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高等院校具备生产新的科学知识和传播科学理念的功能;具有培养人的科学素养和将科技知识运用于实践并推动社会生产力发展的作用。努力发挥高校的这种功能与作用,有助于提高全体公民的科学素养,从而推动社会文明的进步。  相似文献   

The demand by many students and by some teachers that the material of social studies should be made ‘relevant’ is a worthy one. That attention is paid to the demand is evident from the fact that ‘project’, ‘case-study’, ‘problem-centred’, and ‘multidisciplinary’ approaches to teaching are sometimes employed. To acknowledge that these approaches are useful is not to admit that they and they alone reflect the ‘real’ world. Academic analysis — of disciplines, of conceptual frameworks — is as ‘real’ as the human beings who carry it forward. There is a ‘grammar’ of social studies which exists behind both the many discrete areas of study made available in universities and student-centred methods of teaching mentioned above. The writer, who works in the field of adult education, argues that teachers should stand ready to transmit this ‘grammar’. He seeks to show how this may be done. He outlines briefly the chief concerns of the philosophy of social science, and those of that interdisciplinary area known as International Studies. Finally, to make manifest his concern for students, he examines certain questions — the classification of text-books, the effectiveness of academics as consultants, the presentation of the syllabus — which relate specifically to the teacher-student relationship, and which have an imporant bearing upon students' access to studies.  相似文献   

Mahner's and Bunge's two main theses are nearly correct as social reports but the extent to which they are wrong is philosophically very important. I draw attention to a philosophically superior way of viewing the essential relation between science and religion which can have a humane or benign influence upon how both science and religion are taught. On the one hand, science does not need to fight religion nor try to suppress it. A generous openness of mind, which distinguishes the critical rationality implicit in the advance of science, deserves to be applied without acrimony to any systems of thought that purport to explain the universe. On the other hand, religions have no need to fear the growth of scientific knowledge, provided science is not confused, as Mahner and Bunge confuse it, with its materialistic interpretation.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed the quality of students' written scientific explanations found in notebooks and explored the link between the quality of the explanations and students' learning. We propose an approach to systematically analyzing and scoring the quality of students' explanations based on three components: claim, evidence to support it, and a reasoning that justifies the link between the claim and the evidence. We collected students' science notebooks from eight science inquiry‐based middle‐school classrooms in five states. All classrooms implemented the same scientific‐inquiry based curriculum. The study focuses on one of the implemented investigations and the students' explanations that resulted from it. Nine students' notebooks were selected within each classroom. Therefore, a total of 72 students' notebooks were analyzed and scored using the proposed approach. Quality of students' explanations was linked with students' performance in different types of assessments administered as the end‐of‐unit test: multiple‐choice test, predict‐observe‐explain, performance assessment, and a short open‐ended question. Results indicated that: (a) Students' written explanations can be reliably scored with the proposed approach. (b) Constructing explanations were not widely implemented in the classrooms studied despite its significance in the context of inquiry‐based science instruction. (c) Overall, a low percentage of students (18%) provided explanations with the three expected components. The majority of the sample (40%) provided only claims without any supporting data or reasoning. And (d) the magnitude of the correlations between students' quality of explanations and their performance, were all positive but varied in magnitude according to the type of assessment. We concluded that engaging students in the construction of high quality explanations may be related to higher levels of student performance. The opportunities to construct explanations in science‐inquiry based classrooms, however, seem to be limited. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 583–608, 2010  相似文献   

What part can science education play in the dismantling of obstacles to social justice in rural places? In this Forum contribution, I use “Learning in and about Rural Places: Connections and Tensions Between Students’ Everyday Experiences and Environmental Quality Issues in their Community”(Zimmerman and Weible 2016) to explicitly position rural education as a project of social justice that seeks full participatory parity for rural citizens. Fraser’s (2009) conceptualization of social justice in rural education requires attention to the just distribution of resources, the recognition of the inherent capacities of rural people, and the right to equal participation in democratic processes that lead to opportunities to make decisions affecting local, regional, and global lives. This Forum piece considers the potential of place-based science education to contribute to this project.  相似文献   

社会教育由于其在社会治理与发展中的重要作用而被人们所重视。理学教育家也极为关注社会教育问题,对于如何推行社会教育进行了诸多的思考与探索。理学教育家认为,在社会教育的网络体系中,中央政府处于最高的决策与管理地位,发挥着非常重要的作用。对于中央政府如何确定自身在国家社会教育中的地位并充分发挥其作用,理学教育家提出了一些很有价值的建议。  相似文献   

