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The communicative ecology model of successful aging (CEMSA), which theorizes how people’s communication can influence their experiences of successful aging, takes as axiomatic that aging involves uncertainty. In two studies, with data from the U.S. and the U.K., we compared the viability of two conceptualizations of uncertainty about aging in the CEMSA: the model’s original operationalization, uncertainty discrepancy, and an alternative, the perceived probability of negative experiences (PPNE) associated with aging. In both studies, uncertainty discrepancy and PPNE contributed independently to attitudes toward aging; PPNE emerged as a stronger predictor of people’s affective reactions to aging. These findings underscore the importance of multifaceted views of uncertainty for scholars of communication and aging.  相似文献   

According to the Communicative Ecology Model of Successful Aging (CEMSA), how people talk about age can have implications for how they cope with aging later in life. However, most research on communication and successful aging has focused on older adults. In this study, we use latent class analysis to profile how younger adults (age 18–39) communicate about aging and examine how these profiles relate to their attitudes toward aging (affect, efficacy, anxiety, and perceptions of successful aging). Consistent with past research on older adults, we found three distinct profiles of communication behavior (disengaged, engaged, and bantering). An engaged profile was clearly associated with the most positive attitudes toward aging, while a disengaged profile was associated with the least positive attitudes. These findings suggest that patterns of talk about aging may start early in life, underscoring the importance of studying communication about aging across the lifespan.  相似文献   


We applied the selection, optimization and compensation (SOC) model of successful aging to media use. Using a new self-report measure to assess selective and compensatory media use we illustrate the role of these media selection strategies in successful aging. In other words, we link compensatory and selective media use to different indicators of well-being among older nursing home residents and for a group of younger adults, which served as a comparison group. Selective media use was positively related to well-being for older, but not for younger adults, and compensatory media use was negatively related to well-being for both younger and older adults. In a second study, we replicated these findings with a sample of healthy older adults.  相似文献   

Individuals frequently engage in self-presentation via social media and can subsequently receive various simple communicative cues (paralinguistic digital affordances; PDAs) from which they may determine the success of their self-presentation, including Likes and Upvotes. Previous research has found these communicatively abstract one-click cues are interpreted idiosyncratically when received, but the quantity received matters to users in determining whether a post is “successful.” The present work probes explanatory mechanisms behind the use of PDA responses as a metric of self-presentational success, deriving hypotheses from social comparison theory, social penetration theory, and expectancy violations theory. Results from a survey (N = 255) reveal that social comparison and communicative reciprocity provide explanatory power regarding the threshold of Likes and Reactions to a Facebook post needed to consider a post successful.  相似文献   

There are gaps in research regarding the role of information in successful aging as well as concerning the information-seeking behavior of the “oldest old” (those aged 85+). This article encourages researchers in library and information science (LIS) to consider undertaking research to fill these gaps. It therefore addresses issues about the importance of the oldest age group; aging theories, including those specific to successful aging; available theories from the field of human information behavior; prior research about the information needs of the oldest old and source use (including the Internet); and the role that information might play in whether or not people are aging successfully.  相似文献   

This research examined adult-children and their spouses' (N v = v 15 dyads) self-reports of communicative behaviors in the long-term marital relationship when caring for an older adult parent in their home and long-term married couples (N v = v 34 dyads) not caring for a parent. A quasi-experimental retrospective design was implemented to determine the effect of an older adult parent on the relational change of the adult marital dyad. Results of a mixed model ANOVA revealed a significant 2-way interaction effect in a negative direction regarding communicative satisfaction for long-term married couples after a parent has moved into the adult-child home with no other substantial or significant findings. An analysis of the means indicated that the interaction effect is a function of the fact that having a parent present slightly decreases marital satisfaction, whereas when the parent is not present satisfaction increases. Implications of the results for the study of caring for an older adult parent in the adult-child and spouse long-term marital relationship are discussed, and future applications of the life span developmental perspective are suggested  相似文献   

This investigation involves the examination of college students' condom self‐efficacy (knowledge and skills regarding condom use) and coping strategies in sexual situations. Results indicate that although students report high condom efficacy, efficacy is weakly correlated with actual condom use. Overall, efficacy is weakly correlated with coping styles in sexual situations. In general, students are opting for non‐communicative ways of coping (e.g., avoidance) in sexual situations as opposed to communicative ways (e.g., discussion with partner) of coping. However, those who report “always” using a condom use communicative coping strategies more frequently than non‐communicative coping strategies. Efficacy is positively related to communicative coping styles versus non‐communicative coping styles. Marital partners differ from unmarried couples in that they use more “planning ahead” coping strategies. Discussion and implications follow.  相似文献   

