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《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):325-346
Various theories of nonverbal adaptation feature behavioral valence (i.e., positive vs. negative behavior) and degree of behavioral change (e.g., very low vs. low intimacy) as critical elements affecting whether changes in nonverbal intimacy are met with reciprocity or compensation. The present study, which utilizes data from 100 romantic dyads, makes comparisons across five conditions: very low intimacy, low intimacy, very high intimacy, high intimacy, and a no change (control) condition. Repeated measures analyses of variance showed that targets in the two high intimacy conditions reciprocated their partners' intimacy change by appearing more nonverbally involved and pleasant and engaging in more verbal intimacy. Targets in the two low intimacy conditions also reciprocated by becoming less nonverbally pleasant and fluent as well as more verbally hostile. However, these targets also used verbal repair strategies, thereby showing some degree of compensation. Targets in the very low intimacy condition also became more vocally anxious and less composed after their partners decreased intimacy. Targets in the very low intimacy condition were abo particularly likely to engage in verbal repair strategies. These and other findings are discussed in light of their implications for applying theories of nonverbal intimacy exchange to the context of romantic relationships.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):126-130
Employment interviewers at large businesses in San Antonio, Texas, listened to taped speech samples of Mexican American males speaking English with varying degrees of accentedness in simulated employment interviews, evaluated speaker personality characteristics, and made a hiring prediction about whether each speaker might be hired for each of three level positions: supervisor, skilled technician, and semi‐skilled worker. Measures of interviewers’ degree of expectations (stereotypes), exposure, and language attitudes related to Mexican Americans were set in a multiple regression equation predicting hiring decisions. Results indicated that together, expectations, exposure and language attitudes did account for a significant amount of the variance for hiring predictions. The individual predictive power of each variable varied according to position. For supervisor, a measure of reactions to actual speech stimuli was the only significant individual predictor. For skilled technician, scores from each variable cluster proved significant, while for semi‐skilled worker, expectations and language attitudes were significant predictors. Language attitudes dropped off in importance with each level, confirming previous findings of the importance of language evaluations for higher level positions. Standard speakers were significantly favored (p <.001) for supervisor, while accented speakers were favored (p <.001) for semi‐skilled worker.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that individual nonverbal cues and cue complexes communicate multiple relational messages simultaneously. This work examines the contention that nonverbal percepts may predict relational message interpretations in romantic relationships. Results provide support for the hypothesis that nonverbal cues indicative of greater involvement, pleasantness, and expressiveness connote messages of intimacy. Specifically, the current study reveals that perceptions of intimacy and composure are associated with greater vocalic involvement. Interpretations are provided in line with the social meanings model.  相似文献   

An increasing number of investigations have demonstrated that the use of certain nonverbal behaviors such as gaze and touch can increase compliance‐gaining effectiveness. A meta‐analysis of 49 studies with a total of 9977 subjects was conducted to determine the strength of the nonverbal‐compliance relationship. The results indicated that there are consistently positive and small effects for gaze, touch, proxemics, and apparel in increasing compliance‐gaining effectiveness. Several different theoretical accounts of these data are evaluated. Finally, the effects of the nonverbal behaviors are compared with those of verbal behaviors. The nonverbal behavioral effects on compliance‐gaining appear to be as strong, and in some cases stronger, than the effects associated with various verbal compliance‐gaining strategies.  相似文献   

For some international students, teachers' nonverbal immediacy may constitute a violation of expectations in classroom behavior. Using Expectancy Violation Theory framework, this study investigated differences in students ‘perceptions of teachers’ nonverbal immediacy by comparing American and international students studying in the U.S. The findings confirmed that (1) teachers' nonverbal immediacy is perceived as more appropriate by American students than by international students, (2) there are differences in evaluations of specific nonverbal immediacy behaviors by American students and international students, and (3) perceptions depended on student gender for some behaviors, but not teacher's gender. Learning was more positively related to perceived immediacy behaviors for international students than their American counterparts.  相似文献   


The theory of planned behavior has received significant attention more recently. This study used a survey to apply the theory of planned behavior to predict the Internet utilization behavior among 214 undergraduate agricultural students in Iran. Coefficient correlations and linear regressions were employed to analyze relationships among constructs. Results revealed that subjective norm and intention were the strongest predictors of the Internet utilization behavior, which explained 57% of the variance. Perceived behavioral control was the most significant predictor of the Internet use intentions. Subjective norms, to a lesser degree also had important influences on intention. Attitude did not surface as an effective direct predictor of the Internet utilization behavior. Finally, the theory of planned behavior was supported as an effective model explaining the Internet utilization behavior. The most prevalent reason to stop using the Internet was that they were experiencing problems getting access to the Internet.  相似文献   

护理论文中统计学应用状况及存在的问题和对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择<中华护理杂志><实用护理杂志><护士进修杂志><护理学杂志>和<山西护理杂志>等5种护理学期刊为研究对象,应用文献计量法对其1995-1999年间的载文量、统计学应用情况进行统计分析.结果表明:5年间载文量呈逐年增加趋势,后2年论文的统计学应用率较前3年明显增加(P<0.01).提出解决护理论文在统计学上存在问题所应采取的对策.  相似文献   


