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一、教学内容Come on,children.Look at the elephant!Wow.It's so big.Look!It has a long nose and a short tail.It has small eyes and big ears.Oh,it's so funny.  相似文献   

Big big world     
I’m a big big girlin a big big worldIt’snota big big thing ifyou leave m eButIdo do feelthatItoo too willm issyou m uch m issyou m uch…Ican see the firstleaffalling it’sallyellow and niceIt’sso very cold outside like the way I’m feeling insideI’m a big big girlin a big big worldIt’snota big big thing ifyou leave m eButIdo do feelthatItoo too willm issyou m uch m issyou m uch…Outside it’snow raining and tearsare falling from m y eyesW hy did ithave to happen why did itallhave to e…  相似文献   

Functions:1.C an understand and say the drills:—Look at…—It's sm art/pretty.A nd can use them to com m unicate andpraise freely.2.C an understand and say the words:ashirt,a T-shirt,a blouse,a jacket3.C onsolidate the usage of the possessivepronoun:m y4…  相似文献   

H ello,everyone!M yEnglish nam e is John.Iam a happy boy ofeleven years old.M y favorite friend is A m y,she hasa pair of big eyes and long hair.A m y can play the piano,she alsocan play the saxophone.I have a very nice fam ily.T hereare three people in m…  相似文献   

一、Teaching Aims(1)K nowledge:a.Enable the students to understand and saythe words:sm all,short,big,long.b.E nable the students to understand and try toact:M ake your eyes big,big…c.U se the sentence pattern to describe som eanim als.(2)Skills:a.To fost…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.热身运动(W arm-up)1.Enjoy a song:O ld M acD onald(sing anddance after the teacher)2.D aily oral practice.(日常会话练习)。D ialogues:T:H ello。W hat's your nam e?S1:M y nam e is…T:N ice to m eet you。S2:N ice to m eet you,too。T:H ow are you  相似文献   

[案例说明:本片段为单词教学新授环节。]Learn the words:eat,drink.1.(1)T:Look,boys and girls.W hat's this in English?S:It's a box.T:W hat's in the box?There're som e food.W hatare they?Guess,please.S:…(2)T:Let'sopen it.Oh,som e apples,som e oranges,som e br  相似文献   

Teaching A im s:1.Listen and say:W hat's in your schoolbag?Ihave…2.G rasp the num bers from zero to nine andstationery item s.3.K now plural form s.4.G uide thepupils to enjoy the happiness of success of usingEnglish and train them the ability of listening andspeaking.T eaching process:Step1.W arm ing up1.Sing a song.2.Show num bers.3.A ction.(D esign m eans:通过课前热身活动,活跃课堂气氛,调动了学生的学习兴趣,为本课教学创造了积极的氛围。)Step2.Presentation1.Lead inT:Look,Thisism y schoo…  相似文献   

一,Teaching Aims ( 1 ) Knowledge : a. Enable the students to understand and say the words:small, short, big, long.  相似文献   

My Bedroom     
Look! This is my bedroom. It's not very big but it's very nice. There is a desk and a chair in the room. The desk is near the window.  相似文献   

正Miss Xu is our English teacher.She is thirty-five years old.She has two big eyes and long hair.There is a pair of glasses on her face.My classmates and I can learn a lot from her.We all like her very much.And she likes us,too.She has a lot of games in her class,such as'Look and guess','Read and act'…She teaches us how to remember the new  相似文献   

Our School     
阅读在线读短文,回答问题。 O ur School This is our school.It's a nice big school.Thereare tw enty -five classes.W e are students of G radesix. W e go to school at seven thirty in the m orning.Classes begin at eight.W e have six lessons everyday.After classes w e clean our classroom .W e gohom e at four tw enty. W e like our school. ⒈Is your school big and nice芽 ⒉H ow m any classes are there in your school芽 ⒊W hat grade are you in 芽 ⒋W hat tim e do you go to schoo芽 ⒌D o you li…  相似文献   

