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With the advent of e-journal preservation projects and publisher digitization of journal backfiles, academic libraries have begun to move their corresponding print volumes of these titles to storage to avoid duplication and save space. This article examines the supporting justifications, outreach mechanisms, and logistical procedures undertaken at American University Library to relocate the entire bound journal collection to offsite storage in order to address severe physical space constraints and to support patron use of and preference for electronic journal content. In addition, the article presents preliminary data regarding the use of bound volumes sent to storage and an overall analysis of this transformational project.  相似文献   

The Michigan Shared Print Initiative, involving 11 Michigan public university libraries, has partnered with Sustainable Collection Services in using Sustainable Collection Services' new collection analysis and data decision support tool, GreenGlass for Groups. This tool effectively analyzes the group of libraries' individual and collective holdings, sharing mechanisms, and retention needs. This article outlines the establishment of the Michigan Shared Print Initiative, the creation of its collaborative print monograph collection, the use and benefits of GreenGlass for Groups, which is being used for the required collection data analysis for the venture, and the general elements that have contributed to the project's success.  相似文献   

This article outlines the workings of the UK Research Reserve, a collaborative initiative releasing space in Higher Education libraries within the United Kingdom, while ensuring the retention and availability of a national print journal collection. The method used to process material and identify holdings suitable for disposal is described. The salient issues in the process are identified and discussed, as are some of the challenges that have been encountered to date.  相似文献   

The Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) is one of the nation's oldest and most respected academic consortia. The CIC libraries hold more than 85 million volumes with print collections occupying approximately 10 million linear feet—or 2,000 miles—of shelving. The price tag for maintaining CIC print holdings, in stacks and storage facilities, is approximately $200 million per year. Between 2009 and 2011, the CIC University Librarians (ULs) affirmed a list of core principles for developing and managing a shared storage program. The ULs made an initial investment to support building a shared collection of 250,000 journal backfile volumes to be housed at Indiana University.  相似文献   

The Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries is a consortium of twenty-two university libraries in western Canada. Planning for a regional shared print archive has included the formation of several task groups, the engagement of a project consultant, and local development of a holdings registry tool. The original impetus for the project was to clear maximum shelf space at member libraries quickly. The planning challenge that has emerged is to design a project that meets this short-term regional need for repurposed space in member libraries, while building in scalability to address a broader preservation mandate, and that allows linking to related initiatives in other jurisdictions.  相似文献   


The article describes the development and use of the database BAZTECH: Polish Technical Journal Contents. The database indexes Polish-language scientific and technical journals, and is available free-of-charge on the Internet.  相似文献   

In Ohio, the space needs of campus libraries are changing just as book depositories are filling up. In response to this situation, the university libraries are re-examining the depositories to see if the space can be used even more efficiently, the funding distributed more predictably, and the services standardized and expanded. The Northeastern Ohio Cooperative Regional Library Depository has a plan to rethink the space in the depository, redefine the collection housed there in terms of ownership and access, and to repurpose the depository from a warehouse model to a service-centered model. The Northeastern Ohio Regional Library Depository plan and its anticipated role in changing the way that contributing libraries statewide assess depository collections and provide for access to those collections is the focus of this paper.  相似文献   

The Association of Southeastern Research Libraries has instituted a distributed print archive program to share the costs and effort of long-term retention of print journals. Beginning with a review of the history of the project, the authors address the voluntary nature of participation in the program, methodologies for identifying journals to be retained, as well as methodologies for tagging retained journals so that an accurate record of current decisions is maintained over the 25-year length of the commitment. Policies and procedures continue to evolve as participation increases and lessons are learned with each step.  相似文献   

Doug Kiker 《期刊图书馆员》2013,64(3-4):265-267
A group of eleven public university libraries, comprising the Council of State University Libraries consortium, created an experimental archive to retain one print copy of online journals for use of consortium members. The article addresses the initial concerns, development of the project, methods used, and concerns for the future. The article raises the question of whether libraries need to archive print backups for online materials as well as who should do the archiving and to what extent.  相似文献   

In 2007, the Collections Management department at Tufts University's Hirsh Health Sciences Library (HHSL) reduced journal stacks to make room for additional seating and classrooms as part of a renovation to the Medical School's Sackler Center for Medical Education. Additional space was necessary to accommodate the library's increasing role in education and research at the medical school and a growing student population. Offsite storage with compact shelving was under construction nearby. Journals were identified for offsite storage by focusing on print titles that came with an online equivalent rather than using chronology to shift journals offsite. The goal was to keep storage retrieval requests to a minimum for patrons and staff.  相似文献   

