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赵玫 《世界文化》2014,(2):42-45
<正>然后便是伍尔芙欣赏的普鲁斯特,也是她说得多的作家。她读他的《追忆逝水年华》。她便禁不住地总是要谈论他。足见《追忆逝水年华》对她的震撼。她欣赏他。那是因为她和他有着太多的相似之处:他们都养尊处优,他们都高贵优雅,他们都脆弱敏感,并且他们都被某种疾病侵袭着。于是她对他便有了种深刻的亲和力,那是种生命的相通、气质的相近。所以伍尔芙在谈论普鲁斯特的时候,其实在某种意义上,就等于是在谈论她自己。普鲁斯特之于伍尔芙,就像是她手中的把钻石。她总是任意将它  相似文献   

偌大的画室,偌大的画布,白发的老画家。他在作画,他在画她。她皱纹密布。然而画布上,他笔下的她,非常年轻。日光西斜时,他歇了手,他说明天接着画。他与她便手牵着手,走到林荫道上去。这样有好些时日了,这幅画,他画得真是慢吞吞的,以致于画布上的她,老像是多年以前的那个她。那时,他是美术学校的学生,她是他的同学。她由于家里经济条件不好,兼做学校的模特。她对他极好,他也喜欢她。可她年龄比他大。懵懵懂懂地,他带着另一个女孩去征求她的意见。她含泪祝福他,然后离开了学校。谁知不久另一女孩仅仅是因为他的家庭出身的原因离他而去。这时他…  相似文献   

死亡,生命,上帝,背叛,罪恶,内疚,救赎,生活……沉重的词汇一个接一个地在《21克》中闪现出来。杰克,深爱他的妻子儿女以及数十个亲戚朋友,在他家里等待他归来一同庆贺他的生日。克里斯丁娜,丈夫是建筑师,有两个活泼可爱的小女儿,她正等待着他们回来晚餐。保罗,数学教授,病入膏肓的心脏病患者,答应了前妻的请求,留下了自己的精子,在病房等待死亡的来临。这一切在杰克的车驶过十字路口的那一刻完全改变。导演冈萨雷斯依然采用了钟爱的情节:车祸。车祸后杰克逃逸的那一刻,他便成了肇事凶手,遗弃了他撞倒的父女3人;克里斯丁娜变成了寡妇,失去了…  相似文献   

伦敦有史以来最具巴黎特色的沙龙是由一位爱尔兰女士主办的,也许这并不出人意料。典型的沙龙谈话欢快机智,闪烁着智慧的火花,而又不乏遁辞,而所谓不列颠式的沙龙则明显地与此格格不入。但那些爱尔兰男士们,无论是市井平民,还是达官贵人,都在滔滔不绝地谈论着,睿智使他们保持了优雅的风度,无论他是杜利先生还是萧伯纳先生,无一例外。布莱辛顿伯爵夫人闺名玛格丽特·鲍尔,她的童年时代宛如莱韦的爱尔兰小说中的一个片断。她的父亲是一位典型的地主,性情暴戾,酷爱骑马,嗜酒成性。他是一位“老朽的爱尔兰绅士”,动不  相似文献   

雨在淅淅沥沥地下着。即便是在这样的天气里,剧院门外仍排起了等待购票的长龙。队伍的前面有一位身材瘦小而年迈的妇人,她一只手拿着三明治,另一只手撑着一把湿淋淋的黑伞。剧院的门终于打开了。恰恰在这个时候,那位疲惫瘦弱的老妇人昏倒了。开门人连忙上前将老人扶起,并把她抱进经理办公室。过了片刻,老妇人慢慢地睁开双眼。她看着自己面前的这个人,感觉到他那双蓝色的眼睛里透着善意。“我可以送您回家吗?”他问。老妇人一下子坐了起来,“天啊,我是来看电影的,现在可能连票都买不到了。”说话时,她的脸上带着微笑,头还在不停…  相似文献   

在这幅画里,我们见到的是坐在一条长凳上的圣母,她身后的背景亲切迷人:天气温和而晴朗,我们甚至能够看得清远处的群山,融入在浅蓝色的天际。右边的几丛灌木把我们的目光引向山顶的一座小教堂,这使我们意识到这位年轻的母亲和她的婴儿不是世俗凡人。他们头上的光圈是表示他们神圣的唯一标志。拉斐尔不需要用更多的类似手法来刻画他的人物,他把这位年轻母亲的甜美和耽于梦想的脸描绘得那么温柔动人,我们一眼就能认出她是圣母。事实上,当我们说那个可爱的女孩子看上去象圣母一般,  相似文献   

菲利波·利比(1406——1469)是意大利佛罗伦萨画家中的杰出人物之一,他是一个弃儿,被人送进卡尔米内的卡尔梅利泰修道院,并于1421年立誓。但是,宗教信仰显然不是他的意愿,不久传出绯闻,说他和一位修女相爱,这位修女就是卢克雷齐娅;她为他生了一个儿子,取名菲利波诺。他们终于抛弃了自己不贪图人间情爱的誓言,结为夫妻。[第一段]  相似文献   

