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My Dream Job     
I want to be a good teacher when I was only nine years old.To be a good teacher is my dream job.I love kids.Don’t you think they are cute?If I have a chance to teach kids,I will try my best.I think learning is interesting.So I will let my students be interested in learning.Nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it.I will make them face any problem and help them.I will make friends with them.But in class,I will be strict with  相似文献   

(A)I tried to run,but I couldn#t.The monster(怪物)seemed to be grow-ing by the__1__!And then,the most__2__thing was about to happen.I screamed and sat upright(直直地)in bed.I#d just had the most terrible__3__ever!Still out of__4__,I called,“Mum!”My mum came sleepily into my bedroom and sat on my bed.“What is it,sweetie?”she asked.Tears came into my eyes as I remembered the monster from mydream.“I…I had a terrible dream,”I__5__managed to say.“Poor thing,”my mum said as she gave m…  相似文献   

A Little Dog     
When I was ten years old, a little dog called Xueqiu came into my life as a birthday present. It was a pretty dog with long white hair. And the hair felt very soft. At first I hated it, because I didn't like animals at all. But wherever I went it always followed me as if it liked me. Slowly and slowly, I began to like it, too. One day, our family were going to my grandma's in our car without taking Xueqiu. But after we drove more than twenty minutes, the dog suddenly came out from under the seat. That made us laugh happily. My father said,"Xueqiu brings us not only happiness but also surprise."One evening it was time for dinner, but I couldn't find my little brother. My parents were worried about him. At that time, Xueqiu came back. It cried loudly, and then ran out very fast. I ran after it. A long time later, I saw my brother. He was badly hurt in his right leg. Looking at him, I felt very sad. Then I took him to a hospital for treatment. From then on, Xueqiu became a pet in our heart. It was a clever dog. It even warned me not to pollute the environment. Not too long ago, I threw about some rubbish in a park. It went on shouting until I picked it up and put it into a dustbin. Then it looked at me with a smile.  相似文献   

Mother’s Love     
Who gave birth to me 14 years ago. Of course, my mother. My grandma often tells me when I was just born, I looked so small and thin, only nearly 5 Chinese pounds. So doctors put me into a warm box for weeks. My mother came to see me everyday although she was weak. I can't feel my mother's love at that time but I can feel it from my grandma's words. I was so thin and small when I was a baby, so I was always ill in my childhood. A day of my sixth year, I didn't feel well and had a stomac…  相似文献   

When I was six years old,I was very lovely,I had short hair,big eyes,small ears and a big mouth.One day,I was at my grandparents’house,there was a pool near their house,I saw some fish in the pool,I was very excited,I wanted to catch them,suddenly,I fell into the pool,"Ah"I shouted,my mum came to help me,it was too dangerous,from then on,I don’t catch fish any more.  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2003,(8):26-27
On a hot summer morning in 1989 I finished packing my things in my flat in Dublin. Two suitcases were not enough to hold them all so I had to use plastic supermarket bags for the remainder. My friend Tom arrived in his car to take me to the airport. After coffee at the airport we shook hands and said goodbye and it was only then that I noticed my hand was shaking. My voice was also shaking and my breath was coming out in uneven waves. Tom was my good friend from schooldays and in saying goodbye to him I was saying goodbye to so many good memories, saying goodbye to my country.  相似文献   

My Mother     
I have a good mother. I think my mother is the best mother. I love her very much and she loves me very much, too.My mother is forty-two. But she looks very young. She is a doctor, she is very friendly to people. I want to be a good doctor like my mother.My mother is good at cooking.  相似文献   

Mother's Love     
Mothers are always kind to their children and take good care of them. So does my mother.
My mother is a good mother. She looks after me well. She is strict with me. When I do something wrong, she will angry①. But I know she loves me very much.
Last week, I had a bad headache. I felt very terrible. My mother was worried with ② me and took me to the doctor's at once. After going home, she asked me to take medicine and cooked delicious food with me. She asked me to stay in bed and brought the food to me. At that moment, I felt her deep love and there were tears in my eyes.
My mother is such a strict teacher and nice friend of mine. She is the greatest mother in the world. I love her with my heart!  相似文献   

