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Recognition of handwritten Arabic alphabet via hand motion tracking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes an online video-based approach to handwritten Arabic alphabet recognition. Various temporal and spatial feature extraction techniques are introduced. The motion information of the hand movement is projected onto two static accumulated difference images according to the motion directionality. The temporal analysis is followed by two-dimensional discrete cosine transform and Zonal coding or Radon transformation and low pass filtering. The resulting feature vectors are time-independent thus can be classified by a simple classification technique such as K Nearest Neighbor (KNN). The solution is further enhanced by introducing the notion of superclasses where similar classes are grouped together for the purpose of multiresolutional classification. Experimental results indicate an impressive 99% recognition rate on user-dependant mode. To validate the proposed technique, we have conducted a series of experiments using Hidden Markov models (HMM), which is the classical way of classifying data with temporal dependencies. Experimental results revealed that the proposed feature extraction scheme combined with simple KNN yields superior results to those obtained by the classical HMM-based scheme.  相似文献   

王端旭 《科研管理》2006,27(6):80-84,143
面对工作任务的相互依赖性和技术复杂性的不断提高,越来越多的企业采用团队作为其研发活动的基本工作单元。本文从权变理论的角度分析组织、团队和个体三个层面的情景因素对设计研发团队激励机制的影响。  相似文献   

With the development of the BI (Business intelligence) applications, robots and robot-based technology appear in various fields. Compact robotic automated parking system will facilitate the informatization and modernization of urban development and environmental protection. Compact robotic automated parking (CRAP) system is a new system with higher storage utilization and rapid response to store and handle cars. This system has double storage rings, instead of one storage ring in old compact automated parking (CAP) system for storing cars in each tier, and each tier is equipped with inner rotating ring and tier-captive automated guided vehicle for horizontal transport. The CRAP system has one elevator with vertical automated guided vehicle in the outer ring instead of the center part in the old CAP system for vertical transport. We first estimate the system performance using queuing network models. Second, we validate the analytical models through simulation and a real case. The simulation results show that we make an accurate estimation. Third, we optimize system configurations by minimizing the car retrieval time. Finally, given the same storage capacity, we compare the car retrieval time based on a real application and footprint area of CRAP system with CAP system. The results show that the car retrieval time can be reduced by at least 29.7% when the system capacity C is 400, and the space utilization can be improved by at least 32.0%.  相似文献   

在经济全球化环境下,市场竞争愈加激烈,如何提高企业国际竞争力成为一个亟待解决的问题。首先简要分析国内外电站设备企业的发展情况,界定了电站设备企业国际竞争力的基本内涵,分析影响我阁电站设备企业发展的主要因素,在此基础上进行评价指标体系的设计,从而为我国电站设备企业提高国际竞争力提供理论和实践的指导作用。  相似文献   

阳小琼 《大众科技》2013,(10):3-4,26
介绍了在使用ILASIII系统处理超期罚款过程中出现的一些系统问题,分析了出现问题的原因,提出了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

The optimal location of a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) and its coordinated design with power system stabilizers (PSSs) for power system stability improvement are presented in this paper. First, the location of STATCOM to improve transient stability is formulated as an optimization problem and particle swarm optimization (PSO) is employed to search for its optimal location. Then, coordinated design problem of STATCOM-based controller with multiple PSS is formulated as an optimization problem and optimal controller parameters are obtained using PSO. A two-area test system is used to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach for determining the optimal location and controller parameters for power system stability improvement. The nonlinear simulation results show that optimally located STATCOM improves the transient stability and coordinated design of STATCOM-based controller and PSSs improve greatly the system damping. Finally, the coordinated design problem is extended to a four-machine two-area system and the results show that the inter-area and local modes of oscillations are well damped with the proposed PSO-optimized controllers.  相似文献   

徐侠  陈圻 《科学学研究》2007,25(Z2):486-491
针对高新技术产业发展过程中整体质量不高的现状。分析了高新技术企业认定过程中存在的问题,如认定标准不统一、认定门槛较低、认定等级粗糙、边界不清晰、认定标准重投入轻产出和缺乏行业监督管理体系等,并指出高新技术企业的认定应当在遵循普遍性原则的同时,还应当坚持国际和国内可比性的原则,并提出了高新技术企业的五级认定体系与优惠政策,以鼓励高新技术企业提升自主创新能力,实现高新技术产业的精细化管理。  相似文献   

杨敏杰 《科技与管理》2008,10(2):113-115
针对企业人员测评过程中如锣建立群体决策支持系统这一问题,提出了由进程库、信息库与决策支持系统的三库结构组成的人员测评群体决策支持系统。该决策支持系统是在计算机提供的“测评动态环境”的基础上,使群体决策者能够通过人机对话的形式进行测评的分析和决策。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that emerging “intelligent” systems for computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) have the potential for hindering and/or usurping designers' creativity. This issue is explored by pursuing the nature of creativity in engineering design in terms of those behaviors that tend to be associated with individuals who are judged to be creative. The characterizations of creative behavior that result are discussed in terms of their implications for the development and implementation of computer-based support systems for designers.  相似文献   

 如何使知识管理系统有效而持久地起作用是组织构建知识管理系统必须考虑的重要问题。运用系统思考原理,从利益相关者角度出发,将涉及知识管理系统的群体划分为知识贡献者、知识接收者和高层管理者三大类,构建了组织知识管理系统循环图。通过典型调查,结合其它调查结论,识别出组织实施知识管理系统的三个主要制约因素:没有足够时间、高层言行不一以及员工的恐惧和焦虑,在原有组织系统循环图基础上分析三个主要制约因素对知识管理系统的影响本质。研究表明,知识管理系统应与业务流程紧密结合,即流程导向知识管理系统可有效解决系统持久作用问题。  相似文献   

