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基于产业结构的劳动力模型构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本首先分析了我国三大产业间的劳动力需求与供给现状,并在此基础上结合相关的统计数据建立劳动力模型,然后根据所建立的模型对未来我国劳动力的流动趋势进行预测,进而得出了在今后几年内我国仍将有大量的剩余劳动力从第一产业中流出,并针对这部分剩余劳动力的就业问题提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

This article first describes the several types of part-time teacher in higher education in the United Kingdom and laments the paucity of data about them. It discusses how the Higher Education Statistics Agency [HESA] was founded and the extent of its coverage of part-time academic staff, focusing specifically upon how the criterion for submission of an individual staff record was developed and the implications of this criterion for enumerating the numbers and use of part-time teachers. Then are presented approximate survey-derived estimates of the numbers of various types of part-time teacher in United Kingdom higher education. There may be as many as 75,000 teaching positions, and probably more, in six particular categories of part-time teacher and it is suggested that perhaps 50,000 of the persons performing this work are not individually enumerated by HESA. Various reasons are suggested why many institutions might have been reluctant to compile full data on their part-time teaching staff, before a conclusion is given which stresses how contemporary developments in employment law are making it increasingly incumbent upon institutions to have adequate data on all their teaching staff, including those employed on different types of part-time basis.  相似文献   

当今世界的一切竞争,都是人才的竞争.高等学校是培养人才的主要阵地.高校要想造就高素质人才,就必须始终坚持以马列主义为指导,大力提高教师的思想政治素质和职业道德水准;以树立终身学习观念为要求,不断提高教师的文化知识水平;以鼓励积极探索为途径,快速提高教师的教学业务技能,努力建设适应时代要求的高素质教育队伍.  相似文献   

在全球化力量的推动下,国际学校以前所未有的速度扩散,表现出一些全球产业的重要特征:实行全球一致的质量与产品标准;形成全球公司;拓展全球市场;通过认证形成全球合作的产业链。国际学校的发展与全球劳动力市场的形成具有密切的关系。国际学校针对全球流动的学生提供教育服务,在全球招聘教师与管理人员,触及了劳动力市场分割的问题。国际...  相似文献   

产权是资本要素所有权。资本要素包含物质要素和劳动力要素。按资本要素分配,就是物质产权和劳动力产权之间的分配。“按劳分配”是劳动力产权参与剩余价值的分配。劳动者领取工资是劳动力价值补偿,不属于“按劳分配”范围。明晰产权关系,就是要明晰生产资料所有权和劳动力所有权的关系;明晰劳动力价值补偿和“按劳分配”的关系;明晰劳动力商品和劳动力资本的关系。  相似文献   

论马克思的劳动力产权理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄乾 《天中学刊》2001,16(1):35-38
劳动力产权是产权理论的重要组成部分,全面分析以克思的劳动力产权理论包括四个方面:劳动力产权性质、劳动力产权形式与权能结构、资本主义社会劳动力产权特点和社会主义社会动力产权特点。  相似文献   

传统观点认为社会主义在经济领域的基本特征就是纯而又纯的公有制,实行囊括一切的计划经济,排斥任何形式的商品和货币关系。随着党的十四大关于建立社会主义市场经济体制和十四届三中全会提出的建立社会主义劳动力市场的实践,理论界关于社会主义条件下劳动力商品的讨论进一步深入和发展,形成不同的理解。社会主义劳动力具有商品属性,但它并不改变劳动的主人翁地位,没有否定按劳分配制度,更不会把社会主义引向资本主义。  相似文献   

人力资本概念对现代商品的价值界定存在着误区,尤其是对劳动价值论的一种否定,需要加以澄清,商品的文化价值是智能性劳动的创造,而非人力资本带来的利润,它的凝结过程和价值衡量手段是现代商品经济学的基本难题。智能性劳动概念的提出有助于分析市场经济条件下关于知识商品价值形成及量化的一系列问题。  相似文献   

受客观条件的制约及其它诸多因素的影响,青海省产业结构偏离度较大,比较劳动生产率偏低,第二、三产业的劳动力需求弹性较大。要提高劳动力资源配置效率,有赖于符合省情的进一步市场化改革。  相似文献   

关于农村职业教育与劳动力资源开发问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
职教滑坡使农村职教几乎陷入难以为继的困境,而农业转型又给农村职教的重新崛起带来了希望。农村职教要正视严峻的现实沉着应战,把握良好的机遇积极自救,主动适应农业转型对人才的需求,有效开发农村劳动力资源,促进农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