The role of two nonverbal variables, conversational distance and physical self‐presentation, are examined as potential sources of distraction with consequent effects on susceptibility to persuasion. A model of conversational distancing violations is adapted to a distraction perspective to predict how nonverbal variables specifically might function as distractors. Results of an experiment manipulating violations of distancing expectations and physical attractiveness of confederates (N = 350) indicate that both may be sources of distraction, and offer modest support for the prediction that attractive individuals engaging in violations of expectations will serve as positive sources of distraction, leading to greater susceptibility to persuasion. Failure to support the prediction that unattractive individuals engaging in violations of expectations foster more resistance to persuasion is partly explained by the lack of a sufficiently unattractive confederate.  相似文献   

开放空间的著作权归属研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
王晓琪 《编辑学报》2002,14(6):397-399
介绍国际版权公约的基本理论和核心内容,探讨我国开放体系下著作权的归属与维护,分析发展中国家在执行国际版权公约中面临的挑战与对策.  相似文献   

Within the field of bibliometrics, there is sustained interest in how nations “compete” in terms of academic disciplines, and what determinants explain why countries may have a specific advantage in one discipline over another. However, this literature has not, to date, presented a comprehensive structured model that could be used in the interpretation of a country's research profile and academic output. In this paper, we use frameworks from international business and economics to present such a model.Our study makes four major contributions. First, we include a very wide range of countries and disciplines, explicitly including the Social Sciences, which unfortunately are excluded in most bibliometrics studies. Second, we apply theories of revealed comparative advantage and the competitive advantage of nations to academic disciplines. Third, we cluster our 34 countries into five different groups that have distinct combinations of revealed comparative advantage in five major disciplines. Finally, based on our empirical work and prior literature, we present an academic diamond that details factors likely to explain a country's research profile and competitiveness in certain disciplines.  相似文献   

归因理论作为一种内在的激励理论,可以通过改变员工的归因态度和归因认识来激励和引导他们的行为,从而达到最佳工作效果。在高校图书馆管理中,归因理论在实践中的应用表现在以下几个方面:归因与馆员的绩效考核;归因与馆员的工作激励;归因与馆员的情绪调节。  相似文献   

阐述在高职院校图书馆引入ISO9000质量体系的需要及作为ISO9000质量体系理论基础的八项质量管理原则在数字资源管理中的内涵和应用方法,提出运行后的效果以及提高成效的改进措施。  相似文献   

随着RFID技术在图书馆的应用,图书馆自助服务出现了新模式,并迅速得到应用。在这一过程中,公共图书馆相对发展较快,而高校图书馆对新模式的应用则较为单一。文章简单介绍了目前应用较广的三种图书馆自助服务模式,并分析其各自特点,在此基础上总结出高校图书馆自助服务模式应用表现单一的原因,并提出实施自助服务的步骤及注意事项。  相似文献   

图书馆法的法理浅析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从法学理论的角度探讨我国图书馆立法的主客观条件并分析图书馆法立法的某些宏观性定位。  相似文献   

This study investigates the Sino-US difference in the journalistic practice of providing on-air attribution for those interviewed in television news. Through a content analysis, this study compares how CBS News, a premier US TV network, and CCTV, China's most watched network, attributed their interviewees with on-screen name credits (names, titles and affiliations). The findings show that US journalists were more likely to provide on-screen name credits than their Chinese colleagues who, in turn, were more likely to give credits to interviewees who were older, male and government officials. This study should contribute to a better understanding of how cultural values and political ideologies may affect the way interviewees are treated in television news.  相似文献   

Model checking techniques are recognized to provide reliable and copious results. Instead of examining a few cases only – as it is done in testing – model checking includes the whole state space in mathematical proofs of correctness. Yet, this completeness is seen as a drawback as the state explosion problem is hard to handle. In our industrial case study, we apply automated model checking techniques to an innovative elevator system, the TWIN by ThyssenKrupp. By means of abstraction and nondeterminism, we cope with runtime behaviour and achieve to efficiently prove our specification’s validity. The elevator’s safety requirements are exhaustively expressed in temporal logic along with real-world and algorithmic prerequisites, consistency properties, and fairness constraints. Beyond verifying system safety for an actual installation, our case study demonstrates the rewarding applicability of model checking at an industrial scale. CR subject classification  D.2.4; F.3.1; J.7 ; C.3  相似文献   

Research is reported which examines the relationship between marital satisfaction and amount of communication in a marital dyad. Consideration is given to various topics of communication which are commonly addressed by marital dyads and to the impact of biological sex on these relationships. Results indicate that highly satisfied couples engage in significantly m ore communication, particularly on certain topics, than do less satisfied couples. Couples with low satisfaction levels engage in a low level of communication on most of the topics which are commonly addressed by married couples. Speculation concerning causation is addressed.  相似文献   

定题情报服务的原则和方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在选择项目时谨记超前性、抓西瓜和量力而行,采取太公钓鱼、全面撒网、有的放矢和筑巢引凤四种形式。在优质服务上,注意情报服务与科研工作相结合,阶段提供与随时提供相结合,显性需求满足与隐性需求满足相结合;贯彻团队服务原则,持业精业、持之以恒原则,熟悉项目和促进科研原则。  相似文献   

遵照列宁“一切都是经过中介连成一体”的哲学思想,研究和分析了编者在作者与读者之间的桥梁、中介作用,提出并论证了编辑学中介原理的社会需求、知识价值和文明发展三条原则,从理论高度得出了编者在人类文明发展中的重要历史作用。  相似文献   

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