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Part 1 Strueture and VoeabularyS伙tionADireetions:Beneath eaeh of the following sentenees,there are four ehoiees markedA,B,C and D.Choose the one that best eompletes the sen-tenee.Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(5 points)1 .They must have been enjoying themselves there,or they_50 long· A .ean’t have st盯ed B.wouldn’t have st叮ed C.needn’t have stayed D.eouldn’t stay2 .No two pe叩le ean be half an hour together_one shall笋in an evident superiority over the other. A .but B.…  相似文献   

1.那个男孩在抽奖中赢了二百万元。【误】Thatboywontwomillionsyuaninthelottery.【正】Thatboywontwomillionyuaninthelottery.【析】hundred,thousand,million等与表示具体数字的词连用时,其后不加“-s”。2.那个女孩害怕当众讲话。【误】Thegirlisafraidtospeakinthepublic.【正】Thegirlisafraidtospeakinpublic.【析】inpublic是一个固定词组,意思是“当众,公开”,public前不用the。3.那不可能是真的。【误】Thatmustn’tbetrue.【正】Thatcan’tbetrue.【析】must表示推测时只能用于肯定句,而否定的推测则要用can’t,而不可用must…  相似文献   

胡静 《求学》2023,(18):67-68
<正>As parts of the globe had been affected by brutally hot temperatures in July once again, climate scientists warned that the heat waves over communities wouldn’t go anywhere soon. It is a must for world leaders to take action to stop them from becoming the “new normal.”  相似文献   

【要点点击1】Itmuststillbethere.(L1)【考点链接】ThisbookLucy’s.Look。Hernameisonthebookcover.(2003广州)A.mustbeB.maybeC.can’tbeD.mustn’tbe【答案解析】情态动词may(也许),must(肯定),can’t(不可能)表示猜测,而mustn’t是“禁止”,“不允许”之意,无猜测的意思。根据后句“他的名字写在书的封面上”,在此表示有把握的猜测,用must。故本题答案为A。【要点点击2】Shewasworriedandsowasthelibrarian.(L2)【考点链接】LiXinthinksYaoMingisbecomingthemostfamousbasketballplayerintheworld..(2003黑龙江)A.SoamIB.SodoIC.SoIdoD.SoIam【答案解析】表示与对方的意见相同,讲述的是同一人或物,用“So 主语 助动词”。但讲述的不是同一人或物时,so译为“……也如此”,这时要用“So 助动词 主语”。故本题答案为B。【要点点击3】Doyoueverborrowbooksfr...  相似文献   

※ 单词拼写 ※ 1. I must a_____________ for not being able to meet you at the airport on time. 2. In order to avoid the p______________ for the wrong that he had done, he went to a European country in 1981. 3. He was too s_______________ to admit that he was wrong and refused to say sorry to his girl friend. 4. You’ve put me in a very a_____________ position and now I don’t know how to deal with the matter. 5. I am sorry that I was a____________ just now and didn’t quite catch what you sa…  相似文献   

(12)【中考原题】43.—Do I have to come backtomorrow?—Yes,you________.A.can B.may C.must D.should【切中题】(07步步为营3—38)—I thought she wassure to refuse your advice.—I think so.Naturally,after I gave her myadvice,she_______go and do the opposite.A.must B.should C.can D.need【对比分析】考查情态动词must的意思“必须,一定”。2.完形填空(13)【中考原题】I have a big plan for my future.I’m going to______(46)somewhere interesting.I want to go toParis very much.There are lots of exhibitions…  相似文献   

1. If we had left a little earlier, we __in the rain now. A. wouldn' t walk B. wouldn't have walked C. wouldn't be walking D. won't be walking  相似文献   

City PK Village     
【话题】Nature Park【教材链接】PEP 5 Unit 6 B Let’s talk/Read and write【重点运用语言】1.There is/are…in my city/village.2.Is there a…in the city/village?Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.3.Are there any…in the city/village?Yes,there are./No,there aren’t.【拓展语言】1.The sky/air/buildings…is/are…2.I can…in my city/village.3  相似文献   

一、有明显的表示过去的谓语或状语,说明动作发生在过去例1.All morning as she waited the medical reportfrom the doctor,her nervousness_____.(NMET2003)A.has grown B.is growingC.grew D.had grownas引导的时间状语从句指过去,故选C。例2.—We could have walked to the station;itwas so near.—Yes,a taxi_____at all necessary.(NMET1992)A.wasn’t B.hadn’t beenC.wouldn’t be D.won’t be第一个人说“我们本来可以步行到车站”用了表示过去的虚拟语气,说明实际情况是“We didn’twalk to the station”;第二个人既然…  相似文献   

