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《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):81-95
Despite the central role of the paper in Marxist–Leninist strategy, the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) had little confidence in either professional journalists, including those who were Communists, or journalism practices, even though journalism, like culture, was recognized as “a weapon in the (class) struggle”. While George Allen Hutt (1901–73) was a leading professional party journalist, his career hit a “glass ceiling”, even as he met the three criteria of Communist journalism theory and earned an international reputation as a newspaper designer. In spite of opposition to his role on the executive of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) because of his party membership, he became the longest-serving editor of the NUJ's periodical, The Journalist. As both a loyal, lifetime Communist and the consummate professional journalist, Hutt's career provides a salient example of the ambiguous position of the middle-class journalist in the proletarian-dominated Communist Party. It was the emphasis on his “technical” ability that appears to have disqualified his candidacy for the Daily Worker's top editorial positions and to have justified support for his editorship of The Journalist.  相似文献   

Erin Mackie 《Media History》2013,19(3):353-372
Erin Mackie explores how Mr Spectator became one persona through which James Boswell represents himself in his London Journal (1762–63), providing an antitype of the ‘rake’ persona which Boswell derives in part from Macheath in The Beggar's Opera. In this antithesis most attention falls on Macheath, but Mackie notes that in Tatler 27 Richard Steele creates a sentimental portrait of the rake as ‘the most agreeable of all Bad Characters’. Thus Boswell finds in the Tatler's rake an image of himself which stands in relation to the disapproving Mr Spectator. With this in mind, Mackie notes that the Spectator papers which describe the Mohock riots of March–April 1712 also characterize such displays as innocuous theatrical expressions of youthful ebullience. Boswell, then, finds acceptable dress for his criminal masculinity by casting himself into a ‘mock-heroic impersonation’ whilst using the narrative position provided by Mr Spectator to give himself ‘spectatorial immunity’.  相似文献   

The following article should be of particular interest to American radio broadcasters and producers. Based upon a visit by the author to Moscow in 1958, it details the methods used by the North American Service of Radio Moscow in producing a wide variety of programs with an extremely small staff. Of special note is the practice of using the program producer as his own tape recording engineer, and the “make and remake”; method of editing programs as they are being recorded.  相似文献   

In October 2016, Donald Trump was in the midst of a hotly contested and sharply divisive presidential campaign. Days before the second presidential debate, The Washington Post posted a video of Trump “having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005.” This video and the firestorm of criticism it provoked threatened to derail his presidential run. Mr. Trump and his wife Melania Trump offered several messages to repair his damaged image. This article analyzes and evaluates these image repair messages concerning Donald Trump’s “Access Hollywood” video. In such a divisive context, the defense had no hope of repairing Trump’s image with the general public (Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million). Even though he lost the popular vote, the business magnate won the Electoral College. We cannot say that the “Access Hollywood” video was solely responsible for Trump’s poor popular vote showing, but it is clear that this defense did not completely dispel the cloud surrounding him.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):209-226

Thomas Reid was familiar with Aristotle's works, but he did not leave direct evidence bearing on which of his ideas, if any, were derived from the Stagirite. A close examination of the works of Reid and Aristotle shows many similarities between the “Common Sense” of the former and the doctrine of first principles of the latter. There also are important differences, especially in epistemology. The role of Aristotle is that of supplying elements that Reid inserts into an overall system that is his own.  相似文献   

钱亚新先生为我国现代索引事业做出了巨大的贡献,他走上索引研究这条路除了受知友王君提问的启发以外,与早年的学习兴趣、社会环境的感染以及恩师杜定友先生的影响也有着密切的关系。钱亚新先生将自己的索引思想贯穿于相应的索引基本理论、索引史研究、索引实践、索引人才与索引教育之中。  相似文献   

