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Active learning methods can be appropriate in engineering, as their methodology promotes meta-cognition, independent learning and problem-solving skills. Problem-based learning is the educational process by which problem-solving activities and instructor's guidance facilitate learning. Its key characteristic involves posing a ‘concrete problem’ to initiate the learning process, generally implemented by small groups of students. Many universities have developed and used active methodologies successfully in the teaching–learning process. During the past few years, the University of the Basque Country has promoted the use of active methodologies through several teacher training programmes. In this paper, we describe and analyse the results of the educational experience using the problem-based learning (PBL) method in a physics course for undergraduates enrolled in the technical telecommunications engineering degree programme. From an instructors’ perspective, PBL strengths include better student attitude in class and increased instructor–student and student–student interactions. The students emphasised developing teamwork and communication skills in a good learning atmosphere as positive aspects.  相似文献   

现代教育技术对当代教学有重要的作用,机械专业课教学过程中成功应用现代教育技术,既能促进学生自主学习,也能体现教师在教学过程中的主导地位。以现代教育思想为导向、利用计算机技术来优化教学辅导活动、借助多种媒体组合来优化教学过程以及借助试题库来进行考核,是现代教育技术在机械专业课教学过程应用的主要特色。  相似文献   


Despite the overall proliferation of technology and its impact on people's everyday lives, tertiary education institutions generally have yet to utilise the educational potential of information technology. There is an enormous disparity between technology as an educational resource outside of these institutions and as a medium for learning inside. The same is generally true for teacher education programmes within institutes of higher education.  相似文献   

Both science and technology education have a commitment to teaching process; investigations or scientific method in science, design in technology, and problem solving in both areas. The separate debates in science and technology education reveal different curricular emphases in processes and content, reflecting different goals, and pedagogic and educational research traditions. This paper explores these differences and argues that each curriculum area can learn from the other. Despite the interest in processes, problem solving remains neglected in each area, particularly with respect to empirical accounts of student problem-solving activities and the supporting pedagogy. This paper draws on the situated learning and social constructivist literature to provide insights into problem solving in technology education. The research reported here, gives accounts of the problem-solving strategies of English secondary school students. These strategies represent their responses to technology activities and the learning environment created by teachers.  相似文献   

There is conflict between the liberal goals of a university education and the view which associates educational technology and audiovisual media with rigid and impersonal learning routines. In practice, not all university teaching is liberal, and educational technology can itself be a liberalising influence. Four areas of application of audiovisual media in university teaching are considered and some of the contributions which an educational technologist can make to teaching and learning in these areas are outlined. The role of an educational technologist in a traditional university is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports the trends and issues related to the teaching improvement efforts at the National University of Singapore as a whole and in the Medical Faculty in particular. The university‐wide study is mainly based on the returns of a questionnaire evaluating the Teaching Methodology courses conducted in conjunction with the Institute of Education, Singapore in the past seven years (1981 – 1987). The perceptions and meanings regarding teaching improvement efforts that are derived from interviews with a purposive sample of Medical Faculty members confirm the advantages of the developmental approach of instructional and faculty development. The main issues derived from the study centres around questions about academic staff needs of educational courses, the effects of improved teaching on learning, and the ability of media and information technology to improve the quality of teaching. The study shows the emergence of the following trends: 1) There is an increasing recognition that all lecturers need some basic teaching methodology courses. 2) Improved teaching that emphasizes the education of the whole person especially in professional programmes rather than on specific vocational training produces better educated professionals. 3) The integration of various alternative media and modern technology with large and small group teaching has been increasingly used to improve instruction.  相似文献   

该研究检索了2002-2012年我国教育技术领域入选中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)源期刊的所有文章,并运用词频分析法和CiteSpaceⅡ可视化工具,分析得出了11年来我国教育技术学领域若干稳定的研究重点,包括远程教育、教育技术、信息技术、教育信息化、教学设计等;以及呈现出问题解决、教学过程、教师、学习方式等新的研究热点,教育技术研究领域的实践应用导向趋势愈加明显等结论。  相似文献   