My favourite sport is table-tennis.I like it very much.And I’m very good it at1.I think it’s good for my health.Zhang Jike is my favourite table-tennis player.He’s excellent and has great skills.After class everyday2,I go to play table-tennis with my friends.They all like table-tennis,too.I want to be a good table-tennis player with3Zhang Jike.I also like to play badminton.And4I can’t do well in it.Lin Dan is my favourite badminton player.He’s very famous in the world.  相似文献   

Today is the fifth of July. It's my father's birthday. Now Mum is cooking a lot of food for my father in the kitchen. My grandparents are watching a film and drinking juice in the living roam. I prepared (准备) a big birthday cake for my dad early this morning. I think he will like it very much. My grandparents will give a watch to him. What about my mum? Mum says, "It' s a secret."  相似文献   

通过定量定性分析的方法,考察《论语》一书中介词"於"的使用情况。  相似文献   

80多年前,列宁根据俄国的实际,从人和物对比的角度提出了劳动者是“首要生产力“的论断.70年后,邓小平同志根据时代发展的要求提出了“科学技术是第一生产力“的论断.无论“首要生产力“还是“第一生产力“,它们都是唯物史观的重要命题,是马克思主义生产力理论的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

游学军 《海外英语》2012,(7):220-221
Human nature is one of the most thoroughly studied topics in human history.Even today the argument continues in all different social contexts,and by studying Conrad’s two stories:Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer,the author tries to analyze the two sides of the nature,both good and evil,which are inherent in us humans.In the essay the author explores the two heroes in the stories and tries to prove that only when we realize and admit our capability for the evil,can we make the good and kind side of nature to flourish.  相似文献   

《论语》中“是”字共出现60次,有作指示代词,表“对的、正确的”义和作系词等不同用法,我们在充分参考前贤论著的基础上重点论述了“是知其不可而为之者与”中的“是”字应视为作系词。  相似文献   

本首先论述了“多 N”格式存在于语言中的事实之后,通过对“多 N”格式中的N的分析后,认为“多 N”格式中的N具有一定的选择性,即N是可以被借用为量词的那一部分名词,最后试着对“多 N”格式的存在作出比较合理的解释。  相似文献   

论"新海派"作家群对新写实小说的创作影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪40年代兴起的“新海派”作家群的作品远离当时复杂的政治环境。以表现都市哲学和市民生活见长,作品具有鲜明的“世俗”倾向。时隔近半个世纪兴起的“新写实”作家同样以表现寻常百姓的凡俗人生为其创作宗旨。“世俗化”是其基本创作倾向。两代作家虽身处的时代、历史环境有着天壤之别。但创作却达到了异曲同工之妙,足以见出“市民话题”的永久魅力。  相似文献   

《孟子》中的“其”字总共出现571次,其中,用作代词的频率最高,为534次。用作语气词为32次。用作连词为5次。其中用作代词的情况最为复杂,包括用作人称代词、用作指示代词、用作兼语、用作作为造句成分的主谓结构的主语、用在数词前,表示“其中之……”或用在表示顺序的词前,表示顺序.“其”用作语气词,我们可以将它分为“语气副词”和“语气助词”。“其”字用作连词,有时表示假设关系,有时表示选择关系。  相似文献   

本文从中国基础教育课程综合化改革的需要出发,论述课程综合化对中国现行教师教育在培养体系、专业模式、课程体系及教师角色行为实践等方面的挑战,以及中国教师教育相应的改革措施。  相似文献   

西西弗作为西方神话里的一个典型人物被不断地阐释和演绎,然而加谬却从西西弗的行为中读到了荒诞、品味到了生命。《西西弗神话》兼有文学的审美性与哲学的思辨性,通过对自杀、希望和离异、冲突、反抗、自由的分析逐步进入了“荒诞”概念的内核,并阐释了一种全新意义上的荒诞观。应该说,《西西弗神话》已超越了简单的文学“写人”与哲学“探人”的功能,而具备了一种独特的精神导读作用。  相似文献   

生不逢时的《三家巷》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在细读《三家巷》的基础上,从不合时宜的成长小说、爱情与政治的纠缠、五四话语与革命话语的关系等三个角度,揭示十七年和新时期的意识形态结构与文学创作之间复杂的内在关系。  相似文献   

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