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儿童家具的色彩会通过影响儿童的心理潜在地影响儿童日常生活中的行为表现。因此,儿童家具的色彩设计就不应仅仅从审美的角度来进行,更应以儿童的心理发展特点为依据。“发展心理学”是研究个体心理发生发展规律的一门科学,本文依据“发展心理学”关于个体儿童阶段研究的一些观点着重论述了与儿童家具色彩设计相关的三个主要问题:1)有利于儿童发展的各功能区心理环境;2)如何将色彩影响感觉的一些特殊因素应用于儿童家具的色彩设计以帮助塑造上述环境;3)儿童家具配色调和的基本技法及其于儿童发展方面的适用特点。  相似文献   

儿童家具的色彩会通过影响儿童的心理潜在地影响儿童日常生活中的行为表现,因此,儿童家具的色彩设计就不应仅仅从审美的角度来进行,更应以儿童的心理发展特点的为依据。“发展心理学”是研究个体心理发生发展规律的一门科学。本文依据“发展心理学”关于个体儿童阶段研究的一些观点着重论述了与儿童家具色彩设计相关的三个主要问题:1)有利于儿童发展的各功能区心理环境;2)如何将色彩影响感觉的一些特殊因素应用于儿童家具的色彩设计以帮助塑造上述环境;3)儿童家具配色调和的基本技法及其于儿童发展方面的适用特点。  相似文献   

本文在分析我国儿童家具发展现状的基础上,提出趣味益智性儿童家具的特点,并从色彩、造型、材质三个形态设计方面具体阐述了趣味益智性儿童家具形态设计。  相似文献   

儿童家具作为家具产业的一个分支,具有与儿童相关的特殊性。儿童是一个不断成长的特殊群体,从符号学思维和儿童思维出发,对儿童家具设计进行分析、研究,以"儿童为本"为其设计理念,寻找与儿童天性贴近的对象为设计原型,进行符号的借鉴、组合、映射等符号学设计手法的加工,创造出新的适合儿童、与儿童心灵快乐相伴的"家具",是儿童家具设计的趋势所在。  相似文献   

儿童家具是未来家具销售市场的一个消费热点,功能主义在现代设计的发展史上有着重要的意义,因此,在功能主义思想指导下的儿童家具设计也应该是变化多样的,以动态的眼光去看待功能主义下的设计,才能创造出真正的符合"以儿童为本"的家具。  相似文献   

随着住房条件的改善,儿童居室的设计越来越受到大家的关注。为孩子们布置一个舒适的生活空间是父母的普遍愿望。在着手设计儿童居室之前,首先应和孩子沟通,了解孩子的喜好以及他们所需要的东西,再根据儿童普遍的特点与需求及居室的空间大小、家庭的经济能力来进行设计装修。居室选择儿童尚不具备自己照料自己的能力,因此,房间要离父母的居室近一点。房间要有充足的阳光以及足够的照明设备,空气要能流通。这些都有利于孩子的健康成长。家具设计儿童活泼好动,喜欢跑、跳、冲撞,因此,设计家具时首先要考虑安全问题。床铺不能安置在靠近窗户的地方,家具尽量做成圆角圆边,要耐用,经得起孩子的各  相似文献   

绿色家具概念及设计定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代家具生产应把环保理念渗透到家具产业的各个要素中,绿色家具有用材,设计,工艺及生产标准等方面都有自己的特点,将绿色设计原理与方法应用到家具行业中,提高家具产品的绿色程度,将使家具行业中新技术,新工艺的运用及家具与相关行业的交叉发展更加符合现代社会的人文理念。  相似文献   

仿生设计是实现儿童家具功能性、教育性、趣味性和娱乐性兼具的重要方法之一,在国内外都有着良好的研究基础和运用空间,本文正是基于以上理论和实际,对儿童仿生椅类家具造型设计进行研究,探讨仿生设计在儿童椅类家具上的应用原则和方法,并对未来的发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

舒畅  伍思诗 《考试周刊》2011,(87):218-219
我国的儿童家具目前仍然存在着许多不足之处,比如在功能、环保意识等上考虑都比较简单,在造型与色彩的选用上未能充分考虑到儿童的心理特征,普遍存在着结构造型、材料等选用不当以致出现一系列安全隐患,这些因素都十分不利于儿童的健康成长。因此,本文对儿童家具的色彩、材料、造型进行分析,以解决这些潜在问题。  相似文献   

人们生活居住条件逐步改善,使得更多家庭的儿童拥有自己的独立生活空间,儿童家具作为居住空间的主要生活用品,其造型设计、材质使用等情况已成为行业设计和市场开发中主要重视的问题。文章以儿童"成长型"因素为切入点,以人机工程学、设计方法学等知识为参照标准,对儿童家具的"成长型"特质展开调查分析与设计研究。  相似文献   

家具产品中的甲醛释放量正逐渐成为室内空气污染源,家具的环保性直接影响着人们的身体健康。从家具的生产制造流程入手,以甲醛释放限量值为依据,比较分析木质家具原材料和涂饰材料对人体健康的影响程度,为环保木质家具提供参考依据,并提出木质家具材料甲醛释放量控制的建议。  相似文献   

