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基于刘儒德的研究,对山东省济南市某小学120位10~13岁的小学生进行了真实性问题的测验.结果表明:(1)被试中对真实数学问题作出真实性解答的人数占总人数的30%,高于02年的结论;(2)作出常规解答的人数占总人数的40%,比2002年的48%略低;(3)高年级的被试中作出真实解答的人数比例要普遍高于低年级,与2002年一致;(4)对于不同类型的真实性问题,被试能够作出真实解答的程度不同;(5)被试在解答真实性问题的过程中,对题目有了自己更多的想法.上述变化与不变,引导我们反思新课程的得失.  相似文献   

李老师在班级的墙报上给同学们出了这样一道应用题:贵民希望小学五年级有学生40人,刚好占全校学生总数的40%。四年级学生人数比五年级多 ,四年级学生人数占全校总人数的百分之几?出完题,李老师就问同学们:“五道题该怎样解?”快嘴的陈欢抢着回答道:“把五年级学生人数看作单位‘1’,那么四年级的学生人数就为1+ =1 ,则四年级有学生40×1=50(人)。而五年级的学生40人,又刚好占全校总人数的40%,所以全校共有学生40÷40%=100(人)。因此,四年级学生人数就占全校总人数的50÷100=50%。综合列式:40×(1+ )÷(40÷40%) …  相似文献   

学会从不同的角度,用不同的方法去思考解答应用题,有利于培养思维的灵活性、敏捷性、深刻性。例1.峰灵小学一至五年级共有学生480人,六年级学生人数占全校学生数的1/5。六年级有学生多少人?  相似文献   

一 问题的提出 解答数学应用题一直被认为是数学教学中的重点和难点。为此,我们搞了一次较大范围的抽样测查,目的是了解小学六年级学生数学应用题解答能力的现状及其原因,寻求改革数学应用题教学的科学途径。  相似文献   

<正>随着教学课程改革的开展,新教材在小学数学应用题中进行了大换血,在收集和整理数学问题时提供了情境信息并与计算相结合,提升学生解决数学问题的技巧。一、结合生活,重视对题目的理解教师在教学过程中发现,大部分的学生在解决数学应用题时被许多难题困扰,成为学习数学的障碍。根据调查发现,理解能力差的学生在解答数学应用题时对题目没有完全理解,甚至有些学生还看不懂题目。由此看来,分析和解决数学应用题是学生目前主要面临的难题。学生对应用题  相似文献   

解答较复杂的应用题,对小学生来说是有较大困难的,因此帮助学生分析数量关系是解答复杂应用题的关键,而影响学生解题的种种心理障碍也常常集中在这一环节上。为让学生能够克服障碍,教给学生分析数量关系的基本的、有效的方法非常重要。线段图是分析应用题数量关系的“好帮手”。借助线段图能把题目中的条件进行分解、综合,进而帮助学生认识问题实质,发现规律,拓宽解题思路。例1 六(1)班大扫除,原来室外人数与室内人数的比是5∶3,干了一段时间后,从室外调14人支援室内,这时室外与室内的人数比是1∶2,六(1)班共有多…  相似文献   

应用题是小学生普遍感觉到头疼的问题,题干的信息量较大,计算较为烦琐,很容易出错,导致数学成绩不理想。文章简要分析了小学三年级数学应用题教学存在的问题,分别从培养学生解答应用题的良好习惯、加强学生的思维训练、联系生活实际展开教学活动、引导小学生反思和回顾、创设教学情境直观教学以及总结应用题解题的方法等方面,提出小学三年级数学应用题的解题策略。  相似文献   

生活中的数学──(五年级第三部分)谢泰伦赣州市教育局教研室五、应用题活动目的:使学生进一步掌握分数、百分数应用题的解答方法,提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。1.分金币(较复杂的分数应用题)古时候有一位国王。他有四个儿子和四个女儿。有一天,国王想考考大臣...  相似文献   

本学期我们五年级的数学教材中,应用题教学内容的要求是:在学生学过一步、二步和三步应用题的基础上,研究解答应用题的方法。据我个人多年的教学经验,学生在解答应用题的过程中,最难于突破的问题就是如何分析应用题的数量关系;理解条件与问题之间的联系;运用掌握的技能技巧去解答问题。为此,我在教学这一部分内容中的例题一之前,根据教学大纲的要求,认真钻研教材,仔细分析了这道例题的特点,并打算从应用题的结构入手,引导学生沿着题目的条件所给出的路线去进行分  相似文献   

本学期我们五年级的数学教材中,应用题教学内容的要求是:在学生学过一步、二步和三步应用题的基础上,研究解答应用题的方法。据我个人多年的教学经验,学生在解答应用题的过程中,最难于突破的问题就是如何分析应用题的数量关系;理解条件与问题之间的联系;运用掌握的技能技巧去解答问题。为此,我在教学这一部分内容中的例题一之前,根据教学大纲的要求,认真钻研教材,仔细分析了这道例题的特点,并打算从应用题的结构入手,引导学生沿着题目的条件所给出的路线去进行分  相似文献   