Name matching     
亲爱的小朋友,你有没有英语名字啊?Wha t’s your English na m e?今天我要介绍五位新朋友给大家,她们分别是Em ily,Lin-da,Apple,Cindy,Lucy.Look,the y a re pla ying to-ge the r.聪明的你能分辨出她们分别是谁吗?请在方框里填上相应的英语名字。Em ily ha s short a nd curly ha ir.Linda is the little girl with long,blond ha ir.Apple is the girl in a big,pink ha t.Cindy ha s a round fa ce a nd two big e ye s.Lucy is we a ring a purple dre ss.Name matching@王亚琴 @顾燕华~~…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Warming up1.Greetings.T:Good morning,children.Are you ready for class?OK!Howare you?…2.A Guessing Game-What can I do?The students speak out what the teacher has done.(引导学生准确地输出短语:run fast,jump high,swim fast,throw far,fly high)3.Review Part B(1)Look and match Show the pictures of Part Band the phrases,ask the students to match them(CAI).  相似文献   

T eaching C ontents:1.Let's tryListen and tick or cross2.Let's talkTeacher:A re you helpful athom e,Chen Jie?Chen:Sure.Teacher:W hat can you do?Chen:I can sweep the floor.I can cook the m eals.Teacher:G reat。Y ou'rehelpful。3.G roup workT eaching A im s:…  相似文献   

教学实录:Step1.W arm upT:H ello,boys and girls.Ss:H ello,M iss M ei.T:Look at our classroom.W hat are there in theclassroom?There isaTV set.There are m any students.Y ou go on,O K?S1:There is a teacher in the classroom.S2:There are four fans in the classroom.…T:W elldone。Let’s sing a song“In the Class-room”.Ss:O K.(教师联系生活实际,引导学生观察身处的教室,以自由问答的形式开门见山地导入句型There is\are…,使英语的生活化教学得到了充分的体现。师生共同演唱“In the C lassroom”,不仅…  相似文献   

School was over and I was both m entally and physically tired. I sat at the very front of the bus because of m y 1 to get hom e. Sitting at the front m ade m e 2 out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies. Jane,the driver tried to break the 3 atm osphere by striking the m atch of 4 . I tried to m ind m y m anners and 5 listened, but usually I was too busy thinking of m y day.O n this day, 6 ,her conver- sation was w orth listening to. “M y father’s sick,” she said to no one in 7 .I c…  相似文献   

鬟One day,Kathy and Leo mset a fox and an elephant in the woods.Ka’thy seesthe fox and says,‘'You have a small fac-e.…'You have a big face,”s。aYs the fox. , ,T;le elephant smiles‘to Lec,and says。”You have Srflall ears.”And Leo says tothe elephant.”、mu have bi(》ears.”D a d d Y,M 0 m m y,1 0 0 k a t m e.I h a v e a b i g,b i g fa c e. ,一,,_一S h O W m e y o U r S m a I I,s m a l I e a rs. @Y de a r b a b y!盎、_a ≈。?、;_荔蓑尸≥拶搿ddy和Mommy uG以和小朋友一起玩ays”的游…  相似文献   

O ne day, a poor farm er took a bag of w heat to tow n. H e didn’tknow w hatto do w hen the bag felloffhis horse. The bag w as too heavyfor him to lift.H e hoped thatsom eone w ould com e and help him . B efore long a m an cam e over.Butthe farm er’s heartsank w hen hesaw the m an,w ho w as the great m an in tow n.The farm er w as afraid toask for help. A s soon as he cam e up to the farm er, the great m an got off hishorse and said,“Y ou need m y help,don’tyou? L etm e help you. ”…  相似文献   

任大中 《新高考》2013,(Z2):70-79
任务型阅读(1)(江苏省南菁高级中学2012~2013学年度第二学期高三第一次考试)Guiding students through open-ended discussions can help students develop their understanding of the nature of science.One useful practice in classroom discussions involves developing a discussion map.A discussion map is a graphic timeline created by the teacher on which a discussion is recorded-who initially states the idea and who adds to or refuses the idea.Discussion maps let teachers gain a deep understanding of students’level of participation,the  相似文献   

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