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Do intimacy rituals affect perceptions of relational intimacy and relational quality? This study examined the effect of self-reported use of intimacy rituals and biological sex on perceived relational intimacy and perceived relational quality. Perceived use of intimacy rituals was positively related to perceived relational quality. However, perceived use of intimacy rituals did not influence perceived relational intimacy. In addition, women perceived significantly higher levels of relational intimacy, as well as significantly more relational quality, than did men.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that individual nonverbal cues and cue complexes communicate multiple relational messages simultaneously. This work examines the contention that nonverbal percepts may predict relational message interpretations in romantic relationships. Results provide support for the hypothesis that nonverbal cues indicative of greater involvement, pleasantness, and expressiveness connote messages of intimacy. Specifically, the current study reveals that perceptions of intimacy and composure are associated with greater vocalic involvement. Interpretations are provided in line with the social meanings model.  相似文献   

This study examines strategies employed by women when refusing an unwanted request for increased intimacy. Women (N = 76) orally produced refusal messages to unwanted requests from hypothetical dating partners and friends. The influence of relationship type, request persistence, and alcohol consumption on refusal strategies was examined. Approximately half of the participants (N = 37) drank alcohol before encoding the refusal messages. The results indicate that relationship type influenced women's refusal strategy selection and that request persistence had a more pronounced influence on the refusals to dates’ requests than to friends’ requests. Alcohol consumption did not significantly affect the encoding of refusal strategies. Results suggest that the influence of alcohol consumption on refusals should be examined within the context of the whole message production process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine personal and relational characteristics of HIV positive individuals. Forty HIV positive heterosexuals, who were infected through heterosexual sex, completed an on‐line questionnaire designed to assess perceived risk of HIV, perceived partner safety and trust, and reasons for these perceptions prior to HIV infection. Results indicated that prior to infection, HIV positive heterosexuals reported having similar sexual attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to those not infected with the virus. Participants reported moderate to high levels of trust for their partners, low levels of perceived risk of infection, and high levels of perceived partner safety. A moderately strong, negative, linear relationship existed between perceived partner safety and partner trust and perceived risk. In addition, women perceived their partners as “safer”; than did men and those in serious relationships perceived their partners as safer than those in casual relationships. Results from this study shed light on the personal and relational characteristics of heterosexuals living with HIV and the utility of social comparison theory in raising awareness about HIV positive and negative individuals.  相似文献   

Past theorizing on causes for embarrassing situations has not taken the context of the relationship into account. This study takes exception to that oversight and examines embarrassment within the context of romantic relationships. Respondents (n = 199) were asked to identify embarrassing situations caused by romantic partners. Responses were content analyzed and three major categories were found: revealing relational secrets, inappropriate actions and awkward situations. All of these situations were considered to be breaches of relational privacy, where the partner made something public that was expected to be kept private between the couple. Respondents were also asked to assess the impact frequency of embarrassment has on feelings of relational quality and relational communication satisfaction. Gender, length of relationship, and currency of relationship were also considered. Using canonical correlations, the findings show that current relationships are longer, have less embarrassment and have higher levels of relational quality as well as satisfaction with relational communication. While past relationships are perceived to be shorter, have more embarrassment and have lower levels of relational quality as well as satisfaction with relational communication. Interpretations of these results are offered, in light of relational privacy issues.  相似文献   

Feminist groups have contended that women are portrayed more often as the butt of humor on prime‐time television than are men, citing this as an example of sex discrimination. The present study was conducted to investigate the accuracy of this charge. Other aims of the study were to assess the frequency of sexual and hostile humor on television and to determine whether the Family Viewing Hour contains less hostile and sexual humorous content than other times. To fulfill these goals coders recorded and classified humorous incidents sampled from the prime‐time (8–11 p.m.) viewing hours on the three major commercial networks in October, 1977. The results indicated that in absolute terms males were more often the object of humorous disparagement than were females. However, males appeared more frequently in principal roles on television and thus were more available as targets of disparagement. When the frequency with which males and females appear was taken into account, males disparaged females significantly more than females disparaged males. Thus, there is some support for the charge of sex discrimination. Other findings indicate that hostile humor is no more common than nonhostile humor; and nonsexual humor is more frequent than sexual humor. Finally, the survey indicated that sexual and hostile humor was as common during the Family Viewing Hour as during adult viewing hours.  相似文献   

