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This paper is concerned with an innovative approach to teaching Chinese characters. Traditionally, pupils learn Chinese characters by repeatedly copying them until they can reproduce their form and pronunciation from memory. Most of the characters pupils are required to learn are selected on the basis of their frequency in adult written communications rather in everyday child usage. The process takes many years and is perceived by pupils as laborious and boring. The writers of the paper developed an approach based on the phenomenographic approach to learning and on various pioneering ways of teaching Chinese characters. Learning starts with the pupils’ own language and characters are introduced and used in contexts meaningful to the pupil, attention being drawn systematically to structural features, written form and pronunciation. Characters are learnt in relational clusters, similarities and variations among related characters in the clusters being used by teachers to highlight and emphasise crucial aspects of Chinese characters and words. The learning mastered serves as a foundation for subsequent learning. After an in-depth discussion of theory and pedagogy, the writers report an investigation in four primary schools in Hong Kong that yields strong support for the efficacy of the approach.  相似文献   

瘦猪 《高中生》2011,(22):22
唐诺赞同俄国文学批评家巴赫金的观点:"语言是社会习俗的印记。"现在年轻人对各种牌子的汽车如数家珍,他们的熟稔程度和只识弯弓射大雕的成吉思汗对草原上奔腾的骏马一样。汉字是活的,有孕育、出生、成长和死亡的过程,其中还有不可预测的转变,就像追忆某个人的一生,里面有故事有悲喜,甚至有传奇。  相似文献   

We present an elemental model of associative learning that describes interactions between stimulus elements as a process of competitive normalization. Building on the assumptions laid out in Harris (2006), stimuli are represented as an array of elements that compete for attention according to the strength of their input. Elements form associations among each other according to temporal correlations in their activation but restricted by their connectivity. The model moves beyond its predecessor by specifying excitatory, inhibitory, and attention processes for each element in real time and describing their interaction as a form of suppressive gain control. Attention is formalized in this model as a network of mutually inhibitory units that moderate the activation of stimulus elements by controlling the level to which the elements are suppressed by their own inhibitory processes. The model is applied to a range of complex discriminations and related phenomena that have been taken as evidence for configural-learning processes.  相似文献   

We trained 36 12-year-old Chinese students with reading disorders in the analysis, synthesis and integration of orthographic constituents of semantic and phonetic bujians (radicals); and also their writing (spelling and composing) skills. These target students were compared with 37 age-controls in a pre-test and post-test design on a number of reading literacy indicators predicated on the “Blueprint of the Reader”. The tasks were: essay writing; morphological compounding; correction of errors; segmentation; text comprehension; fluency; copying of words, and of texts; writing to dictation; and reading aloud words and text. A promax oblique structure analysis of the performance of the 73 students found the tasks clustered into four components. A two (group) × 11 (tasks) multivariate analysis of covariance with the pre-training tasks as covariates followed by analyses of variance showed that the experimental students outperformed their age-peers in essay writing, morphological compounding, correction of errors, text comprehension and reading text aloud. They were also highly satisfied with their training as shown in a questionnaire survey.  相似文献   

形声字是构成汉字形体的基本形式,形声字的产生在汉字发展过程中具有十分重要的地位。这不仅是因为形声字在汉字中所占比例之高,还由于它在推动汉字简化过程中的特殊作用。形声字的简化主要有三种形式,即"省形"、"省声"和"省形省声"。对形声字"省形"、"省声"现象的研究,有助于我们更好地把握和应用汉字简化规律。  相似文献   

We present and test an instance model of associative learning. The model, Minerva-AL, treats associative learning as cued recall. Memory preserves the events of individual trials in separate traces. A probe presented to memory contacts all traces in parallel and retrieves a weighted sum of the traces, a structure called the echo. Learning of a cue–outcome relationship is measured by the cue’s ability to retrieve a target outcome. The theory predicts a number of associative learning phenomena, including acquisition, extinction, reacquisition, conditioned inhibition, external inhibition, latent inhibition, discrimination, generalization, blocking, overshadowing, overexpectation, superconditioning, recovery from blocking, recovery from overshadowing, recovery from overexpectation, backward blocking, backward conditioned inhibition, and second-order retrospective revaluation. We argue that associative learning is consistent with an instance-based approach to learning and memory.  相似文献   

This study examined distributional statistical learning of positional, phonetic, and semantic regularities of an artificial orthography in Chinese children aged 8–10 years: 29 with dyslexia, 29 age-matched controls, and 30 reading-level matched controls. Despite having positional regularity learning performance comparable to the controls, the children with dyslexia were poorer at learning left-right structured characters than top-bottom structured characters in high- and low-consistency conditions. Moreover, they showed difficulties in mapping a given sound or meaning to a specific character compared with the typically developing controls. These findings suggest that children with dyslexia have deficits in some, though not all, aspects of statistical learning of character orthography, which may reflect their difficulties in coping with distractors and inconsistency of orthographic input.  相似文献   

