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教科书话语角色分析有助于发现书中隐含的性别偏见,表现为男女在对话数量、社会期望、交际功能等方面的差异。以英国高校希腊语教科书为例,国外对教科书性别偏见的话语角色分析在样本选取、框架建构、技术运用和结果阐释等方面为我国教科书性别意识研究提供了有益启示:关注教科书中的对话内容,展开形式与功能的全面分析,结合社交情境探索男女差异,用多学科视角诠释分析结果。  相似文献   

笔者借内容分析方法,对人民教育出版社九年义务教育语文教科书做了统计分析,发现其中存在性别偏见问题。本文就此问题进行了较为深入的探讨,并对如何抵制和消除教科书中的性别偏见提出了建议。  相似文献   

闫隽 《红领巾》2004,(2):106-109
“性别偏见“是社会学范畴中的一种社会现象,在新闻传播活动的过程中也有所体现.经过对<中国青年报>、<城市早报>、<体坛周报>等报纸的抽样研究分析发现,在体育报道中也存在性别偏见.这种偏见有观赏型偏见、忽略型偏见、玩狎型偏见、侮辱型偏见几种类型.造成这种偏见的原因有:(一)我国体育新闻采编队伍中男性比例极高;(二)我国传统文化的影响;(三)体育新闻的受众群以男性为主,女性为辅,且男性比例极高.  相似文献   

我国中小学教科书中性别不平等的社会学分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国的中小学教科书特别是语文和历史教科书中存在着严重的性别不平等。无论是在课文还是在插图中女性的出场次数都比男性少得多。有职业的男性比女性多,而且男性所从事的职业声望更高。男性的性格更多地集中了人类的优点,其能力更高超。与美国等发达国家相比,我国的教科书中的性别不平等更加严重。这一现象的存在有我国的特殊原因。教科书中的性别不平等对女生和男生都有很大的危害,因此,在新课程的教材改革中必须强调编写使用性别平等的教科书,具体说来就是在教科书的编写、审查和选用中努力做到性别平等。  相似文献   

随着我国体育事业和传媒事业的蓬勃发展,在体育传播媒介中却缺乏对两性均衡的贡献报道。本文通过对报纸、电视和网络中男女体育报道的文字及图片数量等研究分析,发现体育传播媒介中存在着性别偏见,而造成这种偏见的原因具有深层次的。  相似文献   

男女教育机会公平是教育和谐发展的重要指标,消除课程和教学中的性别不公平是实现男女教育平等的重要标准。语文是小学阶段的主要课程,其高度浓缩的主流社会性别文化是其他学科难以比拟的,本文对北京师范大学出版的小学语文教科书中存在的性别倾向问题进行统计分析,并提出性别教育建议。  相似文献   

男女生性别差异是客观存在的,然而在教育活动中存在着忽视学生性别差异的现象,存在着性别偏见的问题.这主要表现为教师对性别心理特性的偏见;教材文化中的性别偏见;教育科学中的性别偏见.要真正做到男女平等,在教育活动中必须关注性别差异,实施"因性施教",使每一个学生得到健康,全面的发展.  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》爱情小说中的性别偏见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒲松龄在<聊斋志异>中,冲破封建藩篱,让青年男女毫无顾忌地相慕相爱,让被禁锢的人类天性彻底解放,但作为一个生活在以男子为中心的男权社会的男性作家,蒲松龄摆脱不了传统意识与文化的束缚,在其爱情小说中,性别偏见随处可见.  相似文献   

聂雅 《现代中小学教育》2021,(3):92-94,F0003
自20世纪70年代以来,美国女性主义对教育领域内的性别歧视、性别刻板印象等进行深刻揭露和批判,努力在教育中体现性别平等。注重制定反性别偏见的教育政策、重视职前教师和在职教师性别平等信念的培养、重新编写学生教材是美国中学教育体现性别平等的具体举措。长期实践中,改革取得了初步成效,女孩参与理科课程显著提高,但依旧存在着来自教育系统内部和社会其他系统的挑战。当前我国中学正在提倡推进性别平等,美国中学教育为性别平等所做出的努力,能为我国中学教育中推进性别平等提供借鉴。  相似文献   

现行小学语文教材中的性别偏见   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在比较现行小学语文教材中的男女角色数量、男女职业类型、男女角色形象的基础上,揭示出现行小学语文教材中存在着较为严重的性别偏见。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Various types of gender bias in the criteria and use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd edition, revised; DSM-III-R; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) by counselors are discussed. Recommendations for addressing such bias in counselor training are provided.  相似文献   

In this study we examined whether the measures used in the admission of students to universities in Israel are gender biased. The criterion used to measure bias was performance in the first year of university study; the predictors consisted of an admission score, a high school matriculation score, and a standardized test score as well as its component subtest scores. Statistically, bias was defined according to the boundary conditions given in Linn (1984). No gender bias was detected when using the admission score (which is used for selection) as a predictor of first-year performance in the university. Bias in favor of women was found predominantly using school grades as predictor whereas bias against women was found predominantly in using the standardized test scores. It was concluded that the admission score is a valid and unbiased predictor of first-year university performance for the two genders.  相似文献   

文章阐述了语言中存在的歧视女性的现象,分析了产生此语言现象的主要影响因素:传统观念;社会角色因素;宗教文化因素。指出社会性别歧视导致语言性别歧视现象的产生,语言性别歧视的存在约束女性在社会中的地位。因此,消除语言性别歧视能在一定程度上提高妇女的地位。  相似文献   

Gender Bias in the Prediction of College Course Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is the relationship of college grades to the traditional predictors of aptitude test scores and high school grades different for men and women? The usual gender bias of underpredicting the grade point averages of women may result from gender-related course selection effects. This study controlled course selection effects by predicting single course grades rather than a composite grade from several courses. In most of the large introductory courses studied, no gender bias was found that would hold up on cross-validation in a subsequent semester. Usually, it was counterproductive to adjust grade predictions according to gender. Grade point average was predicted more accurately than single course grades  相似文献   


Many disadvantaged students with refractive errors, such as myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness), do not have eyeglasses, and their reduced vision may impact reading proficiency. Providing eyeglasses may increase their reading success. This article reports the findings of a study in Baltimore City in which disadvantaged second and third graders were assessed for vision problems. Of 317 students, 182 were given glasses. Those who needed glasses were given two pairs, one for home and one for school, as well as replacements if glasses were lost or broken. School staff assisted in ensuring that students wore their glasses, storing them safely, and replacing glasses when necessary. Students who received glasses improved more on Woodcock reading measures than those who never needed glasses (ES = +0.16, p < .03). The study demonstrates the potential of providing eyeglasses to disadvantaged students who need them to improve their reading performance.  相似文献   

Concerns relating to the reliability of teacher and student peer assessments are discussed, and some correlational analyses comparing student and teacher marks described. The benefits of the use of multiple ratings are elaborated. The distinction between gender differences and gender bias is drawn, and some studies which have reported gender bias are reviewed. The issue of ‘blind marking’ is addressed. A technique for detecting gender bias in cases where student raters have awarded marks to same and opposite sex peers is described, and illustrated by data from two case studies. Effect sizes were found to be very small, indicating an absence of gender bias in these two cases. Results are discussed in relation to task and other contextual variables. The authors conclude that the technique described can contribute to the good practice necessary to ensure the success of peer assessment in terms of pedagogical benefits and reliable and fair marking outcomes.  相似文献   

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