This paper reports analyses of sex differences in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior related to HIV/AIDS and communication about HIV I'AIDS in the heterosexual college population. Men and women differed in their assessments of risk to HIV infection for various behaviors; in each case women perceived greater risk. Women were more favorable than men regarding talking about AIDS and attitudes about condom use. Men reported a greater number of sexual partners for the previous five years than did women. Men, more often than women, appear to have changed their behavior in a direction of greater risk. Only two sex differences were found for prevention‐related behaviors. First, men more often reported having purchased a condom. However, no sex differences were found for actual condom use. Second, as reported in previous studies, women were more likely to engage in AIDS‐related talk with a sexual partner. Because of their many differences, men and women need to be targeted as separate audiences for HIV/AIDS prevention. Further, because women have emerged as the most rapidly growing group at risk for HIV infection and because women appear to be more willing than men to implement HIV/AIDS prevention in their relationships, they should be considered a primary audience for HIV/AIDS‐prevention programs designed for influencing the behavior of heterosexual couples.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):121-147
Three studies identify goals that college students have for cross‐sex first dates, develop a scale to measure them, and determine how contextual factors influence reports of these goals. In study 1, college students identified goals for their most recent first dates. Study 2 developed a scale measuring have fun, reduce uncertainty, identify romantic potential, friendship, and sexual activity goals. In study 3 contextual factors (sex of initiator, alcohol availability, and partner knowledge) systematically influenced first date goals. Men and women differed in first date goals in all three studies. These goals highlight the importance of first dates as important relational events, and include multiple types of uncertainty reduction, in early relational stages.  相似文献   

An online survey was fielded to freshmen living in residence halls at a northwestern university in the United States. Structural equation modeling was used to investigate the structure of relationships among exposure to mainstream sports media, rape myth acceptance, and intentions to intervene in sexual assault situations while controlling for gender traits. Given that prior research suggests men and women differ in their beliefs about sexual assault, analyses were performed on male (n = 111) and female (n = 241) respondents separately. Among women, exposure to sports media was positively associated with rape myth acceptance, which in turn was negatively associated with intentions to intervene in sexual assault situations. Among men, consuming sports media was negatively associated with intentions to intervene in a sexual assault. The findings suggest that exposure to some sports media may be negatively associated to individuals' intentions to intervene in a sexual assault.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact that changes in Internet-based technologies have on romantic relationships developed exclusively online. Thirty-six participants completed the 44-item Online Relationships Questionnaire. Participants were then divided into three categories based on self-reported media preference: asynchronous text, synchronous text, and rich media. No significant differences existed on measures of relational confidence or intimacy based solely on media selection. Participants utilizing the Internet to maintain a secondary romantic relationship reported higher levels of relational certainty and greater expectations of future interaction with their online partner than participants involved exclusively in online relationships (i.e., the online relationship was the participant's only romantic relationship).  相似文献   

This paper examines the portrayal of sexual messages in the top 20 most popular television programs among teenagers in the United States. It compares findings from the 2001–2002 and 2004–2005 seasons. Results show that these programs contained a large number of sexual messages, though their frequency decreased over time. Most messages about sex were in the form of conversations. About 1 in 2 shows included portrayals of sexual behaviors, mostly precursory behaviors. Sexual risk and responsibility concerns were rarely addressed. Most consequences for sexual intercourse portrayed in 2004–2005 were negative, a significant change from 2001–2002. The findings' implications for adolescents' sexual socialization are discussed.  相似文献   

Relational Uncertainty as a Consequence of Partner Jealousy Expressions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study examines how the relational-uncertainty levels of individuals whose partners are jealous (i.e., “jealousy targets”) are predicted by how partners express jealousy. Students and community members completed a questionnaire where they recalled an instance when they were the recipients of their romantic partners' expression of jealousy. In general, jealousy-target relational uncertainty was positively predicted by a majority of negative and general behavioral partner jealousy expressions. However, positive partner jealousy expressions were not generally associated with jealousy-target relational uncertainty. Implications for the theoretical understanding of relational uncertainty and consequences of partner jealousy expression are discussed.  相似文献   

