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1.The tallgirl pink works hard atEnglish.A.having on B.dressed in C.is wearing D .putting on2.H ow long does ittake you to yourself?A.dress B.puton C.wear D .have on3.—W ho is the girl in a red skirt?—She s .A.dressed;H elen B.worn;m y sisterC.to be;a student D .having on;a nurse4.In whatcolour is yoursisterusually ?A.wore B.dressed C.had on D .puton5.The girlis underfour butshe can .A.puton herself B.wear herselfC.have on herclothes D .dress herself6.Afterthe bath,M r Sm ith him …  相似文献   

Grow-ups are always telling kids what to do.Do you listen to them? Usually they know what is best for you,but sometimes they can be 1.  相似文献   

Clubs in American Schools In American schools,there are many clubs that students can join for their interest.The clubs __1__ by students,but must be supervised (辅导) by a teacher.__2__ common clubs are language and culture clubs,and __3__ subjects that students enjoy doing,__4__ art,music,dancing and sports. At my school,there are about forty clubs,and I __5__ three of them.  相似文献   

(A)Rosa liked making up stories.She was so 1 that her classmatesbelieved her from time to time.In fact,the whole class believed her!Atfirst she supposed it was 2 .Now,as she got up to3before theclass,she knew that make-believe stories had some way of coming backto make you sad.RosaBs parents were separated.Nine months out of the year,Rosalived with her mother in an apartment on Anderson Street.But whensummer4,she went to her fatherBs farm in Arizona.The farm was great!Rosa rode horses and…  相似文献   

Recently, a book written by former President Clinton has gone on sale in the United States and Europe. Experts say it had record sales for a nonfiction book. 1 , the book My Life has sold about one million  相似文献   

(A) Most adults ( 成年人) once studied at school, they had classes and did their homework every day. The same 1 is going on at school now.  相似文献   

It can1that tea is the most popular beverage in the world,apartfrom just plain water.Even the word for“tea”in many languages aroundthe world2from different variations of the Chinese word cha(茶).Chinese tea can be classified3five categories.Green tea(绿茶)is perhaps the most natural,with no fermentation or processing of theleaves.Longjing(龙井),maofeng(毛峰)and biluochun(碧螺春)are themost famous varieties.Black tea,known in China4hongcha(红茶),is fermented before being baked.This is the k…  相似文献   

Teens Use Slunmer Vacation to HelP others It’5 not your usual summer vaeation.But it 15 the kind of summer va- eation一1目se.Reaeh out and help止组,and you will get more than you lmaglne·Storyl:Several teens have sPent the Past monthes工volunteers at the Salvation Army in America.They served food to the-生ehildren,eleaned up and helped as assistants.The volunteers止红helped the ehil- dren in their盯m aetivities,seienee projeets and erafts(手艺).“It allows the teen volunteers to see…  相似文献   

I remember vividly the call that changed my life.It was Tuesday,February18,when the1rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles home.On the2was Marty Banderas,a literary agent to whom I had sent adraft of my novels three weeks earlier.“I have a couple of3,”Ba…  相似文献   

1.——Thanks____your help.——My pleasure.A.for B.at C.on2.——This is John.——____A.Nice to meet you,John.B.What#s your name?C.I#m fine.3.——____——It#s Amy#s brother.A.How is he?B.Who#s that?C.What#s that?4.——What#s this?——____.A.It#s letter B B.It#s my sister C.I#m OK5.——What color is it?——____.A.It#s yellow B.That#s right C.Very good6.——Sorry,I#m late.——____.A.All B.That#s all rightC.That#s right7.——Sit down,please.——____.A.Thanks B.You#re welcomeC.Ye…  相似文献   

(A) One day,some workers were mending the road.They had dug a big hole in the road.As they could not 1 their work,they had put up notice boards(布告牌) around the hole before they 2.On the boards they wrote the word DANGER in order to warn people not to drop into the hole.Some time 3,a blind man was walking 4 the road.He was  相似文献   

(A)Friends are very important to all of us. When we in trouble, we need friends to offer us encourage and help, because of a friend in need is a friend  相似文献   

1.—Lets go to the lecture on internationaltrade this evening.—Thats great.Ill you at6:30.A.callup B.callto C.callon D.callfor2.—W hats w rong with M ary?—A letter from hom e an attack ofhom esickness.A.setout B.sent out C.sent off D.set off3.A fter recovering from illness,he was advised to gardening as ahobby.A.take aw ay B.take off C.take on D.take up4.Som e fam ous m usicians were invited to m edals to the winners.A.give up B.give aw ay C.give off D.give in5.—H ow long will our …  相似文献   

1. Our League secretary and monitor the lead in everything. A. take B. takes C. have D. has 2. —Is your grandpa still with you? —No. He still prefers to live in the small mountain village all its disadvantages. A. for B. except C. with D. to 3. —How I …  相似文献   

D octors always like to ask questions when is 1.im possible for his patients to answer.D r Sm ith was just 2.pulled out one ofm y tooth and had told m e to rest 3.for a w hile with m y m outh fillofcotton-w ool(脱脂棉球). 4.H e knew wellI enjoyed to fish and asked m e whether 5.I went fishing last Sunday.H e then asked m e about how 6.m y wife and invited us to fish with his fam ilies the 7.next Saturday.In answer for his questions I either 8.nodded or m ade strange sounds.A tthe sam e tim …  相似文献   

下仆加一beA,2:丑.l;C、22五2三anSWe1’馨Inll眺0202禅加 ,.1弓‘心2勺‘言2十一2一尸龙58一刀皿2玉verythi瑰_isnotin咖i默{默蕊给茹么一益燕4.HOW吧理军吧了-B‘two’sD,1加。吕SJI七i乌儿ss动j一坛任bitmore山伍池It_「小如i蒸)公产粉声布辉添篇氛蕊){冻罢寒一_A.inhisseventy B.inthe197Os 七.IntneseVenUeS _D.讯山el970s’一8和Mn生hecomptocomeand幻俩ays tOleave‘ A卜:比t;fir3tth已61’st 9.iryoudiseoul,参乖j卜tlme·thela就fail,don,t itbe_A.secondB.a second 一c.twoD.th鲜econ可b忌鹦咖oinwa·__探黔留煞外hru…  相似文献   

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