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发展性计算障碍是一种阻碍儿童算术能力获得的特殊学习障碍。它有多种不同的类型,目前主要有3种分类标准。发展性计算障碍类型的多样性主要在于其成因的复杂性。文章从遗传、脑机制、个体认知因素及环境与教育因素4个方面,系统地总结了发展性计算障碍的成因,最后指出现有研究存在的问题以及今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

有关发展性计算障碍儿童大脑神经机制的研究是近些年才逐渐发展起来的.研究发现,发展性计算障碍与脑结构功能失调有关,主要表现在顶叶和额叶上.但从整体上看,发展性计算障碍儿童加工过程中的神经机制和正常儿童是类似的,只是皮层的激活程度要弱一些;为了弥补加工困难,有些皮层会表现出补偿性机制,如角回、前扣带皮层等;一些皮层的作用还...  相似文献   

周路平  欧倩芝 《教师》2023,(8):84-86
执行功能是指个体有意识地控制自己的思想和行动的心理过程,其水平高低对人的计划、决策和自我觉察与认知等方面的发展有很大影响。为深入了解发展性计算障碍儿童数字认知中执行功能的发展状况,寻求儿童执行功能水平提升的途径与方法,文章作者以长沙市某普通小学的21名发展性计算障碍儿童和20名正常儿童为对象,以阿拉伯数字和汉语数字为刺激材料,对儿童在数字奇偶判断任务中的执行功能水平进行考察,发现不论是反应速度还是反应的正确性,正常儿童的成绩均明显好于发展性计算障碍儿童,反映出执行功能存在的问题已直接影响这些发展性计算障碍儿童对数学知识的理解与掌握。文章指出开展与发展性计算障碍儿童执行功能相关的活动训练,能有效提高他们的执行功能水平。  相似文献   

发展性计算障碍研究及数学教育对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展性计算障碍是一种阻碍儿童算术能力获得的特殊学习障碍,它对儿童正常发展及其日常生活带来消极影响。在对发展性计算障碍的概念、种类、特征以及流行性加以介绍的基础上,分析了发展性计算障碍形成的遗传机制、大脑机制、认知因素以及环境、教育与个体情绪因素,并提出了相应的数学教育对策。  相似文献   

发展性计算障碍的诊断与矫治   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
发展性计算障碍的发生率大约为 5 % - 6% ,有些国家甚至更高。患有发展性计算障碍的儿童在学习、生活和以后的工作中都会遇到很多的困难 ,关于发展性计算障碍的研究应该引起人们的重视。本文从诊断、矫治两个方面对已有研究进行了综述。发展性计算障碍的诊断是进行此类研究需要首先解决的问题 ,矫正障碍则是这方面研究的最终目的 ,本文对发展性计算障碍的矫正进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

阅读障碍是指词汇加工能力受损;而发展性阅读障碍是个体成长中出现的阅读障碍。一般从认知角度和生理基础角度出发研究阅读障碍的成因。通过对生理基础取向研究的回顾我们发现,发展性阅读障碍者阅读过程中的障碍存在脑部机能缺陷,主要包括脑电异常和脑功能异常。未来的研究应更加关注阅读障碍的定义,使之明确化;研究方法和手段要多元化;要开展多学科合作研究。  相似文献   

借助Bicomb文本挖掘软件和SPSS17.0软件对我国近年来阅读障碍的研究热点进行分析,对高频关键词进行统计分析,经过矩阵转化,构造高频关键词聚类图和高频关键词多维尺度分析图,挖掘出阅读障碍的五大研究领域,分别是阅读障碍的认知和脑机制研究、脑功能和事件相关电位研究、眼动和病例对照研究、发展性阅读障碍的认知研究、阅读理解障碍的教育对策。  相似文献   

目前有关幼儿合作行为的研究主要集中在其发展阶段与影响因素方面。研究者对幼儿出现合作行为的时间与发展趋势尚未取得一致看法,对影响合作因素的分析则开始从强调外部因素转为关注内部因素,越来越多的研究者开始探讨个体人格与认知对合作的影响。未来有关幼儿合作的研究应在研究方法与内容上进行拓展或创新,应更多关注幼儿在真实生活情境中的合作行为,运用更为成熟的脑成像技术与微观发生法深入地探究幼儿合作的内部认知神经机制与心理发展过程。  相似文献   

王梅先 《文教资料》2009,(7):126-129
发展性阅读障碍是一种最常见的学习障碍,严重阻碍了儿童各方面能力的全面发展.患有发展性阅读障碍的儿童在认知、情感、自我概念及社会性发展方面都会遇到很多的困难,关于发展性阅读障碍的研究应该引起人们的重视.本文从诊断、矫治两个方面对已有研究进行了综述,并对发展性阅读障碍的矫治进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

