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每个教育工作者都应该是科学发展观的践行者,立足本职岗位,剖析教研工作中的不足,转变教研工作思路,应切实把提高教师素质作为教育发展的着力点,不断建立和完善教研工作机制,改革和创新教研工作,注重教研工作实效性,推动教研工作长足发展。  相似文献   

There are many reasons to develop closer links between research and teaching. To do this, we argue the need to move beyond university rhetoric that fractures the engagement of teaching with research and instead focus on the development of what is necessary to bring these two core academic activities closer together. Opening with a review of the current literature on research‐led teaching, the paper then highlights the various debates about whether or not the divide between research and teaching can be broached. We then explore a number of often contradictory myths that we argue universities subscribe to in their efforts to bring teaching and research together as they simultaneously create structures to separate them. The paper seeks to better ‘marry’ research and teaching activities in higher education settings, concluding with a set of principles that could be used by university leaders to guide the implementation of research‐led teaching.  相似文献   

The conventional lecture has significant limitations in the higher education context, often leading to a passive learning experience for students. This paper reports a process of transforming teaching and learning with active learning strategies in a research-intensive educational context across a faculty of 45 academic staff and more than 1000 students. A phased approach was used, involving nine staff in a pilot phase during which a common vision and principles were developed. In short, our approach was to mandate a move away from didactic lectures to classes that involved students interacting with content, with each other and with instructors in order to attain domain-specific learning outcomes and generic skills. After refinement, an implementation phase commenced within all first-year subjects, involving 12 staff including three from the pilot group. The staff use of active learning methods in classes increased by sixfold and sevenfold in the pilot and implementation phases, respectively. An analysis of implementation phase exam questions indicated that staff increased their use of questions addressing higher order cognitive skills by 51%. Results of a staff survey indicated that this change in practice was caused by the involvement of staff in the active learning approach. Fifty-six percent of staff respondents indicated that they had maintained constructive alignment as they introduced active learning. After the pilot, only three out of nine staff agreed that they understood what makes for an effective active learning exercise. This rose to seven out of nine staff at the completion of the implementation phase. The development of a common approach with explicit vision and principles and the evaluation and refinement of active learning were effective elements of our transformational change management strategy. Future efforts will focus on ensuring that all staff have the time, skills and pedagogical understanding required to embed constructively aligned active learning within the approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, I present a conceptual argument for ‘teaching-led research’ in which university lecturers construct courses that directly and positively influence their research, while at the same time, safeguard and enhance the student experience. A research-pedagogy for higher education considers the link between teaching and research, but rather than the more usual conception of research-led teaching, in which teaching is enhanced by research, it becomes teaching-led research in which research is enhanced by teaching. I argue that this idea is foundational to the modern research university, but also difficult to realize unless teaching and learning are designed for these ends. A potential model is teaching undergraduates as researchers with students learning by doing research and I present a case study from a science degree programme. I conclude by anticipating the likely cultural and political barriers to teaching-led research and suggest how tensions can be managed.  相似文献   

在教师的专业成长过程中,反思已经成为最重要的自我发展手段,教学反思能促进教师成长,修正教学环节,纠正教学错误,健全教学内容。  相似文献   

高职高专教育必须以市场需求为导向,以人才培养模式的创新为教育教学改革的突破口,合理设置专业,按需施教,形成适需对路的课程体系,构建新型的高职教学模式,培养社会急需的应用型人才。  相似文献   

对历年广西“新世纪教改工程”项目与近两届自治区级优秀教学成果获奖项目选题的分析表明:高校教学改革与研究特别是“新世纪教改工程”立项选题应该以提高高校人才培养质量为主线,坚持与理论创新对接,与高校教学改革实践的热点、难点问题对接以及与政府的高校工作导向对接的原则,深入开展教学改革与研究。  相似文献   

教学活动中的利益关系人及其质量观   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在高等学校的教学活动中,存在着四种利益关系人。由于他们在教学活动中的需要不同,相应地,教学活动对每个利益关系人的价值也就不完全相同。教学质量观与教学活动的价值是紧密联系的,因此,四种利益关系人的教学质量观也是不相同的。文章通过对教学活动的价值分析,揭示出不同利益关系人的教学质量观。  相似文献   

落实党中央、国务院关于高等学校扩招的重大决策,要充分利用行政干预手段和政策引导,确保教学人、财、物的投入,这对提高教学质量尤为重要。  相似文献   

教研室是高校"机体"中重要的"活性"细胞,对其职能和功能的重新定位,是高等教育职能实现的重要保证。本文以教研室建设存在的问题为切入点,从目标、机制、人员等方面对教研室的未来发展策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