In STEM education, a thorough understanding of the interaction of self-efficacy and metacognitive monitoring behaviors is needed to refine theories and inform the design of instructional supports for students with varying levels of motivation and self-regulation skills. We examined how students' (n = 1063) exam scores in an undergraduate life science course were influenced by their self-efficacy and online metacognitive monitoring behaviors by integrating variable-centered and person-centered approaches. In a semester-long study, students' self-efficacy judgements made at the end of the semester were stronger predictors of students' final exam performance than those made at the beginning of the semester. Results further suggested that the influence of self-efficacy on exam scores decreased as online monitoring behaviors increased. Students’ prior GPA predicted membership in three latent profiles indicated by 1) high self-efficacy with high metacognitive monitoring activity; 2) high self-efficacy with low metacognitive monitoring activity; and 3) low self-efficacy with low metacognitive monitoring activity. Learners with high self-efficacy and high monitoring activity outperformed those with high self-efficacy and low monitoring, who outperformed those with low self-efficacy and low monitoring on exams.  相似文献   

以科学的方法培育科学的精神--大学怎样进行科学教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过分析我国大学科学教育中存在的问题,提出大学实行科学教育应当重视提高教师的科学素质,形成研究氛围,促进学生快速进入准研究状态;同时要在教学内容调整、科学课程知识结构体系建构和问题情境设立等方面采取灵活多样的方法,挖掘科学教育中的人文内涵,培养大学生的科学精神和科学素养以及科学的思维能力。  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - This paper is written in response to Alberto J. Rodriguez and Deb Morrison’s article entitled, “Expanding and Enacting Transformative Meanings of...  相似文献   

本文用报刊检索法调查社会对科学教育的需要 ,两份调查的结果一致表明 ,创新精神和创新能力培养是现今社会对科学教育的最主要需要。  相似文献   

This paper examines the social roles of the physical educator in relation to the undergraduate professional preparation curriculum. While there are many social roles in the physical education field, the typical undergraduate curriculum focuses on preparation for teaching. In order that the undergraduate curriculum in physical education becomes more relevant to society, it is recommended that its applicability be extended to a wider range of occupations. To achieve this the paper proposes the extension of the undergraduate course from the present four-year period to five years.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel werden die gesellschaftlichen Rollen des Sporterziehers in Beziehung zu einem berufsvorbereitenden Curriculum für Hochschulstudenten untersucht. Während es viele gesellschaftliche Rollen im Bereich der Sporterziehung gibt, richtet sich das typische Curriculum für Studenten vorwiegend auf die Vorbereitung für die Lehrtätigkeit. Um dem Hochschulcurriculum größere Bedeutung für die Gesellschaft zu verleihen, empfiehlt es sich, seinen Anwendungsbereich auf ein breiteres Spektrum von Tätigkeiten auszudehnen. Dazu wird vorgeschlagen, das Hochschulstudium von gegenwärtig vier auf fünf Jahre zu verlängern.

Résumé Le présent article examine les rôles sociaux du maître d'éducation physique relativement au curriculum de l'enseignement professionnel du premier degré. Tandis qu'il existe de nombreux rôles sociaux dans le domaine de l'éducation physique, le curriculum typique du premier degré se focalise sur la formation à l'enseignement. Afin que ce curriculum d'éducation physique devienne plus pertinent à la société, il est recommendé qu'il s'applique à un plus grand nombre de métiers. Pour réaliser cet objectif, il est proposé dans cet article de porter à 5 ans la durée du premier cycle qui est actuellement de 4 ans.

师范教育由三级转向二级,培养小学新师资的任务已由高师承担。小学教师的培养要注重文理渗透,强调人文精神和科学素养的培养。为此,必须深刻认识科学素养的内涵,改革小学教育专业理科教学,加强师资队伍建设,科学设置理科课程,创新教学方法,实施探究性教学,强调实践教学环节,开展丰富多彩的科技活动,努力培养学生的科学素养,提高学生的科学素质。  相似文献   

What science education needs, says the author, is a viable theory of science teaching to serve as a base for decision making. And it will never develop until we abandon common sense as a criterion.  相似文献   

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