张振宇 《现代教育技术》2012,22(12):119-121
在新媒体环境下教师教育技术技能是教育技能中重要的组成部分。教育技术技能实训课程建设是当前师范类高校课程改革的重要内容,文章从实训课程的需求分析,内容设置,师资队伍的建设以及实训成果如何有效地与其他教学环节相融合四个方面阐述了教育技术技能实训课程建设的路径问题,以期能为教育技能实训课建设提供参考。  相似文献   

A strategy for teaching and learning was developed at Britannia Royal Naval College during 2006 in order to address several key issues. These included improving professional knowledge and skills retention, enhancing pedagogical practices to increase levels of student motivation, and adapting the training and educational package to an extremely diverse student population. Additional drivers such as those provided by externally accredited programmes of study were also addressed. This article presents a brief review of the development of strategies for teaching and learning in higher education, together with a history of teaching and learning in the military environment. Data from a recent MORI (Market & Opinion Research International) student survey conducted at Britannia Royal Naval College are presented and analysed. It has been found that the unique nature of the military education environment, where students from a wide variety of educational and ethnic backgrounds follow a compressed programme involving a combination of both training and education, requires the modification of existing best practice in the strategies for teaching and learning employed at ‘civilian’ universities. This case study, highlighting the key areas of the development and use of a bespoke teaching and learning strategy, shows how such a strategy benefits students, staff and the wider organisation. Findings highlight the fact that an appropriate balance of training and education enables military college officer graduates to cope with the unpredictable challenges of the modern world more effectively than training alone, pertinent to any organisation involved in professional training and education.  相似文献   

土耳其于2003年开始的新一轮课程改革,是在适应社会、科技和文化迅速变化的需要,改善教学环境,改进与欧盟成员国关系的基础上进行的。土耳其初等教育新课程有其广泛的社会、个人、经济、历史和文化基础,对学习和教学环境提出新要求、运用问题解决式教学方法以及采用新的教学评价方式是土耳其新课程学习与教学过程的主要特点。虽然土耳其初等教育课程改革具有针对性强、重视学生个性与批判性思维的培养以及与国际课程改革相呼应等优点,但也存在新课程开发过程过于仓促、教师培训不足和资源相对匮乏等问题。  相似文献   

信息技术与教师继续教育的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以多媒体计算机和互联网(Internet)为核心的信息技术应用于教学已有30多年的历史,然而,信息技术对教育的影响远未达到最初教育界的种种预想,教育至今还未能由于使用信息技术而产生根本的变革。技术改造现实的伟大只有靠掌握技术才能实现———这是信息技术能否成功应用于教学的关键,所以我们首先要做的是让我们的教师掌握信息技术,对教师进行信息技术的继续教育,使信息技术与教师继续教育相整合,把信息技术应用于教学过程。我们从具体的教育教学方针的实施情况、完善教师应用信息技术的培训模式、开展研究性培训和提升教师队伍应用信息技术的素质等角度分析现状,用典型实例来深究解决问题的方法。  相似文献   

目前多媒体教学已经无可争议地成为高职教学的主流,随着教育技术的逐步发展,要求教师将更多更新的教育技术手段包括多媒体制作手段应用于教学[1],为此山东省教育部门也花费了大气力在整个高等院校广泛地开展了教育技术培训活动,但是由于学习时间短、部分教师基础差、培训理论性强具体动手机会少、教师后期的学习得不到保证等问题,所以收效甚微,大部分院校仍然存在教师盲目使用网上下载课件、课件就是教材原文,讲课过程就是念教材、缺乏跟学生互动等问题,尤其缺乏注重动手能力,注重创造思维的优秀教学课件,本文试图从多媒体课件在教学中的运用理念上作深入探讨,实现现代化信息技术在教学实践中的高效运用.  相似文献   

Adult learning rests on the foundation of learner experience and involvement in the teaching and learning process. The methods employed in facilitating adult learning have to a large extent sought to place the learner at the centre of the entire teaching and learning encounter. The lecture method is one of the many methods used to facilitate learning in many educational programmes. This article reports on a study that posed the question; How effective is the lecture method in facilitating learning in non-formal adult education programmes? The case study design was used for the study. The National Functional Literacy Programme of Ghana was purposively selected for this investigation. Two classes in the programme comprising 10 adult learners and one facilitator each were purposively selected as sample for the study. It was found that the lecture method was ineffective in promoting learning in non-formal adult education programmes in Ghana since it failed to stimulate the comprehension of subject-matter and learner involvement in class activities.  相似文献   