It is a well-documented finding that students tend to neglect their real-world knowledge when solving word problems, even when realistic assumptions are needed. Although studies have successfully shown the extent to which students tend to provide unrealistic responses, the question of where this tendency comes from has yet to be answered. We focused on two major steps needed to solve realistic word problems: noticing missing information and making realistic assumptions. We conducted two studies with fifth graders (Study 1, N?=?108; Study 2, N?=?60) in which we compared students’ (un-)realistic responses to problems that differed in how obvious the missing information was. Study 1 fostered only students’ ability to make assumptions. Study 2 fostered this ability plus the ability to notice missing information. The results indicate that, if the missing information is not obvious, students’ failure to notice it seems to be what prevents them from arriving at a realistic solution.  相似文献   

当前的现实主义在批评和创作上倾向于为某一社会问题提供出路 ,而非细致地展现矛盾 ,这就削弱了现实主义文学的批判性与真实性 ,从而使现实主义文学陷入困境。本文认为 ,真实地展现当下现实生活矛盾才是现实主义的主要任务 ,而一味“提供出路”反而会走向伪现实主义。  相似文献   

本文以恩格斯关于现实主义典型塑造问题的论述为角度,以恩格斯的几封书信为视点,力求摆脱“统一说”的束缚,着重阐述恩格斯对典型形象的几个方面的创造性概括,揭示恩格斯的现实主义典型论是完整而深刻的,对于我们今天的文艺创作和文艺研究仍然具有指导意义。  相似文献   

目前 ,师专英语专业学生在学习上存在着一些问题。本文从三个方面对这些问题进行详细地分析 ,提出解决问题、培养高素质人才的有效途径。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare Japanese and Belgian elementary school pupils' (lack of) activation of real-world knowledge during understanding and solving arithmetic word problems in a school context. The word problem test used in a study by Verschaffel, De Corte, and Lasure (1994) was collectively administered to 91 Japanese fifth graders. Besides standard problems which can be modeled in a straightforward way by one or two basic arithmetic operations with the given numbers, this test contained a series of problematic items which cannot be modeled and solved in such a way, at least if one seriously takes into account the realities of the context evoked by the problem statement. The results of the study revealed that Japanese pupils, similarly to Belgian children, have a strong tendency to neglect commonsense knowledge and realistic considerations during their solution of word problems. Moreover, a comparison of Japanese pupils with and without extra hints aimed at improving the disposition towards more realistic mathematical problem solving revealed that these extra hints had only a small effect.  相似文献   

The mastery of word problems is seen as an important test of mathematical ability. When solving such problems, students supposedly go beyond rote learning and mechanical exercises to apply their knowledge to realistic problem situations in which mathematical reasoning becomes an important instrument for making concrete judgements. Research shows that performance on word problems is often surprisingly poor. Non-realistic, and even logically inconsistent, answers to word problems are often accepted by students, and there are many signs that students seldom make so-called realistic considerations when applying their mathematical knowledge to real world events. The study reported is a follow-up of the work by Verschaffel, De Corte, and Lasure (1994) in which the difficulties students have in making realistic considerations were clearly illustrated. In the present study, students (10–12 years of age) worked in groups, and the tasks given (estimating distances) were introduced as part of a general discussion of how to calculate distances to school. Results show that the participants were clearly able to entertain different assumptions regarding how to measure distances, and they make distinctions between alternative options when discussing, for instance, the distance between two villages as indicated on a road sign on the one hand, and when talking about the shortest possible distance on the other. It is argued that the problem of what constitutes a realistic consideration when solving word problems is far from simple but has to be understood in context.  相似文献   

Compared with standard arithmetic word problems demanding only the direct use of number operations and computations, realistic problems are harder to solve because children need to incorporate “real‐world” knowledge into their solutions. Using the realistic word problem testing materials developed by Verschaffel, De Corte, and Lasure [Learning and Instruction, 4(4), 273–294, 1994], two studies were designed to investigate (a) Chinese elementary school children’s ability to solve realistic word problems and (b) the different effects of two instructional interventions (warning vs. process‐oriented) on their performance. The results indicated that, contrasting to the standard problem solving, the participating children demonstrated a strong tendency to exclude real‐word knowledge and realistic considerations from their solution processes when solving the realistic problems. Process‐oriented instruction, calling for a deep‐level processing, was more likely than warning instruction to promote the activation of realistic considerations, but it was not effective at helping children arrive at realistic or correct answers. Finally, the results and their implications for mathematical teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

作为当下中国社会最强音的中国梦,有其存在的现实性,同时存在着一些现实问题。由于有坚实的现实基础,有可期的实现目标和历经实践检验与证明的正确路径,中国梦有其现实性。同时,部分外部因素(如误读)的存在,造成了中国梦的现实问题。问题的出现以及提出,并不否认中国梦本身,相反地,是在对这些误读进行澄清从而还原中国梦的真正内涵。  相似文献   

选择教材上应用题、统计报告中的图表、生活中的实际问题和热点问题作为数学试题的背景,可以启发学生在具体情境中发现、提出问题,帮助他们在熟悉的背景下展现自己的数学能力,完成测试的预期考查目的。  相似文献   

“写实”是一种基本的绘画方式,是一种创作方法,也是一种艺术手法。写实油画作为一种艺术形式是绘画艺术形成和发展的重要组成部分。写实油画是一个很宽泛的概念,它是对中国传统绘画的补充,是时代的需要和时代的产物。写实油画同时拥有广泛的空间和永恒的魅力。在中国油画的百年历程中,经过几代画家的开拓、进取,写实油画取得了令人瞩目的成就,并且一直是中国油画的主流,在中国近代油画史上占有重要地位。  相似文献   

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