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电影作为现代都市化新的构成,它改变着人们体认现实生活和其它学艺术的方式。张爱玲的视觉感受力、电影修养综合她对语言字的敏感,形成小说中电影手法。具体表现为多种镜头运用、蒙太奇手法、可视意象和小说叙事方式的电影化位移。张爱玲创造了电影艺术影响之下成熟的现代小说范型。  相似文献   

小说家吸纳现代电影的反叛性进行新小说文体实验,华文界先锋是身居香港的西西, 她的《东城故事》运用叙述者介入、多人独白并呈、电影镜头跳接、分彩色镜头等,使得小说的叙述暗藏玄机,别具一格。  相似文献   

杜拉斯将电影艺术引入小说领域,使其小说具有电影化特色.在叙事内容上,她在小说中镜头般地呈现异国风情和文化风俗;通过人物动作表现自身的深刻心理,用特写镜头渲染体现戏剧性主题的激情画面,从而表现戏剧性和易于搬上银幕的小说主题;蒙太奇般地呈现记忆中的往事.在叙事方式上,她借用一些电影手法,以加强文学自身的表现力,从叙事语言、叙事结构和叙事主体三个方面体现出电影化的特色.  相似文献   

比较文学研究的范畴既包括两种或两种以上民族文学的研究比较,也包括跨学科,即文学与其它艺术门类和意识形态的比较研究。这是比较文学宽泛而稳定的研究形态。本文从比较文学的定义出发,力图探讨"语言"这一介质在从小说到电影的转变过程中的变化。"小说语言"也即是小说的文本,"电影语言"即电影的镜头、对白等等。跨越这两个艺术门类进行比较,是我所解读的"比较文学"。  相似文献   

罗伯·格里耶是法国新小说派的代表作家.其小说创作以一种电影化的思维和视角时文学的叙述进行解构.这种对小说叙述策略的尝试性改变也反映了作家对世界存在方式的思考.文章通过分析他的作品,揭示其小说为读者带去全新阅读体验的原因,并集中对小说中文学性镜头的表现手段的极端视觉化特征进行了分析和解读.  相似文献   

先锋小说的先锋性和电影的通俗性本是互不兼容的两种品格,可在当前先锋小说却频频“触电”。为透视这一独特现象,笔者考察了张艺谋电影《红高粱》和《大红灯笼高高挂》的改编过程,意在反思这一现象对先锋小说创作带来的影响。  相似文献   

黄建新改编自张贤亮小说的电影《黑炮事件》,在叙事情调、人物性格、镜头语言等方面都显示了与原作的不同,由此奠定了黄建新20年电影创作的基调:用理性的目光关注非理性的人物,以平淡的口吻讲述荒唐的事件,透射出导演勇敢的批判精神和反讽的荒诞风格。  相似文献   

蒙太奇者,在电影中,乃是镜头与镜头,场面与场面剪辑、组合之意,是电影的重要表现手段之一。一部电影由许多不同的镜头组成,在电影创作中,需要将全片所要表现的内容分许多不同的镜头(画面),分别拍  相似文献   

小说《白狗秋千架》和电影《暖》都包含了一个残酷的故事内核,电影通过诗意的镜头语言传达出脉脉温情,使观众感动而非震颤,本文结合当下的影视创作简略地考察了急剧变化的现实以及变动时代中灵魂的躁动和脆弱。  相似文献   

随着国家广播电影电视总局颁布了《关于严格控制电影、电视剧中吸烟镜头的通知》,对于电影中的吸烟镜头存在的合理性引起社会争议。文章以电影《观音山》中的吸烟镜头为例,分析了吸烟镜头在电影中的作用,进而论证吸烟镜头有其存在的合理性,但是应控制其频率与时长,并只出现在特定的背景下。  相似文献   

林白的小说《回廊之椅》将影视叙事技法消融在文学的表现形式之中,使读者既能享受到类似观影的"震惊"效果,又能品味到文学叙事的审美"灵韵"。这种小说中的电影化想象具体表现为三个方面:蒙太奇手法的综合运用、神秘氛围的渲染和大量悬疑的设置和富有动感和美感的镜头语言的运用。  相似文献   

中国电影一度忽视电影的接收对象,走入两个误区:过分追求电影的艺术性,过度强调电影的教化功能。电影的衣食父母是观众,因而电影从业人员和专家学者要深入研究观众,了解观众的需要,从观众的立场出发拍摄符合观众实际需求的电影,这是中国电影的当务之急。在加入世界贸易组织的大背景下,我们的电影业应该做好研究自己、自我反省,研究观众、主体平等,学会学习、取长补短三个方面的工作,以摆脱困境,迎接挑战。  相似文献   

