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高新技术产品差异化市场营销战略初探   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
范钧 《科学学研究》2004,22(5):517-521
首先从市场定位、市场细分和市场生命周期三个角度论述了高新技术产品差异化市场营销战略的作用机制,然后引入了差异化矢量和战略关键点这两个重要概念和战略分析工具,最后从实施策略、实施误区、可持续性及其与成本领先战略的相关性四个方面对差异化战略的具体实施做了较深入的分析。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an improved passivity-based control (PBC) technique to provide accurate coordination between AC and DC sides of a grid-tied AC/DC hybrid microgrid. The proposed PBC is based on the passive properties of the system and the energy exchange between the subsystems. To this end, three mathematical formulations for the converters are driven in the first step. Then, using the formulations, the impedance injection is applied to shape the error dynamics of all DC/DC and DC/AC converters. The DC link-connected DC/AC converter is used to help the AC side for maintenance of the power quality factors such as, the grid frequency and voltage magnitude in the presence of any unbalanced power load sharing. The first contribution of the paper is the part of impedance injection to the DC/AC converter, which aims to provide more decoupling and faster convergence rate for both the steady states and the dynamical conditions. Secondly, a Lyapunov function is defined for converters’ error dynamics that provide more accurate statement of the proposed damping injections. Besides, as an attractive control feature, decoupling properties of the suggested method are investigated. Then, through achieving several curves, various operating conditions of DC/DC and DC/AC converters under varying the system errors and proposed damping injections are evaluated as well. For the purpose of validation, the system under study is simulated in the MATLAB/SIMULINK software package against a variety of system errors and converters’ operational conditions.  相似文献   

【目的】 探索高质量的综述性论文对综合类科技期刊发展的作用和组稿策略。【方法】 以《科技导报》综述性论文组稿实践为例,阐述了科技期刊编辑应重视综述性论文的重要性,加强综述性论文的策划组稿工作,发挥主动性和积极性,从前期调研、确定好选题,利用编委和主办单位优势资源确定约稿对象名单,制定约稿方案和实施策略等方面提高组稿能力,多角度多措施地吸引优质综述性论文。【结果】 综述性论文的有效组稿为提高科技期刊的学术质量奠定坚实基础,提升了期刊影响力。【结论】 《科技导报》的组稿实践为综合类科技期刊发展提供了一定经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

摘 要 【目的】梳理开放信息环境下传统学术出版商的内容运营趋势,为我国学术出版发展提供借鉴。【方法】 选取学协会出版的代表性机构——英国物理学会出版社为研究对象,从内容运营视角分析其近年来在合作出版、学术增值、开放获取方面的建设策略。【结果】 英国物理学会出版社着重与世界范围内物理学组织和个人的良好交流和沟通,积极采用知识集成和知识发现方法,并大力支持开放获取运动。【结论】传统学术出版商应在内容开发层注重与研究人员、领域机构和图书馆等学术共同体的互动协作,在内容组织层强调学术资源加工处理和关联整合强度,在内容传播层充分利用开放获取环节。  相似文献   

崔鹏  秦保芳 《中国科学院院刊》2002,17(6):451-453,486
中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所(简称成都山地所),是为加强西南“三线”建设、实现中国科学院在全国资源环境领域研究机构合理布局,于1966年成立的。数年前在中国科学院一年一度的研究所总体评价中,一直位列C类。曾一度举步维艰,在几届领导班子的带领下,充分发挥“山地人”精神,自力更生、自强不息、不等不靠、积极主动地迎着困难上,使科研工作出现转机,整体面貌有所改观,并取得一批重要科研成果,获得多项奖励。如今,通过结构调整和机制创新的成都山地所三年迈出三大步,1999年被评为B级,2000年和2001…  相似文献   

