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速度的测不准关系和光速恒定原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于量子力学可以获得速度的测不准关系,这样光速作为速度也将是测不准的.在小时空范围和高能时,光速应有统计涨落.这些结果和真空中光速恒定原理存在矛盾.相对论和量子论只有在它们发展以后才能完全统一  相似文献   

Forty‐three subjects aged 50 and over were tested on a Sternberg recognition‐memory task to explore the relative effects of depression and altered brain function on short‐term memory in later life. Organic, depressed, and control subgroups were compared on accuracy and speed of response. Speed‐of‐memory scanning was differentiated from other speed‐of‐response components; separate estimates of memory efficiency and subjective response criteria were calculated from accuracy data by signal‐detection methods. Organic subjects performed much less accurately and quickly than others, showing great variability of response speeds. Depressed subjects performed less accurately and quickly than controls, particularly on negative trials, but did not differ in rate of memory scanning. Depression was associated with poorer memory efficiency and laxer response criteria (greater tolerance for false‐positive errors). Slower and less accurate responding was also associated with a poorer educational background. Many performance differences were best accounted for by the additive effects of depression and educational background, rather than by either variable individually. The association of laxer criteria with depression alone, however, was discussed in terms of a possible acquiescent response bias in depression.  相似文献   

现代行政法与行政相对人权益的保护   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
行政法的核心是调整行政主体的行政权力和行政相对人权利之间的关系。行政法的目的在于使二形成一种协调、互动的关系。现代行政法提出多元控权理论对行政相对人权益的保护更为有利,并在此基础上提出现代行政法制度对行政权的比例原则,从而使行政机关与行政相对人之间形成一种全新的良性互动关系。  相似文献   

采用文献研究、逻辑分析、比较分析等研究方法.从社区体育健身俱乐部资源及其开发的相关理论出发,分析社区体育健身俱乐部资源开发与利用的动力。研究认为:对社区体育健身俱乐部社会资源开发与利用而言,经济动力是根本动力,需求动力是源动力,政策动力、人才激励、权利驱动是直接动力,组织内部动力是实施动力。  相似文献   

梁亚婷 《巢湖师专学报》2013,(5):111-114,124
《天堂》作为莫里森历史三部曲中的一部对黑人群体经历的史诗般的宏大记事震撼着每一个读者。在小说叙事过程中,莫里森在流露对黑人群体深深的关怀和希冀的同时也揭露了这个群体在历史发展过程中表现的种种缺憾。本文就从父权统治给鲁比小镇带来的弊端入手,展现这个群体中女性、年轻一辈通过重写历史,实现新的主体化等手段同男性权力拥有者之间的权力博弈。  相似文献   

Students of Alverno College develop problem solving as one of eight abilities they are required to demonstrate in order to graduate. They must also demonstrate self assessment ability as an important part and over‐riding outcome of their educational process.

In ongoing studies, the research staff of the college found that students show increasing sophistication in their performance of these abilities and identify them as significant aspects of their education. Faculty contribute to their own developing educational theory and practice by analysing student performance and judging it by criteria they have articulated to describe expert performance. In requiring students to integrate self assessment into their problem solving process, faculty have found that students show increasing understanding of inter‐relationships of ability, content, and context. Students take responsibility for their learning as a dynamic, continuing process. They gradually internalise their practice of both problem solving and self assessment ability.  相似文献   

Power is manifested in human nature and activity. However, in the sphere of education, especially higher education, it should not be manifested. Something becomes an asset only when it has become a personal possession. In order for an asset to be accepted as such by an individual, it must be situated indirectly in the circumstances which have led to that individual's personal choice of the asset in question.  相似文献   

儒家学说一直被认为是中华文化的主流,代表华人的传统。因此,当社会出了问题,便归咎于儒家思想。百年来,儒学成为攻击摧毁的对象。其实魏晋以后,儒学对基层社会的影响有限,因此儒家不应负起社会封建腐败的全责,而蒙不美之名。作者认为,由孔、孟、荀集大成的儒家思想,经过历代官僚将之政治化、塾师将之教条化、学究将之支离化,再加上近世中外学者将之西方化,以致本来代表中华民族经验与智能的学说不断被消磨损耗,沦为难以理解难以实践的碎文剩义。本文首先列举论证,肯定正统儒家学说的现代意义,继而提出复兴儒学的具体方案,并倡议华人社会中有识之士,负起继往圣开绝学的使命:将优秀的中华文化重新定位,使世人研习之、认识之,为社会发展新的生命力;并使此一贯彻人本精神的深厚思想,得与西方哲学宗教分庭抗礼,推动新时代人类文明的进步。  相似文献   

