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古老的尼罗河,一望无际的撒哈拉沙漠,孤傲的乞力马扎罗雪山,激情四溢的足球,狂野而质朴的音乐,这就是你所知道的非洲的全部吗?其实在这块曾经孕育了人类最早文明的广袤大陆上,这只是沧海一粟。从本期开始,请读者跟随我们一起去领略一下神秘非洲那些你可能还并不熟知的非一般的风景。第一站就是南非的“母亲之城”开普敦。  相似文献   

在南非开普敦市的海边,绿点体育馆像一只摆放在晨雾中的玫瑰色大碗,建筑学家们称它为开普敦女神。这座能够容纳70000人的体育馆,于2009年9月竣工,有  相似文献   

开普敦是一个享誉全球的度假胜地,南非长达十年的相对稳定局势和经济增长更是吸引了络绎不绝的游客前来一睹这座美丽城市的风貌。  相似文献   

开普敦位于非洲的最南端,是南非的首都,已有三百多年的历史。它像非洲大地上一颗璀璨的珍珠,散发着神奇的魅力。  相似文献   

三百多年前,欧裔向人在南非最南端建立了充满多元欧洲殖民地文化色彩的海滨城市,这就是南非历史上的第一座城市开普敦,又名角城。如今,这座走过殖民历史的文化古城,怍为南非的立法首都与经贸中心,拥有被周围山脉与海洋环抱的景观.  相似文献   

2010年南非世界杯足球赛吸引眼球无数,在观看“世界杯”的同时,不妨也来个“世界杯”举办地精华游。请看开普敦旅游全攻略……  相似文献   

明星线索:徐静蕾才女徐静蕾又出书了,《公开!老徐的南非英文书》。在这本书里,不仅能看到展现南非美丽风光和浓郁风土人情的图片,同时,还能学到徐静蕾特别收录的丰富实用的"英文对话"。拿上一本书,沿着徐静蕾的足迹,游走在这些最值得驻足的风景里。  相似文献   

罗马(Rome)为意大利(Italy)的首都,也是该国政治、经济、文化和交通中心,世界著名的历史文化名城,古罗马帝国(Roman Empire)的发祥地,因建城历史悠久而被昵称为“永恒之城(Eternal City)”。别以为走在古老的街道上,看着宏伟的古建筑,会让人觉得心情沉重。因为你也可以像影片《罗马假日》里的安妮公主那样,在广场上品尝美味的冰淇淋,在许愿池抛下一枚硬币许愿,观看精致的喷泉,给自己满满的好心情。  相似文献   

作为第十五界亚运会的举办城市多哈,是卡塔尔的首都,人口约22万,卡塔尔第一大城市,全国的经济、交通和文化中心.  相似文献   

2010年对南菲来说注定是不平凡的一年,因为世界杯.世界重新认识了非洲,尤其是对南非有了全新的感受,此次世界杯期间,有大约45万球迷来到了南非观看比赛.而全球各路媒体更是将一个全新的南非形象随着镜头传递到了世界各地,这对于南非重塑彤象来说无疑是一个绝佳的机会,这为期一个多月的广告无疑让更多人了解了南菲这片热士和南非人民。  相似文献   

The effects of community violence on children in Cape Town, South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: The primary objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between exposure to community violence (neighborhood, school, police, and gang violence) and psychological distress in a sample of children living in the Cape Town, South Africa area. Another objective was to identify variables that moderate and mediate the relationship between exposure to community violence and psychological distress. METHODS: Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 185 children between the age of 8 and 13 from five Cape Town Township schools. Structured scales were used to measure exposure to several forms of community violence, family functioning, social support, perceptions of safety, and "unknown" locus of control. RESULTS: Exposure to all forms of violence was extremely high and resulted in substantial psychological distress. Perceived safety functioned as a mediating variable for all forms of violence. Unknown locus of control, social support, family organization, and family control moderated the effects of exposure to certain kinds of violence. Surprisingly, exposure to murder was not related to psychological distress, suggesting a possible "numbing" effect of extreme forms of violence. Hearing about violence from others had almost the same effect as actually witnessing it. Older children had witnessed more violence and were experiencing more distress, suggesting an "exposure accumulation" effect. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest the importance of a child's ability to feel safe in reducing the distress that occurs as a result to exposure to violence. Parents and schools can help children cope, but there appear to be limits. Early intervention, before maladaptive coping mechanisms have developed, also appears to be important.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand the impact of the restructuring of the teaching corps in schools in the former House of Representatives educational system in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. As a system catering for children classified coloured and which was relatively more privileged than those (eleven others) which catered for children classified African, it has been targeted as a site from which to redistribute resources for redeployment elsewhere. The paper explores the dynamics of this process, particularly with respect to how schools are managing the process of retrenching teachers. It is especially interested in how schools are managing themselves during this restructuring. The paper seeks to argue, based on empirical work conducted in schools, that professional identity and the exercise of professionalism are important indicators in gauging how well schools will cope with educational reform and change. Drawing on studies conducted in ten schools the paper classifies schools into three categories of professionalism and argues that schools with high professional indexes manage stress more effectively than schools with lower levels of professionalism.  相似文献   

This paper examines the declining levels of respect for teachers in two communities in Cape Town, South Africa. Education has been identified as a key area of reform and redress, but a critical skills shortage and under-resourced schools are hindering progress. Data from current and former teachers illustrate how the social and institutional capital of education is being replaced by a focus on economic capital, undermining the prestige of teaching as a career. These problems reflect trends elsewhere in the world and require action to prevent further shortages in education.  相似文献   

This paper examines issues in the transformation of the university system in a democratic South Africa utilising the University of the Western Cape as a case study. In particular, it questions how the University's 1982 Mission Statement, which defined its oppositional role in the apartheid period, might be revised to shape the universities radical traditions to the tasks of the contribution of a new social order.  相似文献   

Current literature proposes several strategies for improving response rates to student evaluation surveys. Graduate destination surveys pose the difficulty of tracing graduates years later when their contact details may have changed. This article discusses the methodology of one such a survey to maximise response rates. Compiling a sample frame with reliable contact details was most important, but may require using additional sources of information other than university records. In hindsight, graduates should have been contacted prior to the survey to introduce it and stress its importance, while email and postal reminders appeared to have a limited effect on non-respondents. Due to varying response rates between participating universities, online responses were augmented with a call centre administering the survey telephonically to non-respondents. Although overall differences between online and telephonic responses appeared to be small, certain question items may need to be treated with caution when conducting telephonic surveys.  相似文献   

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