郑秀芳 《海外英语》2016,(15):185-189
In Midnight's Children,frequently seen are the words like"hole","segment","crack",and the damage and loss of bodily function such as amnesia,which is called a"phenomenon of fragmentation"in this paper.In terms of the phenomenon,the characters of three generations in Midnight's Children are analyzed.It is found that colonial culture exerts a long-lasting impact on its colonized people,under whose influence generations of colonized people find it hard to negotiate their dual cultural identities.This happened to India.Postcolonial Indians had fragmented identities.Furthermore,the phenomenon also reflects that India was a fragmented nation,whose nationals desired peace,unity,and prosperity.  相似文献   

英语视听说课堂中英语电影教学初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据全脑概念的原理,视听结合的教学手段可以同时提高学生英语综合应用能力和英语语言文化素养,使英语教学目的得以最大程度实现。目前,英语电影已被广泛地应用于英语视听说教学,成为学生锻炼英语听、说能力的有效途径,也存在着一些问题。在运用英语电影进行视听说教学时,教师应当有针对性地认清自己的角色定位,掌握有效的教学方法,并不断地提高自身的综合能力和素养,以使英语电影教学的优势得以最充分的发挥。  相似文献   

2 studies examined children's comprehension of brief stop-animation televised segments incorporating elements of cinematic montage such as pans, zooms, and cuts. Children reconstructed the action and dialogue in these segments using the same dolls and settings depicted. In Study 1, there was no effect of cinematic techniques on reconstruction performance of 3- and 5-year-olds as compared to control segments filmed without these techniques. The results challenged the assumption that the use of such techniques per se contributes to young children's poor comprehension of television shows. In Study 2, 12 new segments were produced in which comprehending the montage required inferences of character perspective, implied action sequences, spatial relationships, and simultaneity of different actions. Averaging across all segments, 62% of the 4-year-olds and 88% of the 7-year-olds demonstrated clear comprehension of the montage. Inferences concerning implied action sequences were easiest for both ages. Inferences of simultaneity were most difficult for 4-year-olds, whereas inferences of character perspective were most difficult for 7-year-olds. Preschool children are thus capable of understanding cinematic events conveyed through camera techniques and film editing, despite previous assertions to the contrary. This ability nevertheless substantially increases with age.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between children’s proneness to endorse moral disengagement mechanisms and their anticipated antisocial lie telling. Participants were 107 predominantly white Australian children in Grade 1 (27 boys, 27 girls; Mage = 6.69 years) and Grade 4 (24 boys, 29 girls; Mage = 9.69 years). Children completed a lie-telling moral disengagement scale and two vignettes. In the first vignette, a child character witnessed a transgression and was coached to say that they did not see the transgression occur (lie type: false denial). In the second vignette, a child character did not witness a transgression and was coached to say that they saw a transgression (lie type: false allegation). In accordance with social cognitive theory predictions, greater proneness to using moral disengagement mechanisms was associated with children’s anticipated lie telling for both false allegations and false denials. These findings highlight the important role of moral disengagement in children’s lie telling.  相似文献   

周建华 《海外英语》2012,(10):213-215
文学作品的电影改编通常被认为是对原作的背叛。甚至一些电影艺术家也认为电影是一种由"照相术"发展而来的较直观的艺术表现形式,而文学中抽象的概念和意象美是难以用直观的影象来表达的。《喜福会》是华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作,含义深远的意象是作品的一个显著特征。通过比较分析小说及其电影改编作品的意象,探讨抽象的文学意象是如何被移植到电影中的,从而突出改编的价值,解构文学与电影之间的二元对立。  相似文献   

意识形态批评运用于电影之后,成为电影理论的重要组成部分,与电影符号学、精神分析电影批评等一道促成了电影理论的现代转型。意识形态电影理论开创了电影批评的新方法,提供了电影研究的新视角,启发了现代电影理论的新方向,为电影研究注入了新的血液,其创造的症候式阅读影响了之后的电影理论与批评。  相似文献   

广西作家凡一平的新作《上岭村的谋杀》,是他回归到乡土小说创作的一部力作。在小说里,作者以他一贯擅长镜头似的语言描述,采用了多角度的叙述手法,把一场村子里的谋杀案为读者精心编制出来。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Two studies examined the effects of the oath or reassurance ("truth induction") on 5- to 7-year-old maltreated children's true and false reports of a minor transgression. METHODS: In both studies an interviewer elicited a promise to tell the truth, reassured children that they would not get in trouble for disclosing the transgression, or gave no instructions before questioning the child. In Study 1, children were encouraged to play with an attractive toy by a confederate, who then informed them that they might get in trouble for playing. In Study 2, a confederate engaged children in play, but did not play with the attractive toy. RESULTS: In Study 1, the oath and reassurance increased disclosure among children who would qualify as competent to take the oath. In Study 2 neither the oath nor reassurance increased false reports among children who would qualify as competent, whether yes/no questions or tag questions were asked. Among non-competent children, reassurance (but not the oath) increased false reports. Children were more likely to accuse the confederate of the transgression than to implicate themselves. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a promise to tell the truth may increase true disclosures without increasing false allegations. Reassurance that specifically mentions the target activity also increases true disclosures, but may increase acquiescence among some children. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: A child-friendly version of the oath may be a useful addition to child interviews.  相似文献   

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