作家应该不应该拥有妻子。如果应该有,那么她应当是善良的仙女还是凶恶的魔鬼? 俄裔美籍作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫(1899-1977)之妻薇拉·纳博科娃既受到称赞,也受到指责。有的说,她称得上是作家之妻之王——既是批评家,又是秘书、翻译、听众、编辑和遗嘱执行人。有的说她是一个铁腕人物,是一个自作主张的人。纳博科夫则称妻子像是自己的孪生妹妹,他们一起经历了不平常的生活。  相似文献   

英国文坛的常青树 多丽丝·莱辛   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多丽丝·莱辛是一位享誉世界文坛的女作家,也是当今英国文学界的一棵不老松。她在-10.年因写作《金色笔记》而蜚声文学界,直到成为一名威震文坛的宿将。如今,她虽2 高龄,荣誉等身,仍然神采奕奕,笔耕不辍。作为当今最丰产的英国小说家,莱辛的创作题材十分广泛,涵盖了种族矛盾、两性关系、美苏冷战、原子战争、环境污染、科学危机和青年暴力等. 世纪的焦点问题。她的作品形式丰富多彩,包括小说、话剧、诗歌、散文、传记和其他纪实文学体裁。这位出生在伊朗的当代英国女作家自幼随父母四处漂泊, ,岁那年去了非洲的津巴布韦。她的大部…  相似文献   

他们相爱的时候,比尔还很年轻。很多个夜晚都在他们一起散步、谈天中消磨过去。后来由于两人之间的一点小事,他们便不在一起了。一时冲动之下,她和另外一个自以为爱的人结了婚。比尔被女人伤透了心,远走他乡。昨天,穿过华盛顿广场时,久别多年的她和他不期而遇。她喊道:“比尔·沃克尔。”他站住了,开始他并没有认出她。对他来说,她显得太老了。“玛丽!你怎么在这儿?”她下意识地仰起脸来,似乎是在期待一个吻。但是他却伸出了手。她和他握了手。她说:“我现在住在纽约。”“哦,”他有礼貌地微笑着,很快又皱起眉来。“我一直很想知道你过得…  相似文献   


This paper explores the micro-politics of a cohousing community called Bin-Zib (Empty/Guests’ House) in Seoul, South Korea. In a society where home ownership has become a financial asset, the residents of Bin-Zib have attempted to turn the home into the common. This paper focuses on how paradoxical principles of the community create Bin-Zib as an argumentative space, where disputes constantly arise. The paper then shows how the practice of communing in Bin-Zib is essentially related to the everyday politics of subjectivation. Finally, the meaning of Bin-Zib in the inter-Asian context will be discussed.  相似文献   

This is a pilot study on the readjustment problems of Brazilians returned from graduate study in the United States. Subjects were 31 former LASPAU scholars who were interviewed by the senior author after they were back in Brazil. The family and professional problems they experienced as they tried to readjust to life in their country were investigated, as well as the intensity of these problems and the adequacy of coping, as perceived by the respondent. Taped interviews were coded independently twice, over a 16-month interval. High reliability levels were obtained. Results indicated that returnees had little difficulty adjusting to life with their families except for experiencing some value conflict with them and some lack of privacy. Most of their problems were related to their professional life. In that category they reported that they found some difficulty adjusting to the system as a whole and to their role as professors. Lack of intellectual stimulation, lack of facilities and materials, excessive red tape, lack of opportunity and time to do research was fairly common for most, and they felt these were moderately serious problems. In most cases returnees felt they were coping adequately.  相似文献   

After living outside Japan for one to ten years, the college students I interviewed reflected on how they have been transformed. Some transformations are short-lived physical changes in hair and clothing; some are visible behavioral changes in how they walk or move their arms or faces. The more serious changes are in interpersonal styles and expressions, changes that make them seem “un-Japanese.” The returnees are ambivalent about the latter changes; they recognize the problems but they are reluctant to suppress or give up entirely the newly acquired aspects of themselves.  相似文献   

