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The Olympic flame for the BeijingOlympic Games was lit in Olympia, Greece on24 March, 2008. With the theme of "Journey ofHarmony(和谐)"and the slogan of "Light the  相似文献   

At the beginning ceremony of the 3rd Beijing International Movie Week, Zhang Nala (张娜拉), a famous singer from Korea, sang her special new song "Our Dream" for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. At the ceremony, Zhang Nala sang with a group of lovely children, including people from all over the world. They sang "we have the same hope and we have the same dream", wishing Beijing Olympics great success. In order to celebrate the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing, Zhang Nala has been preparing the song for a long time. Not long ago, at her concert in Beijing, she sang the song at the end and said it was the most important one, which made all her fans present very excited.  相似文献   

正It's one of the oldest Olympic sports,but how much do you know about fencing? QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Fencing is an Olympic sport? But isn't that what I have in my garden to keep out the dogs? Ha! The sport of fencing involves fighting with different types of swords.But,actually,the two meanings have the same origin—from the old French "defens," meaning "defence."  相似文献   

2008年,奥运会就要在北京举行啦,作为中国人,我们都想对奥运会有一个更全面的了解,这里向大家介绍一些在奥运会当中常常用到的简单术语,非常实用哦:奥运会Olympic Games奥运会选拔赛Olympic trial国际奥委会International Olympic Committee奥运会会歌Olympic Anthem奥运火炬Olympic torch奥运会代表团Olympic delegation奥运村Olympic village组委会organization committee开幕式opening ceremony闭幕式closing ceremony吉祥物mascot颁奖台podium在英语中,表达喜欢或不喜欢有很多方法,不同的方法反映了不同的程度,可一定要弄明白哦!如…  相似文献   

国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。王正廷是国际奥委会中第一个中国委员。在1949年解放前,共有3位中国人先后被选为国际奥委会成员。其中孔祥熙是最有名的一位。20世纪70年代以后,体坛有四位中国人被选为其成员,何振梁是最有名的一位。The International Olympic Committee(IOC)constituted(建立)itself on23rdJune1894.The official languages of the IOCare French and English.The Olympic flame isa reminiscent(缅怀的)symbol of the an-cient Olympic Games.The Olympic symbol,the five interlocking rings(联锁环),repre-sents the union of the...  相似文献   

Teach Yourself EnglishJuan Antonio Samaranch, elected as head of theInternational Olympic Committee in 1980 (theseventh to hold the post since the IOC was establishedin 1894), was one of the most influential Spaniardsin the last two decades of the 20th century. He wasre-elected as supremo1 of the prestigious sportsorganization in 1997 since the IOC rewrote an oldrule which called for retirement of the president atage 75. His last Olympic Games, in Sydney in 2000,were tinged2 by the deat…  相似文献   

雅典当地时间8月28日上午10点10分左右,中国选手孟关良/杨文军在奥运会男子500米划艇决赛中,以1分40秒278的成绩夺冠.这是中国皮划艇项目的第一枚奥运会金牌。这也是中国在奥运会上获得第一枚水上项目金牌。At about 10:10 am of August 28 local time in Athens, Chinese player Meng Guanliang and Yang Wenjun are in Olympic Games Men's 500 Meters finals of rowing a boat, winning the championship with the achievement of 1 minute 40 seconds and 278 microseconds. This is the first Olympic gold of the Chinese boat …  相似文献   

Radiative imaging of combustion flame in furnace of power plant plays an increasingly important role in combustion diagnosis. This paper presents a new method for calculating the radiative imaging of three-dimensional (3D) combustion flame based on Monte Carlo method and optical lens imaging. Numerical simulation case was used in this study. Radiative images were calculated and images obtained can not only present the energy distribution on the charge-coupled device (CCD) camera target plane but also reflect the energy distribution condition in the simulation furnace. Finally the relationships between volume ele- ments and energy shares were also discussed.  相似文献   

1. Which country held the first Olympic games? (Greece.) 哪个国家举办首届奥运会?(希腊) 2. Can you speak some events of Olympic games? (swimming, shooting, diving, ...)你能说出一些奥运会项目吗?(游泳?射击?跳水......) 3. Who is the chairman of International Olympic Organization? (Roge) 谁是现在国际奥委会主席?(罗格) 4. Where were Olympics be held in 2000? (In Sydney, Australia.) 2000年奥运会在哪个城市举办?(在澳大利亚的悉尼) 5. Can you say 5 Olympic events? 你能说出五个奥运项目吗?(略) 6. What events are China good at? (Table tennis and badminton.)哪些项目是中国的强项?(乒乓球和羽毛球)7.What are th...  相似文献   

Yoyo:The Athens Olympic Games were finished.Can you tell me the history of it?悠悠:雅典奥运会结束了,能告诉我它的历史吗?Teacher:Sure.Greece is the birthplace of the Olympic Games.The first recorded games were held here in 776 BC.老师:当然。希腊是奥运会的发源地,第一个有记录的奥运会就是于公元前776年在这里召开的。  相似文献   

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