请看下面三道高考题: 1.I’m sure you’d rather she went to school by bus._____? (2006福建) A.hadn’t you B.wouldn’t you C.aren’t D.didn’t she [解析]B。陈述部分有would rather+v.,疑问部分多用wouldn’t+主语。2.Sarah had her washing machine repaired the day before yesterday,_____she? (2006广东) A.had B.did C.hadn’t D.didn’t [解析]D。have s也.done经历;遭遇;had是have的过  相似文献   

l‘Such a businessrnan_honest.He gets his money by dishonest ways. A .ean,t be B.ean’t have been C.may be D.may not be 2 .Nlghthasfa】len.We have to stay here forthe垃ght, , A.shouldn’twe B.haven’t we C.mustn’t weD,don’t we 3.一May 1 watch TV after suPPer? Suade hlm. A.was able C .e0Uld B .was ableto D.could be ableto -一NO,you_ A.mustn’t C.needn’t B .may not D.not 4.You_have eome to attend the meeting the day before yesterday· A.would B.Should C .need D.must 5 .He mu…  相似文献   

※真题重现※看看下面几个高考题是怎样考查动名词的用法的。这些技巧你都掌握了吗?【例1】The managers discussed theplan that they would like to see______thenext year.(2000全国卷)A.carry out B.carrying outC.carried out D.to carry out【解析】C。that they would like tosee_____the next year是the plan的定语,that代替the plan在从句中作see的宾语,而所需填入空格内的应为the plan的补足语,the plan是carry out的承受者,故应用过去分词。故正确答案为C。【注意点】carry out a plan(order,duty,policy,promise)完成计划(执…  相似文献   

1.You——to the meeting yesterday,what was the reason for your absence?A.would have come B.should have come C.had come D.must have come2.一I had a very boring evening at home yesterday.一鼢Y did you stay at home?场U 幻the concert.A.must go B.couldn’t have gone C.could have gone D.must have l~one3.一ⅥlYdidthelibrarianfineyouten dollars yesterday? 一Wlell.I those books to the library two weeks before,but I forgot. A.ought tO retllm B.must have returned C.needn’t have returned D.ought t…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空 1. be sent to work there? A.Who do you suggest B.Who do you suggest that should C.Do you suggest who should D.Do you suggest whom should 2.We wouldn’t obey the local government’s order that all the houses along the street . A.were broken down B.be broken down C.should be broken out D.broken up 3.—I don’t mind telling you what I know. —You .I’m not asking you for it. A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.needn’t 4.— would you like your coffee, black or white? —White,please…  相似文献   

请看下题:If I knew the answer,I wouldn’t be asing,_?A.didn’t I B.did I C.would D.wouldn’t I答案为C。此题是考查主从复合句后面附加疑问句的构成方法。许多学生见到这种题目时,常常不知道附加疑问句的主、谓语该与主句保持一致还是该与从句保持一致。下面就谈一谈这类主从复合句后面的附加疑问句。1.与主句一致(1)含有主语从句的主从复合句后面的附加疑问句应与  相似文献   

1.【原句】What’s the matter?【讲解】What’s the matter?常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦。当你看到别人气色不好或面带憔悴时,可以用该句型来询问对方,意为“哪儿不舒服?”、“出什么事了?”。【真题】从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。(2006重庆市)A:Jim,you said you would not stay out lateafter school,didn’t you?B:Yes,mom,I did.A:But it’s10o’clock now.1B:Sorry.I’ve been to the hospital.A:What?2B:No.I sent Jack to the hospital.A:Oh,really?3B:He had a terrible headache on the wayhome.A:Is he better now?B:4A:Good for you,my dear!I’m very glad youcan help others.B:5【点拨】答案为:C—F—E—D—B。做此类题时,关键在于联系上下文。由I’v...  相似文献   

荟arrivein(at)与getto※arrive是不及物动词,要接介词in (at) 才能加地点名词,一般说到达大的地方用in,到达小的地方用at。【情景例句】He arrives at the airport at two o’clock. 他在两点钟到达机场。※get to作“到达”解,也是不及物动词,其后须接地点名词。【情景例句】  相似文献   

吕浙 《新高考》2014,(3):15-17
【解析】C。根据told确定情态动词应该使用一般过去时。根据nomatterhowIaskedhim确定选用wouldn’t。句意:该男子说出自己的名字和年龄,但无论我怎么问,他都不愿意说出住址。  相似文献   

一、重点句型解析1.where引导的地点状语从句【课文原句】Where there is a river,there is a city.【经典考例】1.Don’t leave the sharp  相似文献   

请看2005年北京春季高考第27题:27.I have lostone of my gloves.I itsomewhere.A.must drop B.m usthave droppedC.must be dropping D.must have been dropped解析:根据句意“我弄丢了一只手套,我一定是把它落在什么地方了。”可以看出,这是对过去动作的一个猜测。因此应该选用“must+have+过去分词”结构。答案应为B。【考点1】对must基本意思的考查知识归纳:must意为“必须”或“一定”。它只有现在形式,没有过去形式,其否定式是must not/mustn t。回答以must开头的问句时,用must作肯定回答,用needn t或don t have to作否定回答。例…  相似文献   

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