used for each subject to determine whether the discriminator variables differed significantly between shoes. A scoring system was devised that used the results of the MANOVA to assign scores to shoes for each variable. Cumulative scores for shoes (for each subject) were compared to determine which shoe was best for a subject. The results indicated that each subject responded uniquely to the shoes, and each demonstrated a preference for a particular pair of shoes. A need for single-subject designs exists when evaluating variations in athletic shoes.  相似文献   

运动鞋研究概况和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对运动鞋进行了分类,介绍运动鞋研究的国内外发展概况、运动鞋理论研究和科研新进展,归纳运动鞋8方面的性能要求。并对今后我国开展运动鞋研发的必要性及内容提出初步见解。  相似文献   

运动鞋性能指标及测试方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过查阅、分析大量有关运动鞋性能的文献资料,根据可借鉴的数据和方法理论,结合运动鞋的物理性质,阐述了运动鞋性能指标测试的目的和意义,确定运动鞋性能指标(防滑性能、减震性能、透气性能、鞋内材料吸放湿性能、鞋底厚度与体重的关系、鞋尖翘度等)的测试原理以及测试方法.对其发展趋势作了预测;为运动鞋性能检测方法的研究和测试提供参考,并为研究和制订国家运动鞋业的行业标准提供科学理论依据。  相似文献   


Ultra-cushioning (ULTRA) shoes are new to the running shoe market. Several studies have evaluated kinematics and kinetics while running in ULTRA shoes, however it remains unknown how such shoes influence joint coordination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate lower extremity coordination and coordination variability when running in minimalist (MIN), traditional (NEUT) and ULTRA shoes. Fifteen runners ran for ten minutes in each shoe type. Coordination patterns and coordination variability were assessed for rearfoot-tibia, rearfoot-knee, and tibia-knee couplings using a modified vector coding method during early, mid, and late stance periods. During late stance ULTRA shoes resulted in more antiphase coordination than MIN (p =.036) or NEUT (p =.047) shoes and less in-phase coordination than MIN (p =.048) or NEUT (p =.013) shoes. During late stance there was also more proximal phase rearfoot-knee coordination in ULTRA shoes than in either MIN (p =.039) or NEUT (p =.005) shoes and less in-phase coordination in ULTRA shoes than in NEUT shoes (p =.006). There were no differences in coordination variability between shoes during any phase. The differences in coordination may have implications for tissue loading and injury development when running in ULTRA shoes..  相似文献   

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