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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):233-255

This article is a selective annotated list of print and electronic sources that provide information on Native Americans and the United States Government. While most of these are issued by the federal agencies, there are also some commercially published works that cover government resources or describe and interpret federal activities. The bibliography is arranged in broad subject areas; headings include finding tools, federal policy, federal laws and regulations, treaties, statistics, history and culture, and contemporary issues.  相似文献   

The federal government's war on terrorism has heightened understanding and appreciation of the many facets of electronic government. Electronic government is used as a resource in the war on terrorism, helping to prevent and prepare for attacks. It might also prove useful in recovering from attacks. Unfortunately, e-government itself is a likely target for terrorists. Cyber intrusions into government Web sites and damage to, or destruction of, infrastructure, whether a computer system or an electrical grid that supplies power, could impair e-government. E-government is also attractive as a potential target for the information it provides, information that enemies of the United States could use in identifying weaknesses and planning attacks. While the Bush Administration has developed a comprehensive policy, based on a market model, for facilitating the use and effectiveness of e-government, its approach to e-government security, particularly in the area of Web content, has been ad hoc. Soon after the September 11, 2001, attacks, federal agencies began scrubbing their Web sites, an effort that has implications for the notion, and practice, of having a well-informed citizenry.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):139-162

The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science published recommendations for a national information policy in 1976, and concerns regarding the protection of privacy and equal public access to online information were introduced. From the mid 1970s to the early 1990s, federal government agencies were beginning to publish materials and maintain records electronically. Most current U.S. government information was available on the Internet by the late 1990s, and depository libraries were required to provide workstations that would facilitate access to documents. Documents librarians, already concerned with the lack of attention to archiving online federal information, were provided with an example of the vulnerability of online publications in the early 2000s when federal agency Web sites were made inaccessible-quickly and easily. The possibility that too much government information was available to anyone with access to the Internet was becoming a national concern. Using government documents as resources, this article retraces the events that were occurring in federal government agencies during the movement of government information to the Internet.  相似文献   

The exponential growth of federal Websites is outpacing federal information management policy guidelines. Federal Websites are potentially rich information resources, and the Web may well become the preeminent channel for disseminating federal information. Legitimate policy issues associated with the use of this new information dissemination channel should be assessed. This article provides an overview of information policy issues which affect federal Websites and introduces assessment techniques which federal Website designers and administrators could use to evaluate the design and management of their Web-based information resources.  相似文献   

In June 1993, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget issued a formal revision to OMB Circular No. A-130, Management of Federal Information Resources. This article examines what has changed and what has remained the same in Circular A-130 as compared with the original circular issued in December 1985. The 1993 revision changed principally those parts of the circular dealing with information management policy. It added new materials on the role of state and local governments and on records management. It eliminated most of the language concerning OMB Circular No. A-76. and provided clearer direction with respect to user charges. The 1993 revision contained new emphases on planning, information dissemination management systems, electronic collection and dissemination of information, depository libraries, and enforcement. In September 1993, OMB also proposed new revisions concerning federal information technology management. The article concludes that the revised Circular A-130 has come a long way toward being a viable framework for managing federal information resources.  相似文献   

In the United States, a number of federal laws establish requirements that electronic government (e-government) information and services be accessible to individuals with disabilities. These laws affect e-government Web sites at the federal, state, and local levels. To this point, research about the accessibility of e-government Web sites has tended to focus on compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Though Section 508 has the most specific guidelines regarding Web site accessibility, it is hardly the only law establishing accessibility requirements for e-government Web sites, and Section 508 does not apply to many sites that may be required to be accessible by other laws. Until assessment of the accessibility of e-government Web sites accounts for all of the relevant laws, the understanding of levels of accessibility and compliance will be incomplete. This article examines the entire spectrum of federal laws that create legal requirements for accessible e-government Web sites, analyzing the accessibility requirements that the laws establish and the ways in which each of the laws applies to an e-government Web site. This article also suggests research areas that should be included in future assessments to address the entire range of laws related to the accessibility of e-government Web sites. The issues raised in this article have significant relevance to the design and development of e-government, to the assessment of e-government information and services, and to the inclusion in e-government of the 54 million individuals in the United States with disabilities.  相似文献   