要全面提高教学质量,就必须建立完善的教学督导制度。从分析高职教学督导工作的现状入手,进一步明确了督导工作的职责,提出从健全督导组织机构、确定督导工作内容、改进督导工作方式等方面来完善教学督导制度,并论述了要正确处理好三个关系。  相似文献   

作为教师成长之必经途径,高校教师教学研究是专业化和专业自主的要求,是获得、深化实践性知识的过程,是提高教学学术水平的手段,是发展教学能力和展现教学机智的基础,教师因而应该重视并开展教学研究.  相似文献   

我国高职教育发展存在社会认可度低、特色不明显、层次不高等问题,根据我国高等职业教育的现状,探索多途径的产学研合作办学是高等职业教育发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

培养数以千万计的专门人才和一大批拔尖创新人才是当今高等教育的重要任务之一,提高教育教学质量是实现这一目标的基本保障,而目前高校的教学工作中尚存在诸多与这一使命不相符合的问题。因此,有必要针对这些问题,加大高等教育教学改革的力度,通过实施研究性教学等手段,提高人才培养质量,从而促进高等教育目标的实现。  相似文献   

There is increasing pressure toward professionalisation of university teaching, through the attendance of academic development courses and programmes. This is based on the expectation that such courses lead to more student‐focused perspectives on teaching and learning and more effective teaching and learning practices. In this study we interviewed alumni of a Graduate Certificate programme, to explore its effects on teachers’ self‐reported experiences of teaching and the scholarship of teaching. This suggested that the programme had been successful in fostering the development of more complex experiences for most interviewees.

En Australie comme à l’étranger, les pressions visant la professionnalisation de l’enseignement universitaire se font sentir, en particulier par la participation à des cours et des programmes de développement pédagogique. Ceci repose sur la prémisse selon laquelle les cours de développement pédagogique dans l’enseignement supérieur, du certificat postgradué au niveau master, mènent au développement de perspectives pédagogiques qui sont davantage centrées sur l’apprenant, de même qu’à l’adoption de pratiques pédagogiques davantage efficaces. Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous avons effectué des entretiens auprès de diplômés d’un programme de certificat postgradué de façon à explorer si le programme affectait les expériences d’enseignement et de Scholarship of Teaching de ces enseignants, telles qu’ils les rapportaient. Les témoignages autour de ces expériences suggèrent que le programme a réussi à favoriser le développement d’expériences davantage complexes pour la majorité des personnes interviewées.  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to analyse relations between online teaching practices and their virtual material arrangements. Two higher education online settings were studied using an online ethnographic approach in which observation of the teaching process was of central importance. The first setting was a course in education carried out on itslearning© (a learning management system) and the second setting was a language course in Second Life® (a virtual world). A socio-material perspective based on practice theory was used in the analysis, and the focal point was the co-constitutive relation between teaching practices and material arrangements in online settings. A number of relations between practice and arrangement were identified and analysed in the results section. It is argued that the relation between online arrangements and practice is not fixed and determined beforehand, but emerges and alters as the teaching unfolds.  相似文献   

试论高校体育课中的探究式教学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校体育课实施探究式教学,其效果明显优于传统教学法。体育课探究式教学改变了传统教学法统一化和单一化的单向传习模式,其基本教学程序应为:创设情境,提出问题;搜集资料和信息;引出假设,进行实验探究,论证;整合、归纳、迁移、应用。  相似文献   

试论高校教学对科研的促进作用   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
在对教学与科研的相互关系的认识中 ,科研对教学的促进作用容易为大家理解 ,而教学对科研的促进作往往不容易为人们所理解。基于此 ,文章从对“教学”含义两个维度的四种理解入手 ,分析了教学促进科研的具体表现及相关条件  相似文献   

大学推行学研产“一体化”的思考   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
产学研相结合既是现代经济和社会发展对高等教育提出的要求 ,又是高等教育培养具有创造精神和实践能力的高级专门人才的要求。产学研相结合的形式很多 ,不同类型的大学各有自身的优势 ,但都面临着合理定位的问题。值得注意的是 ,部分大学推行学研产“一体化”将不可避免地弱化大学教育理念 ,消解大学学术自由 ,分化大学价值追求 ,最终使大学出现内在的分裂。  相似文献   

随着世界经济全球化进程的加快,高等教育国际化已成为当今世界高等教育发展的一种趋势,高等教育的国际化将对世界的和平和经济繁荣作出积极的贡献。文章以笔者在英国赫特福德大学的研修体验为切入点研究英国高校的教学和管理特点,并结合笔者的双语教学实践探讨如何在中国高校更好地开展双语教学。  相似文献   

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