自闭症的病因、诊断及心理干预   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
自闭症是一种小儿广泛性的发展障碍 ,语言障碍、社会性障碍和想象障碍是自闭症的三个核心障碍。研究者从生物学水平、行为水平、认知水平等多种图式来说明不同的自闭症障碍类型 ,认为自闭症的病因主要是脑生物学上的因素导致认知和情感上的障碍。对自闭症的神经生物学研究已经有了一些进展 ,引发自闭症的遗传因素正在得到确定。目前对自闭症的认知方面的研究集中在“心的理论”上。自闭症的诊断标准经历了一个发展过程 ,目前国际上一般以DSM第四版 ( 1 994)中自闭症的诊断标准来诊断。对自闭症的心理干预以教育训练和心理辅导为主。目前还不能证明心理干预完全有效 ,但取得了一定的成果。  相似文献   

在人工智能视域下的课堂教学智慧评价中,基于中国优秀传统文化中的知行哲学和大脑认知活动的信息自由能理论构建的学习发生知行模型,描述了学习发生的条件与路径、学习风格、有效教学方法等,关涉学生学习发生这一教育核心问题。学习发生知行模型批判地吸收了ELT、4MAT等学习理论中富有启发性的观点,将知行与外在可观测的语言刺激(四何)数据关联起来,使学生内部认识活动与外在教学环境的相互作用即课堂认知活动具备了人工智能可分析的可能。它将学习发生的认知过程划分为外界信息的处理过程(不涉及大脑自由能减少)和内部世界认知模型的调整过程或思想练习(减少大脑自由能)两类,提出的人工智能课堂认知活动量化评价指标框架,尝试解决现有机器分析无法覆盖课堂思维方式、教学风格等重要维度的问题,为完整性的、本土化的、易理解的课堂教学智慧评价分析系统的设计提供了可行方案。  相似文献   

脑的可塑性研究:现状与进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可塑性是大脑的主要属性之一,在动物和人类毕生发展的进程中,中枢神经系统都有一定的可塑性。有关大脑可塑性的研究对于揭示大脑活动的规律、进行临床矫治和干预以及教育教学实践都具有十分重要的意义。当前的认知神经科学研究从分子、细胞、皮层地图以及神经网络等层面研究了大脑可塑性的表现模式、内在机制及其影响因素,但是仍有许多值得探讨的问题。在大脑发生可塑性变化的过程中,大脑的结构和功能到底发生了哪些变化,这些变化是如何产生的?大脑在加工不同任务时可塑性的表现模式、内在机制及其影响因素是特异性的,还是受到共同的机制的调节?成熟和经验各自在大脑可塑性的过程中扮演着什么样的角色,二者如何通过交互作用影响大脑可塑性的表现形式、内在机制及其影响因素?目前都不是十分清楚。此外,从理论上讲,有关大脑可塑性的研究对于教育教学实践具有重要的启示,但是当前有关大脑可塑性的研究并没有很好地与教育教学实践结合起来。如何结合课堂教育教学实践开展大脑可塑性的研究,以便指导教育教学实践的科学化和实效化,大幅度提高教育教学质量,是摆在认知神经科学工作者、教育实践者面前的一项急切的任务。  相似文献   

This paper explores the neglected area of categories of individual difference in human cerebral function. During thinking and decision making, it is hypothesised that different people process the same information in different ways, using different areas of the brain. Recent work suggests that individuals can be categorised into a small number of consistent groups of thinking, or cognitive, style. The different ways of processing reflect two basic dimensions of cognitive style. A simple computer‐presented method of determining cognitive style has been developed.

It is probable that these styles have an underlying cerebral basis. The styles are likely to be related to cerebral orientation. The specialisation of one cerebral hemisphere for verbal function and the other for visuo‐spatial has been long established. Hemispheric specialisation has been associated with the right hemisphere being the location of the visuo‐spatial and the left the verbal function, although evidence for this has been sometimes conflicting. This is not surprising when attention has not been paid to individual differences in cognitive style, as subjects of different styles will use different processes when doing the same cognitive task. Individual differences in orientation have not been clearly linked to differences in cognitive style.

It is proposed that studies could usefully explore the cerebral basis of individual differences in cognitive style, by measuring EEG asymmetries of individuals of specific cognitive styles, during the performance of a range of cognitive tasks. It is proposed that this would identify the location of certain brain functions associated with the different processing underlying the styles. A subsidiary intention is to assess the effectiveness of digital EEG monitoring as a research tool in this context.  相似文献   

English Learners (ELs), students from non-English-speaking backgrounds, are a fast-growing, understudied, group of students in the U.S. with unique learning challenges. Cognitive flexibility—the ability to switch between task demands with ease—may be an important factor in learning for ELs as they have to manage learning in their non-dominant language and access knowledge in multiple languages. We used functional MRI to measure cognitive flexibility brain activity in a group of Hispanic middle school ELs (N = 63) and related it to their academic skills. We found that brain engagement during the cognitive flexibility task was related to both out-of-scanner reading and math measures. These relationships were observed across the brain, including in cognitive control, attention, and default mode networks. This work suggests the real-world importance of cognitive flexibility for adolescent ELs, where individual differences in brain engagement were associated with educational outcomes.  相似文献   

