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审美是人类一种主观的心理活动的过程。图画书作为一种新兴而独特的儿童文学类型,通过文学与美术这两种综合艺术的完美融合,激发儿童对美的感受能力,进而促进和培养了儿童审美感知、审美想象、审美评价等素质的发展。  相似文献   

中国传统画论中的"空白"以中国古典哲学为基础,在"虚"与"实"的相融相生中,展现着文学艺术悠远而深厚的意境美,作为审美主体的创造者来说,恰到好处地进行"留白"是增强艺术作品感染力的关键,由此欣赏者才能在这足够的想象空间中进行再创造,感悟与体味作品空灵的意蕴,没有虚空就没有意境,审美主客体精神的契合,在"空白"这一艺术形式的感召下产生了无尽的意境美。  相似文献   

中国传统画论中的"空白"以中国古典哲学为基础,在"虚"与"实"的相融相生中,展现着文学艺术悠远而深厚的意境美,作为审美主体的创造者来说,恰到好处地进行"留白"是增强艺术作品感染力的关键,由此欣赏者才能在这足够的想象空间中进行再创造,感悟与体味作品空灵的意蕴,没有虚空就没有意境,审美主客体精神的契合,在"空白"这一艺术形式的感召下产生了无尽的意境美。  相似文献   

图画书是学龄前儿童阅读的起点。作为儿童文学的一种重要而又独特的艺术表现形式,本文就图画书的独特性进行研析,望能对图画书的阅读推广起到一定的意义。  相似文献   

图画书中的时间是一种独立的个体存在,时间化是图画书的重要特征。在作品叙事过程中,情节设置、空间位移等方式推动了图画书的时间进程,细节、意蕴、画面效果等方式延滞了图画书的阅读时间。这种叙事特点增强了图画书的张力,提供给读者更广阔的理解想象空间。推动与挽留是各种叙事因素作用于图画书独立时间段的方式,使图画书叙事具有独特的审美价值和接受效果。  相似文献   

本文从美学角度,论述了在新世纪里,塑造丹东城市新形象的三个问题:一、论述要正确处理物的现代化与人的现代化的关系,要重视丹东城市新形象的文化品位;二、论述丹东城市的特点是秀丽、典雅;三、从丹东城市的特点出发,论述丹东城市建筑的风格、色彩、布局。  相似文献   

中国画中的"空白"笔韵,反映了中国文化的"空灵"境界,它的审美意义在于能虚实相生、产生意境的效果.  相似文献   

孙健 《家庭教育》2010,(7):76-77
为什么要读图画书? 图画故事书是幼儿成长不可缺少的精神食粮,幼儿普遍喜欢。日本著名儿童文学家松居直说,图画书是成人送给孩子最好的礼物。图画书能给孩子带来快乐。幼儿在阅读图画书的过程中,也促进了认识、道德、情感、审美能力积极主动地发展。  相似文献   

与成人关注图画书对幼儿的认知发展价值和道德教化价值不同,幼儿在选择图画书时更关注其中的审美价值.本研究以质的研究方式对幼儿选择图画书的审美倾向进行探究.研究发现,幼儿在选择图画书时更看重其趣味性、唯美性、情感性、丰富性,有些图画书之所以不能吸引幼儿是因为它们传达力不强、美感不够或趣味性不足.这些研究结果可为早期教育工作者的图画书创作、图画书选择和图画书阅读指导提供借鉴.  相似文献   

佩里·诺德曼的图画书符码理论为当前各级各类图画书教学活动的有效开展提供了极为重要的理论依据。其基本假设是:图画与文字一样都是抽象的。该理论从图画的整体属性、图画内部各对象之间的关联方式以及图画和文字的配合三个方面分析了阅读图画书的专门策略,并指出认知图文两者所传达意义的差异是图画书提供的最重要的乐趣。  相似文献   

In his twenty-year tenure as a picture book artist, Jon Agee has produced a number of books that greatly vary in appearance. However, while his artistic style changes from book to book, some things remain the same. Readers who pick up any Agee book can expect that it will contain interesting artwork, well worth a close inspection. They can also safely bet that it will be inventive, experimental, and funny. An examination of Agee's picture books Ellsworth, Ludlow Laughs, The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau, Dmitri the Astronaut, and Milo's Hat Trick illuminates Agee's evolution as an artist while demonstrating his metafictive experimentation with artistic conventions, his play with concepts of reality and impossibility, and his abundant talent for simplicity, funniness, and beauty.  相似文献   