梁启超不仅潜心研究图书文献学,写下了一系列有价值的论著,而且身体力行创办图书馆,为中国的图书馆事业建立了丰功;他对图书馆学的贡献,一是创立了自己的图书馆学理论,二是对图书的辨伪和考订提出了创造性的新见;他是中国图书馆理论的拓荒人和创立者。  相似文献   

The first season of Serial, to date the most popular podcast in the medium’s decade-long history, told the story of the conviction of 18-year-old Adnan Syed in 2000 for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee. At the center of Serial, producer Sarah Koenig presented Syed’s voice, his take on the prosecution’s evidence, and his own contemporaneous experience. This essay examines the way Serial used Syed’s voice to challenge institutional truth claims from within the textual space of crime journalism. “Criminal biography,” as a genre affordance of true crime, offers a textual means to interrogate modes of truth production and representation.  相似文献   

欧七斤 《新世纪图书馆》2010,(3):102-104,11
青年钱存训任职交通大学图书馆期间(1932—1937),参与图书馆科学管理,尤其在西文编目方面颇有建树;在辅助交大图书馆主任、著名图书馆学家杜定友的工作中,他不仅掌握了图书馆管理的理论和实践,也对其毕生从事图书馆事业及其相关学术研究产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

孙微  王新芳 《图书情报工作》2010,54(19):137-140
宋代赵次公所著《杜诗先后解》是最早的杜诗注本,赵次公对诗意的注解,是建立在精审校勘基础上的。其秉持“无两字无来处”的注杜思想,在注解中广征博引,于杜诗字句出处之考稽用力尤勤,但同时也存在繁琐和重复等缺点。但赵次公《杜诗先后解》体现出强烈的反穿凿倾向,最早对“伪苏注”进行批驳,表现出非凡的胆识,在杜诗学史上产生极其深远的影响。  相似文献   


In this time of increasing pressure against incumbent licensees at renewal time, all aspects of the renewal process have come into sharper focus and importance. One topic of special interest has been the licensee's “Ascertainment of Community Needs”; section of his renewal form. Hoping to make the process more realistic, the FCC issued revised guidelines on the ascertainment process early in 1971. This issue of the Journal offers four articles exploring the present status of ascertainment, beginning with this overview of a sample of western television licensees which compares ascertainment filings in 1968 (before the FCC Primer) and 1971 (among the first filed afterwards) and demonstrates that the new FCC policy is having a telling effect. Dr. Joseph Foley is assistant professor of speech communications at Ohio State University.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):318-339

Among historians in America, Carl Becker attained fame for style in discourse. Although his stylistic prowess was evinced in scholarly works which brought him eminence in his profession, epigrammatic style also was prominent in his writing of popular history, first in a polemic essay called “Kansas” which led to his role as propagandist in World War One, and then—and of particular interest to those interested in mass persuasion—an eminently successful high school textbook, Modern History. The objective of historiography herein is to establish causal relationships between epigrammatic style in those popular works and resultant, rhetorical effects upon Becker's readers mainly in the general public over a span of several decades. Primary source evidence of effectiveness is in letters to Becker, and other correspondence, that indicate which concepts and precise sentences in Modern History were salient and persuasive for a mass readership largely because of the epigrammatic style with which they were phrased.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between the somatic‐marker hypothesis, developed by Damasio (1994) as it relates to homophily and verbal immediacy in the classroom. Damasio has hypothesized that when particular events occur in one's life, there is a “memory” of that event in the brain. As a result, when a similar event occurs, the somatic marker recreates that first event. Students were provided three different scenarios about the first day of a communication class. In the scenarios, the instructor presented information about himself. One instructor provided only autobiographical, demographic data (the control). Another provided information hozu he had had difficulty with public speaking (the selfish marker). The third provided information about how the instructor had helped someone else who had difficulty in public speaking (the altruistic marker). The results indicated that while homophily differences were not significant, there was a significant difference between the control group and the altruistic marker.  相似文献   

