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21世纪的教育应该是“学习的共同体”。要真正使教师与课程改革形成共振,就应当把教育文化的重建作为课程改革的核心。首先,学校应该转变为学习的共同体、经营的共同体,教师是课程改革共同体的一员,是具有强烈主人翁意识的合作伙伴。民主和谐、共同愿景和沟通与合作是共同体的三个基本要素,即共同体要建立一种民主平等、和谐发展的氛围,共同体的成员有共同的目标和相对一致的教育观点,为实现共同的目标和相对一致的教育观点,为实现共同的目标要不断地沟通与合作。其次,学校的管理应该借助于专业权威和道德权威,推进校本教研体制,  相似文献   

吴旦 《教师博览》2023,(30):34-35
“学习共同体”是近年来课程改革中出现的一种新型学习方式。教师、家长、学生的共同体操作方法是置身于语文教育的大环境中,以学生为中心,将学生作为教育的主体,在实践中教师和家长要相互配合,以共同的教学目标为纽带,对学习者实施共同教育,发现和解决学习者在语文学习中出现的实际问题,从而促进学习者获取知识、全面成长。  相似文献   

课程改革以来,我区把校本教研作为一种学习、工作和研究三位一体的学校教研文化活动和教师行为,作为一种具体的研究方法和研究的取向,作为一种教师专业发展活动的经验和理论提升过程,作为学校提高教育质量和创建学习型学校的主要途径,形成了“区域性——学校内——网络里”三个校本教研平台,着力建设专业学习共同体,有效促进了教师专业成长。  相似文献   

学习共同体是一个共同交流思想、共享知识、分享专业成长经历的场所,它构建于共同的信念、利益和经历基础之上。学习共同体为校长的专业发展提供了有益的模式。建构校长学习共同体可以有不同模式,如专业发展学校、校长学术沙龙、基于网络的校长学习共同体等。  相似文献   

传统学校中的“学习”,往往被认为是学生的事,校长、教师就是教学生学习的人,要求学生学习的人,他们本身被视为教育者而没有被定义成为学习者,所以,学校所关注的学习只是学生的学习。而在专业学习共同体中,校长、教师更被视为学习者。20世纪80年代以来,教师工作环境与学校文化对教师教学工作的影响成为学校变革与学校领导研究的中心问题。受“学习型组织”这一新概念的影响及其在教育实践领域中探索的深入,学校越来越被视为“专业学习共同体”。学校作为专业学习共同体,其本质就是要构建在相互交流与合作中共同成长的专业学习关系,而能萌发…  相似文献   

教师队伍的建设决定着学校的办学水平,构建教师学习共同体是提高教师队伍素养的重要途径。教师学习共同体的构建是促进教育、教师、学校发展的现实需要。在实践中,教师学习共同体的构建可以引导教师在理念学习中形成共识、在课堂实践中学会探索、在交流分享中升华思想,在殊途和异步中取得同归。教师学习共同体可以为教师解决教育教学中出现的问题,达成学习共同体的愿景,从而促进教师、学生、学校的共同成长。  相似文献   

教师队伍的建设决定着学校的办学水平,构建教师学习共同体是提高教师队伍素养的重要途径。教师学习共同体的构建是促进教育、教师、学校发展的现实需要。在实践中,教师学习共同体的构建可以引导教师在理念学习中形成共识、在课堂实践中学会探索、在交流分享中升华思想,在殊途和异步中取得同归。教师学习共同体可以为教师解决教育教学中出现的问题,达成学习共同体的愿景.从而促进教师、学生、学校的共同成长。  相似文献   

所谓“学习共同体”,是指一个学习者及助学者(包括教师、专家、辅导者等)共同构成的团体,他们彼此之间经常在学习过程中进行沟通、交流,分享各种学习资源,共同完成一定的学习任务,因而在共同体成员之间形成了相互影响、相互促进的人际关系。构建学习共同体,促进教师专业发展是时代发展的要求,是新一轮课程改革的必经之路,是未来社会发展的要求,也是教师专业成长的新维度。那么如何构建学习共同体,促进教师专业发展呢?笔者结合自己学校的实践,欲做引玉之砖。  相似文献   

学习共同体是一个交流思想、共享知识、分享专业成长经历的场所,它是构建于共同的信念、利益和经历的基础之上的。学习共同体为校长的专业发展提供了一个有益的模式。建构校长学习共同体可以有不同模式,如专业发展学校,校长学术沙龙,基于网络的校长学习共同体等。  相似文献   

“学习共同体”指的是由学习者及其助学者共同构成的团体,其成员具有平等的话语权和参与权。作为教师主动研究的平台出现的学习共同体,是由教师和其他有关人员构成的学研一体的组织。“多元、多层次的学习共同体”既是异质组合,又具有相似性:即以解决学校层面的课堂教学问题为目标指向,在此基础上实现学习共同体的整合。基础教育课程改革实施过程中,新的教育理念和现实的差异带来了众多问题。研究解决新课程背景下的教学问题成为基础教育的当务之急。然而,运用以往方法和手段却很难很好地解决问题。对此,我们只能回到教育的具体情境中去寻找答案。  相似文献   

透过晓庄学校在目的共享、责任共担以及教育教学方法等方面的特征可以发现,陶行知强调的“学校是共同生活场所”的观念,体现的是一种“共同体”学校观。陶行知之所以强调学校应当成为共同生活的场所,与其“生活教育观”以及“社会即学校观”紧密关联。这也使其学校观不仅有助于我们思考“共同生活”这一学校共同体构建的途径,也提醒我们从“学校与社会关系”这一更宽广的视角考虑学校共同体的建设。  相似文献   

