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沅江市星火学区小学教学质量曾一度落后于其他学区,被一些俏皮的青年教师戏称为"舵手",其意是稳居船屁股.学区领导分析其原因:全区有69名小学教师,年龄35岁以上的有43名,由于历史原因,这些教师习惯于"满堂灌"的传统教学方法,尽管花力大,但费力不讨好.如何改变这一状况?到外地去学习,时间、经济花不来;请专家来介绍教改经验,难成系统,难全面顾及.讨论来,讨论去,认为最便捷的方法是发动教师通过教育刊物,学习外地的教改经验.学区规定教师订阅《湖南教育》人手一份,学校再增订一些外省教育杂志,由各教研组组织教师阅读.教师们把从杂志中学到的先  相似文献   

谈高职数学教学中学生学习现状及教改实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等数学是高职教育中的一门重要的基础课.高职教育中数学教育的一切变革,应建立在充分了解高职学生的数学学习现状的基础之上.文章从高职学生的数学学习现状入手,探索有效提高高职数学教学质量的方法,提出关注学生数学学习过程中情感体验的交流方式--建立学生成长记录袋和让学生写数学周记的教改方法,以及使学生的数学现实(专业需要)与数学教学过程中的教学化相结合的教改实验.  相似文献   

《美国学校数学课程与评价标准》把"问题解决"作为一切数学活动的核心,要求教师在教学中加强学生数学素养和数学能力的培养。表现性评价作为多元化地考核学生高层次学习能力(包括问题解决能力)的有效评价方法而受到美国小学的青睐。本文以美国米尔沃基的帕布里克学区为例,对美国小学数学教育中表现性评价档案袋的收集与评价实施过程进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在教改浪潮中,许多学校和老师都偏离了自己的轨道,把教改弄得过了头,脱离了教育教学的基本原则,公开课成了花架子。本文主要针对这一现象,通过对两节数学教改研究课的对比,说明在教改浪潮中我们教师要坚守一方"净土"——以学生真正掌握知识为根本原则。一切从学生需要出发,以学生掌握知识发展能力为教学的根本目的。  相似文献   

<正>2011年9月,我校全面走上了高效合作课堂的教改之路.作为一线教师,我在全程参与了此次教改之后,对教学有着"拨开云雾见月明"的感觉.曾经在教学中存在的困惑,在合作课堂中得到了很好的解答.以下是我对农村传统数学教学中存在的问题及解决对策的粗浅认识.一、传统课堂教学存在的问题1.传统的学习方式过分突出和强调接受与掌握能力,使得学生的学习过程纯粹成了被动接受、记忆的过程,不利于学生的发展.  相似文献   

数学是一门较为抽象、枯燥的学科,加上长期以来数学课堂也是以老师不厌其烦的讲,学生一门心思的算为主。致使好多学生学起来感觉无味,不喜欢它,甚至把它称为"天书",把数学课堂称为"天方夜谭"、"催眠剂",丧失了对数学的学习兴趣,失去了学好这一科的信心。所以关注数学课程的人性化,创设和提升数学学习氛围是我们所有数学老师都应该考虑和急需解决的问题,现谈谈我这半年来参加教改的几点体会。  相似文献   

1 基本情况1.1 授课对象学生来自学区普通班,基础不够扎实,认知水平与能力及再学习的能力都相对薄弱,缺乏良好的学习习惯及行为习惯,但可塑性较强.经过一年半多的引导与磨合,大多数学生已经有了一定的探究意识与能力、联想能力、抽象能力及推理能力.1.2 教材分析苏科版《义务教育教科书·数学》将"分式"一章安排在八年级下册,属于《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》(下称《标准》)"数与代数"板块内容.此时学习分式.  相似文献   

借助数学软件开展数学实验教学,将数学学习与计算机应用二者融为一体,对于以"应用为目的"高职数学教学改革而言,是培养学生数学综合素质,促进应用能力形成发展,激发学习兴趣的有效方式。文章探讨了高职数学教学开设数学实验的适应性、认知学习心理、途径和方法,探究高职数学实验的设计,通过某高职学院的教改实践探索,获取了一定的效果。  相似文献   