马瑜  李革勇 《海外英语》2012,(15):26-29
Bernice McCarthy在吸收教育学、心理学、神经学及管理学等领域研究成果的基础上,于1972年创立了4MAT教学体系。该体系在西方许多国家被广泛认可和使用,历经数十年仍然受到教育者的厚爱,成为开发课程、保障教学质量的最有效的教学体系之一。其强调教学是一个探究问题、训练双脑以适应不同学习风格,以及有效开展教学评估的过程。文章在详细介绍该该体系后,结合英语教学实践对其进行示范说明,在文中展示了如何运用4MAT进行英语教学的实例。  相似文献   

“淡水养殖学”课程教学的改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现代渔业的飞速发展和应用型本科人才培养的目标与要求,本文从教学内容、教学方法和教学手段等方面,对淡水养殖学课程的教学改革进行了初步探讨。以现代教育理念为指导,面向"应用型人才"的培养定位,修订了教学大纲,研究了课程体系、整合教学内容,进行了教学过程、教学方法与手段的改革与实践,丰富课程考核与成绩评定方法等手段。通过改革实践,提高了学生的自主学习能力、解决问题能力和职业技能素养,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   


This article maintains that the focus of learning and training at all levels is moving increasingly towards the individual ‐‐ how the individual learns and the influences of his or her environment on learning. It suggests that, among the increasing wealth of research into educational technology, the emphasis needs now to be placed on the learning process and the learning environment. But the learning processes and environments have to be seen as part of an educational scenario which is changing rapidly. Education at all levels, together with training at the adult level, and the resources devoted to these purposes will continue to be under direct challenge. To make learning more effective, the questions of contacts and connections by and with media must be examined and assessed. For effective communication the methods and the processes have to be matched to objectives. The article concludes that the rapidly changing technology of communications is helping to shift the balance from an emphasis on what has been largely a one‐way system of communication to one in which the individual learner is increasingly in control and in which the learning process itself, rather than the teaching system, has become the focus.  相似文献   

教师专业能力的发展是个连续统一体。职前教师教育作为教师教育的起步阶段,扮演着重要的角色。然而综观职前教师的培养过程,皆缺乏有效培养课堂教学临床能力的机制。随着教育技术在教育教学中的广泛应用,视频技术和网络技术的发展为教育类课程的教学提供了新的视野。为此,我们试图设计通用于教育类课程、培养师范生教学能力的视频案例资源。并基于混合学习的理念,建构了一种基于视频案例资源、集课堂案例教学和网络案例学习于一体的教学模式。  相似文献   

在教育信息化背景下,为了提高教师和学生的信息化素养,为了提高学生的自主学习能力、解决问题的能力,在建构主义理论、混合式学习理论、泛在学习理论的指导下,黄冈职业技术学院应用文写作课程采用线上线下混合式教学,促进了信息技术与课程的深度融合。本文从实施混合式教学的理论基础,实施混合式教学的必要性以及具体的教学组织三个方面进行阐述,说明信息技术与课程教学的深度融合有助于提升人才培养质量。  相似文献   

在我国,多种原因导致了远程开放教育在与广播电视信息传播技术的教学实践生态文化融合的过程中,出现了令人遗憾的媒体结构缺位与滞后发展的现象.严重迟滞了我国开放大学的建设进程。因此,我国的开放大学不得不根据远程教育与广播电视信息传播技术教学实践生态文化融合的发展特点变化、时代演化逻辑和模式形态变迁.采用一种“分类指导、分区建设、分地使用、分层教学”的广播电视远程开放教育媒体教学的策略。针对全国各地不同的发展情况.因地制宜.要为学习者提供有效的人性化远程开放教育学习支持服务,以避免在远程开放教育教学过程中因为媒体搭配错位.而导致的学习者学习活动不能承受的媒体接触困难、学习互动缺失等尴尬的教育现象.避免广播电视教育媒体教学的结构缺位现象与滞后发展现象的发生,将我国开放大学的远程教育发展推进到崭新的历史阶段。  相似文献   

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