Academic research libraries have a tradition of collaboration, from selecting foreign language material to licensing electronic resources. Although most storage facilities have tended to be local, some libraries have collaborated on operating shared storage facilities. The growth of digital repositories of printed materials has given the library community the opportunity to engage in a conversation about how to collaboratively take responsibility for the long-term selection and preservation of the print originals. Establishing regional repositories will allow member libraries to draw down local print collections. This review article will trace the major development of this progression from local storage facility to regional print repository.  相似文献   

The long-standing cooperative culture within the research library community should serve as a useful foundation for building regional cooperative agreements to support repositories of print journal backfiles. Serious storage constraints facing Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison mandated an effort to tackle this problem in a deliberative and coordinated way. An inter-institutional Task Force was formed to design and implement a process with a selected group of titles as a pilot project. The immediate goal was to liberate shelf space with an eye toward the future development of a consortial collection management plan for the storage of print journals among the three institutions.  相似文献   


This article introduces the Partnership for Shared Book Collections, a federation of monograph shared print programs. Collaboration of programs at the network level allows for:
  • Reducing the cost of retaining the scholarly record through shared distribution of commitments;

  • De-duplicating efforts;

  • Developing and promoting evidence-based best practices;

  • Increasing the effectiveness of communication with end-users and funders;

  • Tackling large-scale projects and research that are out of reach for individual shared print programs. This shared stewardship of collection is critical as local resources are depleted due to the COVID-19 pandemic and access to print for digitization increases.



This paper describes a grant-funded research project to relocate selected print journal runs, for which an electronic version is available, to remote storage from the shelves of campus libraries at the University of California. During the project, users will rely on the electronic version of selected journals. Data, including costs associated with the project, usage of print journals, usage of electronic journals, as well as user behavior and attitudes, will be gathered and used to develop long-range strategies and institutional policies.  相似文献   

TACOS is an acronym for TAble of COntents Service. It provides recipients with photocopies of the contents pages of journals selected from the hospital's list of serials. The service enables users to augment their journals by scanning additional tables of contents. TACOS coexists with and complements computer, SDI and other current awareness services. Growth over a five-year period is evident by an increased number of both TACOS requesters and TACOS journals requested. User satisfaction, as measured by a survey and willingness to pay, is high. TACOS is a simple, viable concept well worth implementing even in times of tight budgetary constraints.  相似文献   

The Tri-University Group of Libraries has operated a joint print repository (the Annex) since 1996. As of March 2011, the facility is at 94% capacity. Following a shutdown and comprehensive review in 2006, the three institutions developed a Preservation of Last Print Copy Agreement. This agreement spurred the three partner institutions to undertake three specific weeding projects (monographs deduplication, weeding of science, technology, and medicine journals, and a JSTOR journals last copy project) to prolong the life of the repository. This article outlines the scope, methodologies, successes, and challenges involved with these collaborative weeding projects.  相似文献   

This article seeks to add to the body of literature about the provision and management of electronic resources in academic libraries in developing countries. It recognizes the importance of providing increased electronic information to users and describes the efforts of an academic library in the Caribbean to address this need. The role of the Acquisitions and Serials Unit in making this transition possible is explored. Furthermore, an assessment of the progress attained in the transition process is documented, including issues encountered, many of which have not yet been resolved. Future plans for successful development of an increased electronic resources environment have also been proposed.  相似文献   

Libraries are in an unprecedented period of change. The predominant publishing model is moving from print to digital. Libraries seek to strike the right balance between providing information that today's researcher needs just in time and preserving materials in print for tomorrow's researcher just in case. Legal resources present even greater challenges. This article will reflect how two organizations, the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA) and NELLCO, an international consortium of law libraries, are currently working together toward a collaborative solution.  相似文献   

This article discusses an assessment and deselection project of the modern print book collections in the John Paul II Library, National University of Ireland Maynooth. Following a contextual introduction and literature review, the article outlines the methodology, presents and discusses the results, and concludes with lessons learned. Although this project had its origins in planning for a major extension to the Library, its main aim was to ensure current and relevant print book collections. The purpose of the article is to share experience in the hope of it being useful to other libraries considering a review of print book collections.  相似文献   


In recent decades, the composition of academic library collections has shifted toward electronic formats, resulting in a more complicated publication landscape to be navigated by selectors. Additionally, the workload of public services librarians has become more weighted toward instruction and research support, putting more pressure on the time of liaison librarians tasked with collection development responsibilities. These shifts have prompted academic institutions, including University of Wyoming Libraries, to consider a restructuring of collection development responsibilities. This article describes the evolution and implementation of a centralized model of selection at UW Libraries.  相似文献   

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