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对《史记》中“午”、“景”等 1 5个词语的古今释义作了研考 ,纠正了古今释义的错误和偏颇 ,亦对《史记》中的文字讹误做了校勘  相似文献   

司马贞撰写《史记索隐》的初衷是要续补《史记》,但是由于种种原因,这项工程没能完成,进而改为注解,因而《史记索隐》中也常常体现司马贞补《史记》的残留痕迹。古今学者对司马贞及其著作的研究多集中在"三家注"之一的《史记索隐》上,对司马贞的补史工作或是视而不见,或是只作只言片语的讨论。然而,明确司马贞续补《史记》的自觉意识和批判精神在《索隐》中的体现,是我们做好《史记索隐》研究工作必不可少的一环。  相似文献   

《论语译注》一书是杨伯峻先生研究《论语》的经典之作,对于文中的词语,前贤已做了大量的考释工作,但白玉微瑕,仍然有部分词语的考释值得商榷。文章在前人研究的基础上,撮其三篇,《八佾篇》"郁郁乎文哉"、《里仁篇》"观过,斯知仁矣"与《公冶长篇》"夫子之文章"、"不可得而闻也",等进行辩证考释,以求证于方家。  相似文献   

本文指出了周绍良先生《百喻经译注》词语释义中的一些失当之处,并作简要分析,最后对如何更好地理解和今译魏晋南北朝文献的词语提出两条建议:一是应充分注意那些"旧瓶装新酒"类的词语,二是应力求避免词语释义的随意性。  相似文献   

《史记》是我国第一部纪传体通史,共52万余字,130篇。《史记》中的词语句子等,流传后世形成成语的达360余条。就其来源和形成可分为两大部分。一有些词语首见于《史记》以前的古代典籍,这些词语在当时不一  相似文献   

花城出版社出版的《贤愚经》是目前为数不多的《贤愚经》译注单行本,由于对某些词语意思理解不确切,导致书中诸多注释译文及文字标点错误,现举若干例校正,以期对《贤愚经》译注本日后修订有所帮助,并对同类佛学典籍注译提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《华阳凉水井客家话记音》是客家方言研究的一本重要文献,但里面对词语的“国语”译注有一些错误。应结合上下文和词语的音义关系,结合四川官话方言和东山客家话辨析其译注不妥当的词,它们是:卡、稀巴烂、默倒、幺爸、家物、夺、直见、架势。  相似文献   

《史记》中采用了大量方言,特别是关中方言词语。在前辈时哲的基础上摭拾“禳”、“刳”、“傭”等6个《史记》中所见的关中方言词语,从民俗等角度进行考释,并从共时平面分析关中方言对宁夏南部山区方言的影响,对《史记》词汇的研究和汉语方言的研究有一定的价值。  相似文献   

本文主要解释《史记·项羽本纪》和《史记·高祖本纪》中注家误注失注的疑难词语。  相似文献   

司马迁在《史记.太史公自序》中提到《史记》的创作动机是"究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言",并提出著名的"发愤著书"说,故此古今学者以"发愤著书"为《史记》定论,并把"李陵之祸"作为"发愤著书"的缘起,甚至有学者把《史记》的成功归结为"李陵之祸"。但从"发愤著书"说提出的时间、《史记》前后思想内容和感情基调的不同来看,这种观点又有不妥之处。《史记》的创作具有多种动因。  相似文献   

The article examines the educational interpretations given to Nietzsche throughout the three last decades in English and in German, compares the educational images of Nietzsche portrayed in these interpretations and elaborates on the conclusions resulting from this comparison. Whereas Nietzsche appears in Anglo-American educational interpretations as a democratic and humane educator par excellence, German interpreters not only disqualify him as an educator, but practically erase his philosophy from educational theory. The comparison of these interpretations manifests the problem of the relationship between ideology and philosophy of education.  相似文献   

本文是笔者曾经发表的论文《郭沫若考释甲骨文字形的两种失误》的续篇.前后两文作为一个整体,对郭沫若考释甲骨文字形的失误作了比较全面的评析.本文集中考察了郭沫若在甲骨文字形考释中的另外两类失误:一、误增构件或误减构件,二、误认合体字的部分偏旁.全文一共涉及到十九个具体问题.  相似文献   

The role of psychological interpretations in the relationship between low socioeconomic status (SES) and physiological responses was tested. One hundred high school students (ages 15–19) watched videos of ambiguous and negative life situations, and were interviewed about their interpretations. Lower SES was associated with greater threat interpretations during ambiguous (but not negative) situations and with greater diastolic blood pressure and heart rate reactivity. Threat interpretations partially mediated relationships between SES and reactivity. General life events (e.g., lack of positive life events), rather than specific life events (e.g., exposure to violence), partially explained the relationship between low SES and threat interpretations. Results suggest that the larger social environment helps explain how adolescents approach new social situations, which in turn has implications for adolescent physical health.  相似文献   

休谟质疑归纳的合理性问题,由此引发了历史上许多哲学家和逻辑学家们对其合理性的解释,但都未尽如人意,然而休摸的怀疑主义精神却为后人留下了积极意义。  相似文献   

纳博科夫的小说《洛丽塔》一向对文学阐释构成挑战。对小说的阐释从意义到结构,涉及到时间与欲望、道德与非道德等主题;象征、反讽和戏仿等后现代表现手段;叙述狂欢的审美价值等。文章从多元阐释的视角审视小说,提出多种阐释背后隐藏的阐释与反阐释之争,并通过引入读者视阈来揭示多元阐释内在的必然性和一致性。  相似文献   

休谟质疑归纳的合理性,对此问题的辩护一方面促进了哲学的发展,另一方面,其怀疑精神也对后人起到了积极的意义。  相似文献   

从哲学角度对帕斯卡概率进行研究涉及以下一些问题:一元论与多元论、认识论解释与客观解释、概率与因果关系的联系、休谟问题及概率解释的恰当性等。这些问题贯穿于帕斯卡概率五种解释的论述过程中,但我们不是对每一种解释都讨论这些问题,而是根据实际情况而定。  相似文献   

Validity is the most fundamental consideration in test development. Understandably, much time, effort, and money is spent in its pursuit. Central to the modern conception of validity are the interpretations made, and uses planned, on the basis of test scores. There is, unfortunately, however, evidence that test users have difficulty understanding scores as intended. That is, although the proposed interpretations and use of test scores might be theoretically valid they might never come to be because the meaning of the message is lost in translation. This necessitates pause. It is almost absurd to think that the intended interpretations and uses of test scores might fail because there is a lack of alignment with the actual interpretations made and uses enacted by the audience. Despite this, there has only recently been contributions to the literature regarding the interpretability of score reports, the mechanisms by which scores are communicated to their audience, and their relevance to validity. These contributions have focused upon linking, through evidence, the intended interpretation and use with the actual interpretations being made and actions being planned by score users. This article reviews the current conception of validity, validation, and validity evidence with the goal of positioning the emerging notion of validity of usage within the current paradigm.  相似文献   

歧义句广泛地存在于日常语言交际中,这给人们的理解带来了许多麻烦,但同时也产生了意想不到的修辞效果,使语言变得更加丰富.本文分析了英汉两种语言中的歧义现象,同时提出消除歧义的方法.  相似文献   

《广韵》这部书 ,历来只被作为韵书而受到重视 ,但这部书中保存了不少唐宋时代的语词训诂资料 ,对研究中古词汇的价值也很大。笔者就《广韵》所反映的语词训诂 ,补《汉语大词典》“义项缺漏”、“例证见晚”两个方面的不足。  相似文献   

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