Recently our group has reported experiments using an obstacle array to precondition the conformations of DNA molecules to facilitate their stretch in a microcontraction. Based upon previous successes simulating electrophoretic stretching in microcontractions without obstacles, we use our simulation model to study the deformation of DNA chains in a microcontraction preceded by an array of cylindrical obstacles. We compare our data to the experimental results and find good qualitative, and even quantitative, agreement concerning the behavior of the chains in the array; however, the simulations overpredict the mean stretch of the chains as they leave the contraction. We examine the amount of stretch gained between leaving the array and reaching the end of the contraction and speculate that the differences seen are caused by nonlinear electrokinetic effects that become important in the contraction due to a combination of field gradients and high field strengths.  相似文献   

In connection with a study of small thyratrons recently published, certain results seemed to indicate that 1,000 micro-seconds were required to set up conduction, but an investigation using a cathode-ray oscillograph definitely shows that good conduction can be set up in 10 to 20 micro-seconds. A satisfactory explanation of the earlier result, not requiring a time lag, has been suggested by O. W. Livingston of the General Electric Company.  相似文献   

We propose an alternate fabrication technique of microchannel resonators based on an assembly method of three separate parts to form a microchannel resonator on a chip. The capability of the assembled microchannel resonator to detect mass is confirmed by injecting two liquids with different densities. The experimental and theoretical values of the resonator frequency shift are in agreement with each other, which confirms the consistency of the device. The noise level of the device is estimated from the Allan variance plot, so the minimum detectable mass of 230 fg after 16 s of operation is expected. By considering the time of the practical application of 1 ms, it is found that a detectable mass of around 8.51 pg is estimated, which is applicable for detecting flowing microparticles. The sub-pico to a few picogram levels of detection will be applicable for the mass analysis of flowing microparticles such as single cells and will be greatly beneficial for many fields such as chemistry, medicine, biology, and single-cell analysis.  相似文献   

为配合广东省制定中长期科技发展规划,本着促进广东经济、社会和科技发展的宗旨,我刊特邀请广东有关专家、学者就广东省科技发展战略的有关问题发表看法。本期发表了蔡齐祥谈“比较优势与科技发展”,熊晓云谈“政府在自主创新中的地位和作用”,李超谈“提高创新能力是工业化必由之路”,路平谈“为解决广东迫切的经济社会发展问题提供科技支撑”,以供读者讨论、参考。  相似文献   

Editor's note: We are sorry that because of the over-crowded space in our last issue, we are delayed in presenting the second part of the report delivered by the CAS President Lu Yongxiang at the 2002 working conference of CAS. The report appears in two installments in this and the 1st issue of this volume.  相似文献   

20 0 2年 2月 2 2— 2 4日 ,中国科学院 2 0 0 2年工作会议在北京召开。会上 ,路甬祥院长作了“明确新时期的办院方针 ,全面推进知识创新工程”的报告。报告分三部分 :认清形势 ,统一思想 ,明确新时期办院方针 ;夯实基础 ,加强整体战略 ,实现知识创新工程试点工作重点的转移 ;依法办院 ,以德兴院 ,加强制度规范和创新文化建设。路甬祥院长着重阐述了新时期的办院方针。1 新时期办院方针提出的背景在新世纪的第一年 ,国内国际发生了一系列重大事件。我国加入了WTO ,APEC非正式首脑会议在上海成功举行 ,北京申奥成功等 ,标志着我国经…  相似文献   

生源地信用助学贷款作为国家对高校贫困大学生的资助项目之一,在大学生助学贷款政策中的地位日益显著,但与此同时违约问题也日益严重。本文从生源地信用助学贷款的产生及发展出发,对造成违约现象的成因进行分析,并提出相应的解决措施,以促进生源地信用助学贷款的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

杨林叶 《科教文汇》2012,(35):163-163,179
高等职业技术学院是高等职业教育的主体,在明确服务型高职院基层党组织建设的核心任务的前提下,在各级支部开展创先争优活动,切实发挥创先争优活动的作用,可以有效地推动服务型高职院基层党组织的建设.  相似文献   

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