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两年前,美国纽约州前州长艾略特·斯普里策身陷"召妓门"事件,最终被迫辞职,他的继任大卫·佩特森高调上任,成为了美国历史上首位盲人州长。两年后,这位盲人州长涉嫌影响纽约州讼诉程序——他的助手被曝卷入家庭暴力事件,该州长劝说并最终使事件女主角放弃对其助手的指控。前纽约州审计长艾伦·海韦希滥用政府职员,承认犯欺诈政府的联邦重罪。不要以为事情会就此终结,前不久,乔·布鲁诺被判经济腐败重罪。看到这一系列让公众难以接受的事实,我们不禁要问:这一切到底是为什么呢?  相似文献   

Ant:A colony or An army of ants Ape[猿]:A shrewdness of apes Baboons[狒狒]:A troop of baboons Bear:A sleuth or sloth of bears Bee:A swarm,grist or hive of bees Bird:A flock,flight,congregation or volery of birds Buffalo:A herd of buffalo Cat:A clowder or clutter of cats Cattle:A herd or drove of cattle  相似文献   

Let’s have a test and see how large your vocabulary is!!! 1. cosmopolitan a. a part of city, often typical of certain people b. of, from, or having the qualities of many different parts of the world c. belonging to another country or race  相似文献   

Let’s have a test and see how wide your vocabulary is!!! 1. deluge A. a fine misty rain B. a great flood of water, esp. rain C. a fall of rain or snow which does not last long 2. puff A. alight quick movement of air B. a sudden strong rush of air or of r…  相似文献   

Let's have a test and see how large your vocabulary is!!!1.scaleA.one of many sharp needle-like parts of someanimalsB.one of the small thin,usu.hard plates of materialwhich cover the bodies of many fish and reptilesC.one of the many parts of the covering which growson a bird's body  相似文献   

Let’s have a test and see how large your vocabulary is!!!1.seditionA.behavior which may or does cause action againstthe government or people in powerB.a public show of strong feeling or opinion,oftenwith marching,big signs,etc.C.the fact of resisting,or …  相似文献   

Let’s have a test and see how large your vocabulary is!!! 1.tranquila.free from anxiety,worry,etc.  相似文献   

Let's have a test and see how large your vocabulary is!!! 1.voucher A.a bill for goods received B.a kind of ticket that may be used instead of money for a particular purpose C.a piece of paper to be fixed on something or a mark made with ink on paper,to show that something has been done,paid,bought,sold,given,etc.  相似文献   

The death of the Web may be near as new innovations begin to eclipse(衰落) the utility (效应) of the Web browser, according to a new report from Forrester Research Inc.  相似文献   

A.Our language has some words that refer to collections or groups of things of one kind. For example, a group of cows is called a herd; a group of lions is called a pride. Directions: For each word in column Ⅰ, find the appropriate collective word in column Ⅱ  相似文献   

A.Prefixes such as pre and post are often added to other word parts to make new words.The prefix pre means "before",the prefix post means "after". pre confirm = preconfirm(to confirm beforehand)post war = postwar(after the war)A . Prefixes such as pre…  相似文献   

魂璐︸~~单词碰碰车(英文)  相似文献   

A.Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning. The words little and small are synonyms because they have similar meanings. Direction: For each word in column I , find a synonym in column II.  相似文献   

A. Heat is a base word.Many words are built by adding a beginning or an ending,or both,by a base word. re + heat = reheat heat + ing = heating un + heat + ed = unheated Directions:Each sentence has one incomplete word.Use one of the base words given below to complete the word so that it fits the sentence.  相似文献   

在天灾人祸发生的时候,外国人是怎样做它的家园修复的呢?庞大的重整的费用从那里来呢?The floods that have ravaged(破坏)parts of Central and Eastern Europe may leave more than physical devastation in their wake. Financial damage to businesses and homeowners will likely run into billions of dollars. But there is one group that will be footing  相似文献   

正Pre-reading task1.How many reality television shows can you name?2.Which shows do you watch?Now read this review of the reality television show Supernanny.A Review of Supernanny I don’t usually like reality television shows but I’m completely hooked on the programme Supernanny.It’s an excellent show,which basically fi lms a family who are having problems dealing with their naughty children.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.阅读下面的对话。并给下列图画序号。B=Ben; E=Ed E:Where's yourhome,Ben?B:Behind thosehills,near the river.Let's go!  相似文献   

根据文章内容在图中相应的人物旁写上人名。Mr and Mrs Black are farmers. They have a farm near the river.Mr and Mrs White have a hotel. They clean the hotel and cook for the people in the hotel.Mr and Mrs Hill are taxi drivers.Mr Grey and Miss Rose are teachers. They teach at the same school.  相似文献   

粼慕器德Oeliber日te.Del呼均倒帅叮目ng匆呼卯已_~和rti户外帅eb帕砂叩ndb孵‘钾月妙娜黯们巾旦一。n归而如如in.劝v哈姆叫户论认呼匆n0,钾时0fIi的,嚓娜,吟恤。。m!n月红n少D它n活i,d,黑撇撰︸品和药黑mez八一Bu“丫洲一而。一an眯h断‘种州)即工舀杯牌言默M己j〔ing梦巾cr叭一洲川片叶叫湘廷俪i心东{溯镌群粼淤酗戴姗蝶拍kingtheirji化肆蓄架絮黯撇seeingthem,q日ir巾\晰卜扮扮呵加间iat叭。马ed.薰buabChi了dabuse、Whe吟isclAZ你怎能安睡?(英文)@Jo…  相似文献   

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