Multiple and rapid changes in brain development occur in infancy and early childhood that undergird behavioral development in core domains. The period of adolescence also carries a second influx of growth and change in the brain to support the unique developmental tasks of adolescence. This special section documents two core conclusions from multiple studies. First, evidence for change in brain‐based metrics that underlie cognitive and behavioral functions are not limited to narrow windows in development, but are evident from infancy into early adulthood. Second, the specific evident changes are unique to challenges and goals that are salient for a respective developmental period. These brain‐based changes interface with environmental inputs, whether from the child's broader ecology or at an individual level.  相似文献   

Previous studies have revealed that “neuromyths,” which are misconceptions about the brain, show a high prevalence among teachers in different countries. However, little is known about the origin of these ideas; that is to say, the sources that may influence their presence among teachers. This research aims to identify the prevalence of five frequent neuromyths among teachers in Quebec (belief in neuromyths and reported practices) and the reported sources of these beliefs (e.g., reading popular science texts). A total of 972 teachers from Quebec responded to an online questionnaire. Results show a lower prevalence than previous studies (although it remains high), and that the main sources cited by participants are related to cognitive biases and university training. To our knowledge, this study is the first to report data supporting the idea that cognitive biases are related to the prevalence of neuromyths.  相似文献   

This study investigates the difficulties students encounter in problem solving in the area of sciences. Contrary to usual approaches of a fundamental psychological basis, the research takes into account the sociological processes of learning and transmission in both the family and the school. The aim of the study is to see the extent to which the students have recognition and realisation rules in the micro‐context of problem solving (specific coding orientation) and to find out the reasons which may underlie their difficulties. Thus the data obtained are related to social class, race and gender and also to pedagogic practices (differing in power and control relations) and school science achievement in high level cognitive competencies. They are also related to children's cognitive level. The results show a strong relation between social class and specific coding orientation to problem solving. The relation is also strong for race and weaker for gender. Specific coding orientation is also strongly related to cognitive development and science achievement. These relations differ for the variables according to realisation and recognition rules and their various indices. The study shows the positive influence of pedagogic practice, which constitutes a crucial finding to pedagogic change.  相似文献   

Different moderators/mediators of risk are involved in developmental dyslexia (DD), but data are inconsistent. We explored the prevalence of season of birth and its association with gender and age of school entry in an Italian sample of dyslexic children compared to an Italian normal control group. The clinical sample included 498 children (345 boys, mean age 10.3 ± 2.1 years) with DD, the control sample 1,276 children (658 boys, mean age 10.8 ± 2.2 years) from four elementary schools from the same urban area, and with the same socio-economic status level. A prevalence of birth in autumn was found among children with DD compared to controls (34% versus 24%, p < 0.0001). Children with DD were more frequently males (p < 0.0001) and had a lower mean age of school entry (p < 0.0001). Regarding the distribution of ages, 11.4% of children with DD, but none of the subjects in the control group, started school before 5.7 years. Therefore, greater risk of DD was related to age of school entry (OR = 2.72), gender (OR = 2.16), and season of birth (OR = 1.21). Significant interactions between boys with DD born in autumn, and correct school of entry (OR = 2.56) were joint predictors of higher risk of DD. The association between birth in autumn and DD may be explained by the earlier age of school entry, which may be a critical element in the youngest children with DD or at risk to DD. Whether Italian school policy is oriented to anticipate the school entry, a closer detection of early learning disorders and associated risk factors (familial load, specific language disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) should be warranted.  相似文献   

认知神经科学通过将脑成像技术和认知心理学的实验范式结合起来,探索人类的行为的深层机制.大脑作为学习的主要器官,是认识神经科学的主要研究对象.认知神经科学关注学习所激活的脑区、神经回路以及激活的时程,从神经活动的层面上阐述学习的机制.大脑学习机制的阐明可以帮助教育工作者改进教学方法,为教育学奠定科学的基础.认知神经科学还...  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the level of cognitive development of Afro-American students enrolled in general chemistry courses at the college level and to determine the strategies used by both successful and unsuccessful Afro-American students in solving specific types of stoichiometric problems. It was found that the choice of a strategy is not significantly related to cognitive development of the student in specific types of stoichiometric problems. However, the following trend was noted: Students who are formal-operational in thought are more likely to be successful when solving mole-volume problems and complex mole-mole problems than are their concrete-operational counterparts. Additionally, a systematic strategy proved to be successful for the students, regardless of the cognitive development, when balancing simple and complex chemical equations. Also, algorithmic/reasoning strategies were needed to solve the mole-volume problem. A higher level of cognitive development and reasoning may be crucial factors in solving the more sophisticated types of problems in stoichiometry.  相似文献   

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