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There are four people in my family. They are grandma, father,mother and I. Now we all live in Wuhan. They are from different places. My grandma comes from Sichuan. She likes hot(辣4的) meat very much. She doesn‘t like bread or noodles at all. She likes vegetables a little. My father is from Guang Zhou.  相似文献   

When you aresomething in English,often meet withword. What‘s the bestknow it? readingyou maya new way to know it?  相似文献   

Mr Reece had a farm in the south of England. Mr and Mrs Reece grew a lot of things. They worked very hard. One day , Mr Reece said to her, “Let's go to London next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there, and then we can go and see aplay.”  相似文献   

Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes to play football and watch football matches. And he often reads newspapers(报纸). He does his best to know where and when a football match will be.  相似文献   

In the 13th century ,the famous Italian traveller,Marco Polo,travelled a long way to china.During his stay in China,he saw many wonderful things,One of the things he discovered(发现)was that the Chinese used paper money,In western countries,  相似文献   

An English traveller spent a few weeks in Sweden(瑞典). When he was about to return home, he found that he had only enough money left to get a ticket to England. Thinking the matter over, he decided that as it was only a two days‘ voyage(航行)he could get home without eating anything.  相似文献   

Chinese New Year     
The Chinese New Year is now known as the Spnng Festival because it starts trom the beginning otspring. Though there are some sayings about its origin (起源), all agree that the word Nian, which inmodern Chinese means “year”, was originally the name of a beast (野兽) that started to eat people thenight before the beginning of a new year.  相似文献   

Men always wanted to fly. For hundreds of years they watched birds flying and wished that they could fly, too.  相似文献   

此文是一篇故事性的趣味读物。主要讲述Tony因车祸手受伤做了手术,出院时他问医生他是否能弹吉他,医生说能,他十分高兴,因为车祸前他根本不会弹吉他。  相似文献   

It was a beautiful spring morning. There wasn‘t a cloud in the sky, and the sun was warm but not too hot, so Mr Green was surprised(惊奇的)when he saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong black umbrella(雨伞) in his hand. Mr Green said to him, ““Are we going to have rain today, do you think?  相似文献   

One day Jack broke his mother's glass. When shesaw the broken glass, she cried, "Jack, your father isgoing to punish(惩罚)you." "I'm too upset(沮丧)to punish you now." said Jack'sfather."I'll do it after supper."  相似文献   

我不经常做梦,可一做梦,都是些很奇怪的梦。有一次,我梦见自己在一艘大船上。天气晴朗,海上一片宁静,晴空万里,阳光温暖明媚。  相似文献   

Jack 《海外英语》2004,(1):22-23
Deng Li was an ordinary man with ordinary dreams and aspirations. He had an ordinary job working in a state-owned chemicals manufacturing company. He earned just about enough to meet the costs of his family's everyday needs and to send his children to school. He lived with his family in a small apartment provided by the company. Deng was quite happy with his ordinary life, without any sheen or fireworks, but also without any real problems. If  相似文献   

惩罚是一种常用的教育方法与不良行为的矫正程序,但由于近年来社会思潮朝着重视人文精神的方向发展,以及惩罚本身存在的误用与滥用的问题,惩罚的研究与使用受到冷落与忽视.教育中的惩罚是必要的,教育工作者应该正确认识与运用惩罚,加强对惩罚的作用机制、效果与有效的惩罚方式的研究,促进惩罚应用的科学化,有效地矫正学生的不良行为.  相似文献   

死刑是剥夺犯罪人生命的一种刑罚方法,无论在理论上关于死刑的立法设置,还是司法实践中关于死刑的适用范围,都争论得如火如荼。从经济学的角度着眼,利用经济学的理论和研究方法来研究死刑的效用问题,并对死刑的成本进行剖析,从而探求死刑的成本及死刑效用的最大化。  相似文献   

教师惩戒是为了更好的促进学生的发展,但在实施中往往出现了教师惩戒的"无度"和不作为,影响了育人工作,因此分析和掌握教师惩戒的有限性特征,更好的探索教师惩戒的实施,能使教师在教育学生时掌握好这一重要的教育方式,促进学生健康的成长和良好发展。  相似文献   

依据唐道宣《唐高僧传》载,南北朝时,菩提达摩入华传播禅法,创立禅宗,曾受到当时部分佛教僧人的"讥谤",但所谓"讥谤"的详情不清。本文依据在敦煌遗书中发现的8世纪上半叶写本《成唯识论述记解前杂叙》(拟)来探讨这一问题。指出当时僧人"讥谤"达摩的方法之一,可能是质疑达摩传法的合法性。或许正因为有类似的质疑,达摩不得不以"教外别传"应之,并为早期禅宗的传法特点提供一个新的解读视角。  相似文献   

作为对学生越轨行为的规治手段,“教育惩戒”源于学界对体罚、惩罚现象的批判。伴随教育惩戒的权力失落与呼吁回归,其发展经历了戒尺文化阶段、人道主义阶段、全面抵制阶段,到目前的立德树人阶段。这一历程不仅受制于社会进步和先进教育思潮的作用,历史发展和社会结构变迁也成为教育惩戒权失落与回归的浓厚底色。如今,教育部已出台《中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)》纲要并正式施行,学界也从心理学、伦理学等多学科视角对教育惩戒的价值性和必要性进行论证,但教育惩戒仍缺乏实践土壤,面临惩戒手段失当、惩戒程度失准、惩戒对象失变和惩戒干预失重等多重困境。而要促使“惩戒”向“教育惩戒”转变,真正实现为教育而惩戒,使惩戒遵守教育目的和教育规律,需要促进教育惩戒的合法化、加强教育惩戒的合目的性、规制教育惩戒的合伦理性、追求教育惩戒的艺术性。这些或将成为教育惩戒落地生根的可能路径。  相似文献   

浅析行政处罚听证范围的缺陷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政处罚中的听证制度是我国行政程序的重大突破,但从目前的有关规定看,诸如行政拘留和没收财产之类对相对人权利产生重大影响的处罚行为竞未列入听证范围。结合国外相关制度和我国司法实践,应当将行政拘留和没收财产纳入我国行政处罚听证的范围。  相似文献   

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