一、教改目的意义 如何在教学中体现学生的主体地位,真正提高学生学会如何学习的能力是教育界长期关注的课题,我校也提出了"双主一本"(学生为主体、老师为主导、以学生的发展为本)的教学思路以适应教改发展的要求.为此,我从自己所教学科的实际出发,在同组老师的指导下,进行了教改的初步探索.  相似文献   

近几年来,我们在教学实践中以"自主学习"为切入点,进行教改探讨,注重凸显学生的主体地位,增强学生主动学习的意识,提高了学习水平,形成了促进学生自主学习的新的教学模式。一.确立引导学生自主学习的新思路课堂教学是师生活动的主阵地,一节课怎样才能体现"自主"学习?  相似文献   

This article examines a recent reform effort that has opened hundreds of small high schools in poor urban communities in New York City, The New Century Schools Initiative (NCSI). Founders hoped that the small schools strategy would create personalized environments where relationships could develop between teachers and students, leading to improved outcomes for poor students and students of color. Looking at three of the NCSI high schools in the Bronx, this ethnographic study reveals that small schools size does not always lead to relationship-building between teachers and students. Teachers need support and training which is currently missing from NCSI’s theory of action. The study suggests that NCSI can be strengthened with incentives and support for teachers to develop relationships with their students.  相似文献   

As schools and districts seek to recruit teachers, individuals in non-teaching professions are an appealing possible pool. These potential teachers come with work experience and may have expertise that would serve them well in the classroom. While there has been substantial rhetoric assailing the virtues of teachers with prior professional experience, no research that we know of has assessed the effectiveness of these teachers in terms of student learning. This study uses data from New York City to assess the relative effectiveness and retention of career-switchers. It provides some evidence that these teachers are no more effective than other new teachers, and, in fact, they appear to be less effective at raising math scores of elementary and middle school students. There is little difference in overall transfer or leave rates between teachers with prior experience and other teachers, although career-switchers from college recommended programs do appear more likely to transfer schools.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we described the process in which a reform, grown in the soil of one school district (Community District #2 in New York City) was transplanted to new soil, a new context (the San Diego City Schools). In this paper we examine the condition of the reform 6 years later, at the time Anthony Alvarado, the architect of the reform in New York City and its transplant to San Diego, left the San Diego City Schools, and a new phase of reform was underway. From 1998 through 2002, the San Diego City Schools engaged in a dramatic, daring, and possibly unprecedented reform. Their overarching goal was expressed consistently in terms of student learning. To achieve that commendable goal, the District instituted a content-driven, centralized, comprehensive, and fast-paced reform in 1998. We discuss the tensions that were produced when the ambitiousness of a reform outpaced the capacity of educators to carry it out; when the values, norms, and beliefs of teachers and principals col These developments have consequences for our assessment of how reforms travel from one district to another. Reforms that were developed for and proved their effectiveness in elementary settings appear to have limited transferability to middle and high school settings because elementary students’ learning trajectories are different from adolescents and the organizations of high schools are very different from elementary schools. And reforms that privilege the technical dimension of school reform must always be sensitive to the way that interacts with the political and cultural dimensions.  相似文献   

Over the last decade education in the United States has undergone perhaps its most significant transformation. Where in the past public schools have been primarily under the control of the local community, control has shifted to the state and federal levels. Furthermore, state and federal governments have introduced standardized testing and accountability as a means to hold teachers and students responsible. These reforms have been successfully introduced because reform proponents have provided three principal rationales for the reforms: they are necessary within an increasingly globalized economy, they will reduce educational inequality and they will increase assessment objectivity. After describing the reforms implemented in New York and Texas and by the federal government through the ‘No Child Left Behind’ Act, the author discusses a range of evidence that the reforms have not achieved their ostensible goals and that resistance to the reforms is beginning to emerge from US educators and citizens.  相似文献   