Evidence indicates recent increases in breast cancer diagnoses among young women. Research also suggests that younger women diagnosed with breast cancer may experience more psychological distress than older women. In-depth interviews with 25 breast cancer survivors age 40 and under were conducted to explore the uncertainties young women face throughout survivorship. Results indicate that young women experience unique sources of uncertainty and that communication may facilitate or hinder the management of uncertainty across the survivorship trajectory. Implications of these findings for theorizing on uncertainty, healthcare providers’ interactions with young women, and social networks’ communication with survivors are discussed. These data also have important implications for the practical treatment of young breast cancer survivors and applied, communicative recommendations for providers are proposed.  相似文献   

Ageism can generate conflict and harm well-being. Our paper integrates the Aging Stereotypes in Interaction model with intergroup contact theory to predict how communicative elements mediate the effect of intergenerational contact on warmth and competence stereotypes of older adults as a group. Students (N?=?288) were randomly assigned to imagine having a conversation with an older adult in one of six experimentally manipulated contact conditions: a competent/incompetent older woman, a sociable/unsociable older woman, or a moral/immoral older woman. Participants’ stereotypes of older adults were affected by the characteristics of their communication partner, and this effect was mediated by specific communication behaviors imagined by the participant for two of the three trait dimensions. For perceptions of competence, overaccommodation was the key mediator. For perceptions of sociability, the key mediator was humorous communication. These mediators represent an expansion in how we understand not just the outcomes of intergroup contact, but also the communicative mechanisms through which it occurs.  相似文献   

This investigation explored the impact of relational uncertainty and its correlates (i.e., attraction and romantic intent) on cognitive, communicative, and behavioral outcomes in cross-sex friendships. Participants included 352 people who reported on a current cross-sex friendship. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that social attraction increased relational satisfaction while relational uncertainty decreased relational satisfaction. Further, social attraction decreased topic avoidance while romantic intent and relational uncertainty increased topic avoidance. Finally, social attraction increased the use of relationship talk, routine contact and activity, and emotional support maintenance behaviors, while relational uncertainty decreased the use of these maintenance behaviors. This study provides researchers with a starting point for understanding the consequences associated with interpersonal attraction, romantic intent, and relational uncertainty in cross-sex friendships.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探索突发公共卫生事件中农村中老年人向正在接受高等教育的子辈寻求事件相关信息的代际反哺行为及其形成过程,以期为农村地区的风险信息的传播构建新路径,同时亦为政府部门进行乡村治理提供可实践的思路。[方法/过程] 基于动机信息管理理论,重点关注突发公共卫生事件中农村中老年人的不确定性差异、焦虑、结果预期和效能是否会影响他们的信息寻求行为。同时,在获得相关信息后,他们是否会表现出信息采纳和信息传递的行为。在新冠肺炎疫情发生期间,利用问卷调查法收集数据,通过统计分析软件进行研究假设的验证。[结果/结论] 通过分析发现,不确定性差异会引起农村中老年人的焦虑,进而影响其结果预期和效能,最后触发他们的信息寻求行为。他们亦会采纳和传递所获取的信息,以达到共同防疫的目的。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]信息检索处理的是相关性的不确定性问题,但在技术层面则通常将不确定性转化为确定性的处理方法,对信息内容中存在的不确定性语义关注不多,而这一问题在某些信息检索应用场景中可能显著地影响信息检索的结果,因此针对这类不确定性语义,需要考虑针对性的处理方法。[方法/过程]提出基于D-S证据理论的不确定性语义表示方法和将这类不确定性语义特征与文本特征、主题特征相融合的检索模型,并利用公开的数据集开展实验研究,对所提出的模型进行实验。[结果/结论]D-S理论中的证据区间概念能够描述上述不确定性,多源证据融合方法也能够将这类不确定性语义特征与文本特征、主题特征融合,并通过模型训练得出理想参数,进而改进检索结果。这一模型在理论上具有包容性与可扩展性,基于该模型融合其他检索方法是进一步需研究的内容。  相似文献   

Utilizing uncertainty management theory (UMT) and a multiple goals theory of personal relationships (MGPR) the present study examined how adult children of divorce (ACOD) manage relational uncertainty following parental divorce. In-depth, semi-structured interviews with 25 adult children who had experienced parental divorce when they were 18 years of age or older revealed two, broad types of information acquisition strategies: deliberate (i.e. information-seeking and information-avoiding) and incidental (i.e. incidental information acquisition). Deliberate information acquisition strategies were animated by several goals, including reducing and maintaining uncertainty, avoiding feeling caught, and protection. Alongside goals, various constraints (e.g. target efficacy, coping efficacy) played a role in ACOD’s relational uncertainty management. We discuss these results in relation to their theoretical and practical applications.  相似文献   

