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J shed a teartoday. 5 ilently,1 felt it fell. You eaught it,shared it,h”‘”,嚼then,Wasn 50 big,嘲attera!l…翻一滴眼泪(英文)@Marge Tindal  相似文献   

Pop superstar George Michael was named on Wednesday as the buyer of John Lennon's piano, paying 1.45 million pound ($2.1 million) in order to keep the piece of entertainment folklore in Britain.  相似文献   

Bee,bee,Fly up to me.Let’s make honey In the flower sea.Bee,beeM ouseM ouse,m ouse,G et into the house.No,no,m y dear,It’s a cat’s m outh.C at,catCat,cat,G et out of bed.W ash your faceAnd put on your hat.一译到底(英文)$哈尔滨市南岗区马家沟小学三(4)班@  相似文献   

A Hi,boys and girls.Have a look at Zig Zag’s Clothes Shop.We have black and blue hats for $15.The blue sweater is $33 and the red sweater is $30.The yellow shorts are also $30 and the green shorts are on sale for $25!  相似文献   

请你写出下列词的缩略式。 1 .te!eVISIOn2 .bieyele_3 .m己them日tiCS4 .telePhone_____5 .mister6.mistreSS7 .February_8 .nUmber9 .morning_10.aftern00n1 1 .third12,dOCtor13.Sunday_14.somebody_15.something_ ’甲S’91’qs‘十1 uns’乞l‘汪G’艺l‘pJ乞‘I[’撇’d’()I’uI’u’6‘。N’8 .qOJ’乙SJ训’gJ训‘g洲以!d‘十s甲以u‘乞叭吸·艺l\.L‘亡s肋匀名写一写(英文)@波涛…  相似文献   

I live in the city and there always seems to be "noise." At times when my spirit needs a break and my eye catches a lonely seagull, my inner being reaches out to find silence and peace. What a gift to receive.  相似文献   

加拿大是一个人口不到3000万,却有着美国疆土面积2倍的国家,主要的语言是法语和英语,但近年来也有相当一部分来自发展中国家的移民在这里居住。大部分加拿大人都很强调个人的独特性,他们有不少风俗习惯和美国差不多,但也有它的独特之处。  相似文献   

From skyscrapers to quaint (奇异的)villages, sightseeing in Hong Kong is amazingly diverse for an area which is just 1091 square kilometres. If you spent one day travelling from bustling Hong Kong Island to the rural New Territories, you would see many different facets of life:executives heading for high-tech offices, vendors selling traditional wares in bustling (熙熙攘攘的)markets, worshippers (礼佛者) praying in incense-scented (香烟缭绕的) temples and farmers bentlow planting vegetables.  相似文献   

Once there was a little ant. She wanted to get married, but she only wanted to marry the strongest creature.23She wanted to marry the strongest crea-ture,but she didn’t know who is the strongestone.One day,she saw the wind blow housesdown.So she thought the wind was thestrongest creature.She wanted to marry thewind.But the wind told the little ant that hewasn’t the strongest creature.“There was atower in the forest.He had stood there for athousand years against my force.The towerwas the strongest creature.”...  相似文献   

一、词汇A.根据句意和汉语提示完成下列句子。每空限填一词。1.Everythingisreadyfortomorrows(英语晚会).2.Doyouoften(去野营)inthehills?3.We(进行体育活动)atfouroclockeveryafternoon.4.SometimesIplaybasketball(放学后).5.Excuseme.Canyoutellmethewayto(邮局)?B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6.Whata(love)day!Letsgoforapicnicinthecountry.7.Decemberisthe(twelve)monthoftheyear.8.June1is(child)Day.9.Marygetsuplateeverymorning,sosheoften(go)toschoolwithoutbreakfast.10.Theseapplesarefor(they).C.用括号内所…  相似文献   

China will begin channeling water from the south to the dried north this year-its largest water diversion (改道) project in history.By 2010,urban and industrial water users in Beijing and Tianjin-two cities short of water are expected to use water taken from the Yangtze River by the project's east and middle  相似文献   

Key Sentences(重点句子) 1.Beijing Trading Campany.May I help you? 北京贸易公司。请问有何贵干? 2.We have two Zhongs. 我们这里有两位先生姓钟。 3.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong? 你要接 Bob 钟,还是 John 钟? 4.I'm sorry,he's not in the office now. 很抱歉,他现在不在办公室。 5.Do you have any idea when he'll be back? 你知道他何时回来吗? 6.I have no idea(when he'll be back.) 我不知道(他何时回来)。 7.Can you ask him to call me when he comes back? 他回来时请告诉他打电话给我好吗? 8.It's urgent. …  相似文献   

Just a day Just an ordinary day Just trying to get by Just a boy Just an ordinary boy But he was looking to the sky* And as he asked if I would come along I started to realize That everyday he finds Just what he’s looking for Like a shooting star he shines And he said Take my hand,live while you can  相似文献   

As on every weekday Tom Tuckett was awakened by his annoying, buzzing alarm clock at 5:30. He got out of bed and  相似文献   

下面是我校学生经常做错的题。请广大读者再试试看,能不能一下子做对。  相似文献   

"Listen," I said slapping my hand down on the desk in front of me. "I really need that book today. The computer says you still have it. The essay is due in tomorrow; please could you tell me where it is?" I had been in the library since about noon. The shadows were beginning to lengthen and my patience beginning to run out as the librarian stared up at me with all the sentient comprehension of a lobotomised teletubby.So I explained again that I very m uch needed this bookand that it w as not…  相似文献   

用双手的十根手指可以来做乘法,相信吗?不妨到文中寻找窍门。Do you know that it is possible to multiply(乘) by the number 9 using just your hands? Number your fingers 1 to  相似文献   

Where is the moment we needed the most You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost They tell me your blue skies fade[褪色]to grey They tell me your passion[激情]'sgone away And I don't need no carryin' on You stand in the line just to hit a new low You're faking[假装]a smile with the coffee to go  相似文献   

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