The authors explore how fictional narratives (stories) can be used as a learning tool in the context of informal science environments and specifically science centers. They base their argument on an analysis of the theoretical, structural and epistemological properties of stories and how those can serve to establish a story as a cognitive tool. They offer an example of an application of these properties to a story‐based learning design called “The Emperor who only Believed his own Eyes” in the context of a large, public science center, and specifically an exhibition about “senses”. This paper focuses on the idea of a “hack,” a museum sanctioned strategy for exploring the potential and implications of narrative‐based design as a way to reinterpret science exhibits in a way that can engage young users in content exploration and offer recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

周作人读书既多又杂,通过他在《自编文集》中引用之书的考察,略可梳理出较为清晰的轮廓。周作人逐渐亲近传统文化,并致力于对其进行独具特色的创造性转化,对他所读古书从传统四部角度进行概括描述,有助于进一步研究中国传统文化的现代化进程。  相似文献   


The position of network censor, whatever the title appended to the job, is one of particular sensitivity. To the industry as a whole, he acts to forstall the program material that could cause criticism of the network, station, sponsor or program. A writer who feels that his work has been needlessly mutilated has a different conception of the role of the network censor. The public is largely unaware of his existence.

The pamphlet by the author of the present article, Taste and the Censor in Television (published by the Fund for the Republic, 1959, as an Occasional Paper on the role of the mass media in the free society), was the first major attempt to define the place of the censor. Another article of interest was George Gerbner's “Mental Illness on Television: A Study of Censorship” (Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. III, No. 4, Fall, 1959.)

The article that follows is intended to convey the flavor of the censor's work, and provide an adequate introduction to this important phase of broadcasting self‐regulation and management. It is possibly the only study of the broadcasting executive as a decision‐maker. As such, it should be of extreme interest to anyone in the creative and the business ends of broadcasting.  相似文献   

In an article that appeared in Winter 1958–1959 issue of the Journal of Broadcasting, Profesor Gordon Greb added a new contender for the title of “oldest station in the nation.”; As a result, KQW has joined KDKA, WHA and WWJ as a candidate for the honor of primacy in American radio broadcasting. Although Greb's article created as much interest and controversy as any that has appeared in the Journal, it did not—and could not—still the confidence of the other claimants.

In the instant article, Mr. R. Franklin Smith does the field of historical radio research a service by setting forth, for the first time, a logical set of criteria by which to judge these conflicting claims. To illustrate he has utilized early records of WHA. Using these criteria, it is shown that WHA cannot claim to have been a true broadcasting station before the latter part of 1920. Comparison of the claims of the several contenders is outside the scope of this article. However, it would be extremely interesting if these criteria were applied to the conflicting claims by persons having access to the detailed station records and other data necessary for thorough analysis.

Perhaps Mr. Smith has given us the impetus and the tools necessary for determining which station really was the “oldest in the nation.”  相似文献   

Although his works were almost ignored for many years, on William Shakespeare's 400th birthday he is considered to have been the greatest wordsmith using the English language. Although Shakespeare's plays are fun, and are eagerly attended by the general population when presented as “entertainment” and not as “culture,” television, if the frequency of presentation is any guide, has not considered them in the mainstream of popular entertainment. This is a mistake, as the ratings and the popular accpetance of such romps as the 1956 production of “Taming of the Shrew” should prove. The following article reviews some of the major productions of Shakespearean plays over American television. This list includes most of the network presentations although many more productions have been aired over local stations. In addition, many people may have had their interest in Shakespeare aroused by other programs (such as Dr. Frank Baxter's “Shakespeare on TV”) that discussed these works, or by filmic presentations seen on the “Late Show” or its equivalent. One particularly interesting non‐network series was the BBC presentation of “An Age of Kings,” a weaving into chronological order of Shakespearean historical plays that dealt with the story of the English throne during the 14th and 15th centuries. This series of 15 television programs was seen on a number of educational and commercial television stations in the United States, and afforded the extensive audience an opportunity to witness and appreciate both the history of England and the genius of its most famous author.  相似文献   

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