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随着社会的发展,民办教育也越来越受到家长的青睐。但是,教师队伍的不稳定一直是民办学校组织者、学生家长最担心的问题。究其原因,有社会保障不足,学校管理不善,也有教师个人态度的问题。因此要想使民办学校的教师有较强的归属感,必须从社会、学校和教师多方面去努力。加强政策导向,保障民办教师的权益;营造和谐氛围,培养民办教师的主人翁意识:加强教师自身修养,树立长远的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

Public Schools and the Common Good   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

名校办民校是民办教育中一种比较特殊的形式。对这种现象,众说纷纭,莫衷一是,但不管怎样,我们都必须实事求是面对地现实。本文就名校办民校的原因、利弊进行分析。并在此基础上提出建议。  相似文献   

A structural equation approach was utilized to evaluate a theoretical model of schooling for the High School and Beyond 1980 seniors data. The model of schooling included home background, academic orientation, extra-curricular activity, educational aspiration, occupational aspiration, and present achievement as latent variables. The results indicate that the model applied equally as well to both public and private school seniors; both academic orientation and extra-curricular activity were superior for private school seniors when controlling for home background variation; and both educational and occupational aspirations and student achievement of public school seniors exceeded that of private school seniors when controlling for home background, academic orientation, and extra-curricular activity variation.  相似文献   

在过去几年中,公办学校中的重点中学和普通高校普遍办起了校办的“民办学校”。其原因何在?这种现象是否合理合法?有没有侵害社会公众的利益?本对此作了较深入的分析。  相似文献   

Of the 26,142 American twelfth grade students for whom survey data from the national High School and Beyondstudy were complete, 353 (1.4%) identified themselves as having orthopaedic handicaps. Data on these orthopaedically handicapped (OH) twelfth graders (sixth form) were compared to those on their non‐orthopaedically‐handicapped (NOH) peers. The OH students had a higher incidence of other impairments, and black youngsters were under‐represented in the OH cohort. Academically, the OH and NOH groups fared equally well; the OH pupils, however, evidenced certain difficulties in self‐esteem, control locus, and school/work orientation. Speculations regarding the results are offered.  相似文献   

Public school and faith-based private school educators often primarily concern themselves with the health of their own sector. We contend, however, that the United States would benefit if American educators viewed the schooling system more holistically, in the process expressing a greater willingness to learn from those practicing in the other sector. We assert that schools in each sector have specific strengths that can, at least to some extent, find application in the other sector as well. If this perspective is applied and practiced, we believe that the overall American school system will be strengthened and revitalized sufficiently to compete in a global context. We assert that the timing of certain developments may be such that this is the best time for such a reorientation to take place.  相似文献   

当今美国中小学公、私立学校之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文据美国教育部的一项调查资料,介绍了美国中小学公立学校与私立学校正在日益加大的十项差异。  相似文献   

This synthetic review aims to unite a seemingly disjoint collection of studies over the past 3 decades around their shared examination of sexism in an often overlooked U.S. population, namely girls attending private Christian schools. This undertaking reveals substantial harms that I categorize as those of immediacy and potentiality, which are occurring behind the protective wall separating church and state. Contra the majority of philosophers of education and researchers in this area, these studies lead me to argue that the state has the obligation and legal ability to intervene in this private domain. Notably, this study begins to flesh out a notion of educational harm that may be robust enough for state policy making and legal action in private schools. Based on a legalized understanding of sexist harm, I conclude with a detailed analysis of Constitutional provisions and court decisions relative to state intervention and freedom of religious practice.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of religious speech in the public square and the common school. It argues for more openness to political theology than many liberals are willing to grant and for an educational strategy of engagement over one of avoidance. The paper argues that the exclusion of religious debate from the public square has dysfunctional consequences. It discusses Rawls's more recent views on public reason and claims that, while they are not altogether adequate, they are consistent with engagement. The outcome of these arguments is applied to three 'hot button' issues in US education: creationism, an issue of gay rights, and teaching the Bible in schools.  相似文献   

实行"民办公助""公办民助"等多种形式办学,旨在让社会力量进入公办学校,实现公办学校形式多样化,增大国有教育资源,加强政府在民办教育中的控制力、影响力和带动力."名校办民校"在发展中起到了一定的积极促进作用,但也有不尽人意之处,文中客观地分析了"名校办民校"的利弊,并提出自己的建议.  相似文献   

Common Sense and Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

法的实现需要法律专业知识和法律思维,即专业化,但并不排斥常识、常理和常情。当下有日益强调司法的专业化而忽略和轻视司法的常识化的严重倾向。有必要强调司法的常识化,即对常识、常理和常情的正确认识和准确把握,如此,方能顺利完成法的实现。  相似文献   

教师的"四识"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识、见识、常识与胆识,这“四识”是现代公民必需的基本素质,同时,它们也是合格教师不可或缺的。由于教育工作的特殊性,“四识”在保持各自基本内容的同时,也在教师身上体现出各自独特的含义。  相似文献   

The paper looks at arguments for and against private schools, first in general and then, at greater length, in their British form. Here it looks first at defences against the charge that private schooling is unfair, discussing on the way problems with equality as an intrinsic value and with instrumental appeals to greater equality, especially in access to university and better jobs. It turns next to charges of social exclusiveness, before looking in more detail at claims about the dangers private schools pose for democratic government. It then examines complications arising from shifts in the notion of ‘private’ education since the 1980s, before concluding, in the light of recent articles in JOPE about criteria for admission to university, with a discussion of Brighouse's proposal for the reform of private schooling. There are also shorter discussions of other suggestions for such reform.  相似文献   

The Common School should promote a sense of the distinctive worth of all human beings. How is the respect thus owed to every individual to be properly understood? This familiar question is explored by discussing ‘lookism’, a form of discrimination on the grounds of appearance. The treatment is located within a wider analysis of stereotyping. Ultimately stereotyping overlooks persons as sources of actions with moral significance and as potential owners of moral virtues. The Common School could profitably approach traditionally emotive issues such as racism indirectly by helping students to understand in some depth how ‘lookist’ attitudes deny agency. It could then encourage students to apply these insights to traditional forms of discrimination.  相似文献   

在经济全球化、教育市场化背景下,教育分权现象严重,公立教育与私立教育界限日益模糊。联合国教科文组织发表《反思教育:向"全球共同利益"的理念转变?》,提出教育作为共同利益的新理念。承认教育的包容性,平衡教育组织模式之间的教育权利,采取适当的评估、认证、问责制度,树立科学的教育观是处理好目前公立教育与私立教育教育角色的有效路径。  相似文献   

美国私立学校和公立学校的微观比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在美国,公立学校和私立学校是并存的两大教育体系。本文主要从微观层面对美国私立学校与公立学校在学校招生、班级规模、学生特点、学业成绩等方面的差异进行了比较分析,以期对美国教育有更好的了解和认识。  相似文献   

在我国,行政学是一门外来学科,它被人们看作是研究政府管理活动规律的科学。因此,行政学的公共性没有被突出和重视,尽管我们称这个领域的工作为公共行政,而事实上我们从事的是政府行政,因此我们需要重新理解行政的公共性。由行政的公共性必然得出的结论是:行政不仅是描述性的科学,它同时是规范性的科学。它应该体现公共行政的精神,不仅关注经济、效率,同时倡导社会公平、公众责任与服务理念。  相似文献   

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