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires federal e-government Web sites to be accessible to persons with disabilities. While some studies have assessed the accessibility of federal e-government sites, most of these studies did not sufficiently examine the breadth and depth of issues related to Web site accessibility. This article details a multi-method, user-centered study of the accessibility of federal e-government sites that addresses the complexities of accessibility and the reasons for continued inaccessibility on federal e-government sites. By employing policy analysis, user testing, expert testing, automated testing, and a survey of federal Web developers, this study provides a multi-dimensional, user-centered portrait of the levels of accessibility of federal e-government Web sites, reasons for the current levels of accessibility, and perceptions about accessibility. This article discusses the legal requirements of accessibility, the previous research, and the data and findings of this study, and ultimately offers recommendations for increasing federal e-government Web site compliance with Section 508.  相似文献   

In June 1996, the Government Printing Office (GPO) published a plan for its transition to a more electronic Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). This plan assumes that federal information policy requires that the FDLP provide permanent public access to remotely-accessible electronic government information products and indicates that such access will be provided through a network of partnerships comprised of the GPO, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), federal agencies, and FDLP libraries. GPO has established its first library partnership in this FDLP network with the University of Chicago at Illinois' Richard J. Daley Library and the Department of State (DOS) to ensure that DOS materials will be available for permanent public access through the FDLP. To extend the partnership network to publishing agencies, a partnership has been arranged with the Department of Energy (DOE) to ensure direct FDLP access to technical reports maintained on a DOE World Wide Web site.  相似文献   

The unique three-way partnership formed by the University of Illinois at Chicago’s federal depository library, the U.S. State Department, and the Government Printing Office (GPO) to deliver and preserve foreign policy information through servers housed at the University’s library offers some critical insights into the assumptions and policies of the GPO’s Federal Depository Library Program. Ultimately, the Internet’s explosive growth, combined with powerful graphical interfaces of the major Web browsers, undermines several recently enacted laws that attempt to standardize (or centralize) effective information resource management within the federal government. Not only has GPO steadily lost political and economic support over the last decade from both legislative and executive leaders for its production and distribution programs, many agencies now consider their “.gov Webspaces” the natural successors to the GPO and its depository library program. As a result, a new model of government information distribution is being forged within the highly decentralized and interactive environment of the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

This article reports on a national survey of information literacy (IL) instruction in urban and rural public libraries in Canada and public librarians' attitudes towards these services. The survey is the first phase of a study exploring the actual and potential role of Canadian public libraries in developing the public's IL skills. Despite an urgent need to develop such skills, and expectations that public libraries fulfill that role (specifically articulated by the federal government through its “Connecting Canadians” initiative), the real experiences of public librarians and of public library customers may not bear out this expectation. The survey analyzes the role of the public library, as a non-profit institution and primary stakeholder, in advancing federal government information policy. In addition, the study gives voice to a community of professionals expected to fulfill an important federal policy function, but provided with few resources with which to do so.  相似文献   

Web usage statistics: Measurement issues and analytical techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The number of federal agencies creating and maintaining electronic networked resources continues to increase. One networked resource federal agencies are increasingly using is the World Wide Web (Web). As government use of the Web rises, so too does the need for assessing the extent and nature of public use of agency Web sites. One means of Web use evaluation is through the analysis of Web server-generated log files. This article presents various log file analysis techniques and issues related to the interpretation of log file data.  相似文献   

Congress passed the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) in 1980. Intended to ensure that the federal government carefully managed information and to reduce the burden of information collection on the American public, it has arguably failed to do either. This article uses a simple analysis of the benefits and costs of the Act to evaluate possible directions for reform. The implementation of the PRA has resulted in the misallocation of government resources. Far too much time is spent at the Office of Management and Budget and at agencies reviewing collections and soliciting input on thousands of information collections that are routine and unchanging. If this time was cut back, both OMB and agencies could devote more time to new information collections that have methodological issues and significant policy impacts. Agencies and OMB could also devote more time to tying information collection to information management as the authors of the PRA initially intended.  相似文献   

