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基于Arduino平台设计并实现了一款书画机械手臂。本系统由Web、上位机和下位机3部分组成,其中Web为社交平台,负责收集图片;上位机将收集的位图图片或者文字进行处理,转化成G代码(数控程序中的指令);下位机接收G代码后控制机械手臂完成绘制。步进电动机控制手臂在平面上的位移,舵机控制手臂抬笔落笔。输出图片形式有4种:实心(折线、逐行)、轮廓、灰度、逐点绘制。写出文字有4种:实心、轮廓、单线、点阵书写。经过试验,该机械手臂可以在任何平面上稳定地输出用户的图片或者文字,促进了人们与机械手臂的交互发展。  相似文献   

《中国教育网络》:处理器在过去几年中,出现了许多争吵和竞争。无论是CPU,还是GPU,现在看来都是在不断的争取高性能计算的用户,这将是一个趋势么?  相似文献   

孩子走上违法犯罪的道路,成为家庭和社会都感到痛心的“问题少年”,这是每一个父母都不愿看到的。孩子出现问题,固然有很多因素,但父母监护责任没有很好地承担、违背教育规律,简单粗暴的教育却是不容回避的原因。父母是子女的第一任老师,  相似文献   

苏珊·格拉斯佩尔是20世纪初美国著名的剧作家、演员、导演和小说家。但她却被很多人所忽视,以往评论界普遍认为她的剧作数量不大,不能称作是真正意义上的剧作家,因而对她的作品没有给予应有的关注。本文从现代主义、女性主义和象征、意象的文体特点这三个特色来分析《琐事》。  相似文献   

小说以讽刺的笔调客观地揭示了二十世纪八十年代美国社会的道德真空状态.这部小说以首所未有的写实方式刻画了变态杀人狂贝特曼,并通过该人物向读者对暴力的耐受性发起挑战,其最终目的是让读者对身处的社会进行道德拷问.  相似文献   

通过解构电影《少年的你》影像二元性并对影像文本加以思辨,可以实现从二元性到多元化的思维拓展,挖掘影像从表层到想象、象征的深层涵义. 《少年的你》在建构“真实和假象”“显性和隐形”“写实和形式”的彼此二元性上颇具特点.审视、洞察和观照《少年的你》在空间、符号和形式上的二元性,从而阐释电影所具有的冲突、关联、映射和象征意义...  相似文献   

Ella  Riley  Adams  朗溪译 《英语沙龙》2011,(12):50-51
格雷森·蔡斯首张专辑名的缩略词“直到”是他整张专辑的关键词。格雷森一直在被精雕细琢,直到最终被量身定做出这样一张目标锁定13岁以下儿童的流行专辑。不可否认,对于一个13岁的男孩来说,他的声音相当具有穿透力,令人印象深刻。但他的市场推广人员却没有很好地包装他,其结果便是他在这张专辑中的形象不是那么漂亮。  相似文献   

据美国《福布斯》杂志网站消息,《福布斯》杂志资深编辑麦克尔·诺尔的文章向读者讲述了可汗学院(Khan Academy)及其创始人孟加拉裔美国人萨尔曼·可汗的故事。可汗学院是一家非营利性教育机构,利用网络进行免费授课,目前开设了关于数学、历史、金融、物理、化学、生物、天文学等科目的内容。可汗学院的免费网上课程在脸谱网上有7000多人注册,在推特上有2900人注册。  相似文献   

文化是推动社会发展的软实力,也是加速革命进程的动力。中国共产党是中国先进文化的积极倡导者和发展者,在长期的革命斗争中,大力开展根据地文化建设,发展先进的革命文化,推动了革命发展进程。  相似文献   

大学文化是一部教科书;大学文化是课程;大学文化的前程取决于大学文化的主要建设者;大学文化的主要建设者是学校领导层;大学校长是那部教科书的第一执笔人。大学文化,有人在建设着,也有人在损毁着。  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1989 there were 2069 babies born to teenage mothers in northeastern Connecticut, accounting for more than 10% of all births in this region. A Connecticut model program that combats teen pregnancy and emphasizes a collaborative venture between a state-funded community-based pregnancy prevention program and a regional vocational-technical high school located in a rural setting is described. Beginning in the fall of 1987, a group of local providers and concerned citizens formed a steering committee which was given funding to initiate services in early 1988. The objectives of the Northeast Connecticut Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program were (a) to enhance the capacity of parents to prevent teen pregnancy, (b) to increase public education concerning the prevention of teenage pregnancy, (c) to increase the coordinated planning of teen pregnancy prevention resources, and (d) to mobilize additional teen pregnancy prevention resources. At the regional vocational-technical high school in rural north eastern Connecticut a pregnancy prevention program for students in grades 9 through 12 was designed called Contemporary Life Issues Clinic (CLIC). This voluntary experiential program lasted 8 weeks for male and female students. Each week, one session operated during regular school hours. Students preregistered for each week's activity or clinic in the guidance office. CLIC's consisted of eight topics with accompanying activities aimed at improving sexual responsibility; increasing the decision-making skills of students; encouraging the development of coping skills; fostering emotional growth; cultivating success-oriented attitudes; providing information in pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted disease including AIDS; and providing information regarding the financial and legal implications of parenthood. During the fall of 1990, CLIC had 98 participants. The majority of the students were young women. The most heavily attended session dealt with contraception; the fewest participants attended the session devoted to sexually transmitted diseases. CLIC has the potential for expansion and improvement.  相似文献   

当前,我国高教界和学术界存在某种程度的混乱。大学部分放弃了“普通教育”的基本使命,大学学者有沦为“未受过教育的人”的危险。要改善这种状况,现代大学需要从以下两方面努力:一方面,需要一如继往地关注并承担起“普通教育”的基本使命,使所有学者从事的高层次研究建立在人类共同的知识体系之上。这样,大学才能真正成其为大学,成其为知识型社区;处于这种社区的学者才能既符合古典理想又达到时代标准。另一方面,随着现代大学与政府、市场关系的日益复杂,大学功能的不断演进与多元化,学术道德沦丧的危机也日益凸显,大学学者必须在“学术真诚”基础上坚守其基本的学术准则。  相似文献   

The article examines Cate Tiernan’s ‘Wicca’ series. This series and the ‘Circle of Three’ books by Isobel Bird explore the experiences of teenage girls who embrace the pagan religion, Wicca. The texts reflect the growing interest in spirituality expressed by many young people and extend the literary representation of witchcraft. Tiernan produces stories of spiritual growth entwined with fantasy and romance. The series operates within a moral and religious framework that allows girls to feel positive about their bodies and their sexuality and acknowledges the complex moral decisions many young people face. Christine Jarvis is Dean of Education and Professional Development at the University of Huddersfield. She worked in community, adult and further education before moving into teacher education. Her doctoral thesis at the University of Leeds examined the educational uses of popular romantic fiction and she has published work on education and popular culture, romance, teen fiction and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  相似文献   

Meagan Howard and her close friend Samantha Kusk,both students,lived together in Denver.On mornings when Samantha had class,Meagan would watch her two-year-old daughter,Hannah.Meagan's pet Willie was a very clever parrot.Willie was really funny and a wonderful talker.He 1)picked up quite a healthy vocabulary (Silly Willie was a favorite saying) and became a great 2)mimic.Plus,he could do a 3)spot-on 4)whistle of The Andy Griffith Show住1 theme song.  相似文献   

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