象形、指事、会意、形声的判别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了判别象形、指事、会意、形声这4种造字法的5种方法:1.先分析字的结构层次,根据第一层次确定造字法;2.突出每一种造字法的特点:象形的特点在形,形声的特点在声,指事的特点在符号或变体,会意的特点在构字部件是不表声的独体字;3.考察构字部件之间的关系:音形关系,位置关系,主次关系,融合关系;4.有时得考察字的写词作用:象形字象物,会意字象事,指事字与形声字象物、象事、象意;5.承认一个字兼用几种造字法,如会意兼形声  相似文献   

佚名 《高中生》2011,(22):23
汉字充满灵性,是很有意味的一种文字。许多汉字中蕴含着人生的哲理和警示。"人"字最简单易写,只有两笔,一撇一捺。有人说:一撇象征男人,体现阳刚之美;一捺象征女人,体现着阴柔之美。《说文解字》说:"人,天地之性最贵者也。"人之所以为"天下贵",是因为人有"灵气",是采天地日  相似文献   

汉字发展中的跨结构变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉字的跨结构变化是指汉字在演变过程中出现的跨越原有结构层级的变化。跨结构变化造成了汉字形体的重大变化,表现为构件粘合、构件分离和构件重组。跨结构变化是在汉字书写便捷的促动下形成的,属于汉字形体的正常发展,同时也造成了汉字理据讲解的困难和汉字基础构件数量的增加,使汉字的系统性降低。  相似文献   

浅谈日语中的汉字   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从日语汉字的起源,谈了日语汉字的一些基本特点;通过对汉字的字形、字音、字义等几个方面的比较,谈了日语汉字和汉语汉字两者的同与异。  相似文献   

资本账户开放直接关系到中国的经济稳定与安全,需要一系列相关经济条件及合理的政策措施与之适应、配合。  相似文献   

汉字古老而神秘,汉文化是以汉字为核心的中华文化。汉字承载文化,文化包罗汉字。从汉字我们可以看到中国传统的审美观念,而汉文化是汉字的根。汉字和汉文化紧密相连、相互促进,共同构建了"汉文化圈",其影响波及域外,成走俏趋势。  相似文献   


The present study aimed at developing young children’s knowledge of the structure and function of orthographic components of Chinese characters and words. Grade 2, eight-year-old Chinese children (N = 541) were taught a twelve-week training programme in two quasi experimental conditions: analytic and synthetic approach (ASA), and integrated analytic and synthetic approach (INA). A traditional memorisation and drill approach (TRA) was the control condition. MANOVAs and hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed the INA was more effective as compared with the ASA and the TRA in the post-training character writing performance. The groups performed differentially in the eight bujian (‘radical’ components) processing tasks as indicators of their character and word writing performance. A confirmatory factor analysis found these eight indicator tasks subserved well the three latent constructs of Word Form Retrieval, Bujian Analysis and Synthesis and Bujian Compounding. Bujian analysis and synthesis are emphasised in the character-centred approach in learning and teaching Chinese lexical items.  相似文献   

汉字的性质只能根据它的构形原则,而不能根据文字体系中单个符号与语言单位的对应关系确定.它是表意文字,形体与意义之间存在着理据性.词文字(语素文字)不能概括汉字的性质.拼音文字的"字母"与"汉字"不是对等的文字单位.  相似文献   

汉字蕴涵着丰富的文化内涵,较好地保留了先民们的思想观念.从汉字字形入手,通过对"德”、"仁”、"义”、"敬”、"惠”等几个能集中反映儒家道德思想的汉字的分析,我们对早期儒家道德思想作了追根溯源性的考察,有利于我们正确地认识儒家道德思想.  相似文献   

在百年语文教学实践中,语文训练经历了一个曲折的发展历程.由曾经的被特别凸显以致发生异化,到新世纪以来的被冷落甚至淡出,语文训练从一个极端走向另一个极端.这两种极端表现,只有建构存在论视野下的语文训练观才能真正使语文训练理性回归语文教学.  相似文献   

通过对汉语句尾歧义字的行为实验研究,探讨汉字字形、语音、语义之间的关系。选择与中心末尾字(如"雨")同音("语")、形似("两")以及无关控制("哥")的干扰末尾字,让被试判断句子是否语义正确。行为数据表明,形似组和同音组有显著的不同:形似组的反应时长于同音组,正确率也低于同音组。行为实验的结果说明,在汉语句尾歧义字的实验模式中,人们对于形的加工要比同音字困难,在对末尾字不匹配句的语义判断中字形的干扰作用大于语音的干扰作用,而这与对英语的研究结果是相反的。  相似文献   

分析了对会计模拟实验教学地位、作用认识不足,会计模拟实验内容不够完整、资料不够完善、指导不够得力等问题,并针对上述问题提出进一步加强高职会计模拟实验教学的设想。这对培养会计专业高级技术应用型人才具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国理财教育现状、问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对中国的理财教育严重不足,理财教育课程开发薄弱的现状,应完善我国理财教育的基本思路,即政策支持开发校本课程,鼓励理财教育与生活实践相结合,重视家庭在开展理财教育中的重要作用,加强理财教育师资队伍的建设等等.  相似文献   

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