This study tested the degree to which the uncertainty management process that emerging adults go through following an adverse event predicts their perceptions of posttraumatic growth. Participants included 215 emerging adults who had experienced an adverse life event within the past year. Overall, the results largely supported the theory of motivated information management, as uncertainty discrepancies positively predicted negative emotions about the adverse event, which in turn predicted outcome expectancies, but not efficacy assessments. Outcome expectancies were predictive of efficacy assessments, which in turn were predictive of a willingness to seek information about the event from a parent. Collectively, uncertainty management behaviors predicted posttraumatic growth and included significant indirect effects for uncertainty discrepancies through communication and target efficacy, respectively.  相似文献   

本文以国外图书馆协会老年服务指南文本为研究对象,采用质性研究方法归纳获得指南的内容框架,可归为八个方面:指南目标与编制思想,认识老龄化和老年人,图书馆老年服务原则,了解老年人需求,图书馆规划和经费预算,馆藏与设施设备,馆员与服务,合作与宣传。在对国内外情况进行对比分析的基础上,指出应尽快制定我国的图书馆老年服务规范,确立积极的老龄观和差异化的服务导向,建立对我国老龄化现状及未来趋向的清晰认识,明确公共图书馆老年服务的使命陈述,倡导具体化、整体性、常态化的服务指导。表2。参考文献56。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to explore the role of negative emotions in the framework of the situational theory of problem solving (STOPS). First, we tested the validity of the original STOPS model with a sex crime issue in the context of Korea. Second, we tested the mediating role of negative emotions in the relationship between situational recognition and communicative action. The result suggests that STOPS is a useful model with a crime problem in the Korean context. Also, our proposed model shows that negative emotions serve as another aspect of motivation, and emotional experiences might precede subsequent cognitive activities. Especially, negative emotions show a stronger effect on situational motivation than communicative action. This study also found that negative emotions people feel about sex crimes directly influence their communicative action. Among different types of publics, the active and aware publics show stronger emotional responses than do the latent publics and nonpublics.  相似文献   

This study identifies factors that predict willingness to engage in activism for a social cause. In doing so, it develops a Guttman scale that ranks the various online and offline communication activities in order of likelihood of being engaged. Survey data indicate that those who perceive structural forces as the cause of homelessness are more willing to engage in activism. The societal attribution appears to drive willingness to engage in activism directly as well as indirectly by boosting confidence in persuading others to agree about the issue of homelessness (i.e., increasing communicative efficacy). This finding suggests that the causal attribution of responsibility may motivate activism by influencing the beliefs about whether one should and can help to mobilize support to address the issue.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):285-293
Discourse analytic research has treated the communicative and sequential properties of conversational influence attempts (CIAs) independently. This study assembles evidence that the communicative properties of a variety of act‐types in CIA episodes can be placed on a continuum according to the degree to which the act‐type is dissociated from the illocutionary force of a request. Conversationalists’ assignment of any utterance to a place on this continuum is inherently problematic, being a matter of fallible assessment of mutual contextual knowledge. This continuum and its problematic application in conversation provides an integrated account of a variety of previously fragmented sequential patterns of CIAs.  相似文献   

Preferential Attachment (PA) models the scientific citation process. In the PA model, a new paper attaches itself to the citation network based only on the popularity of the currently existing papers. This invariably leads to a network whose degree distribution satisfies the Power Law. Yet, empirical results show that paper age should also play a role in the citation process. In other words, when references are chosen for a new paper, the age of an existing paper may also affect the choice for citing. In this paper, we derive a generalized PA model that includes the effect of aging, with analytical solution. Such a model can be used to analyze the competing influence of preferential attachment and aging effect quantitatively in citation process and explain differences in various research domains by the extent of aging. It may also serve as a general model of network formation.  相似文献   

The move from “old” to “new” media centrally involves a shift in participatory possibilities, through which individuals and communities differentially access and populate the public sphere, assume voice, and partake in open discussion and debate. This paper offers a rich ethnographic case study of new participatory media in the shape of commenting systems in museums. By portraying the similarities and the differences in communicative affordances between two museum media—traditional visitor books, on the one hand, and a digital and immersive interface, on the other hand—light is shed on how media invite and intervene in possibilities for public participation. Furthermore, with their emphasis on visual design and display, studying participatory public media in museums helps highlight the semiotic construction of the public sphere as such, and how the notion of the public and laypersons’ contributions are materially displayed. Analysis of communicative affordances reveals the politics of remediation, and supports recent hesitations with regard to the promise of newer and “smarter” media: digital media affords more interaction than their analogue predecessors, but participatory content-production via analogue media is found to be discursively richer on a number of grounds.  相似文献   

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