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The radio systems in the Nordic countries have many similarities. They all have a long tradition of public service radio monopoly that was broken by deregulation. The new commercial stations have created a competitive radio market and the public service companies have been forced to adapt to the new situation. This article reviews the situation by comparing and contrasting the public radio systems in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. The author accounts for the impetus and continuing developmental pressures impacting these systems and highlights some likely trends for the near future.  相似文献   

为部队服务办特色期刊   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
李小萍  郭青  董兵  张萍  尤伟杰 《编辑学报》2004,16(3):206-207
坚持正确的方向,准确定位,以质量求生存,办特色期刊,<武警医学>身体力行,以适应新时期对部队期刊的要求.  相似文献   

Following World War II, an agile broken‐field runner rather than a sedentary historian would be needed to follow the myriad twists, turnings, and changes in radio programming, audiences, and effects in the United States. Now that a certain stability and growth pattern is (hopefully) again dominant, perhaps it is time for those of us who have lived through this period to attempt a rearward look. Frank Riggs, who holds degrees from the University of Arizona and George Washington University, recently completed a tour of duty as Radio‐Television Officer for the Air Force Systems Command, with the responsiility for producing numerous radio documentary and series programs.  相似文献   

This article reviews talk radio research and summarizes articles from the trade and popular press that document the phenomenal growth in talk radio since 1987, when the Fairness Doctrine was abolished. Anecdotal evidence suggests that talk radio can have a powerful impact on public debate, especially regarding “hot button “ issues that arouse emotion and address voter frustration with the status quo. Examples include the successful defeat of the proposed Congressional pay raise in 1989 and the election to Congress of a Republican majority in 1994. Talk radio is less successful in rallying listeners on complex issues such as campaign financing reform.  相似文献   

"The American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) provides Stateside radio and television programming, ‘a touch of home,' to U.S. service men and women, DoD civilians, and their families serving outside the continental United States" (AFRTS, 2004). Bagram, Baghdad, Kabul, and Kandahar are the familiar names of conflict zones in 2004. In these faraway operational theaters, the AFRTS provides a homey electronic media touch to the lives of the troops. Guadalcanal, New Georgia, Noumea, and Bougainville-these were the familiar names from another conflict, the Second World War. Exactly 60 years ago, the precursor of the modern-day AFRTS was also providing comfort for troops far from home in these remote Pacific Islands.  相似文献   

穆欣 《北京档案》2000,(3):46-47
1900年6月17日,八国联军侵占了大沽炮台.大沽上空的浓烟烈火还未消散,各国侵略军又赶修炮台和铁路,抢占从大沽到天津的铁路沿线据点,杀气腾腾地向天津进犯,给天津人民带来了前所未有的灾难.  相似文献   

This article offers an outline for a sociothematic analysis of 40 years of radio plays in Hebrew. The examined corpus comprises 1,850 works, both originally radiophonic and adaptations from other media, broadcast by the Israeli Radio‐drama department from 1954 to 1992. Although clearly influenced by European radio drama, Israeli radio plays have nonetheless developed a unique blend of “form and content.” Through a selected number of radio plays, this first of its kind survey offers a thematic approach to the repertoire, in dealing with topics such as the Holocaust, the Arab‐Israeli conflict, and the image of the Israeli‐born “Sabra.”  相似文献   

This study tracks station‐switching behavior in a controlled setting and combines results from in‐depth personal interviews to assess reaction to radio commercials, particularly those commercials that cause irritation. Attitude toward the ad models were used to predict how listeners would react to exposure to irritating commercials. Results showed participants changed stations an average of once every minute and a half during the experiment. These changes took place two to three times more often during commercials than during music segments. The overall finding was that high levels of station changing occurred during all commercials, not just irritating ones. This research was made possible in part by a grant from the National Association of Broadcasters.  相似文献   

本文将服务补救理念引入合作数字参考咨询服务,介绍了服务补救的概念及产生的原因并构建了合作数字参考咨询服务补救策略体系,提出了合作数字参考咨询服务组织在进行服务补救时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

本文在分析政府信息资源增值服务的重要意义的基础上,提出了开展我国政府信息资源增值服务存在的问题和发展策略。  相似文献   

Talk radio has emerged as a major political force in the past few years, but there is little systematic evidence on how talk shows may affect listeners. The author uses national survey data to investigate how talk radio exposure may influence two important aspects of a healthy democracy: political efficacy and participation. The author concludes that talk radio is unrelated to self‐efficacy, the belief of one's own competence to deal with public affairs. However, attention to talk radio leads to less system efficacy, the belief in the responsiveness of government institutions and officials. Finally, exposure is found to be strongly related to participating in a number of conventional political activities.  相似文献   

The advent of Internet-delivered radio made possible through streaming technology promises to confront the industry with new challenges. Although computer-mediated radio promises to open new markets and revenue streams, this latest technological miracle also has the potential to further fragment audiences and create new competitive demands. This study surveys 50 Delphi panelists to ascertain the top operational challenges promulgated by this technology and offers some recommendations for entrepreneurs seeking to enter the arena of streamed radio.  相似文献   

论中国广电业的政府规制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张志 《现代传播》2004,(2):76-79
中国广电传媒经济系统的进化对管理体制创新提出新的要求 ,按照市场经济原则和民主法制的要求 ,逐步建立中国广播电视事业的现代政府规制体制 ,是管理体制创新的必然选择 ,也是市场经济体制下保证我国广播电视事业健康发展和广播电视产业高效运行的制度保障。为了从理论上探索政府规制体制创新的途径 ,需要从政治学、经济学、法学角度探讨我国特有的制度环境下广电事业现代政府规制的法理依据和实现形式。本文首先从法理上探讨未来政府对广播电视事业的规制依据和职能定位 ,在此基础上揭示中国广播电视事业的政府规制目标和结构特征  相似文献   

文章从主体资源、发展空间和志愿精神等方面论述网络志愿服务是高校图书馆志愿服务的拓展,分析高校图书馆网络志愿服务的主要途径是网络宣传、网络服务和舆论引导,提出拓展网络志愿服务的对策有构建志愿服务的虚拟社区、培养稳定的网络志愿者队伍、健全网络志愿服务的运行机制和建立志愿服务的网络平台等。  相似文献   

图书馆服务接触是读者感知图书馆服务质量的基础.论文从图书馆服务接触视角人手,对服务环境、服务人员、服务方式建立观测量表,并在问卷调查的基础上,通过交叉分析、相关性分析、回归分析等方法,分析了用户的部分个体特征、服务接触相关因素对用户感知服务质量的影响.  相似文献   

图书馆信息服务的未来与我国图书馆现有服务的拓展   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
本文介绍了图书馆信息服务的新技术以及国外信息服务的新方式,探讨了我国图书馆信息服务方式的拓展。  相似文献   

In wartime, governments must develop methods of controlling information. During World War II, for the first time, the British government had to invent policies about speech that could be broadcast on radio. Problems inevitably surfaced. One occurred in 1943 during a transatlantic hookup, when a BBC presenter quoted General Montgomery whom she had seen at a London nightclub and whose whereabouts were classified. The mistake provides insight into three wartime phenomena: British censorship, the government's public relations efforts, and the emerging power of the BBC.  相似文献   

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