OMB A-130     
The Federal Office of Management and Budget issued its Circular A-130, "Management of Federal Information Resources" in December 1985. The Circular marked a continuation of the Reagan Administration's effort to systematically reduce the flow of information from the federal government. The impact of thc Circular is discussed both in terms of its effect on federal government information gathering and reporting programs, and the reference service offered by libraries.  相似文献   

Going Local     
《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(94):257-276

The United States federal government provides an increasing amount of state local environmental information via the Internet. This proliferation of information provides libraries of all types and sizes with service opportunities. An informed citizenry can contribute to the debate on environmental policy. The article identifies key sites that can be useful in providing local environmental information.  相似文献   

For more than a century, federal depository libraries and the Government Printing Office (GPO) have acted as partners to provide permanent access to government information in tangible media. These partnerships have evolved in the last few years. Built on a century of tradition, new partnerships offer permanent access to electronic files of federal agencies published in nontangible media. This article describes one partnership to store and provide access to the electronic files of agencies that have ceased operation. As the only Web contact for an agency, unique challenges arose when historical publications were frequently requested. Digitized historical publications, bibliographies, and an agency history enhance services for researchers.  相似文献   


World Wide Web technology has reached the highest levels of U.S. government. Many changes are taking place at the federal level of government. Every cabinet level agency has a homepage and subordinate agencies are making gains in this new technology on a daily basis. This article highlights the web sites of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. Well known government publications which are found in any traditional government documents reference collection are noted and recommended for both bookmarking and local web site development. The downside of electronic access is discussed as well.  相似文献   

This article examines, in detail, the history and process of formulation and implementation of information policy in Canada during the period of 1970 through 1994. The sometimes tenuous working relationship of the Canadian federal government and the electronic information industry is discussed. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics and consequences of Crown copyright. The financial environment in which the industry operates is viewed in the context of government policy and suggestions are made as to how those policies might be changed to favor the industry. Also, considered are recent developments—the 1992 National Information Summit, the Stentor alliance, plans for a national information highway, and CANARIE.  相似文献   

Managed care reform, commonly referred to as "patients' rights" legislation, has become a hot topic. Many groups, including consumers, health care professionals, employers, managed care organizations, political parties, and government agencies, have strong opinions about measures that should be taken and what the outcomes of these measures might be. Those investigating this multidisciplinary topic will want to examine health care administration, ethics, health services research, and political science sources. Web resources covered in this article include: clearinghouses; government agencies; federal legislative and legal sites; and home pages of professional and trade associations, policy research institutes, and consumer advocacy organizations.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effectiveness of New Zealand government Web sites in providing equitable and appropriate access to government information to all citizens. A range of government Web sites was evaluated, and visitors to approximately half of these sites were surveyed to determine their perceptions of the effectiveness of the sites. Results show that there are several key issues for the government to address in formulating effective policy for government Web sites. These include the need for: a clear statement of purpose; good meta-data; good contacts for feedback and update of information; clear statements and adequate provision for confidentiality and privacy of personal data, liability, and copyright; access for disabled users; availability of publications in both electronic and print formats. Key issues to emerge from the user survey focus on the need for better search engines, indexes, and site maps to help people find out quickly if the information they are wanting is likely to be there, and to locate it. Users also need to be assured that the information on government Web sites is accurate and up-to-date. The authors concluded that there is a major gap in government policy emerging from this research that needs urgently to be addressed.  相似文献   

The National Technical Information Service’s development of the FedWorld Internet site, the Library of Congress’s development of THOMAS, and the Government Printing Office’s development of CBDnet illustrate the many forces impacting federal government information dissemination in the 1990s. These forces include budgeting, congressional inconsistency, technology, political agendas, and competition. While information dissemination policy discussion and legislation, including the American Technology Preeminence Act of 1991 (the foundation for FedWorld) and the Government Printing Office Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 1993 (the foundation for GPO Access) aim to provide comprehensiveness and single point access to government information, the actual products developed show little coordination or cooperation among agencies. The products are agency driven, and provide multiple points of access. This highly decentralized information reality reflects the decentralized nature of the federal government itself. The reality is removed, however, from the goals of a singularly consistent federal government information dissemination policy.  相似文献   

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