劳动人口人均受教育年限的预测分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文建立了一个联系人口信息与教育信息的模型,用该模型对不考虑人口流动情况下的区域劳动力人均受教育年限进行了实证研究。结论是模型在一定误差范围内是适用的,并预测了我国2002年及2003年的劳动人口人均受教育年限。  相似文献   

本文分析了无锡市劳动就业的基本情况及存在的问题,同时对劳动就业问题提出了一定的建议和对策。  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会的关键在于解决“三农”问题,而“三农”问题的关键在于农村剩余劳动力的转移问题。 本文通过对农村剩余劳动力转移的现状及制约因素的分析,提出解决农村剩余劳动力转移问题应从两方面入手。  相似文献   

近年来,为了提升大学教师的教学能力,教师的教学设计力受到了普遍关注。然而,如何才能有效地进行大学教学设计,是目前广大大学教师所困惑的实践问题。该研究的目标是从大学教学过程出发,为大学教师提供具有可操作的教学设计方法,希望能够帮助大学教师编制教学指导书、设计教学方案和了解大学教学设计的基本特征,从而提高大学教师的教学水平。  相似文献   

This article summarises previous academic research into university education, distinguishing between arguments for and against improving access. Several views are summarised, including structural‐functionalism, which claims that powerful social groups maintain their status and income, and human capital theory, which focuses on employee productivity. Almost all viewpoints discussed in this article support meritocracy. UK universities differ in their openness to people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many universities, referred to here as ‘inclusive’, deserve credit for encouraging disadvantaged people to become students; in contrast, ‘exclusive’ universities tend to have fewer disadvantaged students than expected. There are barriers facing disadvantaged students, including unequal access to universities, which can at least partly be explained by private schools for rich pupils and financial burdens at university causing some students to take paid work (reducing time available for study). The UK spends less per student on universities than the world average and less than half as much as some European countries. The UK Government could increase university funding, concentrating on universities that are most inclusive and that tend to have the largest problems in affording sufficient staff and teaching facilities. This investment would give long‐term benefits to the UK economy.  相似文献   

我市农村劳动力转移的滞后,是制约我市工业化、城市化和现代化进程的主要障碍,也是制约农民增收的突出问题.文章探讨了农村富余劳动力转移的现状,进而通过对我市农村富余劳动力转移中存在问题的分析提出了促进农村富余劳动力转移的对策.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to diagnose the misconceptions held by pre-service physics teachers about force and motion. The secondary aim of the study was to detect whether misconceptions vary according to gender, educational level, and culture. The study was conducted with 79 student-teachers attending to one of the largest faculties of education in Turkey. Force Concept Inventory (FCI) was used to diagnose student-teachers’ misconceptions. FCI is a conceptual test consisting of 29 multiple choice items. Each wrong choice for each question reflects a specific misconception about the force and motion concepts. Data from the study was analyzed by using frequencies, t-test, and ANOVA for making comparisons according to gender and years of education. Results of the study showed that student-teachers of physics hold very strong misconceptions about impetus and active force. No significant differences were found between male and female students’ scores on the concept test. The results also showed that misconceptions about force and motion decreased through the years of education. However, they did not disappear completely. Findings of the study are very similar to the other research findings conducted on the subject in other countries. Student-teachers’ conceptions about Newton’s Third Law, on the other hand, were significantly better than those observed in other research done in other countries such as the US and Finland.  相似文献   

The paper explores the incidence of over and under education and the effect on earnings for immigrants and natives who hold UK qualifications, drawn from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey 1993–2003. The paper also compares earnings penalties associated with over and under education across immigrant and minority ethnic groups for men and women. The results show that compared to Whites, Black African, Other Non-White and Indian men are more likely to be over-educated, whilst for women it is Indian and Pakistani/Bangladeshi's who are more likely to be over-educated. Estimating earnings equations shows significantly large over-education penalties for South Asian immigrant and native men, as well as White immigrant men, Black women and White UK born women. However, there are large returns to occupational skills for some minority ethnic and immigrant groups, over and above the returns to qualifications. It is suggested that these groups may therefore find it easier to find a suitable job for their UK education level if higher or further education programmes for immigrants were combined with occupational specific training.  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移培训系统与保障机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农村劳动力转移培训是一项社会工程和民心工程,重点是培训,障,三者有机联系,良性互动.本文分析了农村劳动力转移的六大特征,提出应着力构建农村劳动力供求资源、技能培训、输出服务三大系统,健全经费保障、制度供给两大机制,以促进农村劳动力转移由无序向有序、由体力向技能、由兼业向专业、由流动向稳定的合理转型.  相似文献   

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