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The present study investigated the effects of an inductive reasoning training program for teaching children (Klauer, 1989b). The experiment assessed the effects of training and the range of transfer of the training achieved. The subjects were 34 third-grade primary school children of average ability. The children were matched on age, sex, and IQ. Children from the training condition (N = 17) received a 1-week course of training (five 30-min sessions). The results demonstrated a significant, positive training effect on childrens′ performance of inductive reasoning tasks. A near-far transfer was observed, i.e., children were able to solve tasks in which they had not been trained. These effects persisted for 4 months. Far-far transfer, however, was not observed, because the children were not able to solve mathematics problems which relate to inductive reasoning, in which they had received no training. Implications for training children within the context of regular schools and the range of transfer are discussed.  相似文献   

归纳法不等于归纳推理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在归纳逻辑中归纳法和归纳推理始终没有明确的界限 ,有人把两者看成是同一关系的概念 ,有人把两者看成是包含关系的概念。本文的观点是归纳法不等于归纳推理  相似文献   

This experiment studied the separate effects on student achievement and time on-task of three components of the team learning technique, Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD): cooperative rewards, group tasks, and a focused schedule of instruction. The subjects were 336 fourth and fifth grade students in 14 classes who studied language mechanics for nine weeks in one of five treatments. The results of a curriculum-specific achievement test and behavioral observation of time on-task indicated significantly greater performance in cooperative than traditional reward structures, but significantly lower performance in group than individual task structures. The focused schedule was found to be an important component of STAD in increasing academic achievement.  相似文献   

本文联系中学数学实际,根据形式逻辑学原理,阐明了完全归纳推理和分情况证明是两种不同的推理论证方法,不能混淆.  相似文献   

归纳推理研究中存在着一个非常重要的现象:前提数目的增加对归纳推理强度的影响,即单调性效应和非单调性效应。单调性效应和非单调性效应既是归纳推理理论模型的具体阐释,也是其理论基础和源泉。但是由于对归纳推理这个概念的界定不一以及归纳推理任务的选择标准不同,已有的许多研究并非标准的归纳推理研究,夹杂着其他如演绎推理、类比推理等心理成分,其研究结论值得商榷。采用标准的归纳推理任务研究结果表明,单调性效应与非单调性效应的出现同前提与结论之间的类属关系有关。  相似文献   

推理任务中的工作记忆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推理是人类思维的一种重要形式。工作记忆的负荷是影响推理任务正确性和速度的重要因素。研究者一般采用三种推理任务作为研究对象。发现工作记忆有三种成分,各种成分对推理任务有不同的作用。人们在推理时形成了相应的推理策略,以便减轻工作记忆的负荷。根据不同的问题情境,人们会采取不同的推理策略。  相似文献   

归纳推理的影响因素不同于归纳推理的心理效应。影响个体归纳推理能力的因素主要包括:知识经验。工作记忆的大小,个性特征。对归纳推理的脑机制研究主要从两方面来进行,即对脑损伤病人的研究和神经影像学研究。通过对当前归纳推理中的神经影像学研究的综述发现与归纳推理有关的大脑部位主要是左侧前额叶背外侧部(BA8/9),但是已有的归纳推理的脑机制研究还很贫乏,而且存在很多的不足,加强这一领域的研究有着十分深远的意义。  相似文献   

数学归纳推理是通过观察和组合特殊事例的量性特征来发现一类事物的量化模式的创造性思维活动过程.数学归纳推理需经历5个基本的认知阶段——"归纳五看":个别的看、重复的看、想象的看、抽象的看和一般的看,每一个阶段都由其独特的思维模式与相应的量化模式构成."归纳五看"构成了归纳推理的认知连续体,每一个阶段都以前一个阶段为基础,并且是对前一个阶段的超越.教学中要充分利用数学归纳推理的层次性、探究性、开放性和经验性,引导学生积累丰富完整的归纳活动经验.  相似文献   

儿童在归纳推理中是否遵循多样性原则,表现出多样性效应,这个问题一直存在争论。在Lopez等、Gutheil等和李富洪等的研究中,小于9岁儿童的归纳推理不遵循多样性原则。Heit等的研究中,5岁儿童却表现出了一定的多样性效应。而Lo等更是基于贝叶斯模型,提出了用前提概率与论断力度的关系(即ppp)来衡量儿童运用多样性信息的能力。事实上,儿童归纳推理多样性效应的争论是由推理范畴的不同所引起,一种是涉及生物概念范畴,另一种是涉及人格特质概念范畴。在人格特质概念范畴中,可以运用心理理论、人格特质与行为之间稳定的关系,以及共变原则的归因促进儿童对前提多样性信息的运用。  相似文献   