Intercultural sensitivity is a concept that is frequently viewed as important in both theoretical analyses of people's adjustment to other cultures and in applied programs to prepare people to live and work effectively in cultures other than their own. Attempts to measure this concept have not always been successful, and one reason is that researchers and practitioners have not specified exactly what people should be sensitive to when they find themselves in other cultures. In the present study, scales were designed to measure intercultural sensitivity by examining (a) people's understanding of the different ways they can behave depending upon whether they are interacting in an individualistic or a collectivist culture, (b) their open-mindedness concerning the differences they encounter in other cultures, and (c) their flexibility concerning behaving in unfamiliar ways that are called upon by the norms of other cultures. A 46-item Intercultural Sensitivity Inventory (ICSI) was developed and tested among participants at the East-West Center in Hawaii and among graduate students in an MBA program who were contemplating careers in international business. The scoring of the items dealing with individualism and collectivism was different than for most measuring instruments. People indicated whether they would engage in certain behaviors (e.g., disagreeing with others openly) in an individualistic country such as the United States, and whether they would engage in the same behavior in a collectivistic country such as Japan. This allowed scoring based on people's sensitivity to the different behaviors considered appropriate in the two types of cultures. Results indicated that the instrument had adequate reliability (r = .84 for the East-West Center sample) and validity. People with high scores on the ICSI instrument were chosen as most able to interact effectively across cultures by a panel of experts; enjoyed working on complex tasks that demanded extensive intercultural interaction; enjoyed engaging in other intercultural activities such as eating different ethnic foods; and had spent long periods of time (more than three years) living in another culture. A factor analysis of ICSI showed that the concepts of individualism and collectivism as envisioned by previous researchers (e.g., Triandis, Hofstede, Schwartz) were constructs that people used in thinking about behavior in their own and other cultures. A practical conclusion for the content of cross-cultural training programs is that people can be encouraged to modify specific behaviors so that they are appropriate to the culture in which they find themselves and so that they will have a greater chance of achieving their goals.  相似文献   

This study focuses on what high school exchange students do when they return to the United States rather than on attitude charge. Returnees who had spent 2 months in Japan were asked how, with whom, and how often they shared their Japanese experience, how they dealt with stereotype questions, and in what ways they were currently involved with persons from other cultures. Results show that returnees have limited opportunities to talk about the exchange experience in school, usually deal with stereotype questions by “telling the facts” and “speaking positively,” and often communicate with and help persons of other cultures. The author concludes that returned high school exchange students are becoming mediating persons who act as bridges between cultures and offers suggestions for encouraging returnees in their mediating role.  相似文献   

Most developing countries show great concern that they will compromise their cultural integrity if they import foreign models of economic development. The Chinese in Hong Kong have been dealing with this problem since they were colonized in 1841. This paper explores their various responses to this potential threat. Tajfel's (Tajfel, H. (1974). Social Science Information13, 65–93) social identity theory is advanced as a theoretical tool in considering (a) how Chinese understand Westernization throughout history and in contemporary Hong Kong, and (b) how they stereotype themselves and various relevant groups. It is hoped that this analysis will be of some value to persons in countries considering the problem of importing models of development.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty-five high school students in the Virgin Islands were asked to rate the extent to which they associate each of 62 behaviors with their concepts of “success,” “joy,” and “satisfying expectations.” They were also asked to rate the frequency with which they performed each of the behaviors. Results indicated that Virgin Islands students associate the word “success” not with academic behaviors, but with being modern, attractive, and nurturing. Moreover, individual students are less apt to perform those behaviors which Western teachers believe lead to academic success and more apt to perform those behaviors which the sample as a whole associates with being successful. The data indicate that although many Virgin Islands students enjoy traditional island activities, they do not feel successful when they engage in them. The results of the investigation are interpreted within the context of what is known concerning achievement behaviors of middle-class American youth, and implications are drawn for the teaching of young persons from diverse cultural backgrounds who attend classes conducted in the Western mode.  相似文献   

Teacher educators can use community art and arts learning strategies to help secondary preservice teachers gain insight into disciplinary understanding that is important to the humanities and relevant to the communities in which they teach. Such insight can then inform teachers’ rationales for why and how they teach principles of social justice.  相似文献   

The study examined ingroup and outgroup perceptions among Jewish and Arab children in Israel. The sample comprised 191 children aged 10–12, 131 Jewish and 60 Arab participants who live in a mixed city. The main instrument used to examine the children's perceptions was a multidimensional analysis of Jewish and Arab figures drawn by the participants, as well as a questionnaire relating to the drawn figures. The findings revealed that, even though they lived in a mixed city and studied in the same classes, the Jewish children differentiated between the figures and overwhelmingly preferred Jewish figures to Arab figures. Moreover, they revealed negative stereotypes and expressed aggression in drawings of Arab figures. In contrast, among the Arab participants, the findings were inconsistent. In most of the variables, they did not distinguish between the various figures. However, in the quality variables, they tended to prefer figures of their own nationality and rejected Jewish figures. The findings are discussed in relation to the context of the residential environment (a mixed city), majority-minority status, and the Israeli-Arab conflict.  相似文献   

This paper revisits Jose Rizal’s thoughts relevant to the Malays to extract insights and implications that may be useful in rethinking the parameters of the ongoing debates on Malayness. I argue that these terms need to be rethought because they restrict even the most well-intentioned scholarly efforts to unsettle the foundation of the ethnic or race-based politics that they seek to neutralize.  相似文献   

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