“知识经济”时代的到来,必然要求我们对创新人才与创造力进行深刻的研究与探讨,而对创造力的界定既包含事实的判断,也包含着价值取向的内容;创造性思维作为创造力的核心和关键要素对创造力有着重要的影响。笔者从知识经验、创造动机与兴趣、榜样与帮助者及中小学教学方法等4个方面论述了我国教师在培养学生创造力方面应当注意的问题和应当采取的措施。  相似文献   

对只有一个变点模型x(i/n)=f(i/n)+ε(i/n),其中,f(t)={J1 S1(t-t0),0<t≤t0,J2 S2(t-t0),t0<I≤1,ε(i/n),…,ε(n/n)独立同分布,J1,J2,S1,S2,t0为未知参数,讨论了变点t0处,跳变度(J2-J1)和坡变度(S2-S1)的联合分布。  相似文献   

1965年美国“初等与中等教育法”是美国教育史上的重要立法,内容涉及“贫困”和“种族歧视”两大社会问题,因而在其制定和实施过程中党派之争、种族利益之争以及其他各种力量之间的较量和冲突表现得十分明显。该法案的出台及实施过程展示了权力的制衡、积极的自由这样一些美国社会教育决策的基本特点。  相似文献   

声速测量实验仪器和方法的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对声速测量的三种方法进行比较,得出肜共鸣管驻波法测量声速,学生最易操作,但实验中出现的二个问题,本将对其实验仪器和实验方法提出改进,加以修正,从而得到很好的实验效果。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆盖变化是全球变化的重要驱动因子,与遥感及对地观测技术、数字地球及地球系统科学等相关研究领域关系密切。其研究目标是探索土地利用与土地覆盖在不同时空尺度上的相互作用及其变化。为实施可持续发展战略提供决策依据。主要研究内容有土地利用/覆盖变化驱动因子、土地可持续管理模式以及土地利用/覆盖变化与全球变化的相互作用机理等。目前。土地利用/覆盖变化研究已经取得了一些进展。从而推动了全球变化研究。  相似文献   

Young (mean age of 19 years) and older (mean age of 69 years) adults participated in a two‐choice, matching‐to‐sample reaction time experiment. Young adults responded more quickly than older adults; all subjects responded more quickly to a verbal standard sign than to a pictorial standard. However, there was an age difference in speed of performance only for those subjects in the stimulus order condition receiving first pictorial standards and then verbal standards. These data are interpreted within a model of dual memory processing systems (verbal and nonverbal). During adulthood there is an increasing tendency for verbal codes to elicit more general associations of both a verbal and a pictorial symbolic nature, while a pictorial code continues to activate only other pictorial stimuli. More generally, the implications of such a model for understanding aging and educational gerontology are discussed.  相似文献   

行政权力腐败是当前我国社会生活中的一个突出问题。解决这个问题的根本出路在于积极地推进政治体制改革,进一步建立和健全“以制度制约权力”、“以权力制约权力”和“以权利制约权力”三种权力制约与监督机制,对行政权力实行全面的、严密的、强有力的制约与监督,从而确保行政权力廉洁、公正、合理地运行。  相似文献   

文化软实力是综合国力的一个重要组成部分。提升文化软实力可以为中国梦的实现提供物质基础、精神支撑、安全保障以及人才来源。我们必须在塑造本国文化形象、维护国家文化安全、建设社会主义核心价值体系、发展基层文化和大力培养人才等方面进行不懈地努力,不断提升国家的文化软实力,才能在日益激烈的综合国力竞争中立于不败之地,从而实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。  相似文献   

大学学术权力和行政权力冲突解析-一个文化的视角   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
目前在大学中出现了学术权力和行政权力冲突日趋尖锐的趋势,本文从文化的视角分析冲突的起源,全面解析大学中学术文化和行政文化的差异,并以美国院校的案例说明两种文化冲突在大学中造成的误解与敌意,最后提出校长在探索大学和谐文化中的职责与作用。  相似文献   

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