The results of two evaluation studies with respect to a programme for enhancing inductive reasoning ability of third grade students are presented. The programme is a classroom version of the German programme ‘Denktraining für Kinder 1’ (Cognitive training for children; Klauer, 1989). In the first formative evaluation study, two experimental groups with 30 students in total and one control group with 9 students were involved. Observations during the lessons, and teachers' reports showed that teachers were able to implement the programme. Both experimental groups significantly outperformed the control group on a posttest immediately after the programme and on a follow-up test 3 1/2 months later. Further analyses of the data revealed tentative evidence of the superiority of a direct teaching method. In the second summative evaluation study, the same programme was applied to a larger sample (experimental groups: n = 99 in total; and control groups: n = 232 in total) of third grade students. On the basis of Study 1, the programme instructions were slightly changed. The experimental groups scored significantly higher on a posttest three months after completion of the programme.  相似文献   

数学归纳推理的认知过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对归纳推理的研究,一直是人类关注的重要课题之一.采用口语报告法对数学归纳推理的认知过程进行实证研究的结果表明:学生的归纳加工一般是按照定向→识别→转化的顺序进行的,不同学生在归纳加工的层次上、元认知的活动及策略的选择上存在差异.  相似文献   

This article addresses 3 broad challenges of assessment in reading comprehension: (a) explicitly articulating the knowledge and skills students need to recognize and be able to use in comprehending complex texts; (b) understanding how knowledge and skills progress and successively deepen and develop over repeated opportunities to engage in tasks that require critical thinking and interpretation; and (c) how to approach text selection and sequencing. The article examines these challenges in terms of discipline specific comprehension, specifically in the domain of response to literature. It further illustrates how these discipline specific assessment challenges are taken up in Project READI in the design of authentic assessments of literary reasoning.  相似文献   

中学生数学归纳推理的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
发展学生的归纳推理能力是数学课程的重要目标.初中生数学归纳推理的发展状况为:信息表征的类型随着知识量的增加而增加;归纳猜想随年级的升高而呈现缓慢增长趋势;假设检验随年级的增长并不显著;归纳推理与演绎推理在各年级中的发展不均衡.因此,在教学中加强归纳推理的教育与心理研究是十分必要也是刻不容缓的.  相似文献   

本文研究了一般归纳推理与非单调推理的合理性问题。借助于归纳推理的局部合理性推论,本文修正了常见非单调逻辑的推理模式,从而提出了一种新的在演绎框架下实现归纳推理的形式方法。  相似文献   

Sun  Yuqi  Shi  Aike  Zhao  Wenbo  Yang  Yumeng  Li  Baike  Hu  Xiao  Shanks  David R.  Yang  Chunliang  Luo  Liang 《Educational Psychology Review》2022,34(3):1679-1707
Educational Psychology Review - Observing category exemplars in an interleaved manner is more beneficial for inductive learning than blocked (massed) presentation, a phenomenon termed the...  相似文献   

在小学数学教学过程中,培养学生的归纳推理能力十分必要,对小学生创新意识和数学素养的养成具有重要作用。因而,归纳推理在教学中应受到重视,教师应结合学生在各阶段的发展特点,有计划、有目的地培养学生的归纳推理能力。  相似文献   

"证据离事实究竟有多远?"这是几百年来证据学上提出的一个难题.英美"新证据法学"给出了一个令人惊喜的答案,它应用概率理论,对证据进行科学的数理分析.这在国内仍然是一种对证据进行量化的新方法,它通过概率公式运算得出具体的数值,以解决事实的盖然性问题.这样概率理论就为证据与事实之间筑起了一座坚固的桥梁.同时,这也为司法证明提供了一种可操作的模式.在概率逻辑兴起的背景下,本文旨在评析司法证明中的概率理论作用,并为其进一步发展提出可行性建议.  相似文献   

儿童在对人的行为进行归纳推理时是否遵循多样性原则,是否受到了其他认知因素的影响?本研究采用归纳推理多样性效应的范式,分析了4-5岁、6-7岁、8岁、9岁儿童和成人在对人的行为进行推理时表现出多样性效应的发展趋势。结果表明,6-7岁、8岁、9岁和成人表现出了多样性效应,并且9岁儿童运用多样性信息的能力已达到成人水平。但6-7岁和8岁儿童的多样性表现与成人仍有显著差别。从发展趋势上,对年龄、属性特征外显性和人格特质理解等因素的影响进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

儿童归纳推理基础研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
婴幼儿归纳推理能力应建立在什么基础上,近二十年来学术界对此问题基本上持有两种观点:基于表面知觉特征和基于概念特质,而且支持后一种观点的证据日渐增多。  相似文献   

归纳推理能力是个体认知能力的核心要素之一.幼儿归纳推理能力的发展在幼儿各种认知能力的形成与发展过程中起着重要作用.有关幼儿归纳推理的研究,目前主要有相似性覆盖模型(SCM)、基于特征的归纳模型(FBIM)、标签属性模型(LAAM),以及基于结构的归纳模型(SBIM).这些模型阐述了幼儿归纳推理的原理与规律.然而,由于对归纳推理的界定不一,以及在研究方法上的局限性,这些理论模型仍然存在着很多值得商榷的问题.  相似文献   

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