The signifier ‘alternative’ in education has largely shifted from progressive or humanizing pedagogies to deficit framings requiring alternate graduation criteria. This development is part of broader neoliberal educational reform efforts that disrupt longstanding conceptions of teachers’ roles. This study serves to investigate long-term teachers’ understandings of their shifting roles in one secondary-level alternative education program in New York City. Specifically, this narrative analysis study explores participating teachers’ meanings around agency and their ability to form the relationships that they argue are central to meaningful pedagogies. Findings demonstrate a sense of loss regarding teacher agency and relationships, and a belief that neoliberal reform efforts have limited possibilities for a shared sense of purpose and collaboration.  相似文献   

This paper reviews New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s education reform agenda, ‘Children first’, in the light of organizational theory. I argue that this reform agenda reflects both coercive and mimetic isomorphism, as Bloomberg uses mayoral control to apply business concepts and practices to New York City’s public school system. Through participant observation in a New York City classroom and the use of secondary data, I highlight those elements of school life that thwart the standardization so essential to the mayor’s reform effort, specifically the dominant myths and fictions held by teachers.  相似文献   

The lack of secondary school students’ motivation in mathematics lessons poses a great challenge. According to the Expectancy-Value Model (Eccles et al., Achievement and achievement motives: psychological and sociological approaches, New York, Freeman, S. 75–146, 1983), teacher and classmates influence students’ value beliefs. Using data of 1868 ninth grade students and their 72 math teachers, this study was designed to assess the association of several indicators of relevance-oriented teaching strategies and of perceived classmates’ math valuing with students’ value beliefs in mathematics. Two-level linear regression analyses provided evidence that the student-rated practical focus of math lessons predicted students’ intrinsic, attainment, utility, and cost value mainly at the individual level; student-rated classmates’ math valuing was associated with students’ value perceptions more strongly at the class level. Over the course of six months, these effects increased at the individual but not at the class level. Teacher-reported effort to establish connections between math and other domains was positively associated with students’ attainment and cost value. Teacher-rated use of daily life examples led to a decrease in students’ cost value over the course of six months.  相似文献   

Science/Technology/Society (STS) as a reform effort has been active in Iowa for three decades. A program called Iowa Chautauqua has evolved over the four decades to promote K-12 STS teaching in Iowa’s 300 school districts. This is a study of how teachers have become Teacher Leaders of the reforms and lead other teachers who enroll as new teachers and schools each New Year. All were involved with Action Research projects each year while also assisting graduate student teams who serve as research associates. In this study, students were asked to identify specific teacher actions that were designed to make student learning more successful. The study examines general student views of teacher actions as well as specific examples of how students interact with the teacher and how the teachers encourage greater student/student involvement. The results show success with STS and how it defines science and affective actions of teachers in classrooms. Student views of Teacher Leaders, new Chautauqua teachers, and Control Teachers with no STS or Chautauqua experiences provide ways of recognizing successes of current reform efforts.  相似文献   

数学新课程改革中培养学生数学应用意识和能力,在高师院校处于不被重视或被忽视的境地。对于数学应用意识和能力,高师生要改变认识和观念;要在中学和高校的衔接上更上一层楼;也要搞数学素质教育。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to critically examine a school reform effort that has taken hold in New York City over the past seven years. A largely privately funded venture, the New Century Schools Initiative (NCSI), opened hundreds of new small high schools in poor urban communities in New York City starting in 2002. The theory behind opening small schools on a such a large scale has come from market principles of competition and consumer choice. By flooding the market with hundreds of schools, competition for students would, in turn, drive up the quality of the schools. Although support appears to be ubiquitous for the market-based reforms in New York City, this article argues that we need to look critically at reforms like NCSI, especially with the recent failure of market-driven policies to deliver on their promises. Using neoliberalism as a conceptual framework, this article asks two main questions: (a) How do neoliberal school reform policies play out in individual schools? and (b) To what extent do neoliberal policies contribute or detract from educational equity?  相似文献   

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