联合体设计施工总承包模式实践探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对上海外环遂道设计施工总承包管理模式的分析及总结,得出特大型基础设施工程施工管理的经验及成果,为以后类似工程的施工管理提供有益的借鉴,具有一定的实际价值。  相似文献   

Computer-based decision support systems for designers are considered. The nature of system design is discussed in terms of alternative philosophies, processes and methods. The design task is characterized as a form of problem solving, which leads to discussion of types of design problem and designer/problem-solver, as well as training of designers/problem-solvers. This general background serves as a basis for analyzing information requirements for design. The value of information is defined as having three attributes: (1) reduction of uncertainty, (2) task relevance and (3) appropriateness of form. These attributes, in conjunction with characterizations of stages/tasks of design and approaches to stages/tasks, are used to determine information requirements and the consequent nature of information seeking. The results of this requirements analysis are employed as a basis for consideration of computer-aided information seeking. Types of information/aiding discussed include: facts, fantasies and feedback, as well as adaptive aiding and training, all of which are espoused as the key elements of flexible systems for computer-aided design and computer-aided engineering.  相似文献   

研究了幅度受限环境下MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)系统的功率分配策略,提出了一种适用于该环境的功率分配算法。该算法充分考虑了功放特性,能够抑制限幅引起的非线性失真,更加合理地分配资源。仿真结果也表明,在幅度受限环境下,信号功率接近限幅门限时,传统的注水算法性能会有明显的恶化,而新算法能够保持最优性能。  相似文献   

张旭  杜瑶 《科研管理》2014,35(12):153-159
构建完善的绿色增长战略实施能力体系是实施绿色增长战略,实现战略目标的保障。本文通过对绿色增长及绿色增长战略相关文献的分析,从战略实施的角度识别了绿色增长战略的参与者。通过分析参与者能力要素及其相互关系,构建了绿色增长战略实施的能力体系。研究认为,只有充分发挥各能力要素间的协同作用,才能有效实施绿色增长战略。这需要政府引导企业行为及绿色消费,公众充分参与政府绿色决策,市场培育绿色能力。在此基础上,企业利用政府支持之手,满足消费者绿色需求,实现环境和经济的双赢。  相似文献   

谢少群 《大众科技》2014,(4):163-164
大数据时代,详细的客流信息对于商场运营、决策、分析很重要。随着计算机软硬件的发展,摄像探头已能够统计进出客流数量,POS机可以记录顾客购买了何种商品。以此两种硬件设备为基础,文章对商场客流分析系统的开发进行了研究,设计了一个客流分析系统。  相似文献   

当代美国EAP领域改革的研究及对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要介绍了美国21世纪EAP领域面临的挑战,对以美国医学会2001年的报告为框架进行的相关改革研究进行探讨,并在此基础上提出了对我国EAP发展的几点启示,以期能够提升EAP在国内的发展速度,提高其发展的质量。  相似文献   

火灾自动报警喷淋系统是扑灭建筑物初期火灾最为有效的消防设施而被广泛应用。但该系统在设计初期及使用过程中也容易出现一些技术上的问题,从而影响系统的正常使用。因此对系统设计方案的选择、系统验收及设备后期维护保养是极为重要的。  相似文献   

构建测量组织战略绩效的指标体系方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程卓蕾  孟溦  齐力  刘文斌 《科研管理》2010,31(3):106-112
摘要:组织战略管理绩效服务于组织战略目标,是对组织战略行为和结果的考察与评价。组织战略管理的绩效决定了组织的绩效。由于组织战略的长期性、动态不确定性和复杂性,组织战略管理的绩效评估愈发复杂。本文提出了以简化SSM系统分析和3E理论为基础,从组织的愿景和战略出发,在“目标-过程-结果”系统地逻辑分析和理性思考基础上,基于组织功能模块和管理流程,构建具有逻辑关联性的测量组织战略绩效的指标体系。并以高校科研评价指标体系的构建为例,将高校发展战略分解运用到科研评价和管理的整个实施过程。此方法不但可以测量组织战略管理的绩效,还可用以重新设计、调整现有组织结构进而提高组织绩效。  相似文献   

In this paper, the subspace identification based robust fault prediction method which combines optimal track control with adaptive neural network compensation is presented for prediction the fault of unknown nonlinear system. At first, the local approximate linear model based on input-output of unknown system is obtained by subspace identification. The optimal track control is adopted for the approximate model with some unknown uncertainties and external disturbances. An adaptive RBF neural network is added to the track control in order to guarantee the robust tracking ability of the observation system. The effect of the system nonlinearity and the error caused by subspace modeling can be overcome by adaptive tuning of the weights of the RBF neural network online without any requisition of constraint or matching conditions. The stability of the designed closed-loop system is thus proved. A density function estimation method based on state forecasting is then used to judge the fault. The proposed method is applied to fault prediction of model-unknown fighter F-8II of China airforce and the simulation results show that the proposed method can not only predict the fault, but has strong robustness against uncertainties and external disturbances.  相似文献   

李国华 《大众科技》2014,(11):38-42
由于人为因素,订单出错是常有的事。采用计算机订单管理系统,能充分发挥计算机精准的特性及擅长处理大数据量的能力,保证处理过程的正确性。该系统基于B/S架构,使用面向对象C#语言和.net框架开发,并充分利用了.net的OO特性,结合MS SQL SERVER,在开发过程中运用多层结构的设计思想(表现层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层),是一个高内聚、低耦合的MIS系统,能有效的帮助企业实施企业信息化管理,节约运营成本。  相似文献   

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