In recent years policy makers’ interest in the professional development of school leaders has grown considerably. Although we know some aspect of formal educational programs for school leaders, little is known about school leaders’ incidental and non-formal learning in the workplace. This study aims to grasp what workplace learning activities school leaders value most, what work-related questions incite them to learn, what outcomes they achieve through workplace learning and what conditions support workplace learning of school leaders. In order to generate answers to the research questions, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 Dutch school leaders in secondary education, which also served as a form of reflection for the respondents. Results show that school leaders mostly value workplace learning through working on improvement and innovation and through reflection. In addition to outcomes for the school leader, working on improvement and innovation also leads to learning outcomes for teachers, and seems to provide opportunities for teachers to influence changes in the school. On the other hand, teachers take little or no part in reflection. Here, school leaders find peace and stability to reflect with fellow school leaders. If adjusted to a specific context, the methods used in this study might be transferred to other contexts, to study workplace learning of all kinds of leaders.  相似文献   

学生公寓社区是学生日常生活与学习的重要场所,公寓社区事关学生人身安全和财产安全,学生公寓社区安全状况关系到学校的正常教学和生活秩序以及学校和社会的稳定,也关系到高校的改革与发展。因此,要重视公寓社区的安全工作,找准公寓社区安全工作的重要环节,创新学生公寓社区安全工作的对策。  相似文献   


This article argues the importance of adopting a “learning to learn” perspective in secondary agricultural education: school organisational development should take place in the perspective of active learning by students. Three factors affecting innovation processes are discussed: school policy-making capacity, school in-service training policy, and professional orientations of teachers. Moreover, a program to support schools for secondary agricultural education while implementing a “learning to learn” approach is presented. The implementation process is tuned to the individual teacher and teacher coaching and in-service training are provided. In this respect, the need for school management and school policy reflecting a clear educational perspective is stressed: fostering the quality of students' independent learning should take a central position on all levels in the school. Therefore, the school organisation as a whole should become a “learning organisation”.  相似文献   

Many rural indigenous communities rely on science knowledge and innovation for survival and economic advancement, which requires community members to be motivated for learning science. Children in these communities have been viewed by some as unmotivated due to their low science achievement as they progress in school, particularly into majority secondary schools. Current theories of motivation, such as achievement goal theory, take classroom context into account when examining individual motivation. However, motivational climate can also be considered as tightly woven with the cultural and social practices of a community rather than individual perception. In this study, researchers spent time in two indigenous villages observing classrooms, participating in community events, and talking with community members. During those visits, Attayal/Sediq children in Taiwan (n?=?18) and Mopan Mayan children in Belize (n?=?18) participated in three semi-structured interviews about their experience learning science in school, home, and community. Results indicate that motivation for learning science is closely linked with their identity as science learners. Three themes emerged to illuminate how social practices may or may not support individual identity, and consequently motivation, for learning science—student/teacher relationships, support for learning, and motivational climate. Differences between children in Taiwan and Belize are explored. Implications for motivation theory, educational practice, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Since Independence in 1975, one of the main roles of the primary school teacher in Papua New Guinea has been to promote community development. Recent policy, however, is aimed at making community development the central focus of primary teaching. This paper argues that such an orientation is likely to result in community discontent, the creation of restrictions on the extent to which worthwhile lifelong learning can take place, and failure to lay the groundwork for a technically orientated economy. Recent policy aimed at giving primary school teachers a major role in out-of-school community development is also inappropriate given the limited nature of teacher training candidates, the nature of the teaching environment, and the nature of Papua New Guinea society.  相似文献   

高职教育的创新发展关系到企业的创新潜能,当前温州企业参与高职教育创新处于融合期,校企合作的模式还需不断创新,校企合作中企业的主体地位逐步确立。企业对于高职教育创新有着强烈的需求。温州企业参与高职教育创新的策略有:政府要高度重视,加强引导;企业应积极参与,塑造形象;院校需主动出击,争取资源;社会得聚合众力,创建环境。  相似文献   

This paper examines data from a series of visits to secondary schools in England which have been identified as doing innovative work with ICT. The paper argues that stable definitions of innovation are difficult in this context and require an understanding of both the technological contexts of innovation and the concept of a school as a dynamic learning community. Data is presented in the form of vignettes to demonstrate how the school visits formed a kind of “performance” in relation to the schools’ own claims about innovations and the enquiries of the research team. Discussion of the data focuses on three key themes which emerge: the changing roles of teachers; new technologies/new pedagogies and the public face of the school. The paper concludes with the observation that innovation is necessarily complex but pupil agency and creativity should always play a vital part.  相似文献   

Denominational schooling makes up an important part of European educational systems. Given its specificity, denominational schooling can be expected to place a greater weight on values teaching and moral education. It also may be more successful in creating a warm and caring atmosphere, thus helping students to better emotionally connect to the school community. We compare public and publicly supported private (as a proxy to denominational) schools on 2 dimensions, namely the emotional integration with the rest of the school community and the concern and feelings of responsibility towards the environment. Except for Austria, Belgium, and Spain, no evidence could be found that the type of the school has any impact on the reported psychological adaptation to the school. In these 3 countries, publicly supported private schools tend to be more successful in integrating their students. Also, students in public and private dependent schools were equally environment oriented.  相似文献   

PCOLT模式认为,学校文化的三种文化特质——专业共同体、组织学习以及信任,都与学生学习有着密切的联系。PCOLT模式强调,在学校文化建设过程中,应该发挥校长作为文化变革驱动者的作用,应该通过专业共同体强化教师之间的信任,应该构建网络学习共同体,应该加强与地方政府、社区之间的联系。PCOLT模式可以为我国校园文化建设带来积极启示:通过提高校长文化领导力促进学校文化建设;通过发展教师专业共同体促进学校文化建设;通过提升群体意识促进学校文化建设。  相似文献   

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