Communication competence plays a role in several problematic relational issues such as conflict management, interpersonal aggression, loneliness, and sexual coercion. This study examined the relationship between communication competence and aggression. Thirty‐one individuals (26 females, 5 males) experiencing aggression during conflict episodes with romantic partners were interviewed, generating 967 pages of transcribed data. The qualitative data analysis revealed that many of the participants assessed their use of aggression according to social customs, finding it inappropriate and ineffective. However, many noted their aggression was appropriate and effective given the circumstances of their relationship. These findings suggest a unique relational culture where aggression is perceived in ways that deviate from social norms. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Perceived support availability (PSA), a general belief about the likelihood that social support will be available when needed, is associated with numerous processes and outcomes of supportive communication. Currently, however, there is little understanding of the factors that contribute to this belief. Numerous studies have reported gender differences in PSA, with women generally indicating that they see support as more available than do men; in turn, gender differences in PSA have been cited to explain gender differences in the production and interpretation of supportive messages. In an effort to explain gender differences in PSA and, more broadly, understand the social-cognitive factors that contribute to individual differences in PSA, this article proposes and reports a test of a theoretical model that treats PSA as the outcome of the availability and accessibility of cognitive schemata for construing social situations. Participants (150 men and 271 women) completed instruments providing assessments of PSA, construct availability (cognitive complexity), and construct accessibility (expressive and instrumental orientations). Bootstrap procedures for the simultaneous assessment of multiple mediators found that construct accessibility generally was a stronger mediator of gender differences in PSA than construct availability. However, a cooperative suppression effect was found for 1 index of construct accessibility, complicating the interpretation of mediation effects.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):173-250
Two studies tested the assumption that relational contexts affect the way people react to messages that hurt their feelings. In the first, the range of responses people have to hurtful messages was explored, and underlying dimensions reflecting the responses were identified. Participants’ reactions were characterized by three broad dimensions: active verbal responses (e.g., attacking the other, defending the self, asking for an explanation), acquiescent responses (e.g., crying, apologizing), and invulnerable responses (e.g., ignoring the message, laughing). Analyses indicated that people who felt extremely hurt tended to react more often by acquiescing than those who were less hurt. Abo, those who felt the impact of hurt on their relationship was relatively low responded more often with invulnerability than those who felt the impact was high. In the second study, the association between people's reactions to hurt and the quality of their relationship with the person who hurt them was examined, as was the influence of particular types of relationships (e.g., those between family members or romantic partners) on individuab’ responses to hurt. Among other findings, the results suggested that relational satisfaction was positively associated with active verbal responses and negatively correlated both with the degree of experienced hurt and the perceived impact of the hurtful message on the relationship. Further, hurtful messages from family members tended to elicit greater feelings of hurt than those from other people—regardless of the closeness, similarity, amount of contact, or level of satisfaction reported by respondents. By comparison, messages from romantic partners had a greater effect on participants’ relationships than did those from individuab involved in family or non‐family/non‐romantic relationships.  相似文献   

Mood management theory has found empirical support but was challenged by gender-typed selections and exposure to negative content. These challenges are addressed with response style theory and the mood adjustment approach. A secondary data analysis and original experimental data serve to test hypotheses. As expected, after a mood-impacting experience, men tend to distract themselves with absorbing messages, whereas women tend to ruminate the experience and thus prefer messages with low absorption potential. When anticipating a mood-impacting activity, men tend to distract themselves right before it by selecting absorbing content, whereas women focus on it and prefer less absorbing messages.  相似文献   

When upset with a relational partner, intimates often enact the silent treatment, although it can harm their relationships. This study investigates the degree to which relational commitment predicts a person's self-reported use of the silent treatment. Undergraduate daters indicated their relational commitment, their use of the silent treatment when upset with their partner, and what they do if the partner asks if they are upset. Relational commitment was negatively related to using the silent treatment and stonewalling when the partner asked if there was a problem. Relational commitment was only positively related to admitting being upset when the partner asked if there was a problem. Study limitations and future research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Rituals are widely studied in interpersonal communication research, but no instrument for assessing the preceived use of rituals among couples in committed romantic relationships exists. The purpose of this investigation was to create and validate such a measure (Rituals in Committed Romantic Relationships; RCRR). Five-hundred-sixty individuals in committed romantic relationships responded to a 50-item questionnaire that measured 5 sets of rituals pertaining to daily routines and tasks, idiosyncratic behavior, everyday talk, intimacy, and couple-time. In addition, they completed measures of perceived relational quality and perceived relational intimacy. Multiple analyses supported a 5-factor model consisting of 30 of the original 50 items. Perceived use of rituals was predictive of alterations in both perceived relational quality and perceived relational intimacy.  相似文献   

This study examines gender role and sexual content in television advertising messages, and the cognitive elaborations of adolescents processing these messages. Adolescents viewed and commented on television advertisements of beer and non-beer products in the contexts of sports and entertainment programming. Results found that a majority of the ads contained traditional gender role content. Fewer ads combined sexual with traditional gender role content. The adolescents' comments criticized female imagery, while their comments on male portrayals were relatively neutral. More than half the respondents challenged ad content, including product claims, realism, and production techniques, with females counterarguing more than males.  相似文献   

Discussions about relationship issues are rarely easy, and as in any important conversation, the actions of a relational partner may encourage one to change initial message intentions and behaviors during the course of an interaction. The interrelationship of communication goals and message content was examined through a sequential analysis of 10-minute conversations between 100 dating partners about a relationship problem. After completing survey measures, respondents engaged in a discussion about one partner's problematic behavior. Respondents then reviewed discussions to rate the importance of their communication goals (self-oriented, other-oriented, relational, or task) at 1-minute intervals. Objective coders assessed the grammatical focus of respondents' messages (self, relationship, partner, or task) at the same or adjoining interval. Lag sequential analyses indicated that goal importance defined self-interested or more prorelational content, providing evidence that goals are fluid and communicative behavior is influenced by dyadic interaction.  相似文献   

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