图画书是一种集语言艺术和绘画艺术于一体的特殊儿童文学样式。它不同于带插图的儿童文学书,也不同于中国的传统儿童读物——小人书。它拥有独特的艺术特征。亲子阅读图画书,对于孩子的阅读与成长有着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

作为一种新的文学艺术形式的绘本具有特殊的性质和特征。大部分绘本将儿童预设为主要读者,反映和表现儿童生活与心理,成人绘本内容形式的儿童化,令绘本普遍具有鲜明的儿童性;绘本作为图文合一的艺术整体,以简明之文和形象之图协同讲解故事,在具象与抽象、表象与意象的矛盾统一中呈现丰富性和多义性;具有思想艺术独创性的绘本,同时为读者预留了广阔的阅读理解空间,让绘本的阅读具有开放互动的特质。  相似文献   

0—6岁婴幼儿的早期阅读活动中,绘本阅读占有重要的比重。本文通过分析绘本中插图语言的意义,突出了识图能力在婴幼儿语言发展中的重要作用,并为学前教育教师在为不同年龄阶段婴幼儿选取恰当绘本时提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

Wordless books—picture books that rely entirely on illustrations to tell a story—are an excellent resource for educators of young children. This article provides a research-based rationale for using wordless books, offers a developmental sequence for introducing children to stories told through pictures, suggests a general strategy and wide array of early literacy activities based on books without texts, and recommends ways of communicating with parents/families about the value of wordless books. Outstanding wordless books and examples of children's responses to this growing genre of children's literature are also included.  相似文献   

图画书通过文字和图画共同传达故事信息,有别于其它形式的语言或视觉艺术,它独特的表达系统比较契合儿童的心理特点。如今,越来越多的家长和教师开始重视培养孩子阅读图画书,但由于受传统惯性教育思维和阅读习惯的影响,在指导孩子阅读图画书的过程中还存在着一些误区。  相似文献   

基于图画书特质的幼儿园图画书阅读教学策略   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
图画书是一种把语言与图画两种艺术表现手段很好融合在一起进行故事叙述的艺术形式.教师如果不能很好地把握图画书的这一特质,就会很容易在有关图画书的阅读教学中把文字与图画分割开来,或者把图画书当作传统看图讲述的对象,或者把图画书当作开展综合活动的引子,而忽略图画书自身独特而丰富的价值.为激发幼儿阅读图画书的兴趣,促进其自主阅读能力的发展,深化其阅读体验,教师在利用图画书开展阅读教学时,应善于利用其经过艺术处理的"图像文字",进行声音和空间的再现,使幼儿产生身临其境的阅读感受;应善于抓住其中隐形的关键人物,再造有关人物形象;应能灵活运用多种翻页技巧,把握文本节奏;应关注画面细节,深度挖掘故事内涵.  相似文献   

This article questions whether the mediated experience provided by picture books contributes toward or hinders a realistic and appropriate appreciation of the natural world. Based on an examination of 1,074 books, it argues that picture book makers typically transform and domesticate animals and their habitats in ways that provide readers with highly misleading images and impressions. The article examines a few exceptional books that give an accurate and sensitive account of the animal kingdom and the natural environment, and argues that many more are needed.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(3):259-262
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to explore the use of children's picture book literature as a tool to teach undergraduate students. The research takes place in the context of an undergraduate educational psychology course that focuses on theories of learning and development. Students' written comments and scaled responses indicate that they view these books as effective tools for enhancing their learning.  相似文献   

Teaching young children to make picture books provides the opportunity to both record and to share personal experiences in a unique format. Two powerful modes of thought and expression, the linguistic and the visual, are naturally integrated in the process of picture bookmaking. The public recognition of picture bookmaking efforts empowers young children who are struggling to master the reading and writing processes as they gain an understanding of how text and image work together to tell the story. The increased self-confidence which comes from mastery of both bookmaking and illustrating techniques is beneficial for all children.  相似文献   

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