家具中甲醛污染具有持续性,通常是持续10~15年,对人体健康产生很大的影响。本文选取了市面上销售的一种含甲壳素除甲醛试剂,通过实验确定了甲壳素对家具中甲醛的净化效率,同时对其净化机理进行了简单分析,为后续研究甲壳素除甲醛的持续性效果研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

A survey of 569 young people with sickle cell disorder (SCD) in England has found such pupils miss considerable periods of time from school, typically in short periods of two or three days. One in eight has school absences equating to government‐defined ‘persistent absence’. Students with SCD report that they are not helped to catch up after these school absences. Half the children reported not being allowed to use the toilet when needed and not being allowed water in class; a third reported being made to take unsuitable exercise and being called lazy when tired. Children perceived both physical environment (temperature, school furniture) and social environment (being upset by teachers or other pupils) as triggers to episodes of their illness. Policy initiatives on school absences; preventive measures to ensure maintenance of good health; and measures to prevent perceived social attitudes precipitating ill health would also support children with other chronic illnesses at school.  相似文献   

The Scottish Low Birth weight Study was set up to follow the developmental progress of all children born in Scotland in 1984 weighing less than 1750 g. At 4.5 years, 636 children (71%) of the original cohort were still alive and 611 (96%) of these were assessed by a team of community child health doctors. Some children were found by them to be impossible to test using the standardised tests selected for the project. This paper describes adaptations which were made to the standardised tests to render them more accessible to children with specific difficulties. The modifications made enabled 27 children who could not initially be tested to complete some or all of the assessment procedure. It is suggested that inclusion of the assessments of children who retain intact skills despite being constrained in specific areas affords a more accurate measure of long‐term developmental handicap.  相似文献   

本通过对幼儿园中师生互动的观察,试图探讨儿童对幼儿园教师心理健康的影响和影响类型及机制。在儿童对教师心理健康的影响中,从影响的性质以及影响的时空效应两个维度,将影响划分为四种类型:积极即时影响、消极即时影响、积极深远影响、消极深远影响。在分析它们之间重要联系的同时,阐释儿童对教师心理健康影响的机制,以及由此导致的不同后果。  相似文献   

Where do things REALLY come from? The basic beginnings of the food on the supermarket shelves, the clothes on our backs, the furniture we sit on are a mystery to many children. They can learn about these through books and stories, but firsthand observation is far better. But field trips can be complex undertakings, taxing the resources of time, money, and transportation. Fortunately, there are hobbyists and professional craftspeople who are willing to travel to you and share their knowledge with your children. Inviting them to visit your classroom can create a wonderful experience for all concerned.  相似文献   

汉字是中华民族独有的文化特征,在现代设计追求"民族化"和"地域化"的设计思潮下,汉字造型艺术融入到家具设计中的设计理念,为新时期的家具设计注入了新的活力。在家具造型中汉字的表现方法上,本文主要是从汉字的二维装饰设计、家具构件三维汉字化设计、家具型体三维汉字化设计等三个方面来进行了多角度的可行性论证,同时从色调、体量、材质、线型等方面对家具上的汉字凸现手段做了较为详细的论述,力图从汉字构形中悟出更多家具设计方面的灵感来。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the perceptions of Spanish health professionals, children with Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) and their parents about social, school and family problems related to the disorder. A qualitative research methodology was used involving Focus Groups (FGs) made up of children with TS (× 2 FGs), parents/caregivers of persons with TS (× 2 FGs) and health professionals (× 1 FG). The study highlights many of the principal areas of concern for persons with TS, parents/caregivers and health professionals that directly and indirectly add to the burden of living with the disorder. The results of the study point out that the stigma and social maladjustment in children with TS is caused in large part by a misunderstanding of the disorder by teachers and peers. Parents of children with TS especially emphasize tics, considering them to be the main cause of social maladaptation. The results suggest that interventions among parents, teachers and peers should be implemented towards a greater understanding of the disorder and its symptoms.  相似文献   

In the context of encouraging the use of natural settings for educational experiences with young children, an exploratory study using survey research and photographs of outdoor settings was conducted to understand how preservice early childhood educators perceive these settings and what educational opportunities, motivations, and barriers they associate with them. Based on the results of 110 participants, this study suggests preservice early childhood educators perceive parks as the most conducive outdoor setting for achieving educational outcomes, specifically structured learning about nature, and that they are more inclined to use maintained outdoor settings than natural outdoor settings. The strongest predictors of intention to use natural outdoor settings were perceived difficulty in using natural settings, participants’ level of nature relatedness, and the degree to which they agreed that experiences in nature were important for young children’s health and wellness. Barriers to address include perceived lack of access to natural settings and safety concerns.  相似文献   

在居住区环境景观营造中,景观小品以其轻快、活泼、精致、优美的姿态活跃其中,成为改善环境、提高环境空间艺术水平不可缺少的因素之一.文章从居住区景观小品规划设计的理念及实践入手,以泉州中心城区为研究对象,分析其居住区景观小品设计的现状与存在的主要问题,并在此基础上提出相关对策措施,为提高泉州中心城区居住区景观环境提供参考意见.  相似文献   

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